Web Results (1425)



USS Bennington explosion...

Item #704885

May 26, 1954

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 26, 1954 

* USS Bennington aircraft carrier explosion disaster 

* Khufu solar barque ship found in Giza Pyramid

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "BLASTS ON CARRIER KILL 91, INJURE 200; HELICOPTERS FLY VICTIM'S TO SHORE FROM THE BENNINGTON IN ATLANTIC" with subheads and photo. (see images) More inside. First report coverag... See More  

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Significant Washington letter to the Jewish congregation of Newport...

Item #704389

September 15, 1790

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Sept. 15, 1790  The back page contains one of the more significant Judaica items found in an American newspaper.

It presents the full text of the: "Address Of The Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island To the President of the United States of America", signed in type by the warden, Moses Seixas, welcoming the President to the city.... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Capture of Pensacola Florida... Seminole War...

Item #704372

July 25, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 25, 1818 

* Battle of Penscacola

* Spanish West Florida

* First Seminole War

* General Andrew Jackson

Featured in this issue is a detailed report of the capture of Pensacola, Florida during the Seminole Indian war.  Also a report on the death and funeral of General Richard Montgomery.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, some foxing, gen... See More  

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1968 Indian dancer Indrani Rahman advertisements...

Item #704151

February 29, 1968

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Feb. 29, 1968

* Indrani Rahan performance advertisements

* Indian classical dancer & beauty pageant winner

* Bharata Natyam - Kuchipudi - Kathakali - Odissi

* Anderson Theatre, Manhattan, New York City

Page 27 has a large advertisement for "INDRANI'S fabulous Festival of Indian Dance, Drama, and Music" (see images... See More  

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THE DOORS Jim Morrison famous arrest in Miami...

Item #703527

March 13, 1969

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, March 13, 1969

* The Doors - Jim Morrison counterculture rock band

* Infamous arrest for indecent exposure at a Miami concert

The top of page 5 has a heading: "It's Hard to Light A Fire in Miami" with lead-in: "Jim Morrison" Lengthy text continues on another page.

wikipedia notes: During a concert in March, 1... See More  

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Major battle in the Modoc Indian War...

Item #703410

April 26, 1873

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 26, 1873 

* Modoc Indian War

* Lava Beds - Captain Jack

* Second Battle of the Stronghold

Page 7 has coverage of the Second Battle of the Stronghold during the Modoc War. The top of the page has a clever one column heading: "JACK IN THE BOX" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with 12 pages, a little irregular along the spine, small printing flaw... See More  

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1966 Ravi Shankar performance ad...

Item #703407

August 17, 1967

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Aug. 17, 1967

* Ravi Shankar concert advertisement

* Indian sitarist and music composer

* North Indian classical music performance

* Philharmonic Hall at Lincoln Center

Page 14 has a 7 x 5 inch advertisement for a: "RAVI SHANKAR" concert in Manhattan. (see images)

I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because their... See More  

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House of Representatives' version of the Bill of Rights...

Item #703196

August 29, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, August 29, 1789  This is a very significant issue, as page 2 contains an early version of the historic Bill of Rights.

As a brief history, the Constitution was signed in September 1787 and sent to the Congress. Eleven days later, it was submitted to the states for ratification. But as the people began to examine the document, they came to share the sen... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Ben Franklin's historic/collectible: "The Morals of Chess"...

Item #703113
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, April, 1792 

* Benjamin Franklin - morals of chess

By far the most significant content is the historic/collectible essay: "The Morals of Chess. By Dr. Franklin", which takes 2 1/2 pages. Note: This essay was first printed in the Columbian Magazine in the Dec. 1786 issue. Regardless, this contemporary printing is among the few publications whi... See More  

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Early American title from the French & Indian War...

Item #702912

May 13, 1762


* Rare Colonial Massachusetts

* St. Augustine, Florida

This is a much later issue of America's first successful newspaper, founded in 1704.

The top of the ftpg. has a nice recruiting advertisements to enlist soldiers to fight in the on-going French & Indian War: "For Recruiting His Majesty's Regular Forc... See More  

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Letter from John Wesley... State of affairs in Pennsylvania...

Item #702561
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1756  Among the articles within is a "Letter from Mr. Wesley Confirming the Yorkshire Earthquake", signed by him in type: John Wesley, the noted evangelist and founder of Methodism.

Also: "Of the Cultivation of Exotics" which concerns the red cedar & other trees in America. Another article taking over 3 pages is "A Dia... See More  

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The Apache War in Arizona...

Item #702035

November 08, 1879

THE SAN DIEGO UNION, California, Nov. 8, 1879  

* Apache Wars in the Southwest

* United States Army

The front page has: "The Apache War", with subhead "Victorious Band Overtaken and Whipped in Mexico by Major Morrow's Command" - being a derailed report from Tucson.

Four pages, some archival strengthening at the margins, a bit fragile but in nice condition.

... See More  

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Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...

Item #700671

January 01, 1783

COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".

London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775" 

A noted map dealer
... See More  

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Front page reports of Indian attacks...

Item #700445

November 15, 1763

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 15, 1763  The top of the front page has a report from Sir Jeffery Amherst with a New  York dateline noting in part: "...very large body of Indians, supposed to be 500 or more, attacked a convoy of a sergeant & 28 men of Wilmot's regiment returning with some wagons from the fort at the lower landing at Niagara...marched instantly to support... See More  

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The Lowry War in North Carolina...

Item #700084

December 28, 1872

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 28, 1872 

* Andrew Strong killed

* Lowry's War - gang

* Pembroke, North Carolina

* Scuffletown

Page three has an article on the Lowery (Lowry, Lowrie) War in North Carolina.

The Lowry War is a notable event in North Carolina history. Led by Henry Berry Lowry, whose father and brother were murdered by men of the Confederate Home Guard, a band of American... See More  

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Alma, New Mexico massacre.... Apaches...

Item #699915

May 05, 1880


* Alma, Catron County, New Mexico massacre

* Chiricahua Apaches - Indians - Victorio

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "Indian Depredations" "Ranchmen Killed and a Large Flock of Sheep Driven Off" See image for text here.

Complete with 8 pages, light to... See More  

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1918 Jim Thorpe & Chief Meyers baseball photo...

Item #699730

May 22, 1918

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 22, 1918

* American athlete Jim Thorpe

* Chief Myers and Zach Wheat

* Native Americans in baseball

Page 11 has a two column pictorial with heading: "Redskins are Folding Their Tents And Stealing Away From The Majors" with text. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find is... See More  

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Notable American-Indian ball players... Jim Thorpe and more...

Item #699576

November 13, 1913

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Nov. 13, 1913  Inside has a full page that features a column called: "The Old Fan Says" by Ed  A. Goewey, which discusses the world tour by the Giants and White Sox plus other baseball news of the day.

Also a report headed: "Three Noted Indian Baseball Players".

This article is about Charles (Chief) Bender, Jim Thorpe and John (Ch... See More  

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"The Big Freeze" in California Redlands (1913)...

Item #699525

January 07, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 7, 1913

* "The Big Freeze" - Redlands

* California citrus fruit disaster

The top of the front page has a four column headline:: "INCALCULABLE HARM DONE TO LEMONS, ORANGES AND VEGETABLES BY COLD; MERCURY DOWN TO 24.9 AT 6:15" with subheads and more. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp&qu... See More  

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A plea for separation of church & state in America... Indian troubles...

Item #699520

September 17, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 17, 1768 

* re. separation of church and state in America

Over one-third of a page is taken p with a letter concerning: "The establishment of a Protestant episcopate in America is also very zealously contended for; and is very alarming to a people whose fathers, from the hardships they suffered under such an establishment, were obliged to fly th... See More  

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Swedish settlement attacked by Indians... victims mutilated...

Item #699175

June 07, 1869


* Swedish settlement attacked by Indians

Page 7 has a brief article headed: "Indian Butcheries in Kansas" "The Indians" "The Savages Devastating the Frontiers--Panic Among the Settlers of Northwestern Kansas". (see image)

Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Great Indian front page... Very early football print...

Item #698900

December 07, 1878

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 7, 1878   The full front page is taken up with: "A Battle In The Clouds" showing an Indian capturing an eagle.

Among prints inside are a full page Nast cartoon: "A Dream: Before & After Thanksgiving Dinner". Great full page: "A Game of Football" is very displayable. Full page: "Forest Fire on the Banks of the Red Rive... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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"Dinner In The Steerage Of A French Transatlantic Liner" & Thanksgiving preparations...

Item #698808

November 22, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nov. 22, 1890 (with Supplement containing: "Dinner In The Steerage Of A French Transatlantic Liner", by T. de Thulstrup)

Also included: Full ftpg: 'At the Horse Show, Madison Square Garden'; Fullpg: 'The Day Before Thanksgiving' shows cooks preparing the meal; Doublepage centerfold: 'A Wedding in the Chinese Quarter--Mott St., N.Y.'; Halfpg... See More  

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A great illustration showing Eskimos hunting for Polar-Bear...

Item #698806

October 11, 1890

HARPER'S WEEKLY October 11, 1890 (Supplement included)  The most desired illustration is the double-page print captioned: "Esquimaux Hunters Capturing A Polar-Bear", which is found in the Supplement.

Also included is the entire regular issue which features another great double-page print: ""A Tiger Hunt in India", as well as the full pg. illus. of "The ... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


The Oklahoma land boom can begin...

Item #698753

April 19, 1889

THE DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, April 19, 1889  The top of the front page has column heads including: "ON TO OKLAHOMA" "The Boomers Allowed to Cross the Cherokee Strip" "And Align Themselves on the Border of the Promised Land" "Final Arrangements Completed for the Opening on Monday" "Several Lives Lost in Affrays Between the Settlers" with th... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Oklahoma Boomers...

Item #698718

October 05, 1893

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 5, 1893  The full front page is a print of the: "...Porch of the Louisiana State Building" at the Columbian Exposition.  Prints within include: "Sketches in the Children's Building" at the Chicago Columbian Exposition; a nice centerfold print of two yachts in the "Coming International Race for the America's C... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Early mention of George Washington...

Item #698715
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1755  There are no less than two high points in this issue, the first being an article headed: "Gov. Dinwiddie's Speech to the Assembly of Virginia" in which he relates various reports from the French & Indian War, including mention of  "...general Braddock, commander in chief of all his majesty's forces on this continent... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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George Washington writes concerning the Jay Treaty...

Item #698710

November 12, 1795

FEDERAL ORRERY, Boston. Nov. 12. 1795  Page 2 has: "Indian Intelligence - Of the Creeks" which is most of a column with details on relations with them & other tribes. The report is datelined from Savannah.

Page 3 has a letter signed in type by the President: Geo. Washington, concerning the controversial Jay Treaty, one bit noting; "...It is now well known that my assent to... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Full page Winslow Homer print... Custer and the Indians...

Item #698675

January 16, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 16, 1869  The prime print would be the full page by famed artist Winslow Homer: "Winter At Sea--Taking in Sail Off The Coast" with a related article. This print is in great condition.

The front page shows: "Winter Sports--Ice Boats on the Hudson" and; "Destructive Conflagration at Lynn, Massachusetts".

Among other prints... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The famous Winslow Homer print "Waiting for a Bite"...

Item #698672

August 22, 1874

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 22, 1874  Certainly the most notable print in this issue is the very nice full page by Winslow Homer titled: "Waiting for a Bite." It is in great condition.

Other prints in this issue are a full ftpg. illus. "The Little Vagrant." Inside is a 1/2 pg. map of "The Gold Regions of the Black Hills, Explored by General Custer's Exp... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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General George Custer.. Black Hills' gold expedition...

Item #698640

August 22, 1874

RICHMOND DAILY WHIG, Virginia, Aug. 22, 1874

* General George Armstrong Custer

* Black Hills gold - South Dakota expedition

* Tensions with the Native Americans - Indians

Page 2 has an article with a small one column heading: "General Custar (sic) And The Indians" (see images) A printing flaw slightly affects the text here.

Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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From the Arizona Territory...

Item #698545

June 05, 1875

ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, June 5, 1875  Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.

A nice assortment of news articles and ads including: "Letter from Col. Hodge" "Mining Summary" Ostrich Mine" "Territorial Prison" "Our First Law Suit" "Telegraphic News" "Minu... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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From the Confederate capital...

Item #698518

January 14, 1862

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 14, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads and notices, with most of the balance taken up with war-related items but some "Foreign Miscellany" as well.

Page 2 begins with the always interesting editorial, taking over a full column, & beginning: "New York has supplied the sinews of the war to the... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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William H. Harrison on the Battle of Tippecanoe...

Item #698471

December 07, 1811

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 7, 1811 

* Battle of Tippecanoe

* William Henry Harrison

Page 2 has: "Indian War--Official" being a letter to the Secretary of War signed in type: Wm. Henry Harrison, datelined "H.Q. near the Prophet's Town, November 8, 1811." The letter describes the battle of Tippecanoe beginning with: "...the dawn of yesterday terminated... See More  

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South Carolina is quartering British troops... Creating a treaty with the Indians...

Item #698443
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, June 27, 1768 (currently spelled Gloucester)

* British troops in South Carolina

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions

 Page 3 under: "America" is a report from Charleston, South Carolina, containing a letter to the governor noting in part: "The dutiful behavior of the Assembly of South Carolina, in cheerfully making provision for quartering his... See More  

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Jackson's state-of-the-union address & the Indian Removal Act... The "Trail of Tears"...

Item #698326

December 15, 1830

HAMPSHIRE GAZETTE, Northampton, Massachusetts, Dec. 15, 1830  

* President Andrew Jackson

* State of the Union Address

* Indian Removal Act

Over half of the front page is taken up with: "Present State of the Indian Question" which is the controversial "Trail of Tears".

Inside has the: "President's Message" being Jackson's state-of-the-union addr... See More  

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Stanley explores the African continent... Large map...

Item #698269

August 12, 1876

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 12, 1876 

* Henry Morton Stanley

* Africa exploration w/ map

Page 2 is consumed by a very large map and descriptive text on Stanley's exploration of Africa, the map headed: "THE SOURCES OF THE NILE. New Map Showing Stanley's Explorations..." plus the first column has heads: "STANLEY" "His Last Letter from the Heart of Africa" ... See More  

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Nez Perce Indians... Torch of the Statue of Liberty...

Item #698075

June 20, 1885

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 20, 1885  Full front page shows: "The New Aquatic Wonder, the Steam-Yacht 'Stiletto'...". Prints inside include: "Kansas--Transfer of the Nez Perces--The Indians Boarding a Train at Arkansas City for Their Old Home in Idaho"; a great fullpg. print of; "The Torch of the Statue of Liberty As it Will Appear When Comp... See More  

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Odd Fellows... Fort Smith, Arkansas...

Item #698064

October 07, 1865

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Oct. 7, 1865  A nice foldout centerfold: "Grand Celebration of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows & Dedication of the Monument...Founder of the Order...In America, at Baltimore...".

Other prints include: "Fort Smith, Indian Territory, Arkansas..." "Camp Russell, New Haven, Conn..." "The Ruins of Jackson, Missi... See More  

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From the Arizona Territory...

Item #697875

February 27, 1875

ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, Feb. 27, 1875  Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.

A nice assortment of news articles including: "Loss By Indians--Claims for Depredations by Indians..." "Local Mining Affairs" "Pueblo Viejo Valley" "Texas and Pacific Bill" and more.

Four pages,... See More  

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Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...

Item #697860

September 04, 1777


* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler

* American Revolutionary War

Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been stro... See More  

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A two-issue set: George Washington and Paul Revere on the front page...

Item #697849

June 25, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 22 and 25, 1796 

* President George Washington

* Paul Revere's church bells

A two issue set with over half of the front page of the 22nd taken up with lengthy & detailed text of: "An ACT to Regulate Trade & Intercourse with the Indian Tribes & to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers." The Act carries over to take more than a full co... See More  

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Mormon attack... Brigham Young on the Indians & U.S. forces...

Item #697822

November 17, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 17, 1857  This issue has multiple reports regarding the Mormon tensions of mid-late 1857. Page 2 begins with a full column article headed: "A Reply to Brigham Young" which kicks off with Young's detailed letter on how to handle the Indians, followed by the response of J.W. Denver, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Both letters d... See More  

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Item #697721

February 15, 1944

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass. Feb. 15, 1944

* Battle of Monte Cassino Abbey - Kingdom of Italy

* Allied bombing air raid of Benedictine Monastery

The front page has a nice banner headline: "U. S. PLANES BOMB CASSINO ABBEY" with subheads and related photo. (see images) Nice for display.

Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, a little spine wear, generally good.

wikip... See More  

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Proclamation by General Anthony Wayne...

Item #697642

April 25, 1795


* Northwest Indian War

* Gen. Anthony Wayne

* Native Americans

* Proclamation for peace

Page 2 has: "A Proclamation" signed in type by Anthony Wayne, for establishing a permanent peace with all the Indian tribes and nations northwest of the Ohio River.

Four pages, never-trimmed, two binding holes at the spine... See More  

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British account of the Battle of Stono Ferry, and the Battle of Chemung, New York...

Item #697637

September 02, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 2, 1779 

* Battle of Stono Ferry, Charleston, South Carolina

* Battle of Chemung - New York - John Sullivan

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

Nearly one-third of page 2 is a letter from an officer in the British army from ... See More  

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Modoc Indian War...Captain Jack....

Item #697471

June 05, 1873

THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, Indiana, June 5, 1873

* Modoc Indians War - lava beds

* Captain Jack & Scarface Charley

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. The top of the front page has one column headings: "The Modocs" "Captain Jack in Irons--Scar-face Charley Indignant" (see images)

Other news and advertisements of the day. Complet... See More  

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Indian dance illustration... Mormon illustration...

Item #697444

January 02, 1875

HARPER'S WEEKLY Jan. 2, 1875 The full fron page is a print: "Alone with the Dying Year" showing a small child in a snow storm.

Full page print: "Bringing Home the Fifth Wife--A Sketch in Mormondom" also includes a small article. Nice, tipped-in (no binding holes), doublepage centerfold: "Indian Sun Dance - Young Bucks Proving Their Endurance by Self-torture" with... See More  

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Death of Cochise, the Apache Indian chief...

Item #697384

June 15, 1874

NEW YORK HERALD, June 15, 1874 

* Tribal Chief Cochise death (1st report)

* Chiricahua Apaches - Indians

Page 7 has a report on the death of Cochise with column heads: "COCHISE DEAD" "The Famous Apache Chief Departs for the 'Happy Hunting Ground'" "The Defunct Chief" with details.

On the same page is a very brief item headed: "Fatal Shooting ... See More  

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Charles Carroll & the Declaration of Independence...

Item #697007

July 19, 1828

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 19, 1828  The front page has: "Charles Carroll" which gives details of the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence presenting a copy of The Declaration to the mayor of New York City, along with a copy of a letter written in his own hand which states in part: "Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings which, through J... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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