Web Results (31)



White Sox owners bans players despite the court's verdict...

Item #698752

March 14, 1921


* re. Black Sox World Series scandal

* Best title to be had ?- rare as such

Page 15 begins with an interesting article relating the infamous Black Sox betting scandal. Headed: "Commy Through With Black Sox Despite Verdict", the text begins: "With an emphatic 'No" President Comiskey of the White Sox disposed of the last cha... See More  

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Investigating the 1919 World Series scandal...

Item #697380

September 25, 1920

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 25, 1920  The top of the sports page has early column heads on this infamous "Black Sox" World Series scandal of 1919,

They include: "Grand Jury Hears World Series Plot" "Told How Former Player and Boxer 'Fixed' the White Sox-Red Series" "$100,000 Was 'to Be Paid" "Only $15,0900 Turned Over, it is Said, Because Bo... See More  

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More on the 1919 World Series betting scandal...

Item #697232

September 29, 1920

THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, Sept. 29, 1920  The top of the front page has a report concerning the infamous "Black Sox" World Series betting scandal.

Heads: "MORE LIGHT THROWN ON BASE BALL GAMBLING" "Additional Confessions by Several White Sox Players" "In Making A Clean Breast" "And Dealing With the Frame-Up of the 1919 World's Series&q... See More  

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On the trial of the 'Black Sox' World Series betting scandal...

Item #697229

July 30, 1921

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, July 30, 1921  As the infamous Black Sox scandal comes to its  conclusion, page 4 has an interesting article headed: "Not Paid Their Bribe, Players Then Did Best" "Bill Burns State's Star Witness So Testified Today" "Finally Became Sick of the Deal".

Page 6 has a half column report headed: "Bill Burns Turns State's ... See More  

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Chicago 'Black Sox': the entire 1919 World Series....

Item #697216

October 02, 1919

NEW YORK TIMES, a complete set of all 8 games of the infamous 1919 Major League Baseball World Series between the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds, to become known as the "Black Sox" series due to the alleged corruption of the White Sox team to throw the series.

This set has dates October 2 through 10, a consecutive run of nine issues.

October 2: ftpg. column heads: "
... See More  

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Landis to determine if indicted players are banned or not...

Item #696644

February 14, 1921


* Chicago White (Black) Sox scandal 

* Baseball World Series fix trial

* Best title to be had ? rare as such

The top of page 18 begins with column heads: "BASEBALL GATES FOREVER CLOSED TO INDICTED SOX". Included is a small photo of "Judge K.M. Landis, the Commissioner of Major League Baseball.

This concerns the infamous Black ... See More  

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Prosecution asks for jail time for 'Black Sox' players...

Item #692477

July 30, 1921


* Chicago White (Black) Sox scandal 

* Baseball World Series fix trial

* Best title to be had ? rare as such

As the infamous Black Sox scandal comes to its conclusion (final arguments in the trial were the day before), the front page of the sports section has an interesting article headed: "Asks Conviction Of 'Black Sox' On Their... See More  

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'Black Sox' players are fighting to be exonerated...

Item #692470

February 14, 1921

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, Feb. 14, 1921  Page 5 has a column headed: "Players Will Fight" "Indicted Members of the American League Ask for a Bill of Particulars".

This concerns the infamous Black Sox scandal of the 1919 Major League Baseball World Series.

The article begins: "Attorneys representing Chicago American league baseball players, indicted... See More  

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Jackie Robinson ends his playing career...

Item #690855

January 16, 1957

THE SPORTING NEWS, St. Louis, Jan. 16, 1957 

* Jackie Robinson - Brooklyn Dodgers

* 1st Negro MLB baseball player (retirement)

Pages 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 contain an excellent very exhaustive report on Jackie Robinson's decision to retire from baseball, much to the disappointment of the N.Y. Giants to whom he was to be sold.

Just some of the headlines include: "Jackie's G... See More  

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1919 World Series "fixing" scandal is revealed to the public...

Item #690811

September 28, 1920

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 28, 1920 

* Chicago White "Black" Sox

* World Series Scandal breaks

The scandal of the 1919 "Black Sox" World Series did not break to the public until just now, covered in this newspaper with front page column heads: "NEW WITNESS TELLS OF BASEBALL PLOT" "Maharg, Ex-Pugilist, also charges That Last World's Series Was 'Fixe... See More  

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"Black Sox" scandal players are indicted...

Item #690227

September 29, 1920

NEW YORK TIMES, September 29, 1920 

* Chicago White "Black" Sox

* World Series Scandal breaks

* Players suspended from team

* Pitcher Eddie Cicotte

* Shoeless Joe Jackson

The front page features one of the more infamous & noteworthy headlines in the world of professional baseball, announcing the indictment of eight players in the 1919 World Series betting scandal.

The... See More  

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Eight Chicago White Sox players suspended in the "Black Sox" scandal...

Item #690137

September 29, 1920

THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Georgia, Sept. 29, 1920 

* Chicago White "Black" Sox

* World Series Scandal breaks

* Players suspended from team

* Pitcher Eddie Cicotte confesses

The top of the front page has a nice heading on the "Black Sox" scandal from the 1919 World Series: "Eight Chicago Players Suspended Following Cicotte's Confession"" with sub... See More  

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Charges dropped against the Chicago "Black Sox" players...

Item #685726

March 18, 1921

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, March 18, 1921 

* Chicago "Black Sox" White Sox players

* 1919 World Series of baseball scandal

The sports page has one column heads. on the "Black Sox" World Series scandal of 1919: "Judge Dever Drops Charges Against Sox" "State's Attorney to Gather New Evidence--Blames Predecessors for Collapse of Case Thursday&quo... See More  

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Judge in the 'Black Sox' scandal allows the confession of 3 players...

Item #683787

July 26, 1921


* Chicago White (Black) Sox scandal 

* Baseball World Series fix trial

* Best title to be had ? rare as such

When it comes to reports on the infamous "Black Sox" 1919 World Series, it would be difficult to find a better newspaper for such reports.

The front page has one column heads: "JUDGE ADMITS CONFESSIONS OF 'BLACK SOX... See More  

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One of the best headlines on the "Black Sox" scandal to be had...

Item #683783

September 29, 1920


* Chicago White "Black" Sox - players suspended

* World Series Scandal breaks

* Best publication to be had (extremely rare)

Among the most desired reports in all of baseball history are those covering the infamous "Black Sox" World Series scandal of 1919, in which players of the Chicago White Sox were accused of gambling on th... See More  

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"Black Sox" players are found not guilty...

Item #682732

August 03, 1921

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, August 3, 1921 

* Chicago "Black Sox" White Sox

* 1919 World Series of baseball scandal

* Not guilty verdict - "Shoeless" Joe Jackson

This has one of the better headlines to be had for this infamous event in baseball history: the not guilty verdict in the "Black Sox" scandal of the 1919 Major League Baseball Wor... See More  

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Indictments for the "Black Sox" World Series scandal...

Item #681398

March 26, 1921

THE NORWICH SUN, Norwich, New York, March 26, 1921 

* Chicago Black Sox World Series scandal

* Indictments against players

The top of the ftpg. has a two line, 2 column head: "144 Indictments Are Returned Against White Sox Players" concerning the throwing of the 1919 Baseball World Series by the Chicago White Sox, known as the "Black Sox" scandal. See the photos for... See More  

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Shoeless Joe Jackson reinstatement denied in 1934...

Item #681389

January 20, 1934

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, January 20, 1934

* Shoeless Joe Jackson

* Chicago Black Sox fame

* Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis

The front page has a banner headline: "Landis Turns Down Joe Jackson's Plea for Reinstatement" with subheads. (see)

Complete with 20 pages, light toning at the margins, irregular along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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The 1919 World Series baseball scandal begins to unfold...

Item #678852

September 29, 1920

LOS ANGELES EXPRESS, Sept. 29, 1920 

* Chicago White "Black" Sox

* World Series Scandal breaks

* Players suspended from team

The banner headline above the masthead announces the beginning of the investigation into the infamous 1919 World Series betting scheme, or the 'Black Sox' World Series: "INDICT BASEBALL GAMBLERS".

The first column subhead: "Will... See More  

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The 1919 World Series baseball scandal begins to unfold...

Item #678844

September 22, 1920

LOS ANGELES EXPRESS, Sept. 22, 1920  The banner headline above the masthead announces the beginning of the investigation into the infamous 1919 World Series betting scheme, or the 'Black Sox' World Series: "BIG BASEBALL PROBE OPENS".

The first column subhead: "Johnson Is Called In Diamond Scandal" referring to Ban Johnson, president of the American League.

N... See More  

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Players indicted for the 1919 "Black Sox" scandal...

Item #664241

March 26, 1921


* Chicago Black Sox World Series scandal

* Indictments against White Sox players

One of the sports pages inside has an article near the bottom with one column heads: "Baseball Scandal Up Again" "Eighteen Men Indicted by Chicago Grand Jury, Including Five Not Previously Mentioned".

A very notable report.

The article names ... See More  

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More on the "fixed" 1919 World Series scandal...

Item #655209

October 01, 1920

THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, October 1, 1920 

* Chicago White Sox

* Black Sox scandal

* 1919 World Series vs. Red

The ftpg. has one column heads, a portion of which refers to the infamous "Black Sox" scandal: "Brooklyn Players Questioned Today" "But District Attorney Withholds Evidence--White Sox Players on Stand at Chicago".

The first report c... See More  

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Baseball's Black Sox scandal trial begins...

Item #632542

July 18, 1921

THE WORLD, New York, July 18, 1921  The top of the first column of pg. 8 has: "FIRST INNING OF BASEBALL TRIAL TO BEGIN TO-DAY" "Burns and Gedeun Refuse to Be Interviewed by Attorneys for indicated Sox" which makes the beginning of the infamous "Black Sox" scandal trial. The text takes half a column.

Complete in 18 pages, a small library label within masthead, ot... See More  

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Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis...

Item #629910

January 12, 1921

THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, January 12, 1921

* Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis

* Becomes 1st MLB Baseball commissioner

Page 7 has a two column heading: "Baseball Finally Put On Reconstructive Basis" (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 10 pages, a little light staining, a few small margin tears, generally nice.

wikipedia notes: While servi... See More  

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Case dropped against "Black Sox" scandal players...

Item #622326

March 18, 1921

THE NEWS & COURIER, Charleston, South Carolina, March 18, 1921 

* Chicago "Black Sox" White Sox

* 1919 World Series of baseball scandal

The front page has one column heads which announce the dropping of the legal case against the "Black Sox" scandal players, with: "DROP CASES AGAINST SEVEN SOX PLAYERS" "Judge Refuses to Grant Six Months Postponeme... See More  

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Chicago White Sox baseball World Series...

Item #599434

October 12, 1917

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, October 12, 1917

* Chicago White Sox - World Series

* Pre-Black Sox scandal

* Game 4

The front page has two column headlines: "GIANTS TIE UP WORLD'S SERIES", "Second Shut-out Makes Count Two All", "Schupp, Once Beaten, Now Conqueror" with subheads and box scores. Much more in the spor... See More  

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Enrico Caruso death... Italian tenor...

Item #596877

August 02, 1921

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE, Pennsylvania, August 2, 1921

* Enrico Caruso death

* Italian tenor

The front page has one column headlines: "CARUSO, WORLD'S LEADING TENOR, DIES SUDDENLY" "Had Been Operated on for Abecess Between Liver and Diaphagm" and more with photo. (see) 1st report coverage on the death of famous Italian tenor, Enrico Caruso.

Other news and advertisemen... See More  

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Black Sox World Series scandal trial....

Item #595567

July 28, 1921

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE, Pennsylvania, July 28, 1921 

* Chicago White (Black) Sox scandal 

* Baseball World Series fix trial beginning

Page 9 has one column headings: "TRIAL TODAY OF BLACK SOX", "Former Teammates Reach Chicago to Testify in Case Today--Nature of Testimony", "Many Objections Made"

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day.... See More  

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Chicago White Sox 1917 baseball World Series...

Item #584350

October 11, 1917

SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN, Springfield, Massachusetts, October 11, 1917

* New York Giants vs. Chicago White Sox

* World Series - Major league baseball MLB

* Pre Black Sox scandal

This 18 page newspaper has two column headlines on the front page that include: "NEW YORK WINS THE THIRD GAME", "Benton and Robertson Share Honors" and more with the subheads, photo and box scores... See More  

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Baseball Black Sox scandal trial begins...

Item #583666

July 27, 1921

THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, July 27, 1921

* Chicago White (Black) Sox scandal

* Baseball World Series fix trial

This 12 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "WEAVER AND FLESCH, WHITE SOX PLAYERS, LIKELY TO GO FREE" with subheads.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Light browning, a little margin wear, otherwise good condition.... See More  

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1st Baseball Commissioner takes control...

Item #566335

November 13, 1920

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, November 13, 1920

* Kenesaw Mountain Landis

* 1st MLB baseball commissioner

This 24 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page:


* Chicago Jurist Is Appointed a One-Man Court of Last Resort for Major Leagues

* Landis Retains Old Post

and more with smaller subheads. Tells of the very 1st MLB ... See More  

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