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Marysville: great issue on the Modoc Indian War...
Item #712309
April 30, 1872
MARYSVILLE DAILY APPEAL, California, April 30, 1873 In the days of the California Gold Rush, Marysville was a stopping point for riverboats from Sacramento and San Francisco that carried miners on their way to the digging grounds. A sign on the roadside as one enters Marysville carries the slogan: "Gateway to The Gold Fields."
At that time it was one of the largest cities in Calif... See More
The Modoc Indian War of 1873...
Item #712036
June 07, 1873
DAILY MORNING CALL, San Francisco, California, June 7, 1873
* Dixon Bridge Disaster - Illinois
* Modoc War - Lava Beds
* Captain Jack fame
The top of the ftpg. has: "THE MODOC WAR" "Details of General Davis's Campaign" "Further Particulars of the Capture of Captain Jack " and more. (see images)
Four pages, never bound, large folio size, good conditi... See More
Lillie Langtry - early appearance in America... Bell Telephone soars...
Item #707833
March 28, 1883
NEW YORK TIMES, March 28, 1883 An early appearance of Lillie Langtry, Bell Telephone's Annual Meeting, trouble with Indians, a Billiard Tournament, the capture of thieves, a Canadian dog show, politics, and more. This issue provided an abundance of reporting which will help the reader capture both the events and mood of the day.
Eight pages, lightly toned, some minor margin tears.... See More
1898 Battle of Sugar Point... Minnesota...
Item #707765
October 08, 1898
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Oct. 8, 1898
* Battle of Sugar Point - Leech Lake - Minnesota
* Pillager Band of Chippewa Indians - Bugonaygeshig
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "THE INDIAN TROUBLES" with subheads. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally f... See More
Battle of Sand Butte... 1873 Modoc War...
Item #707250
April 30, 1873
NEW YORK HERALD, April 30, 1873
* Battle of Sand Butte
* Modocs Indians War
* U.S. soldiers massacre
* Captain Evan Thomas killed
* Scarface Charley victory
Page 5 has a terrific report on the Battle of Sand Butte during the Modoc War. The top of the page has a one column heading: "SLAUGHTER" with several subheads and related map. (see images) Text takes up the entire page and ... See More
Sitting Bull's camp captured... Return to Palestine...
Item #706964
AMERICAN SOCIALIST, Oneida, New York, Jan. 25, 1877
* Capture of Sitting Bull's Camp
Inside this issue is a small but historic article on the discovery and capture of the Indian camp headed by Chief Sitting Bull.
Also within are two articles of Judaic interest: one describing the return of multitudes of Jews to their homeland in
... See More
* Capture of Sitting Bull's Camp
* Much regarding the Jews
Inside this issue is a small but historic article on the discovery and capture of the Indian camp headed by Chief Sitting Bull.
Also within are two articles of Judaic interest: one describing the return of multitudes of Jews to their homeland in
Indians... Mormons and Brigham Young... Kentucky KuKlux
Item #706026
April 18, 1873
THE NEW-YORK TIMES, New York, April 18, 1873
* General Canby
* Apache Indians
The front page has: "THE SAVAGES" and "Account of the Attack on Gen. Canby by an Eye-Witness - Fight With Apaches".
Also on the front page is "The Kentucky KuKlux" and "The Assassins Met by a Brave Old Man with Their Own Weapons - One of Them Killed and Three Wounded"... See More
Rare Old West isssue.....
Item #706023
June 18, 1876
THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18, 1876
* Rare Old West publication
* Mormons - Utah territory
This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. With newspapers West of the Mississippi being very rare prior to 1900, here is an opportunity to get a issue from the old West back when cowboys, Indians, saloons, gold miners & gunfights... See More
The fight for women's rights... On the death of President Fillmore... Indian troubles...
Item #705094
March 11, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, March 11, 1874 The front page includes: "Woman's Rights" "The Cause In Boston--Another Blow From the City Solicitor" which concerns the rights of women to serve on the local school board.
Page 3 has: "The Challis-Woodhull Libel" which concerns the trial of Victoria Woodhull, Tennie Claflin & James Blood for libeling Luther Challis in the... See More
Decoration Day... Captain Crook and Apache scouts...
Item #704888
June 02, 1883
LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 2, 1883 (see note below)
* Decoration Day (Memorial Day) themed prints
* Apache Indians... General Crook
The front cover and pg. 8 (paginated pg. 236) both have Decoration Day-themed illustrations. An inside page has seated portraits of Gen. Crooks & his Apache scout. Another shows a group portrait of Crook's cavalrymen & Apache scouts. A... See More
Much on the Custer Massacre...
Item #704519
July 10, 1876
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 10, 1876
* Custer Massacre - Indians
* George Armstrong Custer
* Battle of Little Bighorn
The top of the front page has: "THE LITTLE HORN MASSACRE" with subheads: "Terry's Report Received" "Terry's Official Report - Custer's Trail & the Evidence of a Brave Fight" "The Re-Enforcements - Advance of the Fifth Cav... See More
From rough & tumble Deadwood, Dakota Territory...
Item #704229
June 20, 1882
BLACK HILLS DAILY PIONEER, Deadwood City, Black Hills, Nov. 24, 1878
* Rare publication
* Famous wild West town
* "Wild Bill" Hickok fame
This city would arguably be--along with Tombstone & Dodge City--one of the more famous of all the towns from the rough & tumble days of the Old West, and only rarely do such issues come to light.
This issue is from the "hey... See More
1903 Indianapolis body snatchers business...
Item #703994
February 06, 1903
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Feb. 6, 1903
* Rufus Cantrell "King of the Ghouls" case
* Indianapolis grave robbers - body snatching
The front page has a two column heading: "CORPSE THIEF ON THE STAND" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile fr... See More
1874 Red River War... Nelson A. Miles...
Item #702104
September 10, 1874
NEW YORK HERALD, September 10, 1874
* Red River War
* Nelson A. Miles
* Native Americans - Indians
The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "THE RED RIVER FIGHT" with subheads. (see images)
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, nice condition.
Kentucky's Mammoth Cave... Trading with Indians...
Item #701864
October 07, 1876
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Oct. 7, 1876 Inside contains a full page print: "American Sketches: Indians At A Hide-Trader's Hut" as well as: "American Sketches: The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky - The Mammoth Dome" and another half page: "The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky - The Gothic Gallery" which has a related article.
Twenty-four pages, great condition.... See More
The Modoc Indian War in California...
Item #700707
April 09, 1873
DAILY MORNING CALL, San Francisco, April 9, 1873
* Modoc War - Lava Beds
* Captain Jack fame
The top of the front page has a column headed: "THE MODOCS" "The Commissioners to make One More Effort to Effect a Peace" "Terms, 'Surrender, and Leave the Lava Bed'--Treachery Feared--Hostile Indians Treated Better than Three Who are Friendly--Proposal t... See More
Death of Jenny Lind... The 'fighting Indians'...
Item #700159
November 10, 1887
GREENSBORO NORTH STATE, North Carolina, Nov. 10, 1887
* Jenny Lind death
* Swedish Nightingale
* Opera singer
The top of the front page has: "The Death of Jenny Lind" "A Brief Life Sketch of the World-Famed Songstress" which includes an illustration of her.
Also on the ftpg: "THE FIGHTING INDIANS" "A Brief Skirmish And A Dead Sword-Bearer" "The... See More
The Lowry War in North Carolina...
Item #700084
December 28, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 28, 1872
* Andrew Strong killed
* Lowry's War - gang
* Pembroke, North Carolina
* Scuffletown
Page three has an article on the Lowery (Lowry, Lowrie) War in North Carolina.
The Lowry War is a notable event in North Carolina history. Led by Henry Berry Lowry, whose father and brother were murdered by men of the Confederate Home Guard, a band of American... See More
Alma, New Mexico massacre.... Apaches...
Item #699915
May 05, 1880
* Alma, Catron County, New Mexico massacre
* Chiricahua Apaches - Indians - Victorio
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "Indian Depredations" "Ranchmen Killed and a Large Flock of Sheep Driven Off" See image for text here.
Complete with 8 pages, light to... See More
On the Fort Robinson Massacre...
Item #699895
January 23, 1879
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 23, 1879 Page 2 has an article: "The Indian War" "Bloody Battle Between the Troops and Runaway Cheyennes" with a Fort Robinson (Nebraska), dateline.
This reports on the "Fort Robinson Breakout" about which much can be found online.
Eight pages, a bit irregular at the spine, nice condition.
... See More
Details on the Fort Robinson Massacre...
Item #699889
January 14, 1879
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Jan. 14, 1879
* Fort Robinson escape (massacre)
* Cheyenne Indians - Nebraska
Page 7 begins with a report taking most of a column headed: "THE CHEYENNE MASSACRE" "Circumstantial Narrative of the Indian Insurrection at Fort Robinson" "Further Revenge of the Soldiers for the Death of a Comrade at the Hands of the Savages"... See More
Early from San Diego... Great travelogue: Los Angeles to Anaheim...
Item #699253
November 09, 1871
SAN DIEGO DAILY UNION, California, Nov. 9, 1871
* Rare & early from Southern California
Very early from San Diego--a volume 2 issue--when the population was just 2300, with a nice engraving of the harbor in the masthead.
The front page has a wonderful and very detailed travelogue-like depot headed: "FROM LOS ANGELES TO ANAHEIM" with subheads: "Off For Anaheim-... See More
Sitting Bull surrenders...
Item #699131
July 21, 1881
THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, West Virginia, July 21, 1881
* Chief Sitting Bull surrenders
* Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux
* Indians chief - holy man
The front page has: "Sitting Bull Surrenders" "The Troublesome Chief Finally Gives Up & Submits to the United States Officers" with the report noting: "...Sitting Bull & about 200 people arrived at exactly 12 o... See More
Great Indian front page... Very early football print...
Item #698900
December 07, 1878
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Dec. 7, 1878 The full front page is taken up with: "A Battle In The Clouds" showing an Indian capturing an eagle.
Among prints inside are a full page Nast cartoon: "A Dream: Before & After Thanksgiving Dinner". Great full page: "A Game of Football" is very displayable. Full page: "Forest Fire on the Banks of the Red Rive... See More
"Dinner In The Steerage Of A French Transatlantic Liner" & Thanksgiving preparations...
Item #698808
November 22, 1890
HARPER'S WEEKLY, Nov. 22, 1890 (with Supplement containing: "Dinner In The Steerage Of A French Transatlantic Liner", by T. de Thulstrup)
Also included: Full ftpg: 'At the Horse Show, Madison Square Garden'; Fullpg: 'The Day Before Thanksgiving' shows cooks preparing the meal; Doublepage centerfold: 'A Wedding in the Chinese Quarter--Mott St., N.Y.'; Halfpg... See More
General George Custer.. Black Hills' gold expedition...
Item #698640
August 22, 1874
RICHMOND DAILY WHIG, Virginia, Aug. 22, 1874
* General George Armstrong Custer
* Black Hills gold - South Dakota expedition
* Tensions with the Native Americans - Indians
Page 2 has an article with a small one column heading: "General Custar (sic) And The Indians" (see images) A printing flaw slightly affects the text here.
Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.... See More
From the Arizona Territory...
Item #698545
June 05, 1875
ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, June 5, 1875 Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.
A nice assortment of news articles and ads including: "Letter from Col. Hodge" "Mining Summary" Ostrich Mine" "Territorial Prison" "Our First Law Suit" "Telegraphic News" "Minu... See More
Stanley explores the African continent... Large map...
Item #698269
August 12, 1876
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 12, 1876
* Henry Morton Stanley
* Africa exploration w/ map
Page 2 is consumed by a very large map and descriptive text on Stanley's exploration of Africa, the map headed: "THE SOURCES OF THE NILE. New Map Showing Stanley's Explorations..." plus the first column has heads: "STANLEY" "His Last Letter from the Heart of Africa" ... See More
Nez Perce Indians... Torch of the Statue of Liberty...
Item #698075
June 20, 1885
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, June 20, 1885 Full front page shows: "The New Aquatic Wonder, the Steam-Yacht 'Stiletto'...". Prints inside include: "Kansas--Transfer of the Nez Perces--The Indians Boarding a Train at Arkansas City for Their Old Home in Idaho"; a great fullpg. print of; "The Torch of the Statue of Liberty As it Will Appear When Comp... See More
From the Arizona Territory...
Item #697875
February 27, 1875
ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, Feb. 27, 1875 Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.
A nice assortment of news articles including: "Loss By Indians--Claims for Depredations by Indians..." "Local Mining Affairs" "Pueblo Viejo Valley" "Texas and Pacific Bill" and more.
Four pages,... See More
Indian dance illustration... Mormon illustration...
Item #697444
January 02, 1875
HARPER'S WEEKLY Jan. 2, 1875 The full fron page is a print: "Alone with the Dying Year" showing a small child in a snow storm.
Full page print: "Bringing Home the Fifth Wife--A Sketch in Mormondom" also includes a small article. Nice, tipped-in (no binding holes), doublepage centerfold: "Indian Sun Dance - Young Bucks Proving Their Endurance by Self-torture" with... See More
Much like Harper's Weekly but published in Cincinnati...
Item #697344
May 29, 1886
THE GRAPHIC, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 29, 1886 One of the less common illustrated newspapers which followed the popular format of Harper's Weekly and Leslie's Illustrated.
The full front page shows: "A. L. Conger, Dept. Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic". Prints within include: "Findlay, Ohio - interesting Views of the Natural Gas Illuminations" "Indi... See More
Indiana county seat war...
Item #696994
October 30, 1873
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 30, 1873
* Wayne County Seat War
* Centerville & Richmond Indiana
The front page has an article headed: "Mob Law In Indiana" with subhead. See image for text here.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.
Winslow Homer's "Spring Blossoms"... Black man tending his garden...
Item #696789
May 21, 1870
(usually offered at a higher price) HARPER'S WEEKLY, May 21, 1870 (includes the Dicken's Supplement)
* Winslow Homer illustration
The most sought after prints within this issue are Winslow Homer's full-page: "Spring Blossoms" and the front-page: "A Spring Scene Near Richmond, Va.", which shows a black man tending his garden. This issue also has the uncommon Di... See More
Classic train robbery report on the front page...
Item #694578
September 13, 1893
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, Sept. 13, 1893
One-third of the front page and a bit of page 2 have column heads: "MASKED BANDITS HOLD UP A TRAIN" " Lake Shore Express Robbed of a Vast Sum of Money in Indiana" "The Engineer Shot" "Terrible Midnight Experience of Many Passengers" "Car Blown Up with Dynamite" and several mo... See More
Trouble with the Navajos and Chippewa Indians...
Item #694565
July 14, 1891
THE DAILY JOURNAL, Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, July 14, 1891 The top of a front page column is headed: "THE NAVAJOS DEFIANT" "They Are on the Rampage & Troops May Have to Be Called Out" "The Chippewas In Revolt" "A Serious State of Affairs at White Earth, Minn., & It is Believe the Presence of Troops Alone Will Prevent a Riot & Possible Massacre".... See More
Post Custer massacre.... Gen. George Crook...
Item #693626
August 10, 1876
WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 10, 1876
* Post battle of Little Bighorn (Custer Massacre)
* General Alfred Terry - Sioux Indians War
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "The Indian War" with subheads. (see) See images for text here shortly after the Custer massacre at the battle of Little Bighorn.
Other news and several interesting advertisements are incl... See More
A Mormon missionary is persecuted in Indiana... Four Negroes are lynched...
Item #693105
September 26, 1884
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Sept. 26, 1884 Page 3 has: "A Mormon Missionary Persecuted" which is a report from Salt Lake, Utah, noting in part: "...from a Mormon mission in Indiana...that he made no convert, but left his testimony against unbelievers. He claims to have been pelted with goose eggs...and with rotten eggs and rocks in Smartsburg, and to have suffered much from abus... See More
Descriptive of California... Much on the Indians...
Item #693031
April 13, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, April 13, 1874 The front page has: "The Indians' "The Situation at Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Agencies--Insolence of the Savages" which is an interesting report datelined from Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory.
Also on the front page is: "Triple 'Execution" "Three Indians Hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas" about which much can be found on th... See More
Bannock War of 1895...
Item #692669
July 24, 1895
HELENA EVENING HERALD, Montana, July 24, 1895
* Jackson Hole, Wyoming - valley
* Bannock War - Indians - Native Americans
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "A FIGHT AT NOON" with subheads. (see) Uncommon publication from the old West.
Complete with 8 pages, light toning and a minor wear at the margins, generally good.... See More
Pueblo Indians... Includes the uncommon four page foldout of the America's Cup...
Item #692496
October 14, 1893
HARPER'S WEEKLY October 14, 1893 Full front page print: "Columbian Exposition - The Grand Arch of the Peristyle." Inside includes a half page: "Columbian Exposition - The Johnson Family Visit the Lapland Village"; halfpg: "Two of Philadelphia's Cricket Clubs"; fullpg: "The Centenary of Williams College" which includes a portrait of "Franklin Car... See More
1874 Red River War...
Item #691818
August 30, 1874
NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 30, 1874
* Red River War
* John w. Davidson
* Native Americans - Indians
The top of page 9 has one column headings that include: "THE WICHITA AGENCY" "Davidson's Troops Fighting and Acting as Firemen" "A Gallant Charge Against a Hostile Band" "Four Civilians Butchered" and more. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete in 16 p... See More
A victory for women... Indian troubles...
Item #691741
February 20, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 20, 1874 The front page has: "A Victory For Women - The Supreme Court of Massachusetts Declare Them Eligible For Election to the School Board" with much detail.
Page 3 has: "The Indians - Recapitulation Of Recent Reported Outrages" noting near the beginning: "...that there will be a severe struggle between the Indians and the soldiers...a ... See More
Hang those who sell whisky to Indians...
Item #691739
February 05, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 5, 1874
* General William S. Harney
* American Indian Wars
The top of page 5 has an article: "WASHINGTON NOTES" "Gen. Harney On Indians - He Suggests Hanging Or Shooting Sellers of Whisky to Savages--Army Officers More Efficient in Managing Them".
Eight pages, light toning at the margins, four binding holes near the spine affect unrelated text, nic... See More
Women's temperance crusade of 1874...
Item #691398
February 21, 1874
INDIANAPOLIS SENTINEL, Indiana, Feb. 21, 1874
* Women and the Temperance movement
* Woman's Christian Temperance Union
* Anti-alcohol crusade in Ohio
The top of the front page has a great & very lengthy report concerning the Woman's Crusade against alcohol in Ohio, a notable event with much web coverage: "The Conquering Crusade - Women War Notes". The article t... See More
Death of President Ulysses S. Grant...
Item #691370
July 24, 1885
DAILY JOURNAL, Evansville, Indiana, July 24, 1885
* General Ulysses S. Grant death w/ portrait print
The entire front page--and continuing on page 4--is great coverage of the death of President Ulysses S. Grant. All columns on all 8 pages have black mourning rules.
The front page begins with a print of him, and heads: "CONQUERED!" "The King of 'Terrors Wins the Wag... See More
Early newspaper from Portland, Oregon...
Item #690690
August 12, 1874
DAILY EVENING NEWS, Portland, Oregon, Aug. 12, 1874
* Rare publication
* Wild Old West era
An early newspaper from Portland with a wide range of news reports, various tidbits, and a wealth of ads. Page 2 has: "An Indian War" and "General Hardie on the Modoc War" among other items.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
A rare territorial newspaper... An Indian fight & a stagecoach robbery...
Item #690686
July 30, 1881
THE DILLON TRIBUNE, Beaverhead County, M.T. (Montana Territory), July 30, 1881
* Very rare publication
* Wild Old West era
A quite rare newspaper from the Territory of Montana, it not becoming a state until 1889. Thisis the volume 1, number 24 issue.
Dillon was founded in the Beaverhead Valley as a railroad town in 1880 by Union Pacific Railroad President Sidney Dillon. The town'... See More
From the Mormon capital...
Item #690552
December 07, 1881
THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 7, 1881
* Mormons - Mormonism
This is from 15 years before Utah would become a state. Nearly a full page of: "Remarks by Prest. George Q. Cannon". Other items include: "War Incidents - Bravery of General Kane's Bucktails" "Marvelous Adventures of a Legislator Among Indians" "A Desperado Arrested -... See More
1878 Pittsfield, Massachusetts... Berkshire County...
Item #690490
October 30, 1878
THE PITTSFIELD SUN, Massachusetts, Oct. 30, 1878
* Berkshire County
* American Indians war era
This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.
Complete with all 8 pages, minor spine wear, generally nice.
If you are searching for a newspaper from a specific date, please note that we have a vast selection available for purchase by using the date picker on our
gifts and birthday newspapers page.