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Web Results (454)



Map of Maastricht, The Netherlands... Battle of Val Lauffeld)...

Item #705041
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1747 (with map)

* Battle of Lauffeld (also Maastricht, or Val)

* Map of Maastricht, The Netherlands

* Coal mine fires

A nice feature is a foldout map titled: "A Plan of Maestricht, with the Adjacent Villages where the Battle was fought June 21...", which is in The Netherlands. The map shows considerable details - folding out to measure ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

(Added to Catalog #344 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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First lottery in America... Electricity experiments...

Item #704602
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, April, 1745  A feature of this issue is a terrific, three page graphic representation of the: "Situation of his Majesty's Fleet & the Combined fleets of France and Spain in the Mediterranean...when Adm. Mathews made the Signal to engage the enemy..." showing the various positions of the ships (see photos). This is highly unus
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Report of the murder of Joseph Smith in a British magazine...

Item #704358

September 01, 1844

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1844 

* Joseph & Hyrum Smith murders

* Carthage, Illinois jail

* Lynch mob killing

Near the back under "Foreign News" is a report from the "United States" noting: "Joseph and Hiram Smith, the Mormon prophets, were murdered in June last, at Carthage in Illinois, by a mob of 60 or 70 persons."

Keep in m... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Mention of Ben Franklin... Slave trade... Establishing a penal colony in Australia...

Item #704117

* Early chess - Benjamin Franklin mention

* Penal Colony, Botany Bay, Australia

Two pages have considerable detail regarding the game of chess which includes a mention of Benjamin Franklin. Near the back under the "Domestic Occurrences" heading is a report reading: "By the last accounts received from the fleet from B... See More  

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Article signed by Robert Fulton... Ratification of the Jay Treaty...

Item #703642
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1796 

* Robert Fulton - steamboat fame

* Jay Treaty ratification

Among the articles of interest within are the conclusion of: "On the Utility of Small Canals" signed in type by: Robert Fulton; "Inoculation the Cause of the Great Increase of Population" "On the Migration of Swallows" "Parliamentary Proceeding... See More  

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First known U.K. printing...

Ben Franklin's historic/collectible essay: "The morals of Chess"...

Item #703114

* Benjamin Franklin - Morals of Chess

* re. U.S. Constitution - George Washington

The most notable content is the historic/collectible essay: "The Morals Of Chess, By Dr. Franklin of Philadelphia", which takes nearly two pages. The article begins: "The game of chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable q... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Ben Franklin creates a medal honoring the end of the Revolutionary War...

Item #702586
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1783  Near the beginning are 15 pages of: "Summary Proceedings in the Third Session of the Present Parliament" which include some discussions concerning America. Another article concerns the tune Yankee Doodle, particularly details on the presumed author of the famous tune (questionable) who had recently died. It notes: "Your readers, &a... See More  

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Letter from John Wesley... State of affairs in Pennsylvania...

Item #702561
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1756  Among the articles within is a "Letter from Mr. Wesley Confirming the Yorkshire Earthquake", signed by him in type: John Wesley, the noted evangelist and founder of Methodism.

Also: "Of the Cultivation of Exotics" which concerns the red cedar & other trees in America. Another article taking over 3 pages is "A Dia... See More  

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New Yorkers pledge allegiance to the King... Why America will fail in the war...

Item #701958
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1777 

* New Yorkers pledge allegiance to the King

* General William Howe proclamation

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Several pages are taken up with the: "Proceedings in the Present Session of Parliament" which includes talk of the Revolutionary War, including: "...Among other melancholy effects of the present impolitic civil w... See More  

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Great map of America & the West Indies...

Item #701522
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1762 

* Very early Southern America map w/ West Indies

Certainly the prime feature of this early magazine is the terrific & very displayable foldout map titled: "An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast" as noted in the ornate cartouche. This map shows much of present-day Georgia & Florida to present-day... See More  

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Treaty of Peace ending the Revolutionary War: abridged version...

Item #700633
THE POLITICAL MAGAZINE, London, October, 1783 

* Historic Treaty of Paris (peace)

* End of the Revolutionary War

Near the back is the full text of: "The Definitive Treaty between Great Britain & the United States of America, signed at Paris, the 3rd day of Sept. 1783 which consumes over two pages, and includes the signatures of John Adams, B. Franklin, and John Jay... See More  

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Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart... Slaves revolting in Haiti...

Item #700316

December 01, 1791

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1791 

* Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart death (1st report)

* Musical composer - Classical music era original

Presented inconspicuously among other death reports is a brief yet very notable report on the death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, ending with a prophetic comment:  " At Vienna, Wolfgang Mozart, the celebrated German composer. ... See More  

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Early mention of George Washington...

Item #698715
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1755  There are no less than two high points in this issue, the first being an article headed: "Gov. Dinwiddie's Speech to the Assembly of Virginia" in which he relates various reports from the French & Indian War, including mention of  "...general Braddock, commander in chief of all his majesty's forces on this continent... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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The beheading of Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France...

Item #698641
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1793  Near the back under the heading: "Obituary of Considerable Persons", and amongst the listings of many others, is the very historic report of the beheading of Marie Antoinette.

The text begins: "Guillotined, at Paris, in her 38th year, being born Nov. 2, 1755, Marie Antoinette, the beautiful widow of the later French King, Lo... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The Netherlands... with a map of Northern Europe...

Item #698521
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1744  An inside page has a report which includes: "...had a commission to be engineer with a salary of 15s a day, given him by Gen. James Oglethorpe who also conferred upon him many other favours having under pretence of sickness, left Georgia when the Spaniards came up to invade the same with a fleet and army of between 4 and 5,000 men, whi
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The Netherlands... with a map of Northern Europe...

Item #698520
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1744  An inside page has a report which includes: "...had a commission to be engineer with a salary of 15s a day, given him by Gen. James Oglethorpe who also conferred upon him many other favours having under pretence of sickness, left Georgia when the Spaniards came up to invade the same with a fleet and army of between 4 and 5,000 men, whi
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Ben Franklin on learning to swim...

Item #698460
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, January, 1779 

* Benjamin Franklin

* Revolutionary War

Inside has nearly two pages on: "Useful Hints For Learning To Swim, In a Letter to a Friend, by Benj. Franklin, L.L.D. F.R.S."

Also within: "On the Fatal Effects of Revenge" and: "On Female Conduct" & so much more. Near the back are news reports of the day but I see n... See More  

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Map of Guadeloupe...

Item #698234
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1759  Within this issue is a nice full page map titled: "A New and Accurate Map of the Isles of Guadloupe, Marie-Galante, etc. from the Best Authorities" which shows much detail & is in nice condition. This is a full page map measuring 5 by 8 1/4 inches and is accompanied by 2 related articles titled: "Articles of Capitulation bet... See More  

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The Netherlands... with a map of Northern Europe...

Item #698019

* Early James Oglethorpe & Georgia

* 18th Century Netherlands map

An inside page has a report which includes: "...had a commission to be engineer with a salary of 15s a day, given him by Gen. James Oglethorpe who also conferred upon him many other favours having under pretence of sickness, left Georgia when the Spaniard
... See More  

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Secret societies... Free Masons... Illuminati... numismatics...

Item #698017
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1798 

*  Secret Societies, Freemasons, the Illuminati, and more!

*  Provincial Half-Pennies (essay part II)...  mention of Thomas Spence

The prominent feature of this issue would be the nearly 9 pages dedicated to the review of a new publication" "Proofs of Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of E... See More  

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A family fends off two attacks by Indians...

Item #697921
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1792   Near the back is three-quarters of a page of news headed: "America" mostly taken up with a very detailed and exciting account of a family attacked by Indians, noting how the mother and children were able to fend off the invaders not once but twice. A few other bits as well.

Included are all 3 plates called for, one of which shows bo... See More  

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Beheading of King Louis XVI...

Item #697691
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1793 

* King Louis XVI of France execution by guillotine

The best content is the report headed: "Particular Account of the Murder of Louis XVI" which gives considerable detail of the closing moments of his life, ending with: "...The Confessor fell upon his knees, and implored the King's blessing, who gave it him with an a... See More  

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Battle of Dettingen: last time a British King led troops into battle...

Item #697602

* Battle of Dettingen

* King George II

* Last British monarch

* to lead army in battle

Much on the Battle of Dettington - the
last time that a British monarch, George II, personally led his troops into battle (see images).

One of the article is titled: "Objections to Mr. Yate's Theory of Comets" which include
... See More  

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Two Proclamations by General Howe... Wealth of war reporting...

Item #697395
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, June, 1777 

* General William Howe

* American Revolutionary War

"American State Papers" has a Proclamation signed in type  by: W. Howe, concerning soldiers who were pressured into leaving the King's allegiance, offering pardon if they return. Plus another Proclamation signed by Howe offering acres of land in America at the w
... See More  

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Foldout map of France... Canada content...

Item #697215
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1747 

* Foldout map of France

Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the very nice foldout map titled in the cartouche: "FRANCE With Its Acquired Territories In Germany, and the Netherlands...".

This map shows considerable detail including a close-up view of the harbor & town of Toulon. The map also shows the so
... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown...

Item #697208
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, London, December and the Appendix issue for the year 1781

* Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess Cornwallis

* Surrender at Yorktown VA Virginia

* Revolutionary War from the enemy

Certainly the most historic report in this issue--and perhaps in any issue from the Revolutionary War--is that near the back of the issue under "American Affairs". It is an "Extract... See More  

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Maryland resolves for peace, but only if independence is assured...

Item #696918

August 01, 1782

THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, August, 1782 

* American Revolutionary War

* Maryland for peace

Under: "American Affairs" is a report from Annapolis which includes: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North America...to enable the King of Great Britain to conclude a peace or truce with the United States (b... See More  

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Foldout map of Eastern Europe...

Item #695917
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1739 Map Only

* Foldout map of Eastern Europe

* 18th century original

Nice foldout map of Eastern Europe showing what would seem to be portions of Ukraine, Turkey, and vicinity (see photos). This is only the second fold-out map offered in Gentleman's Magazines.

Although it is missing small sections of the top corners, has a small p
... See More  

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Oswego in the French & Indian War... Large map of Europe... Judaica item...

Item #694426
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1756 

* Great & quite large map of Europe

* Oswego - French & Indian War

* Judaica - Jewish content

The prime feature would be the very nice & large foldout map titled in the cartouche: "A New & Correct CHART  of  EUROPE..." which shows all of Europe as well as Iceland, Russia, North Africa, a... See More  

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George Washington at age 22... Great map of America...

Item #694072
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1754 

* Great American colonies mid-18th century map

* Future general & president George Washington 

Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
... See More  

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Culture of vines (vineyards/wine)... The situation in America...

Item #693132

* Culture of vines (vineyards... for wine)

* Rev. War in America

A desirable article is titled: "The Culture of Vines Further Illustrated", which includes discussion on the care of vineyards.

Of note is also a lengthy article headed: "Debates in the Last Session of Parliament, Resumed", which includ... See More  

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Obituary of Benjamin Franklin...

Item #691756
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1790 

* Benjamin Franklin death - obituary

The most significant item is a report of the death of Benjamin Franklin listed near the back under the "Deaths" column.

The report begins: "At Philadelphia, aged 84 years and 3 months, Benjamin Franklin, esq. L.L.D. and F.R.S. He was born in 1706..." continuing on with more on his lif... See More  

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Mutiny on the Bounty... Captain William Bligh...

Item #690474

* Mutiny on the Bounty

* Captain William Bligh

Near the back is one of the more historic naval report of the 18th century, since romanticized by the famous movie, giving a fine account of the mutiny on board the ship Bounty.

The report is headed: "Several Memorable Events have lately happened at Sea, which for their Singularity &am... See More  

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Washington's state-of-the-union address... John Wesley in Savannah...

Item #690162
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1792 

* Washington's State of the Union Address

* John Wesley's trip to Savannah, Georgia

* A tradesman's token (image)

Included under: "American Intelligence" is: "The President's Address to both Houses of the Federal legislature..." which is the full text of Washington's annual state-of-the-union ... See More  

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Exploring the vicinity of Alaska...

Item #689611
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1754 

 Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."

This artic
... See More  

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The Jacobite Rebellion...

Item #689569
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, November, 1746

* More on the Jacobite Rebellion

There is still content on the Jacobite Rebellion, with: "Rebels Tried at York". And near the back is half a page on: "Executed at York". Also a report from the: "Boston Gazette" in America concerning the troubles with France in Louisbourgh and Cape Breton, Cana
... See More  

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Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America...

Item #689565
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1790 

* Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America

Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the nice, attached fold-out map: "A Map showing the communication of the Lakes and the Rivers between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North America."

The map shows the extreme western parts of Lake Superior and "Hud... See More  

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Maps of Jamaica and Havana, Cuba...

Item #689163
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762  Although typically missing from most issues, this magazine still contains the full page plate titled: "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" which shows much detail. Accompanying this map is a nice and detailed article on Jamaica which describes it geographically, gives a bit of history on how it was settled, and some text on its economy.... See More  

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Jamaica, Cuba & the Caribbean... Early electricity...

Item #689162
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1762  This magazine is missing the plates of "A Map Of the Island of Jamaica" and "Plan of the City and Harbour of the Havanna", Cuba, but there is a report near the back which relates to it, beginning: "Porto Rico is a large Spanish island, well fortified; and Hispaniola belonging to both France & Spain is much larger ... See More  

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A layout for a colonial town... Canton (Guangzhou), China...

Item #688744
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770  Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.

A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More  

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Plan (print) for a colonial town... Canton (Guangzhou), China...

Item #688743
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770  Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.

A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More  

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Troubles in America... A colonial town plan print...

Item #688742
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770  Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.

A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More  

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Battle Of Waterloo...

Item #688740

* Battle of Waterloo - Belgium

* Napoleon I vs. Duke of Wellington

Certainly the most significant item in this issue is the detailed account of the battle of Waterloo and the fall of Napoleon Buonaparte.

Under the heading "France" is a lengthy report which begins: "The second abdication of the Throne of France by Napoleo... See More  

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Death of George Washington...

Item #688630
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1800 

* President George Washington's death

Near the back under the section headed: "Obituary, with Anecdotes, of Remarkable Persons" is the very historic report of the death of George Washington.

Beginning with the date of his death, the 14th, the obituary reads in part: ".... At his seat at Mount Vernon, in America, in... See More  

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Great engraving of the Cape of Good Hope, and of Tippoo Sultan...

Item #688539

June 01, 1800

THE EUROPEAN MAGAZINE, London, June, 1800  Formatted much like the more popular Gentleman's Magazine of  the era, but this is a more rare title.

Perhaps the dominant feature of this issue would be the two full page engravings still present, the first: "A Portrait of Tippoo Sultaun" [aka Tipu Sultan & Tiger of Mysore] with a related article: "Tippoo Sultan, Late So... See More  

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Diagram of the fort at Bunker's Hill...

Item #687399
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1775  A nice issue with much historic content from the beginning months of the Revolutionary War.

Perhaps the best content is the very nice half page illustration of the "Redoubt & Intrenchment on the Heights of Charles Town, Commonly called Bunker Hill, Opposite Boston, attacked & Carried by his Majesty's Troops, Jun... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The Declaration of Independence...

Item #687396
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, London, England, August, 1776  

* Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text

* As reported from Great Britain

It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find issues containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing... See More  

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On the Roberts & Carlisle treason... Discussion on the American war...

Item #686561
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1779

* Abraham Carlisle & John Roberts

* Treason trials - Revolutionary War

The first article: "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" takes ten pages and includes much talk of the on-going Revolutionary War, bits including: "...He enumerated a black catalogue of crimes committed by the leaders of the American rebe... See More  

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Reflecting on the highlights of the Revolutionary War... Map of a naval battle...

Item #686468
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE SUPPLEMENT, London, For the Year 1781  A very nice "Supplement" issue published at the end of the year, and from the Revolutionary War with a wide range of varied content including war reports, news of the day, political reports, literary items, and other tidbits.

A lengthy article: "Interesting Debate in the House of Peers" includes some reflecti... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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News of Cornwallis' surrender... Benedict Arnold & the Battle of Groton Heights...

Item #686426
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1781

* Revolutionary War

* Cornwallis' surrender

* Gen. Benedict Arnold

* Battle of Groton Heights

Near the back is a section headed: "American News" which has a "Copy of a Letter from Brig. Gen. Arnold to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, dated Sound off Plumb Island, Sept. 8, 1781" which takes over an entire pa... See More  

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