Piracy... Slave up-rising suppressed...
Item #713238
March 21, 1829
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, March 21, 1829 Much government related reports from different regions of America. Also featured is a great report on piracy with nice details of a capture, and a small report of a slave uprising in Louisiana.
Sixteen pages 6 by 9 1/2 inches, nice condition.
As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circulated maga... See More
Jehovah's Witnesses jailed in 1936...
Item #713179
April 29, 1936
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 29, 1936
* Jehovah's Witnesses jailed in Orange NJ
* Under Joseph Franklin Rutherford leadership
* Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society leader
The top of page 5 has a very small and discrete one column heading: "15 Jehovah Witnesses Jailed" (see image)
Complete with 44 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.
Note: At Orange, New Jersey... See More
Bishop (near Virginia and West Virginia border) coal mine explosion....
Item #713178
February 05, 1957
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 5, 1957
* King Saud of Saudi Arabia photo
* Bishop at Virginia & West Virginia border
* Coal mine explosion disaster
The front page has a two column heading: "37 Dead in Gas Explosion At a Coal Mine in Virginia". First report coverage on the coal mine explosion at Bishop near the Virginia & West Virginia border.
Complete with 52 pages, ligh... See More
"Dapper" Danny Hogan killed by bomb...
Item #713177
December 05, 1928
* "Dapper" Danny Hogan assassination
* St. Paul, Minnesota Irish mobster
* Wineville Chicken Coop murders
* Gordon Stewart Northcott pleads not guilty
The top of page 11 has a one column heading: "Bomb In Auto Kills 'Dapper Danny' Hogan" (see image)
The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "Northcott Pleads... See More
1929 Loray Mill Strike... Gastonia, North Carolina...
Item #713176
September 14, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 14, 1929
* Loray Mill Strike - Gastonia, North Carolina
* Labor history of the United States
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "8 LEADERS SEIZED IN GASTONIA STRIKE ON RED PLOT CHARGE" with subheads. (see images) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.
Complete with all 40 pages, this is ... See More
Nintendo home video games in it's heyday...
Item #713174
December 16, 1988
BUSINESS SECTION (IV) only of the Los Angeles Times, Dec. 16, 1988
* Nintendo Entertainment System
* Home video games gaming console
* Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! & more
The front page of this section has a heading: "No Mere Child's Play" with subhead and related pictorial. (see images) Article continues on page 2 with another related photo.
Complete Business Section o... See More
Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1671...
Item #713171
June 29, 1671
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, June 29, 1671
* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this is complete as a single sheet, measuri... See More
Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1685...
Item #713170
February 25, 1685
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Feb. 25, 1685
* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
* Unique gift idea for that history buff
This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, t... See More
Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1684...
Item #713129
September 25, 1684
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 8, 1684
* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
* Unique gift idea for that history buff
This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, thi... See More
1868 Salisbury, North Carolina hanging...
Item #713106
July 01, 1868
* Salisbury, Rowan County, North Carolina
* Wife murderer hanged - hanging - execution
Page 3 has an article headed: "THE GALLOWS" Execution of a Wife Murderer in North Carolina" and more. (see images) Lengthy text takes up 2 full columns.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.... See More
Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality... Nazi atrocities...
Item #713104
September 11, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 11, 1942
* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time
* Nazi-occupied Europe persecution
This 42 page newspaper has one column headings on page 13: "WAR ON JUDAISM BY NAZIS RELATED" "7,000,000 Jews Under German Rule to Be Denied Religious Rites on Rosh ha-Shanah" "Record Is Documented" and "Martyring of Ra... See More
1945 USS Franklin aircraft carrier disaster...
Item #713101
May 18, 1945
THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, Kansas, May 18, 1945
* USS Franklin (CV-13) disaster
* Japanese dive bomber attack
* United States Navy aircraft carrier
The front page has a two column heading: "Aircraft Carrier Franklin Snatched From Jap Death Trap And Will Return to Battle" with subhead. (see images) This disaster happened a few months earlier but this is when it was first made publi... See More
1806 theatrical ad includes Edgar Allan Poe's father...
Item #713100
November 27, 1806
BOSTON GAZETTE, Nov. 27, 1806
* Edgar Allan Poe's father theater ad
A curious literary item here as the top of page 3 has an advertisement for the "Boston Theatre" for the performance of: "VENICE PRESERVED", a theatrical performance, with one of the principal characters being "Mr.. Poe" as Redemar. (see image) He was the father of Edgar Allan Poe.
News of t... See More
1950 Second Battle of Seoul, South Korea...
Item #713084
September 27, 1950
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass. Sept. 27, 1950
* Second Battle of Seoul, South Korea
* United Nations capture city w/ map
* U.S. General Douglas MacArthur
The top of the front page has a headline announcing: "Seoul Mopup nearly Complete" with subheads and related map. (see images)
Complete with 18 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.... See More
Tornado outbreak of February 21-29, 1971...
Item #713078
February 22, 1971
THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, N.C. Feb. 22, 1971
* Tornado disaster outbreak in the South
The top of the front page has a headline: "42 Killed as Tornadoes Hit In Louisiana, Mississippi" (see images)
Complete with 26 pages, a few binding holes along the spine, nice condition.
World War II begins... Poland invasion...
Item #713077
September 27, 1939
* Blitzkrieg - Warsaw surrenders
* World War II WWII beginning
* German invasion of Poland
The front page has a nice banner headline announcing: "3000 DIE IN WARSAW 'INFERNO'" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete with all 22 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, gene... See More
1981 Pat Benatar New York notice... Duran Duran...
Item #713059
September 01, 1981
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Sept. 2-8, 1981
* Pat Benatar - American singer & songwriter ad
* Woman hard rocker - New York concerts (THANKS)
* "Heartbreaker" "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" songs
* English pop rock band Duran Duran (very early)
* Part of the second British invasion
* Simon Le Bon - Roger Taylor & more
* First NYC... See More
1808 theatrical ad includes Edgar Allan Poe's mother...
Item #713012
February 01, 1808
BOSTON GAZETTE, Feb. 1, 1808
* Edgar Allan Poe's mother theater ad
A curious literary item here as the top of page 3 has an advertisement for the "Boston Theatre" with a performance of: "KING LEAR...", with one of the principal characters being "Mrs. Poe" as Cordelia" (se image) She was the mother of Edgar Allan Poe.
Four pages, untrimmed, light staini... See More
The Great Revolt.... Arab uprising...
Item #713007
July 07, 1938
* "The Great Revolt" - Arabs uprising
* Mandatory Palestine - Transjordan
The front page has a one column heading: "Two Warships Rushed to Haifa As 28 Are Slain" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 32 pages, light toning and minor wear a the margins, small piece torn away at bottom right corner, generally in god condition.... See More
USS Wyoming 1937 explosion disaster...
Item #713004
February 19, 1937
* USS Wyoming (BB-32) disaster
* U. S. Navy battleship explosion
* United States Marines killed
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "Six Killed, 11 Injured when Shell Explodes on Board U. S. Battleship" with subheads and related photo. (see images)
Complete with 34 pages, light toning at the margins, small libra... See More
SS Iowa (1920) steamship disaster....
Item #713002
January 13, 1936
ST. LOUIS POST-DISPARCH, January 13, 1936
* SS Iowa steamship freighter
* Columbia River, Astoria, Oregon
* Peacock Spit - ran aground disaster
The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "CREW OF 34 LOST WHEN SHIP SINKS OFF OREGON COAST" with subheads. (see images) First report coverage on the SS Iowa steamship freighter disaster at the mouth of the Columbia River near Ast... See More
1912 photo of billiards star, Willie Hoppe...
Item #713000
January 12, 1936
* Willie Hoppe w/ photo - game of pool victory
* Three-cushion carom billiards World champion
The front of the sports section has a six column heading: "HOPPE GAINS WORLD THREE-CUSHION TITLE" with subhead and photo. (see images)
Complete with 40+ pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, generall... See More
Nixon's historic visit to People's Republic of China...
Item #712997
February 18, 1972
THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, N.C. Feb. 18, 1972
* Historic visit by President Richard Nixon (on the way)
* People's Republic of China - Taiwan relations
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "Nixon Leaves For China" with photo. (see images)
Complete with 38 pages, a few small binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More
1947 Jerusalem riots....
Item #712950
December 03, 1947
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, December 3, 1947
* Jerusalem riots
* Arabs - Muslims
* re. UN Partition Plan
* Haganah & Irgun
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "Jews And Arabs Continue Battle; Report 20 Dead" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 18 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, more so along the spine, generally very nice.... See More
1872 Magazine By Author Charles Dickens...
Item #712949
January 27, 1872
ALL THE YEAR ROUND, Jan. 27, 1872
* Ornate Masthead
* 1871 Original
* Charles Dickens
This 24 page issue is in great condition and measures 6 x 9 inches. This was a weekly journal which was conducted by Charles Dickens as noted in the masthead. Some of the stories in this particular issue are titled: "THE WICKED WOODS OF TOBEREEVIL" and much more. This magazine has mainly literar... See More
1929 Pebble Beach Amatuer Golf championship photos......
Item #712946
September 15, 1929
ROTOGRAVURE SECTION only of the New York Times, September 15, 1928
* Golfer Bobby Jones & more photos
* Pebble Beach golf links - California
* United States - U.S. Amateur Championship
The front page of this section has 7 photos showing scenes at the 1929 Amateur Gold Championship at Pebble Beach with 3 of the, showing Bobby Jones. The winner was Jimmy Johnston.
Complete rotogravure s... See More
1934 Serial killer & rapist Albert Fish capture...
Item #712945
December 16, 1934
* re. Albert Fish captured - arrested
* Serial killer, child rapist and cannibal
* "The Boogey Man" - "Gray Man"
* "Brooklyn Vampire" - "Werewolf of Wysteria"
Page 8 has a one column heading: "Slayer Of Girl Is Suspected Of Other Killings" with subhead. (see images)
Complete 1st section only with ... See More
Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1675...
Item #712944
February 10, 1675
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Feb. 10, 1675
* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
* Unique gift for that history buff
This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this i... See More
1936 Haywood Patterson prison sentence... Scottsboro Boys....
Item #712943
January 24, 1936
* Scottsboro Boys rape case
* Haywood Patterson prison sentence
The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "GIVE SCOTTSBORO RAPIST 75 YEARS IN FIRST RETRIAL" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage on Haywood Patterson sentenced to prison for rape in the famous Scottsboro Boys case.
Complete with 32 pages, rag edition in nice c... See More
1941 Strand Theatre fire disaster... Brockton, Mass....
Item #712921
March 10, 1941
* Strand Theatre fire disaster
* Firemen - firefighters
* Brockton, Massachusetts
Near the bottom of the front page is a brief, same day report with a one column heading: "Snow Crushes Roof; 12 Firemen Killed" (see image)
Complete with 28 pages, light toning at the margins, Archival mend at top right corner (see image), some s... See More
From 1880 territorial Montana...
Item #712917
October 27, 1880
THE HELENA DAILY HERALD, Montana, Oct. 27, 1880
* Pre statehood Montana
* Rare Old West title
This newspaper is from 9 years before Montana statehood. Contains news of the day with several interesting advertisements.
Four pages, a little irregular along the spine, generally nice.
Genuine London Gazette newspaper from 1682...
Item #712868
December 21, 1682
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Dec. 21, 1682
* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had
This is the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper, having begun in 1665 and is still printing in London to this day. And this is a very early, genuine issue. As was the case with most newspapers of the 17th century, this is complete as a single sheet, measuri... See More
Death of famed actor Michael Landon, in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #712866
July 24, 1980
SECTION B ONLY of the Los Angeles Times, July 2, 1991
* Michael Landon death (1st report)
* Hollywood actor, director & producer
* "Bonanza" Little Joe Cartwright
* "Little House on the Prairie" Charles Ingalls
The top of the front page of this section has a one column heading: "TV Actor Michael Landon Is Dead at 54" with subhead. First report cover... See More
Mosul -Haifa oil pipeline opens in 1935...
Item #712824
January 14, 1935
* Mosul-Haifa oil pipeline opens
* King Ghazi of Iraq - Kirkuk
The top of page 18 has a one column heading: "MOSUL OIL LINE, 1,150 MI. LONG, IN SERVICE TODAY" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 30 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes along the spine,... See More
1850 Magazine by the famed Charles Dicken...
Item #712822
June 08, 1850
HOUSEHOLD WORDS, London, England, June 8, 1850
* Charles Dickens publication
This 24 page issue is in nice condition and measures 6 x 9 inches. This was a weekly journal which was conducted by Charles Dickens as noted in the masthead. This magazine has mainly literary reading (stories, poems etc.), some by Charles Dickens himself.
wikipedia notes: "On 21st January 1846 Charles Dicke... See More
1929 "Freak Plane" photo...
Item #712817
April 09, 1929
THE CHENANGO TELEGRAPH, New York, April 9, 1929
* "Freak Plane" makes 1st appearance photo
* Bizarre airplane invented by Earl E. McClary
The top of the front page has a three column photo headed: "Prepare Unique Plane For First Trial Flights" and brief text. (see images)
Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, some small binding holes along the spine, gener... See More
William Floyd Collins trapped in Kentucky cave...
Item #712812
February 10, 1925
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, February 10, 1925
* Floyd Collins trapped
* Sand Cave, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky
The front page has a one column heading: "CAVE VICTIM'S BREATH HEARD OVER THE WIRE" with subhead. (see images) A few related photos and heading on the back page.
Complete with 36 pages, light toning and some wear at the margins, some archival mends on the inside pages, g... See More
1947 Jerusalem officers' club terrorist attack...
Item #712811
March 01, 1947
* Goldsmith Officers' Club terrorist attack
* Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine
* Zionist militants - Irgun & Lehi vs. British
* Jerusalem, Israel - Jews - Judaica
The front page has a nice banner headline: "JERUSALEM BLAST KILLS MANY" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete with 8 pages, light toning an... See More
USS Panay incident in 1937...
Item #712809
December 15, 1937
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, December 15, 1937
* USS Panay incident - bombing
* Yangtze River, Nanjing, China
The front page has a nice headline: "JAPAN EMPEROR'S APOLOGY AWAITED BY ROOSEVELT" with various subheads. (see images)
Complete with 30 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding and minor wear along the spine, generally nice.... See More
1941 Army-Navy game... college football...
Item #712805
November 30, 1941
SPORT'S SECTION ONLY of the New York Times November 30, 1941
* The Army-Navy game
* College football rivalry
* West Point vs. Annapolis
The top of the front page of this section has a banner headline: "100,000 SEE NAVY RALLY IN THIRD PERIOD BEAT ARMY, 14-6" with subheads and three related photos. Nice for display. Lengthy coverage continues inside with more photos, headings a... See More
1937 Battle of Beiping-Tianjin...
Item #712778
July 28, 1937
* Battle of Beiping-Tianjin - Peiping - Beijing - Peiking
* North China Incident - Second Sino-Japanese War
The top of the front page has a nice banner headline: "JAPS OPEN 'PUNISH CHINA WAR'" with subhead. Three related photos and map on the back page. (see images)
Complete with 26 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small bi... See More
1971 Apollo 14 moon mission success...
Item #712775
February 06, 1971
THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, N.C., Feb. 6, 1971
* United States Apollo Program (14)
* Manned lunar (moon) landing
* Alan Shepard & more
The front page has a headline: "All's Okay After Moon Walk" with related illustration. (see images)
Complete with 24 pages, a few binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More
World War II beginning....
Item #712773
September 20, 1939
THE WILLIAMSPORT SUN, Pennsylvania, September 20, 1939
* Blitzkrieg - Warsaw
* World War II WWII beginning
* Nazis invade Poland
The front page has a nice banner headline: "WARSAW STILL HOLDS OUT; ALLIES REJECT PEACE PLEA" with various subheads. (see images)
This is the FRONT LEAF ONLY (pages 1 & 2), still nice for display as such.... See More
After John Dillinger's infamous jail escape...
Item #712772
March 13, 1934
THE DETROIT NEWS, March 13, 1934
* Gangster John Dillinger gang
* Post famous wooden gun escape
The front page has a two column heading: "Ohio Fears Dillinger Raid; Mysterious Call IS Traced"
The top of the back page has a very small and discrete article headed: "Dillinger Feat Inspires Prisoner In Calhoun Jail" (see images)
Complete with all 38 pages, rag editio... See More
The My Lai Massacre & William Calley...
Item #712764
February 23, 1971
THE NEW AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, N.C. Feb. 23 , 1971
* Mai Lai Massacre - South Vietnamese civilians
* Officer William Calley & the United States Army
The top of the front page has two column photo showing William Calley with his attorney. Also a two column heading: "Army Blamed For My Lai" Coverage includes Calley trying to put the blame of the massacre on the United States Arm... See More
1973 Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114...
Item #712762
February 21, 1973
THE RALEIGH TIMES, N.C. Feb. 21, 1973
* Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114
* Israeli occupation of the Sinai Peninsula
* Airliner shootdown near Benghazi by fighter jets
The front page a nice headline: "Israelis down Libyan jetliner, 70 dead; Arab bases attacked" (see images)
Complete with 40+ pages, a few binding holes along the spine, nice condition.... See More
Jimmy Doolittle to lead D-Day air attack...
Item #712748
December 29, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 29, 1943
* Aviation pioneer Jimmy Doolittle
* New commander of the Eighth Air Force
* Promoted Lieutenant general
* To lead air attack on D-Day
The front page has a one column heading: "DOOLITTLE TO GUIDE INVASION AIR BLOW" with subhead. (see images)
Other World War II events of the day. Complete with 34 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
Nixon's historic visit to People's Republic of China...
Item #712723
February 23, 1972
THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, Raleigh, N.C. Feb. 23, 1972
* Historic visit by President Richard Nixon
* People's Republic of China - Taiwan relations
* Chinese premiere Zhou Enlai & Mao Zedong
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "President and Chou Meet For Nearly Four Hours" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 32 pages, a few small binding holes along t... See More
General George S. Patton death funeral..
Item #712710
December 24, 1945
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, December 24, 1945
* General George S. Patton death - funeral
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "WARRIOR HYMN HE LOVED SUNG AT PATTON RITES" with subhead. Related photo and heading on the back page. (see images)
I suspect this to be a very rare item because there was really no reason to save it at the time.
Complete with 16 pages, light toning at ... See More
1869 Women's Suffrage... Elizabeth Cady Stanton...
Item #712681
September 16, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 16, 1869
* Early Women's suffrage meeting in Manhattan
* Elizabeth Cady Stanton - Paulina Wright Davis
Page 4 has an article headed: "Woman's Suffrage" with subhead. (see images)
Other news of the day. Complete with 12 pages, minor margin wear, generally very nice.... See More
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