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Early flight... The Curzon Bridge over The Ganges River...
Item #657733
September 26, 1908
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 26, 1908 This 16 page issue is in nice condition and contains illustrations, accompanied by text, of the latest inventions of the day including: "The Aeroplane Flying at a Great Height," "The Construction of the West Aeroplane," "The Narrowing of the Ganges and Construction of the Curzon Bridge," and "Car Fen
... See More
Women's Air Derby... the first of its kind...
Graf Zeppelin passes over Taunton - in a Taunton newspaper...
Item #653714
August 17, 1929
TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, August 17, 1929
* Graf Zeppelin's "around the world" flight - passes over Taunton, Massachusetts
* Reported in a Taunton newspaper - with aerial photo
* Women's Air Derby - the 1st ever "female only"
The front page has the two line, four column heading: "GIANT AIR CRUISER HAS PASSED HALF-WAY POINT," with subhead: &... See More
Early flight... Military maneuvers... Color cover...
Item #631746
September 07, 1918
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, September 7, 1918 Interesting full ftpg. diagram-illustration about dogfighting: "Tricks used in aerial combat: First, the 'horizontal vrille'; second the 'retournment'; third, the change of direction; and fourth, the 'renversement', all as seen from the side."
Inside the issue are a variety of articles, illustrations, and advertise... See More
An early flying machine...
Item #625380
February 13, 1875
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Feb. 13, 1875 An inside page has a 4 by 5 illustration of "Blackford's Flying Machine". The companion report headed "A New Form of Flying Machine", begins with the solution to successful flight: "Screw propulsion is the principle upon which will, probably, be accomplished the great problem of aerial flight. The plan here proposed is... See More
Early flight... catapulting planes from a cruiser...
Item #598769
March 18, 1916
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, March 18, 1916 The full front cover has a duotone illustration entitled "Launching A Sea Plane From The After Deck Of The U.S. Armored Cruiser 'North Carolina'" with an accompanying inside report "Widening the Range of the Fleets Eyes By Means of the Aeroplane Catapult."
Also within the issue is: "Operating Trains across the Gr... See More
Early Flight... Buttenstedt's Flying Machine...
Item #592215
February 11, 1899
* Early flying machine
* Pre-Wright Brothers
* Early automobiles
* Prints
The front page of the issue is "The New Bridge Over the Rhine at Dusseldorf". Within the issue is: "An Improved Steam-Boiler Furnace", "The Paris Cycle and Automobile Exhibition"; "Buttenstedt's Flying-Machine In Mid-... See More
Early Flight...
Item #177839
October 22, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 22, 1910
This issue features a color cover. (see photos for details).The front page of this issue features a photo of Walter Wellman entitled "WELLMAN AND HIS AIR-SHIP", who attempted to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a airship.
A fullpage political cartoon by E.W. Kemble - "The Big Wind: 'I thought, Bill the you were with me"' ... See More
Early Flight...
Item #177815
August 27, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, August 27, 1910 Full front page photo: A New Triumph In The Science Of Flight. the photo shows John B. Moisant standing next to the plane he recently flew with a passenger aboard, across the British Channel between Calais and Tilmanstone.
The flight set a record for two persons in one plane.
Unrelated report inside: The Aeroplane In War So... See More
Early Flight... Gillespie...
Item #546743
June 24, 1905
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, from New York, New York, dated June 24, 1905. The frontpage of this issue features "The Gillespie Aeroplane As It Would Appear When Soaring" An interesting machine with a square wing, and the pilot seated below the wing. Report inside with two photos: The Gillespie Aeroplane.
Other topics with photos and illustrations throughout.
This is a complete 16 pag
Early Flight...
Item #177637
November 05, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 5, 1910 Full front page photo: "Aviation Meet at Belmont Park, Long Island", with a crowd of spectators. Fullpg. inside has nine photos from the Aviation Meet. Other photos and illustrations with text throughout this 32 page issue.
Aviator Glenn Curtis w/ Airplane Photo In 1909...
Item #177076
September 04, 1909
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 4, 1909 Full front page photo: "An American Victor At Rheims", shows Glenn H. Curtiss, the "American aeroplanist", in a suit standing next to a plane.
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