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Fantastic headline... Japanese surrender...
Item #711276
August 14, 1945
SUN-GAZETTE SPECIAL, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, August 14, 1945 We have handled many dramatic V-J Day newspapers through the years but few have been as dramatic and displayable as this one.
This "Special Edition", as noted in the upper corners, has a bold, two line head taking the entire top half of the front page proclaiming: "JAPANESE SURRENDER" using type which is 4 ... See More
1941 Brooklyn waterfront explosions & fire disaster...
Item #711273
August 18, 1941
NEW YORK POST, Aug. 18, 1941
* Brooklyn, New York City sabotage ?
* Waterfront explosions & fire
* Pier 27 conflagration disaster
The front page has a very nice banner headline for display: "SHIPPING AND PIERS AFIRE; 25 EXPLOSIONS IN HARBOR" and large photo. (see images) Another related photo inside. The attack on Pearl Harbor was just a few months away.
Complete with all 1... See More
1942 Doolittle raid of Japan.... official report...
Item #710308
April 21, 1943
* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan official report
* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers
* USS Hornet aircraft carrier
The front page has a nice banner headline: "FULL STORY OF TOKIO RAID!" Nice for display. First report coverage continues on pages 8 & 9 with nice photos. (see) This was the official report on the Jimmy Doolittle ... See More
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto killed...
Item #709769
May 21, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 21, 1943
* Marshall Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto killed
* Imperial Japanese Navy - combined fleet commander
* Attack on Pearl Harbor and Battle of Midway leader
* World War II - Pacific War
The front page has a one column heading: "JAPANESE ADMIRAL KILLED IN COMBAT" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 40 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More
1924 prophesy for World War II ?...
Item #709743
September 29, 1924
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 29, 1924
* Predicting World War II ?
* Japan and United States
* Attack on Pearl Harbor ?
front page has a banner headline predicting the future war ?: "JAPS ADMIT U. S. WAR FEAR" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. The attack on Pearl Harbor was still 17 years away
Complete with 36 pages, light toning and some wear at the margins, main... See More
The Pearl Harbor Committee 1st session...
Item #708925
November 16, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 16, 1945
* Joint Committee 1st session
* Attack on Pearl Harbor - Hawaii
* U.S. Senate Investigation
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "WE KNEW JAPANESE SECRETS 6 MONTHS BEFORE DEC. 7, 1941, PEARL HARBOR DATA SHOW" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with all 34 pages, rag edition, light crease along the 1st column, generally in gr... See More
United States declare war againt Axis....
Item #705288
December 11, 1941
* United States declare war
* Germnay & Italy - Axis
* Post Pearl Harbor attack
The front page has a great banner headline above the masthead: "HONOLULU AIRMEN DOWN 20 JAPANESE PLANES" with subheads. (see) Great to have in the Honolulu publication just a few days after the infamous attack on Pear... See More
Financial aspect of U.S. entering WWII.......
Item #703722
December 15, 1941
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL--Pacific Coast Edition, San Francisco, Dec. 15, 1941
* Financial aspect of Pearl Harbor attack (4 days prior)
* United States is at war with the Axis
The banner headline across the top reads: "Huge Reserves, Big Crops Assure U.S. Abundant Wartime Food Supply" with various subheads and more. As might be expected from a finance newspaper, there is much conten... See More
Douglas MacArthur lands in 1945 Japan....
Item #703466
August 30, 1945
NEW YORK POST, August 30, 1945
* U.S. occupation of Japan begins
* General Douglas MacArthur takes over
* USS Missouri (Big Mo) in Tokyo Bay
* Official Pearl Harbor report is released
The front page has a headline: "M'ARTHUR RULES JAPAN" with reporting on page 3 including related photo and more.
Complete with 40 pages, tabloid size, some spine wear, small library stam... See More
FDR declares America will not enter war...
Item #701804
August 17, 1941
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 17, 1941
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR
* United States not close to entering WWII
* Tensions with Japan re. American hostages ?
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "ROOSEVELT DECLARES U. S. IS NO NEARER WAR; REVEALS FULL ACCORD ON WORLD CONFLICT" with subheads and related photo. Also a two column heading: "Japan Refuses to... See More
Bombing of Pearl Harbor imminent ?...
Item #701203
December 02, 1941
* Pre-Pearl Harbor attack on America
* Just a few days away - imminent
Complete with all 26 pages, small library label on the front page, light toning at ... See More
Official Pearl Harbor attack probe released...
Item #701053
August 29, 1945
* Official Pearl Harbor attack report
* President Harry S. Truman releases
* Japan occupation just before peace signing
On August 29, 1945, with America’s enemies vanquished, President Harry S. Truman released the results of secret Army and Navy investigations into the Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that took the live... See More
FDR responsible for Pearl Harbor attack ?...
Item #700309
November 20, 1945
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR
* Responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor ?
The front page has a interesting banner headline: "'F.D.R. KEPT NAVY IN HAWAII'" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Supposedly President Roosevelt was warned about a possible attack by Japan but ignored it.
Complete with 38 pages, light to... See More
Prelude to Pearl Harbor ?...
Item #699590
July 31, 1941
* Prelude to Pearl Harbor attack ?
* Japan bombs USS Tutluila
The top of page 6 has a one column heading: "U. S. PROTESTS JAP BOMBING OF RIVER GUNBOAT" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage continues on page 3 with photo. This event happened more than 4 months before the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Complete with 28 pages, light toning... See More
Pearl Harbor: United States declares war in Japan...
Item #699365
December 08, 1941
LEBANON DAILY NEWS, Pennsylvania, Dec. 8, 1941 The banner headline responds to the attack upon Pearl Harbor the day before: "U.S. DECLARES WAR ON JAPAN" with another red ink banner head: "Report 3,000 U.S. Casualties In Pacific" with many related subheads.
Complete in 12 pages but this is a "2nd rate" issue with loss at some corners, various tears at marg... See More
The United States declares war...
Item #699327
December 08, 1941
THE WILLIAMSPORT SUN, Pennsylvania, Dec. 8, 1941
* Attack on Pearl Harbor
* U.S. enters World War II
* Imperial Japanese Navy
Above the math dead is a banner: "VOTES WAR DECLARATION" and nice headlines below the masthead: "BATTLESHIP AND DESTROYER LOST IN JAPANESE ATTACKS" "Serious Damage to Other Ships Results From Surprise Blow" "Senate & Hou... See More
1942 Doolittle raid of Japan....
Item #698883
April 18, 1942
MARION EVENING POST, Illinois, April 18, 1942
* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan (1st report)
* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers
* USS Hornet aircraft carrier
The front page has a nice banner headline: "U. S. PLANES BOMB JAPANESE MAINLAND" with subhead. (see images) This was the famous Doolittle raid on Japan. It was not known at the time that James "Jimmy" ... See More
Terrific Honolulu newspaper, one day after Pearl Harbor...
Item #698121
December 08, 1941
* Attack on Pearl Harbor
* U.S. to enter World War II
* Best publication to be had
Fully one-third of the newspaper, above the masthead, is taken up with a dramatic three line banner headline: "SABOTEURS LAND HERE ! Britain, Australia Declare War ! " with various related subheads as well including: "Raiders Return In Dawn A... See More
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto killed...
Item #697826
May 21, 1943
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., May 21, 1943
* Marshall Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto killed
* Imperial Japanese Navy - combined fleet commander
* Attack on Pearl Harbor and Battle of Midway leader
* World War II - Pacific War
The front page has a nice banner headline announcing: "ADM. YAMAMOTO KILLED IN ACTION" with subheads and photo. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete with 16 pa... See More
Japanese newspaper reporting the bombing of Pearl Harbor...
Item #695783
December 09, 1941
Attack on Pearl Harbor in a Japanese publication
A newspaper from Kyushu, Japan, reporting on the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The only information we have is the penciled notations at the top of one of the pages, noting "Kyushu Nipp_o name of the paper December 9th edition". We cannot verify any of the content as it is totally in Japanese. Unknown if complete in the two leav... See More
1942 Doolittle raid of Japan.... official report...
Item #694991
April 21, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 21, 1943
* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan official report
* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers
* USS Hornet aircraft carrier
The front page has two column headings that read: "Hornet Was 'Shangri-la' For Doolittle Tokyo Raid" "War Department Reveals That All but One of 16 Bombers Crashed, but 64 of 80 Men Returned--8 Believed Cap... See More
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz takes over....
Item #691685
December 18, 1941
* Admiral Chester W. Nimitz promoted
* Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
* Husband E. Kimmel loses position
* Post bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
The front page has a banner headline: "HAWAII NAVAL, ARMY, AIR COMMANDERS OUSTED" with subheads and a few related photos. (see) First report coverage on Chester W. Nimitz taking over as flee... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #691298
December 31, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 31, 1941
* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "The Perilous Position of the British Empire" "Royal Navy Unable to Do Battle in All Water... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #691296
December 27, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 27, 1941
* re. Bombing of Pearl Harbor
* Rare German occupation title
* World War II - WWII
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "Heavy Fighting on Eastern Front--Strong Attacks Repul... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #691295
December 24, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 24, 1941
* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "A Disastrous Week For the British Empire - India Is Now Directly Threatened" "Heavy... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island...
Item #691294
December 23, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 23, 1941
* From shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "Fuehrer In Supreme Command Of German Army - Better Weapons, Stronger Frontiers" "Japanese... See More
A Nazi newspaper from a British island: 3 days before Pearl Harbor...
Item #691290
December 04, 1941
THE STAR, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 4, 1941
* German occupation publication
* Pre attack on Pearl Harbor
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
Among the front page reports are: "Encircled British In North Africa Wiped Out or Captured" "This Was Gonda... See More
The next-to-last issue, with a very prophetic report...
Item #691228
August 31, 1945
BUTNER WORLD NEWS, Aug. 31, 1945
* USS General Henry H. W. Butner troopship
* U.S. occupation of Japan begins (Tokyo)
* General Douglas MacArthur takes over
* USS Missouri (Big Mo) in Tokyo Bay
This is a mimeographed newspaper produced by the staff on board the USS General H.W. Butner, the American troop carrier transporting troops from Europe to the Pacific. It would cease publicat... See More
Lend Lease program...
Item #691026
September 03, 1940
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, September 3, 1940.
* Lend Lease Program
* World War II relief
* U.S. Destroyers
The front page has a very nice banner headline: "BRITISH GET 50 WARSHIPS, TRADING BASES WITH U.S." with many subheads. Nice for display.
Complete with all 30 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, small binding holes along the spine, arc... See More
Prelude to Pearl Harbor ?...
Item #690812
June 16, 1941
LOS ANGELES EXAMINER, War Extra, June 16, 1941
* Prelude to a Pearl Harbor attack ?
* Japanese Imperial Navy fleet on the move
The front page has a nice banner headline: "JAPAN ARMADA MOVES; Huge Fleet Steams South From China" with subhead: "Major Action Predicted in Pacific Waters" (see) Was this the fleet that ultimately attacked Pearl Harbor ? Nice headline more than ... See More
Tensions with Japan are increasing... Pre-Pearl Harbor...
Item #690521
November 28, 1941
LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 26, 1941.
* Pre Pearl Harbor attack on America
* Tensions with Japan increasing
The front page has a nice banner headline: "U. S. FREEZES ASSETS OF JAPANESE" with subheads.
Incomplete issue containing the front and back leafs of the first section only (4 pages total), a little wear along the margins and central fold, some tiny archival mends on page 2, nic... See More
More Japanese bombs hit Honolulu...
Item #690413
March 05, 1942
* Operation K - Japanese naval operation
* Second attack on Pearl Harbor
The front page has a banner headline: "JAP ISLE RAIDED BY 30 PLANES" with subheads. Also a small one column heading: "Bombs Fall In Honolulu" with even small subheads. (see)
Complete with 34 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp wit... See More
Pan-American clipper airplane in 1935...
Item #688407
April 18, 1935
* Pan-American clipper Pioneer
* Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii flight
The top of the 4 has a one column heading: "CLIPPER REACHES HAWAII; CUTS U.S. TO ORIENT TRAIL" with subhead and related map. Also a related photo is on the back page. (see)
Complete with 36 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small binding holes along the spine. ... See More
1942 Doolittle raid of Japan....
Item #686245
April 21, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 21, 1942
* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan
* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers
* USS Hornet aircraft carrier
The front page has a one column heading: "TOKYO NOW TELLS OF 10 U.S. PLANES" with subhead. (see) This was the famous Doolittle raid on Japan. It was not known at the time that James "Jimmy" Doolittle was involved due to secre... See More
Imperial Japanese Navy to grow ?
Item #681924
November 18, 1934
THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 8 only, Nov. 18, 1934
* Imperial Japanese Navy to expand ?
* Prelude to bombing of Pearl Harbor
The front page of this section has a banner headline: "BEHIND JAPAN'S DEMAND: THREE VITAL ISSUES" with banner subhead and 3 related photos. (see) Was this the prelude that would eventually lead to the bombing of Pearl Harbor 7 years later ?.
Complete se... See More
Report on Pearl Harbor, in a pro-Nazi newspaper...
Item #679446
December 10, 1941
EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), Dec. 10, 1941
* Rare German occupation title
* Bombing of Pearl Harbor
* World War II - WWII
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
The bottom half of the front page has two column heads on the bombing of Pearl Harbor: "Heavy ... See More
1950 USS Benevolence sinking...
Item #678291
August 26, 1950
* USS Benevolence (AH-13) sinking
* Hospital ship (1st report)
* San Francisco, California
The front page has a nice banner headline: "114 Missing as U.S. Hospital Ship Sinks in Collision Off California; 414 Saved" with subhead and 3 related photos. (see). First report coverage on the collision of the USS... See More
1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor warning ?....
Item #677141
January 03, 1943
NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 3, 1943
* Bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii warning
* Joseph Grew warned the State Department
The front page has a two column heading: "Japan's Plans Long Known, '31-'41 State Papers Reveal" Lengthy text continues on page 36. This was when this report was first made public to the American citizens.
Complete 1st section only with all 46 pages, rag ed... See More
Vol. 1 No. 2 issue of Tarzana Tribune...
Item #673562
December 04, 1941
TARZANA TRIBUNE, Los Angeles neighborhood, California, Dec. 4, 1941
* Volume 1 Number 2
* 1 cent stamp
A smaller size issue that measures 11 x 7 1/2 inches, has a few local tidbit news articles and some ads. This is the Volume 1 Number 2 issue, rare as such. Just a few days prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Four pages, good condition.... See More
1942 Doolittle raid of Japan revealed...
Item #672760
April 19, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 19, 1943
* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan revealed
* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers
* USS Hornet aircraft carrier
Near the bottom front page is a two column heading: "Tokyo Raid Made From Carriers, U.S. Fliers Reveal on Anniversary". (see) This was when it was first revealed to the public that Jimmy Doolittle was responsible for the raid ... See More
Bombing of Pearl Harbor imminent ?...
Item #672319
December 01, 1941
* Pre-Pearl Harbor attack on America
* Just a few days away - imminent
* Cordell Hull - Secretary of State
Complete with 28 pages, light toning a little wear along the margins, more so along the spine wit... See More
1941 Winston Churchill speech....
Item #671579
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, Dec. 31, 1941* Winston Churchill speech
* "Some chicken! Some neck!"
* Ottawa, Canada - World War II
The front page has a six column heading: "Japan In for Surprises At Luzon, Says Churchill" (see)
Much on World War II shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Complete with all 20 pages, light toning with a few small mends at the margins, som... See More
Paranoia concerning Japanese residents following Pearl Harbor...
Item #670886
February 22, 1942
SUNDAY LEADER--EXTRA, San Ysidro--Tijuana, California, Feb. 22, 1942 In the paranoia following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, this issue sports a headline likely not to be found outside of Southern California: "CHULA VISTA JAPS SEIZED BY AGENTS" with the text beginning: "Thirty-five 'highly nationalistics' were arrested in San Diego county last nite by federal & mili... See More
Tensions with Japan are increasing... Pre-Pearl Harbor...
Item #666454
November 28, 1941
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, November 28, 1941.
* Pre Pearl Harbor attack on America
* Tensions with Japan increasing
The front page has a banner headline: "U. S. WON'T YIELD ON CHINA" with subheads. Nice for display.
Complete with 42 pages, a few archival mends near the margins, small library stamp within masthead, some small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.
... See More
1942 Marshalls-Gilberts raids... Pacific Islands...
Item #666308
February 02, 1942
* Marshalls-Gilberts raids - Pacific Islands
* USS Yorktown - Task Force 17
* Post Attack on Pearl Harbor
* Prelude to the Battle of Midway
The front page has a nice banner headline: "SIX JAP BASES RAIDED BY U. S." with subheads. (see) Nice for display. First report coverage on the Marshall-Gilberts raids by Task Force 17 onboard the USS Yorkt... See More
Hideki Tojo becomes Prime Minister of Japan...
Item #663068
October 07, 1941
* Hideki Tojo becomes Prime Minister of Japan
* General of the Imperial Japanese Army
* Bombing of Pearl Harbor imminent ?
The front page has a nice headline: "JAPAN GETS AN ARMY PREMIER" with subheads and photo of the outgoing Prince Konoye. Nice for display. Japan would attack Pearl Harbor less than two months later.
Complete with all 30 p... See More
Chicago Bear wins 1941 NFL title...
Item #661331
December 22, 1941
NEW YORK WORLD-TELEGRAM, December 22, 1941
* Chicago Bears win NFL pro football championship
* Just after the bombing of Pearl Harbor - WWII era
The sport's section (page 21) has a six column headline: "Power, Weight, Spirit Crown Bears Grid Kings" with subheads, related photo and stats. First report coverage on the Chicago Bears winning the National Football League cha... See More
Best Chicago Bears defeat Pro Bowl All-Stars...
Item #660702
January 05, 1942
* Chicago Bears vs. Pro football all-stars
* Post Pearl Harbor Pro Bowl
* Best title to be had ? (rare)
The front page of section 2 (sports) has a nice banner headline: "BEARS DEFEAT LEAGUE ALL-STARS, 35 TO 24" with subheads, lineups and related photo. Nice for display.
Much on World War II with nice front page headline. Complete with all 3... See More
Imperial Japanese Navy to grow ?
Item #659101
October 27, 1934
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 27, 1934
* Imperial Japanese Navy to expand ?
* Prelude to bombing of Pearl Harbor
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "JAPAN TAKES FIRM STAND FOR NAVAL EQUALITY NOW; 1935 PARLEY IS IMPERILED" with subheads. (see) Was this the prelude that would eventually lead to the bombing of Pearl Harbor 7 years later ?.
Other news, sports and adve... See More
Japan's view towards America in 1931....
Item #659086
December 27, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 9 only, December 27, 1931
* Japanese position re. America
* Ten years before Pearl Harbor
* Hugh Byas editorial
The front page has a banner headline: "JAPAN'S ATTITUDE TOWARD THE UNITED STATES" with subhead, related photo and map. (see) This is an editorial by Hugh Byas on Japan's viewpoint toward the rest of the World, particularly towards Am... See More
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