Web Results (119)



Jews ordered to turn over their valuables...

Item #702699

February 24, 1939

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 24, 1939 

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Jews ordered to give up valuables

* Hermann Goering - Adolf Hitler

The top of page 3 has a one column head: "Reich Orders Jews To Cede Valuables" with subheads: "German or Stateless Ones Must Turn In All Precious Metals and Stones in Fortnight" "'Compensation' To Be Set" "Mov... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust prediction ?... Adolf Hitler...

Item #702385

December 13, 1931

NEW YORK TIMES, December 13, 1931 

* Jewish Holocaust warning - Jews

* Pre Hitler's Nazi Germany

The top of page 16 has a one column heading: "A MENACE TO JEWS SEEN IF HITLER WINS" with subheads. A early and impending warning of the eventual barbarities committed in Nazi Germany before Adolf Hitler was in power.

The complete 1st section only with all 32 pages, rag editio... See More  

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"Night of broken glass" in Berlin signals the beginning of the Holocaust...

Item #701918

November 09, 1938


* Crystal Night (Kristallnacht) BEGINNING

* Night of Broken Glass - Persecution of Jews

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading that announces the beginning of what was to become known as Kristallnacht, the "night of broken glass":

"Nazi Shooting Spurs Jewish Persecution" The article carries over to pag... See More  

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1872 Portland, New York train wreck disaster....

Item #700085

December 25, 1872

THE NEW YORK HERALD, December 25, 1872

* Christmas eve train wreck disaster

* Cross Cut Railroad - Portland, New York

* Phineas Barnum Circus Museum Fire

The top of  page 5 has a one column heading: "RAILROAD HOLOCAUST" with subheads. (see images)

The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "BURNING OF BARNUM'S" with subheads. (see images)

Other news of the d... See More  

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1917 Armenians holocaust...

Item #699771

March 08, 1917


* Armenian Genocide - Holocaust - Massacres

* Ottoman Empire - Turkey

The front page has a one column heading: "ARMENIANS BUTCHERED FOR LOYALTY TO CHRIST" with subhead. (see image)

Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, irregular along the spine, generally good.

... See More  

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Early Nazis plan for sterilization of races...

Item #699232

October 31, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 31, 1937

* Jewish Holocaust prediction ?

* Extinction of Jews predicted

* Joachim Prinz - Jewish rabbi

The top of page 18 has a one column heading: "JEWS HELD DOOMED UNDER NAZI REGIME" with subheads. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 40 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More  

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Extermination of the Jews is unveiled in 1941...

Item #697893

November 25, 1942

CINCINNATI TIMES-STAR, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1942  

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Heinrich Himmler takes charge

* Extermination of Polish Jews ordered

* Zionist leader Stephen Samuel Wise report

Although the banner headline announces: "NAZIS LOSE NEARLY 100,000 IN STALINGRAD BATTLE", the most notable report is much smaller at the bottom of the front page: "American Jew... See More  

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Irma Grese... Belsen trial... Nazi Woman guard...

Item #697056

September 27, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 27, 1945

* Female SS guard Irma Grese

* Bergen-Belsen concentration camp trial

* Jewish Holocaust  - exterminations - atrocities

"Hyena of Auschwitz" - "The Beautiful Beast"

Page 12 has a one column heading: "BELSEN TORTURES BY WOMAN LISTED"  with subhead. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report... See More  

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1945 concentration camp for children liberated...

Item #696900

April 24, 1945


* Concentration camp for children found

* Jewish holocaust realization

The front page has a two column heading: "Camp of 'Slave Children' Freed by Russian Troops" First report coverage of a concentration camp for children that was found by Russian troops in Poland. What better evidence to confirm of what really happened then havi... See More  

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1935 Berlin Anti-Jewish riots... Negro lynchings...

Item #695664

July 16, 1935


* Anti-Semitic riots - Berlin, Germany

* Pre Kristallnacht - Jewish holocaust - Jews

* Dooley Morgan & Bert Moore Negroes lynchings

* Columbus, Lowndes County, Mississippi

The front page has a one column heading: "Nazi Rioters Attack Jews in Berlin Cafes" (see)

The top of page 9 has a one column heading: "2 ARE LYNCHED IN MISSISSIP... See More  

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Jewish concentration camp atrocities....

Item #695525

November 17, 1945

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, November 17, 1945

* Josef Kramer, Irma Grese & others found guilty

* Belsen, Oswiecim & Dachau concentration camps

* Nazis - German atrocities told - Jewish Holocaust

The top of page 2 has a two column pictorial headed: "Found Guilty in War Crimes Trial" (see) Also on the same page is a one column heading: "BELSEN COURT CONVICTS 30 OF ATROCITI... See More  

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Simon Wiesemthal death... Nazi hunter...

Item #695147

September 21, 2005

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Sept. 21, 2005

* Simon Wiesenthal death (1st report)

* Jewish holocaust survivor - Nazi hunter

Near the bottom of the front page is a three column heading: "Nazi Hunter Loyal to the Dead" with subhead and photo;. (see) Much more inside with more related photos and loads of text.

Complete with all sections (100+ pages), great condition.

wikipedia notes: Simon... See More  

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Early Nazis plan for sterilization of races...

Item #695122

December 08, 1931

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 8, 1931

* Early Jewish Holocaust prediction ?

* Sterilization of certain races plan

* Nordic race to dominate World ?

* Adolf Hitler about to change Germany

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "'Nazis' Would Assure Nordic Dominance, Sterilize Some Races, Ban Miscegenation" See images for text here. This is a early prediction o... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... atrocities...

Item #694789

March 16, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 16, 1943

* Jewish Holocaust coming to light

Page 2 has a brief report with a small one column heading: "Rumanians Slaughtered" with subhead. (see) Rare to find such reports in newspapers at this time as the reality of the holocaust was just being realized.

What better evidence to confirm of what really happened then having a firsthand account from the day... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #693331

February 14, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 14, 1943

* Jewish Holocaust coming to light

* Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland

* Mention of the Palmiry massacres

The top of page 37 has a one column heading: "TYRANNY OF NAZIS IN WARSAW SHOWN" with subheads. (see) See photos for coverage on the ongoing atrocities in Nazi-occupied Poland where extermination of the Jewish population was most prevalent. Ra... See More  

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Jewish holocaust... Seizure of businesses....

Item #692103

November 20, 1938


* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* re. Cemeteries of the Jews

* Post Kristallnacht era

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Nazis Seize Iron Fences Around Jews' Cemeteries" with subhead. (see) Coverage on the ongoing Jewish holocaust in Nazi Germany.

Complete with 30+ pages, light toning and minor wear at the mar... See More  

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1900 Armenians holocaust...

Item #691564

October 20, 1900

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 20, 1900

* Armenian Genocide - Holocaust - Massacres

* Sason - Ottoman Empire - Turkey

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "HORRIBLE OUTRAGES" with subheadS. (see) Brief text here. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from thi... See More  

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Jewish holocaust atrocities become known...

Item #690781

October 10, 1943

NEW YORK TIMES, Octobr 10, 1943 

* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time

* Nazi-occupied Italy exterminations

A report on page 35 gives evidence that the holocaust atrocities by the Germans against the Jews of Europe were known at least two years (some as early as December, 1942) before the discovery of concentration camps in Germany in 1945.

The column headlines report: "... See More  

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Hitler & the Nazis Boycott of Jews... Albert Einstein...

Item #690434

March 30, 1933


* Jewish holocaust begins

* Nazis boycott businesses

The front page has a five column headline: "Hitler Puts O. K. On Jewish Boycott" with subheads: "Victims Appeal To Hindenburg To Curb Nazis" "Drive Under Way; Shops Raided". The text begins:

"Chancellor Hitler today put his seal of approval on the proposed Nat... See More  

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1961 Adolf Eichmann photos...

Item #689307

April 06, 1961


* Adolph Eichmann 1st photos in prison

* Architect of the holocaust

* Nazi SS Colonel

The ftpg. has a 3 column photo headed: "First Photo Of Eichmann In Cell" Two more related photos are on the back page. (see)

Complete in 40+ pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.

... See More  

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Great Judaica item... Kristallnacht...

Item #689177

November 10, 1938

NEW YORK TIMES, November 10, 1938 

* Crystal Night (Kristallnacht)

* Night of Broken Glass - Persecution of Jews

On the eve of Armistice Day, Kate Smith sings Irving Berlin's God Bless America for the first time on her weekly radio show while the papers report the news of what was to become known as Kristallnacht, the "night of broken glass".  Nazi troops and sympath... See More  

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Jews persecuted in Germany...

Item #689167

March 05, 1937

NEW YORK TIMES, March 5, 1937 

* Jewish persecution in Germany

* Prelude to the Holocaust

* Jews - Judaica

The top of page 8 has a one column heading: "90,000 FEWER JEWS UNDER HITLER RULE" "409,000 Professing Ones Still in Germany After 4 Years of Nazism, Report Shows" "Emigration Is Chief Goal" "24,000 Left Country in 1936--12,000 to 20,000 May Dep... See More  

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Adolf Hitler made chancellor of Germany...

Item #688656

January 30, 1933

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, January 30, 1933

* Adolph Hitler becoming chancellor (day of)

* Nazi Germany begins climb to total power

* First event that led to the eventual Jewish Holocaust

The front page has a one column heading: "Von Papen Seeks Support Of Both Nazis, Centrists"dictatorship and the cornerstone of the Jewish Holocaust.

with subheads.(see) Adolph Hitler woul... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust.... Massacre in Odessa, Ukraine...

Item #688338

June 21, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 21, 1943

* Odessa Ukraine

* Jewish massacre - Jews

This 30 page newspaper has small one column headings on page 3:

"Rumanians Blamed For Killing Of 5,000" "Swiss Papers Say Jews Were Were Slain by Secret Police"

See photos for text on a massacre of Jews in Odessa, Ukraine during World War II.

Other news, sports, and advertisements of the d... See More  

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Adolf Hitler calls for the extermination of Jews......

Item #688217

January 31, 1939

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., January 31, 1939 

* Hitler calls for Jewish extermination

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "British Premier Lauds Hitler's Speech; Cites Promises Duce Made" with subheads. (see) Text of Hitler's speech is on page 4. This is considered one of the more blatant statements by Hitler calling for the extermination of the Jews... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality...Nazi atrocities...

Item #687388

September 03, 1942


* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time 

* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations 

* Terezin military fortress - Czech Republic

The top of page 3 has a two column heading: "Horror Treatment of Jews Is Charged" with lead-in: "Living Death In A Nazi Dungeon". See images for coverage on the atrocities in Nazi-occu... See More  

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Liquidation of Jewish property in pre-war Germany....

Item #686952

April 27, 1938


* Jews to lose property - Jewish holocaust

* Pre Kristallnacht - Hermann Goering

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "Acts to Seize Reich Property Of Alien Jews" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Hermann Goering's decree requiring registration of all Jews with assets exceeding 5,000 Reichsmarks, whether... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #686335

November 28, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 28, 1942

* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time

* Nazi-occupied Poland exterminations

Page 7 has one column headings: "POLAND IN APPEAL ON NAZI OUTRAGES" "Her Parliamentary Council at London Calls to the World Against Massacres" "Underground Aids Jews", "Finance Minister Strausburger, on Visit Here, Says Germ... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... Nazi atrocities... Cold-blooded murder...

Item #686238

June 04, 1944

This issue is being offered as a piece of history.  Issues with content related to the numerous atrocities perpetrated upon humanity during this era help to verify what some feebly attempt to deny. It's interesting to note that many such reports never made it to the front page... and in the case of numerous newspapers... never made it to print at all. We at Rare Newspapers offer such item... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust beginning....

Item #686063

March 26, 1933


* Jewish boycott of Germany

* Beginning of the Holocaust

The front page has a five column heading: "German Terror ? Here Are the Facts" with subheads. (see) The official start of the Jewish boycott would take place a few days later.

Complete 1st section only with 20 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes alo
... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #685665

May 19, 1944

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 19, 1944

* Jewish Holocaust becoming reality to the public

* Nazi-occupied Hungary exterminations

Page 18 has an editorial with one column heading: "The Jews Of Hungary" See images for coverage on the atrocities in Nazi-occupied Hungary.

Complete with 34 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More  

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1915 Armenians holocaust...

Item #685354

September 24, 1915

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Sept. 24, 1915

* Armenian Genocide - Holocaust - Massacres

* Ottoman Empire - Turkey

The top of page 5 has a two column heading: "Christian Martyrdom Records Outdone By Armenian Massacres". (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in p
... See More  

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Adolf Eichmann trial begins...

Item #681687

April 11, 1961

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, April 11, 1961

* Adolph Eichmann trial begins

* Jewish mass murderer

* World War II Nazi

This 10 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page: "Eichmann Challenges Rights of Three Judges" with subhead: "Israel Opens His Trial In Fortress"

Tells of the start of the trial against Adolph Eichmann, 'the archi... See More  

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1899 Reading, Pennsylvania Hosiery Mill fire disaster...

Item #680151

December 07, 1899

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Dec. 7, 1899

* Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania

* Nolde and Horst Hosiery Mill fire disaster


The top of the front page has a one column heading: "FACTORY HOLOCAUST" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era ... See More  

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Notable cartoon on the plight of Jewish refugees...

Item #679880

July 03, 1938

NEW YORK TIMES, July 3, 1938 

* Jewish refugees political cartoon

* Escaping Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany

The top of an inside page (E-3) has a very notable political cartoon concerning the plight of Jewish refugees trying to flee Nazi Germany, notable enough that it is a feature display in the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

This cartoon was created in anticipation... See More  

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1896 Troy, New York clothing factory fire...

Item #677437

February 18, 1896

DAILY GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., February 18, 1896

* Troy, New York

* Clothing factory fire

* Sewing girls disaster

The top of page 3 has s one column heading: "A HOLOCAUST AT TROY" with subheads. (see)

Four pages, light toning, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.

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Pre-Holocaust plea for Jewish homeland...

Item #676509

June 19, 1936

THE SCRANTON TIMES, Pennsylvania, June 19, 1936

* David Lloyd George appeals for Jewish homeland

* Former Prime Minister of England

The front page has: "PLEA IS MADE BY LLOYD GEORGE IN BEHALF OF JEWS", with subhead: "SAYS ENGLAND SHOULD CARRY-OUT PLEDGES - RECALLS AID GIVEN TO ALLIES DURING WAR", with considerable supporting text. See images for details.

The front page... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #673766

February 07, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 7, 1945 

* Jewish Holocaust becoming reality to the public 

* Nazi exterminations coming to an end

This 36 page newspaper has a small one column headline on page 6: "A New Nazi Pogrom Upset by Russians". See photo for text here. Also a photo on the same page showing Joseph Goebbels addressing the home guard.

What better evidence to ... See More  

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Should the U.S. boycott the 1936 Olympics?

Item #670304

December 09, 1935

CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 9, 1935 

* Movement to boycott the Berlin Olympics

* Jewish Holocaust - plight of the Jews

* Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany

* Amateur Athletic Union votes for participation

There was considerable controversy in the United States preceding the 1936 Olympics as to whether the games should be boycotted due to Hitler's Nazi regime and its treatment o... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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1945 Irma Grese captured photo...

Item #669724

April 23, 1945


* Female SS guard Irma Grese photo

* Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

* Jewish Holocaust  - exterminations - atrocities

While the front page has a nice banner headline concerning the last days before Germany would surrender, the back page has a somewhat famous photo showing Irma Grese during here capture by British troops. (see)

Other news, spor... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #664525

April 05, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 5, 1943 

* Jewish Holocaust becoming reality to the public 

* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations 

* Help on the way ?

This 36 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 14: "JEWISH CONGRESS ASKS AID IN EUROPE", "Chicago Division to Push Succor Programs for the 5,000,000 Jews There" and more (see photos). See photos fo... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality...

Item #662864

November 27, 1940

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 27, 1940

* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time

* Nazi-occupied Poland exterminations - atrocities

The top of page 8 has a one column heading: "WOMAN OF POLAND DEPICT ITS MISERY" with subhead: "EXTERMINATION HELD AIM" and more. See images for coverage on the ongoing atrocities in Nazi-occupied Poland where extermination of the Jewish pop... See More  

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1938 Jewish holocaust... seizure of businesses....

Item #662471

November 20, 1938


* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Eviction of Jews without belongings

* Post Kristallnacht era

The front page has a two column heading: "'Jehovah' Banned, Property Seized" with caption:  "Germany Widens Pogroms".

Complete with all 40+ pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, ... See More  

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Post WWII coverage - Germany & Japan - 7 front pages...

Item #661217
THE CLEVELAND PRESS, Ohio (miscellaneous dates from Sept.-Dec., 1945 - outer leaves from 7 or more issues)

* Post-WWII Coverage

* Primary coverage - balance of Japan & Germany

The months following WW2 were critical in regards to holding nations and individuals accountable for War Crimes, and for establishing a foundation for future peace. Being offered is a set of at least 7 outer leave... See More  

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Post WWII coverage - Germany & Japan - 7 front pages...

Item #661215
THE CLEVELAND PRESS, Ohio (miscellaneous dates from Sept.-Dec., 1945 - outer leaves from 7 or more issues)

* Post-WWII Coverage

* Primary coverage - balance of Japan & Germany

The months following WW2 were critical in regards to holding nations and individuals accountable for War Crimes, and for establishing a foundation for future peace. Being offered is a set of at least 7 outer leave... See More  

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Post WWII coverage - mostly Japan - 7 front pages...

Item #661200
THE CLEVELAND PRESS, Ohio (miscellaneous dates from Sept.-Dec., 1945 - outer leaves from 7 or more issues)

* Post-WWII Coverage

* Primary coverage - Japan

* Some Nazi/Germany-related articles included

The months following WW2 were critical in regards to holding nations and individuals accountable for War Crimes, and for establishing a foundation for future peace. Being offered is a set of... See More  

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Post WWII coverage - mostly Japan - 7 front pages...

Item #661199
THE CLEVELAND PRESS, Ohio (miscellaneous dates from Sept.-Dec., 1945 - outer leaves from 7 or more issues)

* Post-WWII Coverage

* Primary coverage - Japan

* Some Nazi/Germany-related articles included

The months following WW2 were critical in regards to holding nations and individuals accountable for War Crimes, and for establishing a foundation for future peace. Being offered is a set of... See More  

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Post WWII coverage - mostly Japan - 7 front pages...

Item #661198
THE CLEVELAND PRESS, Ohio (miscellaneous dates from Sept.-Dec., 1945 - outer leaves from 7 or more issues)

* Post-WWII Coverage

* Primary coverage - Japan

* Some Nazi/Germany-related articles included

The months following WW2 were critical in regards to holding nations and individuals accountable for War Crimes, and for establishing a foundation for future peace. Being offered is a set of... See More  

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Post WWII coverage - mostly Japan - 7 front pages...

Item #661197
THE CLEVELAND PRESS, Ohio (miscellaneous dates from Sept.-Dec., 1945 - outer leaves from 7 or more issues)

* Post-WWII Coverage

* Primary coverage - Japan

* Some Nazi/Germany-related articles included

The months following WW2 were critical in regards to holding nations and individuals accountable for War Crimes, and for establishing a foundation for future peace. Being offered is a set of... See More  

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Female Jewish physician identifies Holocaust leaders...

Item #661034

September 22, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 22, 1945  Page 5 contains a very compelling article on identifying Nazis leaders involved in the holocaust atrocities on the Jews, with the one column head: "Belsen Survivor Picks Out Nazis" and subhead: "Jewish Woman Physician Who Was Also in Oswiecim Camp Is Witness at Trial". The text (see photos) notes a: "...Polish Jewish woman, her conc... See More  

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