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Web Results (86)



Outlaw Sam Perris escapes from the local jail...

Item #702872

April 06, 1872

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, April 6, 1872 

* Samuel 'Worcester Sam' Perris

* burglar, safe cracker and bank robber

* Jail escape - best title to have

Page 2 has a half column article headed: "Local Matters" "A DARING ESCAPE" "Sam Perris at Liberty" "How He Broke Jail". This is the notorious bank robbery 'Worcester' ... See More  

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The Gage Station train robbery... New Mexico...

Item #699766

November 25, 1883

THE DAILY COMMONWEALTH, Topeka, Kansas, November 25, 1883

* Gage Station train robbery

* Silver City, New Mexico

* Harvey Whitehall

The front page has an article headed: "Train Robbery on the Southern Pacific" (see images) First report coverage on the Gage Station train robbery near Silver City, New Mexico.

Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, generally very nice.... See More  

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Jesse James & the Rock Island Railroad train robbery...

Item #698765

July 17, 1881

NEW YORK TIMES, July 17, 1881  Page 2 contains one of the better reports we have seen of the infamous Rock Island Railroad train robbery by Jesse James and his gang. While most reports are little more than a paragraph or two, this report takes two-thirds of a column and includes several accounts and much detail--photos below show the full text.

The article is headed: "ROAD AGENTS ON A T... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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The James-Younger gang rob a train...

Item #698731

July 23, 1881

LIBERAL SENTINEL, Middletown, New York, July 23, 1881 Page 2 has a report noting: "A gang of outlaws, supposed to be the James gang, on Friday night captured a train on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific road...robbed the conductor & a passenger..." and a bit more.

The next page has a much more detailed account of the event, taking three-quarters of a column & headed: &qu... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Work of the 'Hole In The Wall Gang' with rare mention of 'Butch Cassidy' (well, almost)...

Item #696633

August 31, 1900

THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, Aug. 31, 1900  The top of page 3 has column heads: "BANDITS GOT $100,000" "Thrilling Hold Up of Union Pacific Express Train" "Money Belonged to Uncle Sam" "it Was En Route for Manila to Pay American Soldiers--Famous Outlaw Band the Robbers--Now Fighting Desperately to Escape".

The report is datelined from "Table ... See More  

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Classic Old West train robbery report on the front page...

Item #694580

September 26, 1893

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, Sept. 26, 1893  The front page has two-thirds of a column headed: "TRAIN ROBBERS SHOT" "They Held Up a rain Full of Armed Detectives" "Two Killed Three Captured" "The Train Was A Dummy Sent Out in Expectation of an Attempt at Robbery--All of the Rob beers Residents of St. Joseph, Mo."

The article is quite d... See More  

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Classic train robbery report on the front page...

Item #694578

September 13, 1893

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, Sept. 13, 1893  

One-third of the front page and a bit of page 2 have column heads: "MASKED BANDITS HOLD UP A TRAIN" " Lake Shore Express Robbed of a Vast Sum of Money in Indiana" "The Engineer Shot" "Terrible Midnight Experience of Many Passengers" "Car Blown Up with Dynamite" and several mo... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Politics at the Mormon Conference... Much on crime...

Item #693112

October 09, 1884

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Oct. 9, 1884  Page 2 has: "The Mormon Problem" reports on political issues, noting in part: "...semi-annual post-conference session of the Mormon Constitution Convention...composed largely of polygamists, being a continuous body...John T. Caine reported on his efforts to have Utah admitted as a state..." with more.

Page 3 has several crime-relate... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Stagecoach robbery... The new king of Hawaii...

Item #693032

April 09, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, April 9, 1874  The front page has: "A Highway Robbery In Texas--Passengers of a Stage-Coach Robbed" which is a classic report from the Old West.

Page 4 has an interesting article: "Ten Hours, or Eight?" which is a detailed report--taking over half a column--on the debate as to whether a work day should be 8 or 10 hours.

Page 5 hs: "the Expedition Aga... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Much detail on Vasquez and his stagecoach robbery...

Item #693009

March 21, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, March 21, 1874  

* California outlaw Tiburcio Vasquez

Page 4 has over half a column taken up with: "California Bandits" "Two Men Capture A Regular Station, Receive & Plunder the Stage, and Corral the Passengers".

The article begins: "... gives the subjoined account of the recent robbery of a stage by the notorious Vasquez and one other man..... See More  

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The 'Black Jack' Ketchum Gang robs a train...

Item #692518

September 09, 1897

HELENA WEEKLY HERALD, Montana, Sept. 9, 1897 

* Tom Edward 'Black Jack' Ketchum gang

* Twin Mountain - New Mexico train robbery

The top of the front page has a report headed: "TRAIN ROBBED" "Two Masked Robbers Hold up Passenger Train Near Twin Mountain, Colorado" "The Brutally Use Express Messenger and Force Him to Open the Safe" "Supposed to... See More  

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Nice report on the Bill Cook gang...

Item #691354

October 24, 1894

THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Pennsylvania, Oct. 24, 1894  

* Bill Cook Gang

The top of page 2 has column heads: "MANY OUTLAWS LOOSE" "The Cook Gang Doing Wholesale Robbery in the West" "Aquia Creek Booty Recovered" plus various subheads. The text takes over a full column. The great article begins: "The latest performance in the grand carnival of crime which is... See More  

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Jesse James & the Rock Island Railroad robbery...

Item #689667

July 19, 1881


* Outlaw Jesse James-Younger gang

* Rock Island railroad train robbery

* Winston, Daviess County, Missouri

Page 2 begins with a quite lengthy account of what was the infamous Rock Island Railroad robbery by the James Gang.

It is headed: "The Great Train Robbery" and begins: "Charles Murray...was the messenger of the U.S. Expres... See More  

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Jesse James... Rock Island Railroad robbery...

Item #686845

July 18, 1881

NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1881 

* Outlaw Jesse James gang

* Rock Island Railroad train robbery

The top of the middle column of the front page has heads: "THE WORK OF ROAD AGENTS", "Robbery And Murders On A Rock Island Train", "Details Of The Bloody Affair At Winston, Mo.--The Conductor And A Passenger Killed And The Express Safe Robbed--Statements By The Train-M... See More  

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The trial of Frank James coming to an end...

Item #685737

September 02, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, Sept. 2, 1883 

* Outlaw Frank James

* Jesse James gang

* Gallatin trial ending

Page 4 has most of a column headed: "NEARING THE END" "Th Trial of Frank James at Gallatin Drawing to a Close" "Testimony All In and Arguments to Begin Monday" "The Court's Order Concerning Instructions t the Jury--Mrs. Hite's To... See More  

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The famous "cowtown" of the Old West...

Item #684590

March 07, 1882


* Rare Midwest publication

 A famous "cowtown" from the Old West, and the site of Fort Leavenworth, built in 1827. It became known in American history for its role as a key supply base in the settlement of the American West. 

Among front page articles are: "Robbery At Lawrence" "Refugee Jews Getting Employm... See More  

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1900 Hot Springs County, Arkansas train robbery...

Item #683760

November 22, 1900

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 22, 1900

* Gifford - Malvern, Arkansas

* Hot Springs County

* Dramatic Train Robbery

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "BANDITS AND DYNAMITE PLAY HAVOC WITH A TRAIN" with subhead. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally ... See More  

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Bank robbery, then robbers caught... Broadside...

Item #680705

September 04, 1878

THE ADVANCE, Red Wing, Minnesota, Sept. 4, 1878  Page 2 has: "Treaty With Indians" which begins: "Generals Howard, Wheaton, Sawhille...met Indian chiefs at Umatilla, Oregon & had a general pow-wow...". Also: "A Missouri Daytime Bank Robbery" which has much on a robbery in Concordia, Minnesota including: "...three men entered the bank...jumped over the co... See More  

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Dalton Gang & the Red Rock train robbery...

Item #680696

June 02, 1892

DAILY TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 2, 1892  The back page has an item headed: "A Train Looted By Robbers" "They Don't Hurt the Passengers But Entirely Empty the Safe" with the text noting: "...passenger train was held up last night be masked robbers at Red Rock in the Cherokee strip...The robbers entered the express car, broke open the safe & secured t... See More  

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Life in the Wild West...

Item #679737

November 16, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Nov. 16, 1883  Likely due to its location on the edge of the Western frontier, this newspaper typically contained a wealth sensational crime reports and events from the West, much more than any found in eastern newspapers.

Page 7 begins with: "AT THE STAKE" "A Colorado Ranchman Tortured by a Band of Robbers" "The Victims Burned & Bastina... See More  

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The Big Springs train robbery...

Item #679076

September 18, 1877

THE SILVER STATE, Winnemucca, Nevada, Sept. 19, 1877

* Very rare publication from the Old West

* Sam Bass' Big Springs train robbery

 Page 2 has a nice account of the infamous Big Springs train robbery.

This was a robbery of a Union Pacific train near present-day Big Springs, Nebraska on the day prior to this report. The robbery was perpetrated by a gang of six outlaws led by Sam ... See More  

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1901 Black Jack Ketchum on his way to be hanged...

Item #678368

April 24, 1901

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, April 24, 1901 

* Outlaw Tom 'Black Jack' Ketchum

* On the way to Clayton, New Mexico

* Hanging - execution for train robbery

The front page has a one column head: "'Blackjack' Ketchum Is Now Safely Caught". He would be hanged just two days later. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp"... See More  

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Pair of issues on the Big Springs train robbery...

Item #675566

September 20, 1877

THE SAN DIEGO UNION, California, Sept. 20 and 28, 1877 

* Union Pacific Big Springs robbery

* Old West outlaw - train robber Sam Bass

A pair of issues with the front page of the 20th including over a full with reports of the Big Springs train robbery of the Union Pacific Railroad, with heads including: "Great Train Robbery" "Express Train on the Union Pacific Railroad St... See More  

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Last Jesse James Gang Holdup...

Item #652056

September 09, 1881

NEW-YORK TIMES, Sept. 9, 1881

* Last Jesse James Gang robbery

* Blue Cut Train Robbery

* Glendale, Missouri

The inset shows the front page report regarding the last holdup of the James Gang which took place near Independence, Missouri. Nicely situated just below the dateline, this is perhaps one of the most detailed and graphic accounts of a James Gang robbery. Later in the report, which t... See More  

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Great account of an attempted bank robbery in 1884 Texas...

Item #649555

March 27, 1884

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, March 27, 1884  Page 2 has over half a column taken up with: "TEXAS BANDITS" "Bold Attempt to Rob a Bank at Wichita Falls" "One of the Robbers Shot Dead by a Ranger and Another Captured--A Book Agent's Peril". A great article, beginning: "At 3:30 p.m. to-day occurred here one of the most daring attempts at bank robbery this coun... See More  

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Outlaw Dick Liddil released on bond... School for cowboys...

Item #648227

November 03, 1882

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Nov. 3, 1882  Page 2 has a somewhat brief article headed: "Dick Liddell [Liddil] Released on Bond" noting in part: "...the case of Dick Liddel, on trial for conspiracy in connection with the Mussel Shoals robbery, committed by Frank and Jesse James and Bill Ryan..." with more (see). Page 5 has: "Taught To Be Cowboys" "The Practical ... See More  

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Frank James in the court room...

Item #648196

January 25, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Jan. 25, 1883  The first two columns on page 5 are headed: "The Bandit At The Bar" "Frank James as He Appeared in the Kansas City Court Room" and more (see). One of the subheads: "Prospects of Acquittal of the Charge of Complicity in the Blue Cut Robbery".

Twelve pages, bit irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.

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Classic stagecoach robbery in the Old West...

Item #646763

October 02, 1875

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Oct. 2, 1875  Page 3 has most of a column taken up with: "Were They The James Boys? "Two Men Stop a Texas Express Wagon & Rob It of a Large Amount of Money". The article is very detailed and is a terrific account of a stage coach robbery (see), but this robbery was apparently not the work of Jesse & Frank James.

Twelve pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Great train robbery report, but it was the wrong one...

Item #639195

September 26, 1893

THE OMAHA DAILY BEE, Nebraska, Sept. 26, 1893  The ftpg. has a nice, full column report on a train robbery headed at the top: "ON THE WRONG TRAIN" "Express Robbers in Missouri Who Didn't Know It Was Loaded" "Successful Trick of the Authorities" "Sent Out a Dummy Train in Charge of Well Armed Officers" "Desperate Battle Waged in the Dark" &... See More  

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A double train robbery by the same bandits...

Item #638770

November 04, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Nov. 4, 1883  Likely due to its location on the edge of the Western frontier, this newspaper typically contained a wealth sensational crime reports and events from the West, much more than any found in eastern newspapers. Page 6 has: "Reported Train Robbery In Illinois" provides some details, including: "...a most  daring robbery took place...four... See More  

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Life in the Wild West...

Item #638767

November 08, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Nov. 8, 1883  Likely due to its location on the edge of the Western frontier, this newspaper typically contained a wealth sensational crime reports and events from the West, much more than any found in eastern newspapers.

Among the reports are: "Assassinated in a Saloon" "The Danville Junction Train Robbery" "Masked Robbers" "Frank... See More  

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Trial of Charlie Ford, one of the killers of Jesse James...

Item #638760

November 19, 1883


* Charles Ford murder trial

* re. outlaw Jesse James killing

Page 4 has: "Charlie Ford" "He is to Be Tried Next Thursday for Robbing n Omnibus". Part of the report includes: "...the Fords were not suspected, however, but now that Jesse James has been killed by them, and that Charlie Ford is being prosecuted by the widow ... See More  

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President Arthur on the polygamy issue in Utah... The bandit Frank James...

Item #638753

December 05, 1883


* Mormons and polygamy

* President Chester A. Arthur

* Outlaw Frank James trial

Over half of the front page and page of pg. 2 are taken up with: "The President's Message" being the annual state-of-the-union address of Chester  A. Arthur. Near the end he addresses: "The Mormon Question", noting: "...I fear that i... See More  

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Reports from the Wild West...

Item #638659

November 09, 1884

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Nov. 9, 1884  Likely due to its location on the edge of the Western frontier, this newspaper typically contained a wealth sensational crime reports and events from the West than found in eastern newspapers. Page 2 begins with: "A CARNIVAL OF CRIME" "A Bloody Battle in the Streets of a Texas Town" "Half a Dozen Murders in as Many Different Dan... See More  

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Gamblers from the Wild West...

Item #638658

November 09, 1884

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Nov. 9, 1884  Likely due to its location on the edge of the Western frontier, this newspaper typically contained a wealth sensational crime reports and events from the West than found in eastern newspapers.

Page 7 has: "Frontier Gamblers" "The Games & Dealers of the Wild Southwest" & more. An interesting article on one of the iconic profe... See More  

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Print of Notre Dame University... Stage coach robbery...

Item #638642

August 17, 1885


* Old West stage coach robbery

* University of Notre Dame

The ftpg. has some interesting articles including; "Battling With A Burglar" "Midnight Encounter with a Murderous Negro at Texarkana" "Slain by a Saloon-Keeper--Result of a Drunken Spree...".  "Daring Stage Robbery which is from Phoenix which reads... See More  

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Classic train robbery from the Old West...

Item #638577

September 26, 1893

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Sept. 26, 1893 

* Old west style train robbery

The front page has over a column of text headed; "TRAIN ROBBERS TRAPPED" "Police Filled The Cars" 'Two of the Outlaws Killed and Four Captured" "A Bandit Betrays His Fellows" and more. Actually a great report as it reads like a classic train robbery from the Wild West, the text beginn... See More  

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Keeping it in the family...

Item #636838

October 18, 1898

THE GLOBE, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Oct. 18, 1898 

* Outlaw Jesse James' son

The bottom of page 3 has a small & somewhat inconspicuous article headed: "Jesse James Indicted" which begins: "The grand jury yesterday returned indictments against Jesse James, son of the noted outlaw..." (see). The following year he would be acquitted of robbery of a Missour... See More  

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Bank robbery in the Old West...

Item #634212

October 22, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, October 22, 1890  Just what we hope to find on the front page of a newspaper from the Old West is in this issue: "Daring Robbery" "The Watchman Gagged & Bound and $2000 Secured" with some details. Not a lengthy nor conspicuous report, but great to have in this title.

Other news of the day with many interesting adve... See More  

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Murder trial of bandit Frank James...

Item #620248

August 29, 1883

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, Aug. 29, 1883 

* Outlaw Frank James

* Jesse James gang

* Gallatin, Missouri trial

The top of the ftpg. has column heads: "In The Last Ditch" "A Dark Day for the Defense in the Trial at Gallatin" "Liddell's Testimony Corroborated by Unimpeachable Witnesses" "Statement of the Blacksmith Who Shod the Bandit's ... See More  

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Brookfield, Missouri bank robbery...

Item #611305

June 08, 1882

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, June 8, 1882

* Brookfield, Missouri

* Bank robbery - outlaws

The front page has an article headed: "Bank Robbers Abroad" "The Town of Brookfield Startled by a Visit from Desperadoes" and more. Detailed account during the heyday of outlaws and soon after the killing of Jesse James. Nice to have in a Missouri title.

Other news and adver... See More  

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Very detailed account of a train robbery...

Item #611272

July 10, 1875

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, July 10, 1875 

* Outlaws attempt to rob train

* Ad - P. T. Barnum's "Great Roman Hippodrome" circus

The back page has 1 2/3 of a column taken up with great & detailed content concerning the train robbery at Long Point, Illinois, with heads at the top of the column: "PULL OUT!" "An Express Train on the Vandalia Road Bo... See More  

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The outlaw Vasquez... The Temperance crusade...

Item #605635

March 04, 1874

NEW YORK TIMES, March 4, 1874  The front page includes: "California" "The Vasquez Band of Robbers Heard From--The Apaches" which begins: "The notorious Vasquez & his gang of outlaws have again been heard from..." concerning the robbery of a stagecoach (see).

Page 5 has: "The Temperance Crusade--Enthusiastic Meeting in Brooklyn Last Evening" "A... See More  

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Outlaw Sam Perris escapes from the local jail...

Item #604793

April 08, 1872

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, April 8, 1872 

* Samuel 'Worcester Sam' Perris

* burglar, safe cracker and bank robber

Page 2 has a half column article headed: "Local Matters" "THE ESCAPE OF SAM. PERRIS" "The Condition of the Jail-Other Escapes". This is the notorious bank robbery 'Worcester' Sam Perris, who was called ... See More  

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Nonpareil Dempsy...

Item #603616

March 15, 1886

THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, West Virginia, March 15, 1886

* Nonpareil Dempsey (Jack Dempsey)

* Early boxing match - pugilists

* Railroad train robbery

The front page has a small one column heading: "Witness a Hard Fought Battle Between Dempsey and Lablanche"

Also on the front page is: "Daring Express Robbery" "And Murder on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R... See More  

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Daring train robbery......

Item #603111

November 18, 1874


* Train robbery

* Great Western railway

* Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

The front page have one column headings: "Daring Train Robbery" "The Baggageman and Expressman Bound and Gagged by Masked Men" See images for text here.

Other news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout. Larger than normal issue measur... See More  

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Outlaw Tiburcio Vasquez guilty...

Item #602910

January 11, 1875

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 11, 1875

* Tiburcio Vasquez guilty

* Los Angeles, California

* Stage coach robbery

The last column of the front page has a small heading: "Vasquez, The Bandit, Found Guilty" A small item here but still a first report nonetheless.

Other news of the day. Complete in 10 pages, light browning, a little margin wear, otherwise good. Should be handled with c... See More  

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Quincy, Illinois bank robbery...

Item #602644

February 16, 1874

EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Indiana, February 16, 1874

* Quincy, Illinois bank robbery

This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings: "Quincy, Ill." "The Heavy Quincy, Ill., Bank Robbery--Over a Quarter Million Dollars Stolen" See image for brief text here.

Complete in 8 pages, irregular along the s... See More  

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Winthrop, Missouri train robbery...

Item #600379

August 14, 1878

THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Ohio, August 14 , 1878

* Winthrop Junction, Missouri

* Atchison KS Kansas

* Train holdup robbery

This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the with several interesting advertisements throughout.

The front page has one column headings: "A Cool Train Robbery Near Atchison, Kansas" "A Surprise Party" "A Train Coolly Captured by Robbers and $5,100 ... See More  

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Sideny, Nebraska gold robbery...

Item #600341

March 12, 1880

CLEVELAND WEEKLY HERALD, Cleveland, Ohio, March 12, 1880

* Eureka NV Nevada

* Fore disaster

The front page has small one column headings: "Bold Robbers" "Bullion Worth $200,000 Stolen at Sidney, Neb.--The Greatest Excitement" See images for text here.

Other news and advertisements of the day throughout. Complete in  8 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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