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Sherman's march thru Georgia... Robert E. Lee offers pardon to deserters...

Item #678186

February 23, 1865

THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 23, 1865  

* Rare Confederate title

* Civil War nears the end

* Sherman's victory march

Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the latter weeks of the Civil War.

The no... See More  

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Editorial is pessimistic on the progress of the war...

Item #678184

February 13, 1865

THE DAILY PROGRESS, Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb. 13, 1865  

* Rare Confederate title

* Civil War nears the end

* Southern pessimist

Raleigh was one of the last major cities of the South to fall into the hands of Sherman, surrendering on April 13, 1865, just one day before Lincoln was assassinated. This rare Confederate title is from the latter weeks of the Civil War.

The front page ... See More  

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