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Web Results (1817)



1943 Battle of Makin... Gilbert Islands...

Item #706081

November 22, 1943

LOS ANGELES TIMES, November 22, 1943

* Battle of Makin

* Gilbert Islands

* World War II - WWII


The front side has a banner headline: "U.S. INVADES TWO GILBERT ISLANDS; Beach Heads Secured on Jap Strongholds" with subhead. (see images)

Front leaf only (pages 1-2), nice for display as such.... See More  

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Battle of Ciudad Juarez (1913)... Pancho Villa...

Item #706079

November 26, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, November 26, 1913

* Battle of Ciudad Juarez (1913)

* Pancho Villa - rebel victory

* Mexican Revolution

The front page has a banner headline: "DEFEAT OF FEDERALS AT JUAREZ IS DISASTROUS" with subheads and nice photo of Villa. (see images)

Complete with 16 pages, small library stamp slightly affects the headline, a little irregular along the spine, gen... See More  

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1914 Second Battle of Torreon...

Item #706078

April 01, 1914

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 1, 1914

* Second Battle of Torreon

* Coahuila, Mexico - Mexican Revolution

* General Pancho Villa victory

The front page has a nice banner headline: "TORREON FEDERALS HOIST WHITE FLAG; ARMISTICE" with subheads and related photos. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era.... See More  

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1869 Gettysburg reunion... 6th anniversary...

Item #706076

August 25, 1869

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1869

* Battle of Gettysburg reunion

* 6th anniversary celebration

* Soldiers' National Monument dedicated

Page 5 has a small one column heading: "The Gettysburg Reunion" with subhead. (see images)

Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.

Available Now


Large & ornate masthead from the Civil War era...

Item #705551

July 30, 1862


* Great masthead engraving 

The title reflects the theme of this issue, being primarily a farming-related newspaper with agricultural concerns taking much of the front page and some inside space as well. However Civil War reporting is found on pages 2 & 3 with a review of the week's battle events and military... See More  

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The New York City Draft Riots... Attack on Charleston...

Item #705444

July 18, 1863


* Post Battle of Gettysburg

* Robert E. Lee's Army retreat

* New York City draft riots

* Siege of Charleston, South Carolina

 Among the one column headlines on the front page are: "THE RIOT" "Quiet Restored and Business Resumed" "The Insurgents Subdued" "Proclamation By Mayor Opdyke" "The Attack on... See More  

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1976 Marquette Park... Chicago race riots rallies...

Item #705375

August 23, 1976

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Aug. 23, 1976

* Marquette Park rallies - Chicago race riots

* Racially charged violence - Negroes vs. whites

The front page has a heading: "HOW THE BATTLE FOR WHITE POWER TOUCHED OFF A BORDER WAR" (see images) Beginning on pages 12 & 13 is a report headed; "How the Battle for White Power Touched Off a Border W... See More  

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1862 Battle of Fredericksburg....

Item #705343

December 16, 1862

EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1862.

* Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

* General Burnside vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page has a few reports headed: "From Burnside's Army" "Graphic Account Of Saturday's Battle" "On The Battlefield-Fourth Day" and more.

Presumed complete with 4 pages, some creasing at the folds, a little margin wear, ... See More  

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Map of Charleston, South Carolina...

Item #705321

January 05, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 5, 1862  The front page features a large Civil War map headed: "IMPORTANT MOVEMENTS NEAR CHARLESTON, S. C." Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "IMPORTANT FROM THE SOUTH" "Operations on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad" "Seizure of the Station Near Charleston

* Desperate Battle and Defeat of the Rebels Near Port Ro... See More  

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Battle of Buda (Budapest)... One month prior to the historic fall of Buda!

Item #705111

August 05, 1686

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 5, 1686

* The Battle of Buda (modern day Budapest)

* Considerable details

* The Fall of Buda approx. one month away

Contains lengthy reports regarding the Battle of Buda (modern day Budapest), fought between the Holy League and the Ottoman Empire. Too much information to describe. See images for portions of the coverage. Due to the early date, it is quite ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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Map of Maastricht, The Netherlands... Battle of Val Lauffeld)...

Item #705041
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1747 (with map)

* Battle of Lauffeld (also Maastricht, or Val)

* Map of Maastricht, The Netherlands

* Coal mine fires

A nice feature is a foldout map titled: "A Plan of Maestricht, with the Adjacent Villages where the Battle was fought June 21...", which is in The Netherlands. The map shows considerable details - folding out to measure ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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1918 Battle of Belleau Wood... Marne River... France...

Item #704884

June 08, 1918

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, June 8, 1918

* Battle of Belleau Wood - France

* United States Marines Corps

* Marne River - German Spring Offensive

* World War I - WWI

The front page has a banner headline: "AMERICANS AND FRENCH GAIN" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find... See More  

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Battle of the Bulge begins... Initial attack by the Germans...

Item #704841

December 16, 1944

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, December 16, 1944

* Battle of Bulge begins

* Initial German attack

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a six column heading: "Nazis Launch Heavy Counter-Attack" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, minor spine wear, nice condition.

wikipedia notes: On December 16 1944, at 5:30 A.M., the German... See More  

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Capture of Pensacola Florida... Seminole War...

Item #704372

July 25, 1818

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 25, 1818 

* Battle of Penscacola

* Spanish West Florida

* First Seminole War

* General Andrew Jackson

Featured in this issue is a detailed report of the capture of Pensacola, Florida during the Seminole Indian war.  Also a report on the death and funeral of General Richard Montgomery.

Sixteen pages, 6 by 9 1/2 inches, some foxing, gen... See More  

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Battle of Cape Esperance in 1942....

Item #704367

October 14, 1942

LOS ANGELES TIMES, October 14, 1942

* Battle of Cape Esperance

* Savo Island, Guadalcanal

* World War II - WWII


The front page has a banner headline: "Navy Sinks Five Jap Warships in Night Battle Off Solomons" with subhead. (see images) Coverage on the Battle of Cape Esperance and Savo Island, Guadalcanal.

Incomplete issue containing two loose leafs (4 p... See More  

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The Dunkirk evacuation, 1940...

Item #704360

May 28, 1940


* Battle of Dunkirk (evacuation) - France

* Operation Dynamo "Miracle of Dunkirk"

* Allied soldiers on English Channel beaches

The front page has a nice banner headline relating to the stranding of allied forces on the beaches of Dunkirk, the focus of a motion picture, with: "BELGIANS DETHRONE KING FOR SURRENDERING ARMY; Entire Lef... See More  

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1913 Colorado coalfield war... labor uprising...

Item #703428

October 28, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 28, 1913

* Coalfield War - National Guard vs. miners

* United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)

The front page has a nice banner headline: "COLORADO STRIKERS AND DEPUTIES IN BIG BATTLE" with subheads. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragi... See More  

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Major battle in the Modoc Indian War...

Item #703410

April 26, 1873

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 26, 1873 

* Modoc Indian War

* Lava Beds - Captain Jack

* Second Battle of the Stronghold

Page 7 has coverage of the Second Battle of the Stronghold during the Modoc War. The top of the page has a clever one column heading: "JACK IN THE BOX" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with 12 pages, a little irregular along the spine, small printing flaw... See More  

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1945 Battle of Iwo Jima...

Item #703259

February 20, 1945

NEW YORK POST, February 20, 1945

* U.S. Marines land at Iwo Jima Island Japan

* World War II battle beginning

* United States Flag planting close

The bottom 1/3 of the front page has a banner headline: "WE TAKE IWO AIRFIELD" Page 2 has a heading: "TAKE IWO AIRFIELD; TOUGHEST BATTLE" and more with aerial photo of the infamous island. (see images).

Complete with 40 pages... See More  

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The Jew Bill... Striving for equal rights for the Jews...

Item #703144

May 29, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 29, 1819 

* Precursor to the Jew Bill - extremely historic

* Equal rights for Jews - voting

* Henry Marie Brackenridge's speech

This notable issue contains the full text of the speech presented by H.M. Brackenridge in the Maryland House of Delegates when the Jew Bill was under consideration.

The text of Brackenridge's speech is ... See More  

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Battle of Antietam & Harper's Ferry, in a Confederate newspaper...

Item #702906

September 23, 1862

THE TRI-WEEKLY MERCURY, Charleston, South Carolina, Sept. 23, 1862 

* Rare from the Confederacy

* Battle of Antietam - Sharpsburg

Given the date, it is not surprising that the front page has an account of the Battle of Antietam, or as referred to by the Confederates: the Battle of Sharpsburg. And great to have this report in a Confederate newspaper.

Almost a full column is headed: &qu... See More  

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Mosby, Adams, Long, and more...

Item #702886

April 28, 1864

CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, Charleston, South Carolina, April 28, 1864 

* From the origin of the American Civil War

This was one of the few newspapers which had: "Confederate States of America" printed in the masthead (see). There is much reporting on the Civil War--from the Confederate perspective--including ftpg. items headed: "From Orange C.H.--Yankee Army Ordered to Mov... See More  

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Huge front page Tennessee Battle map...

Item #702879

April 21, 1863

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1863

* Large Tennessee Civil War map

* Battle of Suffolk - Virginia

The front page has an 11 1/2 by 14 inch map: "IMPORTANT CONTEMPLATED OPERATIONS IN TENNESSEE." "The Great Battle Field of the Rebels Under General Joe Johnston and the Union Forces Under General Rosecrans." Relates heads on pg. 2: "The Coming Struggle" "Tenne... See More  

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1974 War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient...

Item #702874

April 15, 1974

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, April 15, 1974

* War of Attrition in the Bashan Salient

* Israel Jews Jewish vs. Syria Syrians

The front page has a banner headline: "Big Mt. Hermon battle; Israelis and Syrians fight hand-to-Hand" (see images)

Complete with 112 pages, tabloid size, nice condition.

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Battle of Shiloh... A Confederate report...

Item #702871

April 09, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, April 9, 1862  

* Reporting on the Battle of Shiloh

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Page 3 begins with a very historic report headed: "The Great Victory In Tennessee" which reports on the Battle of Shiloh (or Pittsburg Landing) which begins: "Since the issue of our paper yesterday morning, we have received few additional particul... See More  

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1808 Theatrical ad includes Edgar Allan Poe's father...

Item #702672

December 26, 1808

BOSTON GAZETTE, Dec. 26, 1808

* Edgar Allan Poe's father theater ad

A curious literary item here as the top of page 3 has an advertisement for the "Boston Theatre" with the performance of: "BATTLE OF HEHAM", a theatrical performance, with one of the principal characters being "Mr. Poe" as "Montague". He was the father of Edgar Allan Poe.

Four page... See More  

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Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...

Item #702595

August 10, 1848

THE BATTERY, Washington, Aug. 10 1848  

* Great political themed masthead engraving

* Supporting Zachery Taylor for president

This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President.

In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their can... See More  

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First woman nominee for VP on Democrat ballot...

The KKK - The DNC decides position in 1924...

Item #702572

June 28, 1924

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, June 28 & 30, 1924 (a two-issue set)

The front page of the June 28th issue has the 2-line, full-banner heading: "COMMITTEE DEADLOCKED OVER ANTI-KLAN PLANK - BITTER FIGHT CERTAIN ON CONVENTION FLOOR", with related subheading and considerable details of the convention. The front page of the June 30th issue has the full-banner: "BATTLE OF BA... See More  

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Battle Of Midway Won In 1942...

Item #702507

June 06, 1942

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., June 6, 1942

* Battle Of Midway ends w/ win

* Japanese vs. American Navy

* World war II original - WWII

The front page has a five column headline: "DEFENDERS OF MIDWAY FORCE JAPS TO RETREAT" with subhead. (see images)

Complete with 12 pages, light toning at the margins, generally in very nice condition.... See More  

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Battle of Kasserine Pass... Tunisia Campaign...

Item #702080

February 26, 1943

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., February 26, 1943

* Battle of Kasserine Pass - Tunisia Campaign - Africa

* 1st major battle between American & German forces

The front page has a nice headline: "ALLIES HOLD KASSERINE PASS" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Coverage on the Battle of Kasserine Pass during the Tunisia Campaign.

Complete with 14 pages, light toning at the m... See More  

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Details of a horrible crime... Thomas Edison & P. T. Barnum...

Item #702034

June 15, 1878

ST. LOUIS GLOBE DEMOCRAT, June 15, 1878  The top of the ftpg. has column heads: "SENT TO SEE SATAN" "The Revolting Alliance Formed by  Fiendish Quartet" "A Farmer & His Voluptuous Wife Their Victims" '"How the Latter Gave Battle to the Lecherous Brutes" "Three of Whom Expiated Their Crime on the Gallows". The article takes nearly ... See More  

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The "Battle of Los Angeles" during World War II...

Item #701956

February 25, 1942


* Battle of Los Angeles - Air Raid

* Japanese airplane attack ? UFO's ?

The front page has a two column headline: "War in California: Intern Japs, Congressmen Demand; Sub Raider Is Still Loose" with subheads. (see images)

This is a report on what is known as the "Battle of Los Angeles".  This event was a curious inci... See More  

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1940 Battle of Britain begins...

Item #701889

July 11, 1940


* Battle of Britain begins (1st report)

* German bombers over United Kingdom

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "GERMANS BOMB ENGLAND FROM COAST TO COAST; TOWNS MACHINE GUNNED" with subheads. (see images) First report coverage on the beginning of the "Battle of Britain" with the attack by the German Air Force (Luf... See More  

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John Adams responds, Thomas Jefferson intervenes...

Item #701700

October 24, 1798

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 24, 1798 

* The XYZ Affair - France relations

* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson

The front page has an address: "To John Adams, President of the United States" from a military unit at Lexington, followed by his response signed in type: John Adams.

A page 2 bit concerning America making preparations for action against France during the XYZ Af... See More  

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Wealth of Confederate reporting from this fascinating newspaper title...

Item #701519

January 07, 1863

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Jackson, Mississippi, January 7, 1863 

* Very Rare Confederate title from the "traveling" newspaper

* Memphis newspaper printed in Jackson, Mississippi

This newspaper had fascinating history as it was chased around the South. Note that this "Memphis" newspaper was published in Jackson, Mississippi, and also that this is labeled the: "A... See More  

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1931 Battle of Evarts... Harlan, Kentucly...

Item #701364

May 07, 1931


* Battle of Evarts - Coal miners - mining

* Harland County Wars - Kentucky

The top of page 2 has a one column heading: "BLASTS IN MINE ZONE ALARM KENTUCKIANS" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with 48 pages, light toning at the margins, a little irregular along the spine, nice condition.... See More  

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1916 Battle of Verdun, France begins....

Item #701202

February 26, 1916

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 26, 1916

* Battle of Verdun, France beginning

* World War I - WWI

* German vs. French armies

The front page has a nice banner headline: "GREAT GERMAN VICTORY" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from... See More  

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"Stonewall" Jackson captures Harper's Ferry...

Item #701184

September 20, 1862

DAILY COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, Georgia, Sept. 20, 1862 

* Very rare Confederate publication

* General Stonewall Jackson

Certainly one of the less common Confederate titles from the Civil War. Columbus is in Southwest Georgia on the Alabama border very near Montgomery.

Page 2 begins with a nice editorial headed: "Gen. Jackson's Movements" which begins: "The brilliant explo... See More  

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1899 Battle of Talana Hill...

Item #701181

October 21, 1899

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 21, 1899

* Battle of Talana Hill - Glencoe

* Second Boer War - South Africa


The top of the front page has a two column headline: "THE BRITISH AND BOERS FOUGHT FOR EIGHT HOURS" with subheads. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fr... See More  

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1st ever tank battle... World War I...

Item #701180

November 22, 1917

THE GLOBE, Bethlehem, Penn., November 22, 1917. 

* Battle of Cambrai, France

* 1st ever major tank battle

* World War I - WWI

The top of the front page has a three column headline: "BRITISH ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE TAKEN THE VILLAGE OF FONTAINE IN NEW OFFENSIVE" with subhead. (see) Coverage on what is considered the first successful tank battle which occurred during the Batt... See More  

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1942 USS Yorktown Midway sinking....

Item #701106

September 16, 1942

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., September 16, 1942

* USS Aircraft Carrier Yorktown sinking

* Battle of Midway aftermath

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a banner headline: "NAVY REVEALS LOSS OF YORKTOWN" with subheads and photo. (see) This sinking actually happened a few months earlier but this was when it was 1st made public making it still a first report.

Complete in 12 pag... See More  

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Battle of Metz... George S. Patton...

Item #701097

November 18, 1944


* General George S. Patton

* Battle of Metz, Nazi Germany

* Lorraine Campaign - World War II

The front page has a banner headline: "BIG ALLIED DRIVE GAINING; PATTON SMASH NEARS SAAR" with subheads. Nice for display.

Complete with 16 pages, light toning and a little wear along the margins, irregular along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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USS Iowa battleship launching... WWII...

Item #701044

October 04, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 4, 1936

* USS Enterprise carrier launching

* United States Navy - World War II fame

* Most decorated warship of WWII - 20 battle stars

The bottom left corner of page 3 has a tiny and discrete heading: "Plane Carrier is Launched" (see image) Interesting that the future most decorated warship of World War II would get such a small mention but it is what it ... See More  

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Short-lived title from a Texas town with a rich history...

Item #700647

April 05, 1892

VELASCO DAILY TIMES, Texas, April 5, 1892 

* Rare Southwestern title

* Possibly the first time offered anywhere (see note)

A rare title as it existed for less than six months.

Velasco was a town in Texas that was later annexed by the city of Freeport. Founded in 1831, Velasco is situated on the east side of the Brazos River four miles from the Gulf of Mexico. The town's early hist... See More  

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Two full page Thanksgiving prints... Nice portrait of Charles Dickens...

Item #700269

November 30, 1867

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Nov. 30, 1867  This issue has several desirable prints: The front page has:" 'The Soldier's Friend' - An Incident in General Grant's Life", with a related article. The inside contains: "Thanksgiving--A Thanksgiving Dinner Among the Puritans" along with: "Thanksgiving--A Thanksgiving Dinner Among Their Descendants", a... See More  

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Second rate also available for:


1872 Battle of Orange Walk...

Item #700185

October 05, 1872


* Battle of Orange Walk Town

* Belize - British Honduras

* Maya peoples - United Kingdom

The top of page 4 has a one column heading: "THE REDS IN HONDURAS" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with all 12 pages, a little spine wear, generally nice.

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Death of George Meade... Gettysburg fame...

Item #700184

November 08, 1872


* General George Gordon Meade

* American Civil War General

* Battle of Gettysburg hero

The top of page 10 has a one column heading: "THE DEAD HERO OF GETTYSBURG" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with all 12 pages, good condition.

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1902 Panama Bay naval battle..

Item #700158

January 20, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 20, 1902

* Panama Bay naval battle

* Colombian & rebel warships

* Thousand Days' War

* Sinking of the Lautaro

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "NAVAL ENGAGEMENT IN PANAMA HARBOR" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that ... See More  

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1944 Battle of Eniwetok... Marshall Islands...

Item #700098

February 19, 1944

TAMPA SUNDAY TRIBUNE, Florida, February 19, 1944 

* Battle of Eniwetok begins - Marshall Islands 

* World War II - Pacific campaign

The front page has a banner headline: "U. S. CAPTURES MORE ISLANDS" with subhead and related illustration. (see images) First report coverage on the landing of the 22nd Marine Regiment which began the Battle of Eniwetok.

Forty+ pages,... See More  

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1914 Battle of the Falkland Islands...

Item #699956

December 10, 1914

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Dec. 10, 1914

* Battle of the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic

* British Royal vs. Imperial German Navy

The front page has a nice banner headline:  "GERMAN CRUISER NURNBERG IS SUNK BY BRITISH" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issue... See More  

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