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Web Results (6)



Confederate Civil War title from Kentucky...

Item #687240

April 27, 1861

LOUISVILLE DAILY COURIER, Kentucky, April 27, 1861

* Rare pro-Confederate title

* 1st year of the Civil War

Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the "Courier" was very much pro-Confederate ... See More  

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The Yankee paper in a partially Confederate city...

Item #684867

November 08, 1861


* Rare pro Union title

* First year of the Civil War

Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the "Courier" was very much pro-Confederate &a... See More  

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The "Confederate" newspaper from Kentucky...

Item #680919

September 12, 1861

LOUISVILLE DAILY COURIER, Kentucky, Sept. 12, 1861 

* Rare pro-Confederate title

* 1st year of the Civil War

Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the "Courier" was very much pro-Confed... See More  

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Detailed report on the Battle of Bull Run, or Manassas...

Item #587782

August 09, 1861

LOUISVILLE DAILY COURIER, Louisville, Kentucky, Aug. 9, 1861 

* First Battle of Bull Run - Manassas VA Virginia

* Detailed report in a uncommon title

Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the &qu... See More  

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Pro-Yankee newspaper from Kentucky...

Item #586689

January 14, 1862

LOUISVILLE DAILY DEMOCRAT, Kentucky, January 14, 1862 

* Uncommon Civil War title 

Louisville is difficult to categorize as Union or Confederate during the Civil War as, depending on the time, there were factions within the city supporting both. To placate both sides the two leading newspapers took their stands: the "Courier" was very much pro-Confederate & the "... See More  

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Pre-Civil War Louisville...

Item #153073
THE LOUSIVLLE DAILY COURIER, Louisville, Kentucky, 1853 Rare to find newspaper from Kentucky dated before the Civil War. Various news of the day and a tremendous number of advertisements, some of which are illustrated. Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not have this specific date but will have the format as shown. Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get wil... See More  

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