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Dr. Henry S. Tanner great fast....

Item #671367

August 04, 1880

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, August 4, 1880

* Dr. Henry S. Tanner

* Fasting for better health experiment ?

* Clarendon Hall, New York City

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "THE SPUNKY SKELETON" "Dr. Tanner Persists in His Perilous Undertaking" "His Rebellious Stomach in an Impr... See More  

Discounted by 50% (as shown) through Thursday, August 15, 2024!

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Quaint, amateur newspaper from Brooklyn...

Item #667972

April 15, 1906

THE MAGNET, Brooklyn, New York, Easter, 1906 

* Rare miniature size publication

This is the vol. 1 #7 issue of a quite rare title not listed in Union List of Serials or Union List of Newspapers. A small-size, amateurish newspaper which noted inside in an earlier issue: "The 'Magnet' publishes interesting stories, poems, jokes, notes of school & society...is published ev... See More  

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Terrific on the Battle of Buena Vista... Concerning Santa Fe, and the Taos Revolt...

Item #666790

April 07, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., April 7, 1847 

* Battle of Buena Vista

* Mexican-American War

Page 3 has 2 1/2 columns taken up with perhaps the best detailed description of  the battle of Buena Vista we have encountered. It is headed: "Buena Vista: Another Account of The Battle".

Also on page 3: "A Battle In New Mexico" which reports a victory... See More  

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Notable names to be at a woman's rights convention in New York...

Item #665896

August 05, 1853

DAILY OHIO STATESMAN, Columbus, Aug. 5, 1853  Page 2 has  a nice article: "Conventions At New York" which concerns the women's rights convention to be held there next month. Mention of Lucy Stone being an organizer, and then a list of many other women to be there including Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony and many others.

Four pages, nice condition.

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