Review & premiere of "The Princess Bride", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #710246
September 25, 1987
LOS ANGELES TIMES, September 25, 1987
* Best "The Princess Bride" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review
* Romantic fantasy adventure comedy-drama film
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "The Princess Bride" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - t... See More
A Nazi newspaper from an English island...
Item #669297
November 05, 1942
THE STAR, Guernsey, Channel Islands, Nov. 5, 1942
* Rare German occupation title
* World War II - WWII
Among the front page reports are: "480,000 Tons of Anglo-American Shipping Lost In Ten Days" "Roosevelt Has Forgotten His Past" "British Attack Incessantly--Superior Forces Repelled" and more.
Four pages, small binding holes at the blank spine, great conditio... See More
An improved fish hook, and a folding bed...
Item #669274
November 23, 1867
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Nov. 23, 1867 A wealth of interesting articles and illustrations on the latest in scientific improvements of the year.
Among those shown are: "Lenhart's Spring Fish Hook" "Bowlus' Lay-Down Fence" "Woodside's Patent Folding Bedstead" and more.
Sixteen pages, very nice condition.
An early pinball machine? Railroad bridge over the Hudson...
Item #669269
April 26, 1884
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 26, 1884 The ftpg. features a nice print of: "View of Catskill Creek Bridge, on the N.Y., W.S. & B.R.R., Looking Toward the Hudson" with a related article.
A wealth of various new inventions, improvements with illustrations inside including: "De Foy's New Game Table" which looks like an early pinball machine. Also: "Thoma... See More
Tallapoosa, Georgia...
Item #669266
May 31, 1890
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 31, 1890 The photo shows the nice: "Bird's Eye View of Tallapoosa, Showing River, Streets, and Location of Factories" which is found on an inside page.
The front page has 3 other prints regarding Tallapoosa. An article as well titled: "The Industrial South--Tallapoosa, Ga." begins on the front page and continues inside with four mor... See More
Making incandescent electric lamps....
Item #669265
April 13, 1895
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 13, 1895 The entire front page is taken up with various aspects of: "The Manufacture of Incandescent Electric Lamps". There is a related article inside.
Other prints & articles of science-related inventions & improvements.
Sixteen pages, some archival mends near the margins, library stamp to the front page. Good condition.
... See More
Other prints & articles of science-related inventions & improvements.
Sixteen pages, some archival mends near the margins, library stamp to the front page. Good condition.
Maurice "Rocket" Richard 50th goal...
Item #669256
March 19, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 19, 1945
* Maurice 'Rocket' Richard
* National Hockey League - NHL
* Montreal Canadians
* Becomes 1st to score 50 goals in season (1st report)
The sport's section (page 15) has a very small one column heading: "Richard gets 50th Goal" First report on Maurice 'Rocket' Richard becoming the very 1st NHL hockey player t... See More
Austin Carr of Notre Dame sets NCAA record...
Solar eclipse of 1970... "You're So Vain" - in color...
Item #669222
March 08, 1970
* Solar eclipse of 1970 - referenced in Carly Simon's "You're So Vain"
* First CBS broadcast of an eclipse in color
* Austin Carr of Notre Dame sets NCAA record
The front page has the full-banner headline: "A Great Shadow Swept the Earth... Millions See Sun Eclipsed", with multiple photos and supporting text. Page 2 cov... See More
1871 Canada boat race....
Item #669221
August 23, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 23, 1871
* New Brunswick, Canada
* Kennebecasis River boat race
* St. John vs. Tyne, Newcastle crews
The top of page 3 has a three column map titled: "THE GREAT AQUATIC CONTEST" and more. Also one column headings: "THE ST. JOHN RACE" "The Crews In Tip-Top Condition" "About the Betting and Its Changes" and more. (see)
... See More
Traveling to San Francisco in 1871....
Item #669220
August 14, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 14, 1871
* Westward migration of Americans
* Emigration to the West Coast (San Francisco)
* Hardships of 19th century travel
The top of page 7 has one column headings: "AFTER THE SETTING SUN" "From The Narrows To The Golden Gate" "Over the Three Great Mountain Ranges" "A Flying Visit To The Mormons" and more with many small... See More
1871 Mount Ruang volcano eruption & tidal wave......
Item #669218
August 15, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 15, 1871
* Mount Ruang volcano eruption - Sangihi Islands
* Island of Tagulandang tidal wave disaster - Indonesia
The top of page 5 has one column headings: "FIGHTFUL CALAMITY" "Terrible Loss of Life by a Volcano Eruption in the Malay Archipelago" "All Beings and Habitations Swept Off the Island" and more. (see)
Complete with 12 pages... See More
Great Revere train wreck of 1871...
Item #669217
August 28, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1871
* Great Revere train wreck of 1871 - Massachusetts
* Eastern Railroad's Portland Express accident
The top of page 5 has one column headings: "SLAUGHTER" "The Massachusetts Railroad Horror" "Thrilling Account Of the Disaster" "Sickening Sight at the Deadhouse" and more. (see) Text takes up 3 columns.
Complete wit... See More
The affair of "Citizen Genet"...
Item #669185
December 04, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 4, 1793
* Citizen Genet Affair
* Edmond Charles Genet
The front page contains nearly a full column headed: "Official Communications" which has two letters signed by Genet, the French ambassador to the United States, concerning what is known as the "Citizen Genet Affair" relating to his plans to get America to support the French in c... See More
Anthony Wayne and the Indians...
Item #669184
November 30, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 30, 1793
* Mad Anthony Wayne
* Battles with American Indians
Page 3 has: "Indian War" which has near the beginning: "..that Gen. Wayne's army had been attacked by the Indians & that, after a bloody engagement, the Indians were defeated with the loss of 600 killed and wounded--Gen. Wayne losing 500..." with more on the recent... See More
Author Ethel Brilliana Tweedie death....
Item #669179
April 16, 1940
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 16, 1940
* Ethel Brilliana Tweedie death (1st report)
* English author, historian, illustrator & more
The top of page 23 has a one column heading: "MRS. ALEC TWEEDIE, ARTIST AND AUTHOR" with subheads and photo. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do not.
Complete with al... See More
The university crew races on Lake Saratoga...
Item #669173
July 14, 1875
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 14, 1875
* Intercollegiate Regatta w/ map
* Cornell University Big Red (Freshmen)
* Boat - rowing - Saratoga Lake
The top of the front page has one column headings: "THE COLLEGIATE REGATTA" "Cornell University Wins The Freshmen Race" and more. (see) Lengthy text takes up most of the front page and continues inside.
Other news of the day. ... See More
Building Washington D.C...
Item #669157
September 14, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 14, 1793
* The Building of Washington D.C.
Page 2 has a report: "We...inform the public, that the buildings in the new Federal City are rapidly advancing: The Presidents house is built one story high; the Capitol and Hotel are in a considerable state of forwardness, and there are...fifty houses finished, among which are a number of capital
... See More
* The Building of Washington D.C.
Page 2 has a report: "We...inform the public, that the buildings in the new Federal City are rapidly advancing: The Presidents house is built one story high; the Capitol and Hotel are in a considerable state of forwardness, and there are...fifty houses finished, among which are a number of capital
Woman Murderer Laura Fair in 1871...
Item #669154
July 21, 1871
NEW YORK HERALD, July 21, 1871
* Laura Fair interview
* Woman Murderer
Page 6 has an article headed: "LAURA D. FAIR" "She Tells the Story of Her Past Life" "Her Appeal to the Press to be Let Alone" (see) Takes takes up over a full column. He murder sentence would be overturned and cause a big uproar.
Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, irregul... See More
KKK outrages in 1871 Kentucky...
Item #669153
July 22, 1871
NEW YORK HERALD, July 22, 1871
* KKK - Ku Klux Klan
* Kentucky outrages
Page 5 has an article headed: "KU KLUX IN KENTUCKY" "A Full Exposure of the Kentucky Ku Kluxes" and more. (see)
Complete with 8 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally nice.... See More
Indian troubles... U.S. is neutral...
Item #669137
July 17, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 17, 1793 Page 2 has: "British Official Account Of The Battle At Maulde" which is a lengthy account. Also from Penna: "A letter from Fort St. Clair informs that every preparation for a campaign was making there: That several tracts of Indians had been seen round the fort...".
A report from Rhode Island notes: : "...The late Proclamati... See More
Washington responds to the Baltimore Mechanical Society...
Item #669134
June 29, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 29, 1793 Page 2 has: "The Address of the Baltimore Mechanical Society to George Washington, President of the United States" with his reply, signed in type: George Washington.
Many illustrated ads including ships, musical instruments, houses, and stage coaches.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Washington responds to the merchants of Baltimore...
Item #669130
June 12, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 12, 1793
* President George Washington
Pages 2 & 3 contain the: "Address of the Merchants & Traders of Baltimore, to George Washington, President of the United States, which is followed by: "The President's Answer" which is signed in type by him: George Washington.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
1869 Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year...
Item #669107
September 05, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 5, 1869
* Rosh Hashanah - High Holy Days
* Jewish New Year - Jews - Judaica
Page 8 has an article headed: "Rosh-Hoshono" "Opening of the Festive Season of the Jews..." (see)
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages in nice condition.... See More
Early New York City road surface in 1869...
Item #669104
August 31, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 31, 1869
* Streets of New York City
* Pavement - road surface
The top of page 5 has one column headings that include: "STREETS OF NEW YORK" "Present Condition of the Pavement in Different Parts of the City" "How Repairs Are Conducted" and more. Text takes up just over 2 full columns.
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages i... See More
Presidential proclamation signed by John Adams...
Item #669094
April 05, 1797
* Nice 18th century American publication
* President John Adams proclamation
The front page has reports from the: "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress". Page 3 has: "A Proclamation" concerning a need to convene Congress, signed in type: John Adams.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
Signed by Governor Sam Adams...
Item #669093
March 22, 1797
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY, OR THE WORCESTER GAZETTE, March 22, 1797 Beginning on the front page & ending on pg. 4 signed: Samuel Adams is "An Act ...Respecting Highways" in the state of Mass. Page 2 has: "Slave Trade"
Four pages, good condition.
Laws to be effective in the new state of Tennessee..
Item #669092
February 15, 1797
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Feb. 15, 1797 Page 2 has various reporting from Congress including talk on making the laws of the United States enforceable in Tennessee, which had recently joined the union.
Four pages, some fold wear, bit close-trimmed at some margins.
Reports from the federal congress...
Item #669090
January 25, 1797
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Jan. 25, 1797 Over half of the front page has reports from Congress headed: "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress" carrying over to take three-quarters of page 2 as well.
Four pages, a few indents at margins, minor foxing, good condition.
Speech of the governor, Sam Adams...
Item #669073
June 10, 1795
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR THE WORCESTER GAZETTE, June 10, 1795 Almost half of page 3 is taken up with the: "Speech" of the governor of Mass., signed in type: Samuel Adams. He discusses various topics including revisions to the state constitution.
Four pages, nice condition.
Border troubles with Canada... Treaty with the Indians...
Item #669065
February 25, 1795
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR THE WORCESTER GAZETTE, Feb. 25, 1795 Page 2 has a report beginning: "The United States have lately concluded a Treaty with the Oneida, Tuscarora and Stockbridge Indians residing in the Oneida country...". Also a report: "The western posts, which have so long been a bone of contention between the United States and Create Britain...are four in n... See More
The great international boat race of 1869...
Item #669048
August 28, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1869
* The great international boat race
* Harvard vs. Oxford University
* The River Thames - London w/ map
Page 3 has a four column map with headline: "THE INTERNATIONAL BOAT RACE" and more. Also one column headings: "THE RACE" "The International Pull at the Oar" "The College Boys of Harvard (American) and Oxford (English) i... See More
Very early Bucknell University in 1869...
Item #669044
August 03, 1869
* University of Lewisburg - Pennsylvania
* 17 Years before changing name to Bucknell
Page 7 has an article with small headings: "Lewisburg University" "Commencement Exercises--Large Attendance--Students Graduated..." (See)
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.... See More
1957 Northeast Airlines flight 823 disaster....
Item #669041
February 02, 1957
THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 2, 1957
* Northeast Airlines Flight 823
* Douglas DC-6 airplane crash
* LaGuardia Airport takeoff
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "20 DIE, 65 SURVIVE IN PLANE CRASH ON RIKERS ISLAND DURING TAKE-OFF; 8 ON MIAMI-BOUND FLIGHT MISSING" with subheads and photo of the pilot. Also a related map. (see) Nice to have in this World fa... See More
Lengthy article on cockfighting in 1869...
Item #669012
July 21, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 21, 1869
* Cockfighting - illegal blood sport
* Roosters - gamecocks - cockpit
* Unusually lengthy & uncommon article
Page 8 has an article with small headings: "Cock Fighting" "Another Hard-fought Main Between Virginia and North Carolina..." (see) Rare to find articles on this illegal blood sport, especially this lengthy.
Other news of t... See More
1869 Monticello, New York hanging...
Item #669001
July 16, 1869
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 16, 1869
* Monticello, Sullivan County, New York execution
* Hanging of Noah Bigelow for murder
Thew back page has an article headed: "THE DEATH PENALTY" "Execution in Sullivan County of Noah Bigelow for the Murder of His Niece" "The Scene At The Gallows" and more. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete with all 8 pages, a little spine... See More
1874 David Livingstone's death....
Item #668989
March 30, 1874
THE NEW YORK HERALD, March 30, 1874
* David Livingstone death
* African explorer's last days told
The top of the page 7 has one column headings: "LIVINGSTONE" "Herald Special Report from London" "Deathbed Scenes in the Interior of Africa" "How the Great Explorer Sickened and Expired" and more. (see) Text takes up almost 1 1/2 columns.
Other... See More
1874 Empire Coal Mine Fire in Penn....
Item #668988
March 29, 1874
THE NEW YORK HERALD, March 29, 1874
* Empire Coal Mine fire - Pennsylvaia
* Wilkes-Barre, Wyoming Valley
The top of the back page has one column headings: "A BLAZING COAL MINE" "The Empire Mine in Pennsylvania on Fire" "Exciting Scenes a the Seat of the Conflagration" and more. (see) Text takes up over a full column.
Other news of the day. Complete with ... See More
1870 Benjamin Nathan murder...
Item #668980
August 01, 1870
* Benjamin Nathan's unsolved murder
* American investor & philanthropist
The top of the back page has one column headings: "THE NATHAN HORROR" "The Detectives Actively at Work, but No Clue Obtained" and more. (see) Text takes up almost 2 columns.
Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
The Drinker's Farm Tragedy... 1870 execution...
Item #668974
July 23, 1870
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 23, 1870
* The Drinker's Farm Tragedy
* James Jeter Phillips hanging
* Murder of his wife - Richmond
The top of page 5 has one column headings: "THE GALLOWS" "Execution of James Jeter Phillips at Richmond, Va." and more. (see) Lengthy text takes up 3 1/2 columns.
Complete with 12 pages, light toning with small hold at the central fold, gen... See More
Admiral David Farragut 1870 death...
Item #668968
August 15, 1870
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 15, 1870
* David Farragut death (1st report)
* United States Navy flag officer
* 1st rear admiral, vice admiral & admiral
* Battle of Mobile Bay - Civil War fame
The top of page has one column headings: "OBITUARY" "Admiral David Glasgow Farragut, United States Navy" Text takes up almost 2 full columns.
Other news of the day. Complete with... See More
President Adams responds to the residents of Rowley...
Item #668964
October 19, 1798
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Oct. 19, 1798 Pages 2 and 3 contain an address to the President from the inhabitants of Rowley, Mass., to which he gives his "Answer" signed: John Adams.
Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.
Responses from the President, John Adams...
Item #668962
October 15, 1798
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Oct. 15, 1798 Page 2 has an address to the President by the inhabitants of Kanhawa County, with the response signed: John Adams. Also an address from the grand jurors of Hampshire County to the President, with the response signed: John Adams.
Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.
John Adams responds to the grand jury in Maine...
Item #668955
September 27, 1798
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Sept. 27, 1798 Page 3 has an address to the President by the grand jury of the district of Maine (then part of Mass.) concerning the on-going troubles with France, followed by: "The Answer" signed in type: John Adams.
An interesting report: "There are now in the United States seven Universities, sixteen Colleges, and sixty Aca... See More
Beating Obamacare by 212 years...
Item #668954
September 26, 1798
* President John Adams
Page 2 contains the full text of: "An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen" which was signed into law on July 16, 1798 with the signature of the President: John Adams.
This Act of Congress authorized the deduction of 20 cents per month from the wages of seamen for the sole purpose of ... See More
A letter from John Jay...
Item #668941
August 22, 1798
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 22, 1798 Page 3 has the New York General Assembly's response to Governor John Jay's recent address, followed by his response signed: John Jay. John Jay was previously the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.
Rewarding Washington in an Act of Congress...
Item #668940
August 16, 1798
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 16, 1798 Page 2 begins with over a column taken up with two acts: "AN ACT for Vesting in George Washington, a Certain Interest in the companies established for Opening & Extending the Navigation of Potomack and James rivers." and the other for amending it.
Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.
U.S. is building more frigates...
Item #668936
August 03, 1798
FEDERAL GAZETTE & BALTIMORE DAILY ADVERTISER, Aug. 3, 1798 Page 3 has the: "Answer to my Fellow Citizens of the County of Richmond, in Virginia" signed in type: John Adams.
Also a brief report: "At Philadelphia a 44 gun ship is building; at Portsmouth, a 20; at Newburyport, a 22; at Boston (expected) a 32; at Warren, a 20; and at several other ports."
Four pages, ha... See More
Giving permission for the President to borrow money...
Item #668931
July 26, 1798
* President John Adams
Page 2 has over half a column taken up with: "AN ACT To Enable the resident of the United States to Borrow money for the Public Service" signed at its conclusion: John Adams.
Four pages, handsome masthead, foxing to an upper corner, nice condition.... See More
Women and the temperance movement in 1874....
Item #668903
February 07, 1874
THE NEW YORK HERALD, February 7, 1874
* Women and the Temperance movement
* Woman's Christian Temperance Union
* Anti-alcohol crusade in Ohio
The top of page 7 has one column headings: "THE DEMON ALCOHOL" "Ohio Ladies Battling with Intoxicating Beverages" "New Victories Reported" and more. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete with all 12 pages, nic... See More
Early solar system & evolution studies....
Item #668902
February 03, 1874
THE NEW YORK HERALD, February 3, 1874
* The solar system & evolution studied
* Astronomer Richard A. Proctor's theory
The top of page 7 has small one column headings: "The Solar System" "Professor Proctor's Definition of His Theory of Evolution..." and the article is signed in type at the end: Richard A. Proctor. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete w... See More
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