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Abraham Lincoln the inventor - a buoying apparatus...

Item #704122

December 01, 1860


* Invention by Abraham Lincoln

* Buoying vessels over shoals

Page 4 has a great article headed: "The President Elect's Mode of Buoying Vessels" which also includes a nice illustration of the device captioned: "Abraham Lincoln's Apparatus For Buoying Vessels." (see).

The text, taking most of a column, ... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln is nominated for President...

Item #700434

* Abraham Lincoln accepts presidential nomination

* Republican National Convention in Chicago

Near the back under the report: "Monthly Record of Current Events" is a quite lengthy report concerning the Republican National Convention which met recently in Chicago. Included is a lengthy abstract of the Republican platform... See More  

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Lincoln accepts the nomination for the Presidential election...

Item #698523

June 29, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln nomination

* 2nd term as president

* Civil War reporting

Page 4 has an historic report headed: "The Presidential Nomination" "Mr. Lincoln's Acceptance" with the text taking over a full column and signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.

Obviously this was the step necessary for him to be on the Republican ballot... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Climbing Pike's Peak... Ad supporting Lincoln for President...

Item #696955

November 02, 1860


* Abraham Lincoln about to become President elect

* Presidential campaign that would divide the nation

The front page has nearly 2 columns taken up with a great & detailed letter headed: "Climbing Pike's Peak".

Page two has a political notice supporting: "For President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, of Illinois - For Vice Presid... See More  

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Great column heads announcing Lincoln's election...

Item #694593

November 09, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)

* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

Certainly the most notable content would be the back page column heads on the election of Lincoln as President.

The second column has perhaps the nicest stack of heads on the election we have seen in any newspaper. They include: "PRESIDENTIAL And State ELECT... See More  

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Lincoln accepts his nomination for President... In a Confederate newspaper...

Item #694414

July 05, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 5, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln accepts nomination for re-election

A single sheet newspaper with just a one column masthead, somewhat typical for the period as most paper mills were located in the North, newsprint was of short supply in the South, causing publishers to maximize use of paper as much as possible.

This issue has a great wealth of Civil War re... See More  

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Electoral votes for Abraham Lincoln...

Item #693788

February 09, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 9, 1865 

* Battle of Hatcher's Run

* re. Abraham Lincoln election

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Counting of the Electoral Votes" "212 Votes for Lincoln and Johnson" "21 for McClellan and Pendleton" "The Peace Conference In Congress" "ARMY OF THE POTOMAC" "Severe Fighting but n... See More  

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Much on the Presidential election of 1860... The Pony Express...

Item #693435

August 25, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, Aug. 25, 1860  Page 4 has a lengthy list of news items under: "THE PONY EXPRESS" with a dateline of St. Joseph, Missouri.

Over half of page 7 is taken up with much on the: "Political War" which has much commentary on the coming Presidential election, presented state-by-state, with much mention of Abraham Lincoln as well.

Eight pages, slightly irregul... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States...

Item #692531

November 10, 1860

HARTFORD WEEKLY TIMES, Connecticut, Nov. 10, 1860 

* President Abraham Lincoln

* First presidential election win

* Civil War on the horizon

The top of page 2 has a column headed: "The Presidential Contest" "Election Of Lincoln and Hamlin" "The North for Lincoln - The South Mostly For Breckinridge" "Lincoln Comes In With A Congress Against Him!"... See More  

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The crisis in the South...

Item #692523

December 19, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 19, 1860 

* Tensions increasing in the South

* Abraham Lincoln to divide a nation

* History about to be made

Page 4 has an interesting article: "The Popular Vote" which begins: "A great deal is attempted to be made of the fact that though Mr. Lincoln has been chosen President of the United States, he had only a minority of the popular vote in his ... See More  

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War is on the horizon... Election results by Pony Express...

Item #692521

December 20, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 20, 1860 

* Pony Express re. Abraham Lincoln's election win

* Pre Civil War Southern tensions - secession ?

Considerable reporting on national events that would soon lead to the Civil War.

Inside page reports include one beginning: "The Pony Express passed Fort Kearney early on Tuesday...with later California news. The official result of the Presidentia... See More  

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Disunion & the national crisis... Mormons on Lincoln's election...

Item #691532

December 11, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 11, 1860  

* Pre-Civil War Southern tensions - secession ?

* Mormons on Abraham Lincoln's election

A great issue from several months before the outbreak of the Civil War, with ominous first column heads including; "THE NATIONAL CRISIS" "The Secession Question Before Congress" "Latest Reports From the South" and more. 

Also o... See More  

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On the Presidential election, in a Confederate newspaper...

Item #691526

November 12, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1864  

* re. Abraham Lincoln 2nd election victory

A wealth of war-related reports on the front page including: "THE WAR NEWS" with subheads: "From Petersburg--From the Valley--Georgia". Also: "The Yankee Presidential Elections" notes frustration in not knowing the outcome.

Other front page reports: "Additio... See More  

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Nice headlines on Lincoln's first election...

Item #691442

November 08, 1860

THE LITCHFIELD ENQUIRER, Connecticut, Nov. 8, 1860

* Abraham Lincoln elected president

* America about to change

Page 2 begins with one of the nicest stack of column heads on Lincoln's first election we have seen. They included: "VICTORY ! VICTORY !! " "Great Republican Victory!" " 'Old Abe' the Next President!!" "Secession And Fusion Simmered... See More  

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President-elect enroute to his inauguration...

Item #691179

February 22, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 22, 1861  

* President-Elect Abraham Lincoln heads to Washington D.C.

A great wealth of fine reporting on Lincoln's journey to Washington for his inauguration.

Among the front page column heads are: "THE INCOMING ADMINISTRATION" "Progress of the President Elect Towards Washington" "His Departure From New York" "Popular Ovation... See More  

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The South Carolina Ordinance of Secession...

Item #690966

December 21, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, Dec. 21, 1860 

* South Carolina Ordinance of Secession approved

* Abraham Lincoln as president elect era

* From our nation's capital ( rare as such)

Page 3 has a wealth of reports concerning South Carolina and secession, as well as reports on other states as well.

Certainly the most notable report is headed: "South Carolina Conventio... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's 1st speech upon being re-elected...

Item #689182

November 11, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 11, 1864 

* Abraham Lincoln address

* "In Response to a Serenade"

* Jefferson Davis & arming of slaves ?

Page five has column heads: "UNION REJOICES" "Serenading the President and Cabinet - Speeches of Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Seward, and Others."

The article includes one of the most humble calls for unity given by Lincoln: "The P... See More  

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Rare print of Mary Todd Lincoln & her sons... The Colorado gold rush...

Item #689049

December 15, 1860

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Dec., 15, 1860 

* President-elect Abraham Lincoln's wife and kids

The entire front page is taken up with a quite rare print, captioned: "Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, Wife of the President Elect, and Sons" which are  captioned "William" and "Thomas". The top of page 2 has a brief article on them: "Mrs. Lincoln... See More  

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Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...

Item #689046

March 09, 1861

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 9, 1861 

* Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...

The front page has text on: "Our Portrait of the President" which relates to the terrific double page centerfold captioned: "Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, With Scenes & Incidents in His Life."

The larg... See More  

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Rare issue of this Confederate "Memphis" newspaper printed in Montgomery, Alabama...

Item #688836

December 22, 1864

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Montgomery, Alabama, December 22, 1864 

* Very Rare Confederate title from the "traveling" newspaper

* Memphis newspaper printed in Montgomery, Alabama

If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War.

Memphis was a Confederate stronghold up through the Battle of... See More  

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North Carolina secession report in a North Carolina newspaper...

Item #688320

May 22, 1861

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Wilmington, North Carolina, May 22, 1861 

* North Carolina secession

* American Civil War

Certainly the most notable report is the pg. 2 news headed: "Secession Of North Carolina!" "One of The Confederates States" "North Carolina Free--Lincoln's Military Despotism Repudiated" which also includes the two "Ordinance" reports ... See More  

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Crisis in the South...

Item #688106

December 17, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 17, 1860  

* Pre Civil War tensions - Southern crisis

* Abraham Lincoln as president elect

Among the one column headlines on the tensions building in the South prior to the Civil War are: "THE NATIONAL CRISIS" "The Reaction at the Court" "Fears of the Abolitionists in Boston and Brooklyn" "The Police Out In Force" "Impo... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln wins the Presidential election...

Item #688054

November 07, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, November 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election victory

The entire front page is taken up with reports of the election, with first column heads including: "THE RESULT" "End Of The Great National Contest" "Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, Elected President" "And Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, Vice President of the United States" &q... See More  

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President-elect on his way to his inauguration...

Item #688042

February 21, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 21, 1861  

* President elect Abraham Lincoln

* En route to Washington D.C.

* New York City visit - speech

The front page has among its column heads: "The Incoming Administration" "Mr. Lincoln In New York" "His Reception and Speech at the City Hall" "How Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Spent the Day and Evening"  and more.

Among t... See More  

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Abe Lincoln makes his way to Washington, D.C...

Item #688034

February 16, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 16, 1861 

* President elect Abraham Lincoln

* Journey to the White House for inauguration

There is much on the President-elect, Abraham Lincoln, as he makes his way from Springfield to Washington for his inauguration.

Page 2 has: 'Mr. Lincoln For Washington" "Occurrences at Home Prior to the President's Departure" "Progress of the Pres... See More  

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Abe Lincoln on the Civil War... Georgia secedes from the Union...

Item #687522

January 20, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, January 20, 1861 

* President-elect Abraham Lincoln

* The Civil War about to begin

* Georgia secedes from the Union

The front page has some ominous reports concerning the troubles in the South which would soon lead to the Civil War, with first column heads including: "The Revolution" "Important News from the South" "Projected Seizure of Fort ... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln is elected president...

Item #687250

November 12, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)

* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

 Page 3 has a nice illustration headed: "Prison At Andersonville, Georgia" with related text with one column heads: "Rebel Cruelties To Prisoners" "The Horrors of Andersonville, of Libby Prison, and of Relic Isle" "Plunde
... See More  

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Early returns show Lincoln is doing well in the 1864 election..

Item #685219

November 08, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln's election (2nd)

* Original American Civil War reporting

In addition to much inside page reporting on the latest Civil War events, page 2 has items concerning the election. Final results would not be known until the next day, however various partial returns are noted here (see photos), almost all showing Abraham Lincoln looking... See More  

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Pre-Civil War tensions....

Item #684484

November 27, 1860

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 27, 1860  

* Southern crisis - secession options

* Abraham Lincoln as president elect

Among the front page column heads on troubles leading to the Civil War are: "THE SECESSION MOVEMENT" "Interesting From South Carolina" "Indication of Conservatism in the South" "The Palmetto Flag Groaned at and Hissed in Baltimore" &
... See More  

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On the inaugurations of Jefferson Davis, and Abraham Lincoln...

Item #684148

March 16, 1861

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 16, 1861 

* President Abraham Lincoln

* Rebel leader Jefferson Davis

* Inaugurations w/ prints

The full front page is a nice print of: "The Hon. Jefferson Davis, President-Elect of the New Southern Confederacy, Addressing the Citizens of Montgomery, Ala...Preview to His Inauguration." Inside includes a dramatic print of: "... See More  

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With Lincoln's election, the South takes action...

Item #683573

November 13, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1860 

* The South reacts to Abraham Lincoln's election

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Now that the election of Lincoln is assured, this issue has much on the plans of Southern states in secession discussions--particularly in South Carolina--and p... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln... The definitive report...

Item #683571

November 10, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 10, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election

* From the Nation's capital (best)

* The definitive report

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "Result of the Presidential Election" which gives the definitive report t... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683570

November 08, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln elected

* Presidential election

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which notes: "From the telegraphic reports of the Presidential election received since our ... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683569

November 09, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln is elected President

* From our nation's capital

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 2 has a report headed: "The Presidential Contest" which begins: "Abraham Lincoln is the next President of the United Stat... See More  

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First election of Abraham Lincoln...

Item #683568

November 07, 1860

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election

* Best publication to be had ?

Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.

Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which begins: "As it has been currently supposed within the last few weeks... See More  

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The nation prepares for war... Fugitive slave case...

Item #683283

December 01, 1860


* Abraham Lincoln as president-elect era

* Southern secession from the Union

* Pre Civil War tensions over slavery

From weeks before the outbreak of war at Fort Sumter, this issue has much content on the events leading to war.

Included are: "Slave Extradition Case in Canada" "The Mississippi Delegation" "A Plan of Seces... See More  

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The nation prepares for war...

Item #683282

December 22, 1860


* Pre Civil War tensions - Southern crisis

* Abraham Lincoln as president elect

From weeks before the outbreak of war at Fort Sumter, this issue has much content on the events leading to war.

Included are: "Proceedings of the 'Crisis Committee" "The Question of the Crisis--No Compromise--No Secession - The Union Shall Be Pres... See More  

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The nation prepares for war...

Item #683281

January 12, 1861


* America preparing for Civil War

* Abraham Lincoln as president-elect

 From weeks before the outbreak of war at Fort Sumter, this issue has much content on the events leading to war.

Included are: "Capture of Slavers" "From Fort Sumter--Interesting Letters" "The Fate of Maryland Out of the Union" "Union Meeting... See More  

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1865 State of the Union Address on reconstruction....

Item #681433

December 06, 1865


* President Andrew Johnson

* State of the Union Address

* Much mention of the loss of Abrham Lincoln

The top of the 1st column of the front page has a one column heading: "MESSAGE of the President Of The United States To The Two Houses Of Congress...." Text of the address takes up 5 columns, all on the front page and is signed in type: Andrew Joh... See More  

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Lincoln election results... Jefferson Davis on arming slaves...

Item #679367

November 12, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 12, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln election results

* Jefferson Davis message

Over two columns on the front page are taken up with reports headed: "The Election" and "The Result In New York" "Union Majority in the State Over Eight Thousand" plus it continues with some election results from six other states as well, some quite brief.

The re... See More  

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A detailed account of Mosby's famous "Greenback Raid", in a Confederate newspaper.....

Item #679256

October 18, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Oct. 18, 1864 

* John S. Mosby - Guerrilla leader

* 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry

* From the capital of the Confederacy

This newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy has much reporting on the Civil War, but perhaps the most significant is a front page account with heads: "Mosby On the Grand Round" which begins: "Mosby is again... See More  

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Fremont and Cochrane drop out... Battle Fisher's Hill, Virginia...

Item #679178

September 23, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, September 23, 1864 

* Fremont and Cochrane Retire

* Battle of Fisher's Hill - Strasburg, Virginia

* General Philip Sheridan

The front page has the heading: "THE PRESIDENCY: Fremont and Cochrane" with one and a half columns of coverage including both candidates letters of withdraw.

Additionally, the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: &quo... See More  

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From New Orleans during the Confederacy...

Item #678020

October 19, 1861

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 19, 1861  Truly Confederate newspapers from New Orleans are very difficult to find, as Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it surrendering without a fight. So "Confederate" issues fro... See More  

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Lincoln and Hamlin for President & Vice President: ten issues...

Item #673297

October 06, 1860

DAILY ATLAS AND BEE, Boston, October, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln for President notices

A lot of ten issues of an obviously Republican newspaper, as near the top of the front page is campaign ad supporting: "For President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, of Illinois - For Vice President, HANNIBAL HAMLIN, of Maine" and noting Nov. 6 as the date for the election. The front page also has a bit stat... See More  

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Important letter from General Grant...

Item #669695

July 17, 1864

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Sept. 17, 1864  Inside has over half a column taken up with: "Important Letter  from General Grant" in which we tells of the hopelessness of the Confederacy. Bits include: "...all we want now...is a determined unity of sentiment North. The rebels have now in their ranks their last man. The little boys & old men are guarding prisoners, gua... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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The nomination of General McClellan...

Item #651771

September 03, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Sept. 3, 1864 

* General George McClellan

* Presidential nomination

* Rare Confederate title

Not only a very nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from its capital as well. The ftpg. has: "The War News with several subheads from various fields of operation: "From Atlanta" "From Mobile" "From Louisiana" and "From C... See More  

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Horace Greeley meets Lincoln in Springfield...

Item #621829

February 06, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 6, 1861 

* President-elect Abraham Lincoln

* Springfield, Illinois

Page 4 has: "Important From Springfield" reports on an interview between Lincoln and Horace Greeley, with some additional items (see). Other interesting articles relating to the coming Civil War.

Eight pages, some light damp staining, good condition.... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's position...

Item #620635

January 30, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 30, 1861 

* Abraham Lincoln about to change America

Near the top of the front page is: "Important From Springfield" "The Position Of the President Elect" noting in part: "...stating that Mr. Lincoln had written to his Congressional friends recommending conciliatory measures...country may rest assured that in Abraham Lincoln they have a Repub... See More  

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President-Elect Abraham Lincoln en route...

Item #598469

March 12, 1861

THE VERMONT CHRONICLE, Windsor, March 12, 1861

* Abraham Lincoln

* post inauguration

Page 3 has the following one column headings: "The Cabinet" "The Confederation" "The Virginia Convention"

Nice reading here. Other news of the day. Complete in 4 pages, some tape mends along central fold, minor foxing, otherwise nice.... See More  

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Electoral votes for Abraham Lincoln...

Item #597796

February 09, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 9, 1865 

* Battle of Hatcher's Run

* re. Abraham Lincoln election

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Counting of the Electoral Votes" "212 Votes for Lincoln and Johnson" "21 for McClellan and Pendleton" "The Peace Conference In Congress" "ARMY OF THE POTOMAC" "Severe Fighting but n... See More  

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