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Martin Luther King Day Established...

Item #675959

November 02, 1983

LOS ANGELES TIMES, November 2, 1983

* President Ronald Reagan Creates MLK National Holiday

* Coretta Scott King attends signing of bill

The front page of this issue has both an image and an article of President Ronald Reagan publicly signing a bill to establish January 18th as a Federal Holiday celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King. This issue is the Late Final edition and so it contains ... See More  

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Early and rare from Florida... James Polk block signature...

Item #675954

August 05, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, August 5, 1848 

* Rare antebellum title

* 3 Acts signed by James Polk

Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, three years before the Civil War.

The ftpg. has 3 Acts of Congress, one of which is signed by the President: James Polk. ... See More  

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Very rare title from 19th century Western Colorado...

Item #675926

February 15, 1898

SEMI-WEEKLY STAR, Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado, Feb. 15, 1898 

* Very rare title

* Mesa County

A nice & very rare newspaper from this town in Western Colorado along the Colorado River. Although Gregory (Union List of American Newspapers) records a "Grand Junction Star" there is no record of "the Semi-Weekly Star".

The front page has: "GRAND VALLEY... See More  

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24th Amendment to the Constitution is ratified...

Item #675924

January 24, 1964

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, Jan. 24, 1964  The top of the middle column on the front page has a head: "It's Official: Poll Tax Is Abolished", which reports on the ratification of the 24th Amendment to the Constitution outlawing any tax to be paid as a prerequisite to vote in any federal election. Most of the report carries over to page 8.

Complete in 40 pages, very ni... See More  

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Early Tallahassee...

Item #674459

March 27, 1847

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, March 27, 1847  Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, three years before the Civil War.

The front page includes various reports from the Mexican War including: "From The Army - The Army News" "From the Army--Late & Very Import... See More  

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A great wealth of content on the Mexican War...

Item #666782

March 20, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1847  Page 2 has a great wealth on the Mexican War, the focus being the lengthy: "Proclamation by the General Commanding the Army of the United States of America: To the People of Mexico". It begins: "After manly years of patient endurance, the United States are at length constrained to acknowledge that a war now exists ... See More  

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