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The very first official Memorial Day observance...

Item #704400

May 31, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1868 

* Very 1st Memorial Day observance

Page 10 begins with: "THE UNION DEAD" "Decorat5ion of the Graves of Soldiers at the Cemeteries" "Muster of the Veterans of the War" "Patriotic Addresses & Affecting Ceremonies" "In Memoriam".

The first national celebration of Memorial Day took place May 30, 1868, at ... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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On buying Alaska...

Item #698666

July 15, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, July 15,1868  A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well.

Among the front page articles: "The Alaska Purchase" "Tramp To California" "Nevada--The Yellow Jacket Incident" "Murder & Lynching at Surprise Valley" "The Osage Land Treaty" and more.

Four pages,... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Ulysses S. Grant clarifies his infamous "Jew Order"....

Item #698506

November 30, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1868  

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* General Order No. 11 - Jews

Page 5 has a very significant Judaica item headed: "Letter From General Grant on the Hebrew Question." 

This relates to Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 from during the Civil War, known as the infamous "Jew Order". A website has further details on Grant&#
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Winslow Homer print... Wall Street...

Item #698444

January 11, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 11, 1868 

* Winslow Homer illustration - print

Great full front page print: "The Pioneer" is by A. R. Ward. The feature print of this issue would be the nice, full page by the famed artist Winslow Homer: "Art Students & Copyists in the Louvre Gallery". This print is in very nice, clean condition.

A half-page print: "Th... See More  

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Ulysses S. Grant clarifies his infamous "Jew Order"....

Item #698331

November 30, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 30, 1868 

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* General Order No. 11 - Jews

Page 2 has a very significant Judaica item headed: "Gen. Grant's Jew Order" "Why It Was Issued--A Statement of the Circumstances of the Case." 

This relates to Ulysses S. Grant's General Order #11 from during the Civil War, known as the infamous "Jew O
... See More  

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A man with 8 wives...

Item #697953

July 18, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, July 18, 1868  A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well.

Among the articles: "A Man With Eight Wives Who Does Not Live in Utah" "Lynch Law in Minnesota--Letter From Gov. Marshall" "Letter From Lake Tahoe" & more.

Four pages, a very large size newspaper, never bound nor tr... See More  

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How to make a wine market in California...

Item #697337

July 27, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, July 27, 1868  A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well. Page 2 has an article: "California Wine--How to Make a Market" which obviously worked out well.

Four pages, a very large size newspaper, never bound nor trimmed, some wear at fold junctures, minor margin tears. The folder size noted is for ... See More  

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Pardon is offered to all former Confederate soldiers...

Item #693484

December 25, 1868

THE PRESS, Philadelphia, Dec. 25, 1868  

* President Andrew Johnson proclamation 179

* Amnesty & full pardon for treason (Confederates)

The middle of the front page has: "A PROCLAMATION" "Amnesty Proclamation by the President--Pardon of All Rebels Without Distinction" which is signed in type: Andrew Johnson.

This was the last of several Proclamations by both Li... See More  

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President Andrew Johnson is acquitted in his impeachment trial...

Item #692697

May 29, 1868

WILMINGTON JOURNAL, North Carolina, May 29, 1868 

* President Andrew Johnson acquitted

* Reconstruction era impeachment trial

The notable report is on page 3 under "Latest News By Telegraph" with column heads: "Impeachment" "The President Acquitted" with a dateline from Washington.

Other articles within: "The Government to be Subverted" "Th... See More  

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Impeachment and Reconstruction reports...

Item #692696

May 22, 1868

WILMINGTON JOURNAL, North Carolina, May 22, 1868  Among the articles: "Will Impeachment Succeed" "Probability of the Acquittal of the President--Senators Grimes, Fessenden, Trumbull & Henderson Against Conviction--Extraordinary Excitement in Washington..." "Anarchy in the South--'Somebody's Got to Leave' " "The Defeat of Impeachment" &qu... See More  

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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial...

Item #692695

May 15, 1868

WILMINGTON JOURNAL, North Carolina, May 15, 1868 

* President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial

Near the bottom of the front page is: "From Washington" "The Impeachment Trial--Preparations of Questions for Taking the Verdict---The Lobby--Mr. Seward After More Possessions". Page 2 includes: "What Has the South to Expect from the North?" and: "Impea... See More  

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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial...

Item #692694

May 08, 1868

WILMINGTON JOURNAL, North Carolina, May 8, 1868  The top of the last column has: "Impeachment--Eloquent and Patriotic Address of Mr. Stanbery In Defence of the President of the United States" and then also: "Trial of Mr. Davis" in Richmond.

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial...

Item #692693

May 01, 1868

WILMINGTON JOURNAL, North Carolina, May 1, 1868 

* President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial

The front page includes: "Impeachment" "The Probable Verdict" "Great Pressure for Conviction" "The Result of Impeachment--Possible Failure of the Radical Game--Only One-third of the Senators Thick & Thin Radicals..." then also "Impeachment ... See More  

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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial... African-Americans in politics...

Item #692692

March 21, 1868

THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, South Carolina, March 21, 1868  The top of the front page has a column headed: "Things In Washington" "The President's Line of Defence in Impeachment--Petitions for the Removal of Mr. M'Culloch..." with more. Then a string of subheads including: "Impeachment Rumors--Reported Resignation of Secretary Seward--What the Radicals Will Pro... See More  

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Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial...

Item #692691

March 20, 1868

THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, South Carolina, March 20, 1868 

* President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial

The front page has column heads: "Impeachment  Prospects" "Another Interview With Mr. Johnson--How He Talks As To Impeachment" with the report taking a full column.

Four pages, nice condition.

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The impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson...

Item #691367

March 17, 1868


* President Andrew Johnson

* Reconstruction era impeachment trial

The front page begins with: "The Impeachment Trial" with many subheads including: "Dazzling Spectacle in the Senate Chamber--Decorum in the Galleries--Imposing Initial Ceremonies--Thaddeus Stevens on Manhood Suffrage..." and more. and more.

This coverage ... See More  

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President Johnson's state-of-the-union address...

Item #691200

December 10, 1868

THE EVANSVILLE JOURNAL, Indiana, Dec. 10, 1868  All of page 2 and a bit of page 3 are taken up with the: "President's Message" which is signed in type at its conclusion: Andrew Johnson.

This was the annual state-of-the-union address in which Johnson reviewed the events of the year and plans for the future.

Four pages, some minor margin tears, good condition.... See More  

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President Johnson's impeachment trial...

Item #691067

May 12, 1868

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 12, 1868  Most of the front page is taken up with: "THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL" "The Field Not Lost!" with various subheads (see). The is concerning the impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson.

Eight pages, uncut and untrimmed, crease and minor wear along the central fold, generally nice..

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Fourteenth Amendment ratified by North Carolina...

Item #690649

July 12, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, July 12, 1868 

* 14th Amendment ratified by North Carolina

* President Andrew Johnson signs

The front page has: "PROCLAMATION" with the subheading: "The President Declares the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by North Carolina", signed in type by the President: Andrew Johnson.

This was one of the Reconstruction amendments which guaranteed ci... See More  

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First of this specialty title we have located...

Item #690241

August 24, 1868

SHOE & LEATHER REPORTER, & HARNESS & CARRIAGE JOURNAL, New York, Boston, & Phila., Aug. 24, 1868 

* Unusual publication w/ nice masthead

One of the more curious titles we've come across "Devoted to the Manufacture & Trade in Leather, Boots and Shoes, Findings, Harness, Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Hides, Skins, Wool, Furs, Tanning Materials and Collateral Br... See More  

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On the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson...

Item #690111

March 03, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, March 3, 1868  

* President Andrew Johnson

* Reconstruction era impeachment trial

The entire front page & much of the back page are taken up with proceedings on President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, with first column heads: "IMPEACHMENT" "Rules for the Trial of the President Adopted in the Senate" "The Impeachment Articles Agreed... See More  

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The first Memorial Day... Death of Kit Carson...

Item #689658

May 30, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, May 30, 1868  History tell us that the very first official Memorial Day was in 1868

* Very 1st Memorial Day

* Kit Carson death

In that year General John A. Logan established Decoration Day as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the Union war dead with flowers. By the 20th century, various Union and Confederate memorial traditions, celebrated on different day... See More  

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Early San Francisco...

Item #689649

August 01, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, Aug. 1, 1868 

* Rare old West publication

A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well. The front page has: "Letter From Monterey - Condition of the Town - Rural & Aquatic Beauties - Old Settlers - Mineral Resources of the Country - Fisheries & Other Things".

Four pages, a very large si... See More  

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Andrew Johnson impeached...

Item #689139

March 14, 1868

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 14, 1868

* President Andrew Johnson

* Impeachment trial summons prints

The large front page illustration: "The House Committee Drafting Articles Of Impeachment, On Thursday, Feb. 27, Committee Room, House Of Representatives."

Inside prints include a full page: "Formal Notice Of The Impeachment Of Andrew Johnson, By The House Co... See More  

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Johnson served summons... Impeachment trial of President Johnson...

Item #689128

March 28, 1868

LESLIE'S WEEKLY, New York, March 28, 1868  

* President Andrew Johnson

* Impeachment trial summons prints

Full front page: "Judge Nelson, Administering The Oath To Chief Justice Chase, As Presiding Officer By the Court Of Impeachment, In The Senate Chamber."

Within, a full page has two halfpg. prints: "Chief Justice Chase, As President Of The Court Of Impeachment, A... See More  

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Early San Francisco...

Item #688804

August 03, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, Aug. 3, 1868  A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well.

Four pages, a very large size newspaper, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition. The folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

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Possibly the first Jew lynched within the United States...

Item #684869

August 17, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, Aug. 17, 1868 

* Lynching of Samuel Bierfield

* First Jew lynched in United States

* Jews - Jewish - Judaica item

* Ku Klux Klan - KKK members

The front page has: "Murderous Outrage at Franklin, Williamson County, Tenn. - Two Men Shot Dead" which is the account of the killing of a Jewish shop owner and his black employee by 15 masked men on horseback.

The s... See More  

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Quite rare & early account of a baseball game with women players...

Item #683490

August 16, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 16, 1868 

* Rare & Early Women's baseball

* Bloomer Girls - baseball pioneers

* Elizabeth Cady Stanton reporting

Page 3 under the heading: "The National Game" has a few accounts of "Base Ball Notes" one of which is the earliest newspaper report we have seen of a baseball game with women players.

The report notes: "Mrs. Cady Stant... See More  

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May Day in the Country... Baseball President...

Item #683428

May 16, 1868

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 16, 1868  The front page features a quarter-page illustration of: "George Sands, President of the National Base-Ball Association" with an article headed: "The Base-Ball President".

Also on the front cover is a half-page illustration entitled " 'See-Saw'--An Illustration for the Juveniles" which shows children see-sawing... See More  

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President Johnson's state-of-the-union address...

Item #683292

December 15, 1868

THE UNION DEMOCRAT, Manchester, New Hampshire, Dec. 15, 1868 

* Andrew Johnson State of the Union Address

* Post Civil War reconstruction era

Fully half of the front page and a third of the back page are taken up with the: "MESSAGE of PRESIDENT JOHNSON" being his annual state-of-the-union address to the nation, a tradition begun with Washington & which continues to this d... See More  

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Early San Francisco with a wealth of local news & ads...

Item #682884

September 01, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, Sept. 1, 1868 

* Rare old West title

A large size newspaper of six pages with a wealth of both local news events and local advertisements. Never bound nor trimmed, 3 folds with minor wear at a fold juncture & with a few discrete archival mends at folds.

Early California from just 19 years after the Gold Rush. Folder size noted is for the issue ... See More  

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The cause of earthquakes...

Item #682741

November 10, 1868

SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION, California, Nov. 10, 1868

* Wild Old West

* Rare publication

* Post Civil War

Among the articles in this issue are: "A Hypothesis as to the Cause for Earthquakes" "Political Changes in California" "Woman's Rights" "The Loss of Hooker - A Touching Tribute to a Stricken and Bereft Soldier". 

Four pages, great condition... See More  

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The rare "steamer edition" from 1868...

Item #682464

August 29, 1868

THE ALTA CALIFORNIA - For Circulation In The Atlantic Started, Europe And South America, San Francisco, Aug. 29, 1868  At the top of the first column is: "Steamer Alta California" noting that it is: "...issued trial-monthly on the sailing of each steamer for Panama. It has the largest circulation of any Steamer paper on the Pacific Coast."

 A very rare & early ne... See More  

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Extremely rare illustrated newspaper...

Item #681754

February 22, 1868

KELLEY'S WEEKLY, "A Journal of the Times", New York, Feb. 22, 1868  In my 46 years in the rare newspaper business this is only the second of this title I have seen (first 12 years ago), in fact I wasn't aware that it even existed.

Obviously copied after "Harper's Weekly", the layout is almost identical including the masthead. But this title lasted for just ten... See More  

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First Hebrew political society in America, with Grant's "Jew Order" connection...

Item #680958

September 02, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 2, 1868  Page one includes: "Hebrew Grant and Colfax Campaign Club", which, as noted within the text: "...headquarters at No. 7 Delancy Street. It held its first regular meeting last evening...This claims to be the first Jewish political club organized in this country. According to its circular it was formed to demonstrate that the Hebrews of this city,
... See More  

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Early San Francisco with a wealth of local news & ads...

Item #680784

August 29, 1868

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, Aug. 29, 1868  A large size newspaper of four pages with a wealth of both local news events and local advertisements. Never bound nor trimmed, 3 folds with minor wear at a fold juncture.

Early California from just 19 years after the Gold Rush. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.

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Attempts to impeach President Andrew Johnson...

Item #675943

April 11, 1868

NEW YORK TIMES, April 11, 1868 

* President Andrew Johnson

* Reconstruction era impeachment trial

The top of the first column of the front page has one column headings: "IMPEACHMENT" "The Opening Argument for the Defense Concluded" and more. Text takes up the entire front page and most of the back page.

Eight pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Huge print on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson...

Item #674017

March 23, 1868

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRITRE ZEITUNG, New York, 1868  This is a huge, four page foldout centerfold with an expansive view of te impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson. This was in the German language edition of Leslie's Illustrated, meant for the German speaking residents of the U.S.

It measures 22 3/4 by 33 inches and is in very nice condition.

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California Ranger Harry Love death in 1868...

Item #668829

July 27, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, July 27, 1868 

* Harry Love death

* Killed Joaquin Murrieta fame

* Texas- California Ranger - lawman

Page 3 has report with small headings: "Tragic Affair In California" "Particulars of the Death of Harry Love, the Texas Ranger" (see)

Other news of the day. Complete with 8 pages, a little light staining, generally nice.... See More  

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Defense of the Kansas Frontier in 1868...

Item #668723

August 18, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 18, 1868 

* Defense of the Kansas Frontier

* Solomon River Valley - Indians

Page 7 has an article headed: "Our Indian Troubles" "Large Bodies of Indians on the War Path--Government Troops Defeated--Settlements Broken Up--Eight Men Murdered" (see)

Other news of the day. Complete with 12 pages, light damp staining at top portion, generally nice.... See More  

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Two Reno Brothers arrested...

Item #668719

August 02, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 2, 1868 

* Reno Brothers Gang train robbery arrests

* Marshfield, Scott County, Indiana

* Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad

Page 5 has an brief article headed: "Indiana" "William and Simon (sic) Reno, the Adams Express Robbers" (see)

Other news of the day. Complete with 8 pages, minimal wear, generally nice.... See More  

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Michael Barrett (Fenian) public hanging...

Item #668640

June 09, 1868


* Michael Barrett execution - hanging

* Last man publicly hanged in England

* Irish Republican Brotherhood - Fenians

* re. the Clerkenwell explosion - bombing

Page 5 has an article headed: "BARRETT, THE FENIAN" "Execution of the Clerkenwell 'Conspiracy,' in England" "The Hangman, the Halter, the Fall and Death" and mo... See More  

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Ulysses S. Grant's 1868 presidential nomination...

Item #668623

May 25, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, May 25, 1868 

* Reno Brothers Gang train robbery

* Marshfield, Scott County, Indiana

* Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis Railroad

Page 4 has a article with small heading: "The Last Express Robbery" (see)

Other news of the day. Complete with 8 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Ulysses S. Grant's 1868 presidential nomination...

Item #668621

May 22, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, May 22, 1868 

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Presidential Republican nomination

The top of page 3 has one column headings: "CHICAGO CONVENTION" "Republican Nominations" "For President, ULYSSES S. GRANT, of Illinois" and more. Lengthy text takes up the entire page and continues on page 10.

Other news of the day. Complete with 12 pages, nice ... See More  

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On the impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson...

Item #664463

February 26, 1868

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 26, 1868 

* President Andrew Johnson

* Reconstruction era impeachment trial

Page 3 has proceedings on President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, with first column heads: "WASHINGTON" "Subsidence Of The Excitement" "Preliminary Preparations for the Trial of the President" and more.

Eight pages, minor margin wear, nice condi... See More  

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Fish-Culture in America...

Item #659630
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, November, 1868.  The front page has the beginning of a multi-page article: "FISH-CULTURE IN AMERICA", which has considerable text and related illustrations in regards to the controlled raising and breeding of fish. A background history of Pisciculture is included.

Additional articles with associated prints include: "THE HANDEL FESTI... See More  

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Perry and Goddard's perpetual revolver...

Item #657811

November 18, 1868

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, November 18, 1868

* Perry & Goddard's perpetual revolver
This 16 page issue is in nice condition and contains illustrations, accompanied by text, of the latest inventions of the day including: "The Perry and Goddard 'Double Header,' or 'Perpetual Revolver'", and "Double Seated Lock Safety Valve".
... See More  

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Day 2 reports of the 1st official Memorial Day...

Item #651767

June 01, 1868

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 1, 1868  Page 5 has, under the heading "Our Dead Heroes," multiple, day 2 reports regarding the 1st official Memorial Day celebrations from throughout the country. Locations include Jersey City, Newark, Nashville, Providence, Hartford, Portland, St. Louis, Dayton, and more. Nice to have these early reports. Other news of the day is found throughout.

Complet... See More  

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Contrasting views of the 1st (official) Memorial Day...

Item #651765

June 07, 1868

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 7, 1868  Page 3 has an article related to the 1st official Memorial Day which includes a touching letter from a young girl who had lost her father during the war, addressed to Col. Leaming: "Will you please put this wreath upon some rebel soldier's grave? My dear papa is buried at Andersonville, and perhaps some little girl will be kind enough to put a few fl... See More  

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Suspension bridge over the Hudson...

Item #648921

October 28, 1868

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, October 28, 1868  The front page has "Francis' Car Heating and Ventilating Apparatus" and "Nagle's Patent Expanding Mandrel" with accompanying articles. Within the issue is "The Joy Patent Steam Hammer"; "Suspension Bridge Over The Hudson"; and additional articles and advertisements.

Complete in sixteen pages
... See More  

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