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1851 Sandusky, Ohio....

Item #712439

September 29, 1851


* Erie County

* Uncommon title

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with a few advertisements. Located in Northern Ohio, Sandusky is situated along the shores of Lake Erie.

Complete, measures 26 x 19 inches, several folds with a little wear, generally in nice condition.

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Large illustration of Millard Fillmore... John White Webster to be executed...

Item #709946

July 27, 1850

BOSTON MUSEUM, July 27, 1850   The front page has a large sketch/likeness of the newly sworn-in president, Millard Fillmore, the last member of the Whig Party to serve as POTUS. Included is an lengthy article which includes his 1842 resignation speech when he left Congress.

An inside notice announces that Harvard Professor John White Webster's request for a commutation of his d... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Death report of President Zachary Taylor... R. W. Emerson... California gold...

Item #709939

July 20, 1850

BOSTON MUSEUM, July 20, 1850   Page 4 has: "Death of President Taylor". which tells of the passing of President Zachary Taylor. Other items of interest include: "Transcendentalism Explained", which appears to be a bit of sarcasm related to the transcendental views of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a poem which encouraging its readers to count each day as precious, "Latest ... See More  

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President Zachary Taylor and much more... Early Florida...

Item #709879

October 06, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Oct. 6, 1848 

* Rare antebellum publication

This issue from Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, includes many articles and advertisements: "Gen. Taylor's Northern Platform" "Extract of a Speech Delivered in 1827 by Henry Clay of Kentucky" "General Taylor & the Proviso" "New Game of Ride and Tie"  "Tay... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Latest from the California Gold Rush...

Item #704760

October 20, 1849

SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Oct. 20, 1849  Page 2 has: "From California" with the latest news, bits including: "...The Sacramento still yields a good dividend of something like ten to fifteen dollars a day to all industrious laborers...The Feather River, where the finest gold has been found, is yet a favorite stream among the diggers...About 3,000 persons are now engag... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Latest from the California Gold Rush...

Item #704759

August 04, 1849

SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Aug. 4, 1849  Page 3 has: "From California" with the latest news, bits including: "...The Crescent City brings $230,000 in specie...that probably $300,000 would cover all the gold dust on board...one opinion among the passengers with regard to the gold in California; it is still found in great quantities...There was no sickness at the mines.... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Reinventing the English language...

Item #704704

October 19, 1850

WECLI FONETIC ADVOCET, Sinsinati, O., Octobur 19, 1850  [Weekly Phonetic Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio]  This is one of the more curious newspapers of the 19th century.

During this time there was a movement afoot to create a new mode of writing & spelling: to spell words as they sounded, phonetically. Obviously it never caught on, but it did result in this unusual newspaper which is al... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Much on the California gold rush...

Item #704638

February 03, 1849

SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1849  The top of page 3 has a column headed: "Mode Of Extracting Gold From the Ore"  being a timely article given the recent discovery of gold in Calif. But the article begins with: "...The metallic grains found in the sands of rivers in California do not require to be subjected to a metallurgic process."

Page 3 begins wit... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Rare period print of the yacht America after having just won the famous race...

Item #704636

October 25, 1851

THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1851 The front page features a nice print of the yacht: "The America", which to our knowledge is the only period print of the racing yacht America having just won the historic race against 14 other competitors. A similar print appears is the Illus. London News but it was from before the race. It would be this yacht, in this 1851 rega... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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The first bridge to span Niagara Falls...

Item #704504

February 17, 1849

ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Feb. 17, 1849  The most interesting print is a nearly half page view captioned: "Construction Of The Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge--Basket Ferry & Temporary Towers". This was the very first bridge over Niagara Falls, this print showing the early stages of the construction showing the: "...basket ferry and temporary towers". This prin... See More  

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Report on the Mormon colony in Utah...

Item #704479

January 08, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 1850 

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Early Salt Lake City, Utah

The front page has: "From The Valley Of Salt Lake" which is an early report on the Mormons at their new home. Bits include: "...states that the Mormon colony at the Valley of the Salt Lake was in a prosperous and happy condition. The crops had been abundant...The Mo... See More  

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Slave ads & notices... California mining news...

Item #704384

September 26, 1850

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 26, 1850 

* Rare antebellum publication

* From the deep South

Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.

Among the many ads is one on the front page with heading: which notes in part: "The subscribers are prepared to receive, on consignment, for sale in this market, any number of slaves, h... See More  

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Reinventing the English language...

Item #704265

October 12, 1850

WECLI FONETIC ADVOCET, Sinsinati, O., Octobur 12, 1850

* Rare publication

[Weekly Phonetic Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio]  This is one of the more curious newspapers of the 19th century.

During this time there was a movement afoot to create a new mode of writing & spelling: to spell words as they sounded, phonetically. Obviously it never caught on, but it did result in this unusual ne... See More  

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The President addresses the discovery of gold in California...

Item #704174

December 07, 1848


* President James K. Polk

* State of the Union Address

* Discovery of California gold

All of the front page & most of page 2 are taken up with the "PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE!" being the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type: James K. Polk.

Within his message, and on the front page, he devotes much space to Californ... See More  

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The Gold Rush in California... Early from the capital of Florida...

Item #702880

April 14, 1849

THE FLORIDIAN & JOURNAL, Tallahassee, April 14, 1849 

* Early California gold rush report

* Rare title from pre-civil war Florida

Page 3 has: "Interesting From California" which takes over a full column with various news items from the gold region. Some bits include: "...The whole of Lower California was deserted by the men who had gone North to the placer. When Mr.... See More  

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Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...

Item #702595

August 10, 1848

THE BATTERY, Washington, Aug. 10 1848  

* Great political themed masthead engraving

* Supporting Zachery Taylor for president

This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President.

In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short-lived newspapers to support their can... See More  

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Campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President... Great political cartoon for a masthead...

Item #702591

July 13, 1848

THE BATTERY, Washington, July 13, 1848  

* President Zachary Taylor

* Rare campaign publication

* Nice masthead for display

This was a campaign newspaper supporting Zachary Taylor for President and Millard Fillmore for Vice President. And it is the volume 1, number 2 issue.

In the era before radio, television, and the internet it was not uncommon for political parties to create short... See More  

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Still with the original outer wrappers...

Item #701990

May 11, 1850

NEW ENGLAND FARMER, Boston, May 11, 1850  Although this farming-themed title has rather mundane content, its interest is in it still having the original, brown outer wrappers it had when sold on the streets. Wrappers were almost always removed when bound into annual volumes.

Complete in 16 pages plus 8 pages of front & back wrappers, 7 1/4 by 11 inches, never bound nor trimmed, very nice... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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The yacht 'America' wins the first of what will become the America's Cup race...

Item #701518

August 25, 1851

THE TIMES, London, Aug. 25, 1851 

* 1st America's Cup

* Yacht "America" wins

Nearly half of page 5 is taken up with very detailed accounts of: "The Cowes Regatta" in England, which would become known as the famed America's Cup race.

This was the very first of this iconic race, and since won by the yacht "America" it would forever become known as t... See More  

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New Orleans document for the sale of a woman slave...

Item #701390

March 05, 1849

New Orleans slave sale document: A part-printed, part-handwritten document headed "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. State of Louisiana" for the sale of a slave.

The full text can be seen in the photos, however portions include: "...he does...grant, bargain sell, assign, convey, transfer and deliver...Unto Sean Nontanee...of this city...purchasing for himself, his heir and assigns, a negro... See More  

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Slave ads & notices in this antebellum Louisiana newspaper... Much on Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale...

Item #701056

September 12, 1850

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 12, 1850  Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.

The front page has an illustrated ad: "$20 Reward" for a runaway mulatto boy. Inside are ads for: "Negro Clothing" 2 more reward ads for runaways, and: "For Sale, A likely negro woman...".

Page 2 also has a full column ... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Slave ads & notices in this antebellum Louisiana newspaper...

Item #701039

September 03, 1850

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 3, 1850  Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.

Among the many page 3 ads is one headed: "Slaves! Slaves!! Slaves!!!" which notes in part: "The subscribers are prepared to receive, on consignment, for sale in this market, any number of slaves, having one of the best showrooms in the ... See More  

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Apache Indians... Pirates... The Gold Rush...

Item #700934

April 10, 1849

NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, April 10, 1849  A front page article is headed: "Piracy In the Pacific" which has some interesting particulars. Also on the front page: "The New Coinage" which reports on the new $20 and $12 gold coins.

Page 2 has: "Major Beall's Expedition against the Apaches" which is an early report on fights with the Apache Indians in New Mexico.

... See More  

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Very decorative newspaper... The steamship Great Eastern...

Item #700254

September 10, 1851

GLEASON'S PICTORIAL DRAWING-ROOM COMPANION, Boston, Sept. 10, 1851  This was perhaps America's first successful illustrated newspaper, existing from 1851 thru 1859. It set the format for other more successful titles to emulate, most notably Frank Leslie's Illustrated (1855) and Harper's Weekly (1857). All were modeled after the British title 'London Illustrated News' w... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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New lifestyle for ladies in California...

Item #699008

July 16, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 16, 1849  Page 3 has an interesting article: "What The Ladies Do In California" now that they are in a dramatically different living situation than they were used to before moving close to the gold mines.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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The California Gold Rush...

Item #698762

December 02, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 2, 1848  Page 3 has a report headed: "From California" which includes in part: "...fully confirms the most glowing accounts heretofore received in the States of the richness & extent of the gold region...the gold is found from the tops of the highest mountains to the bottom of the rivers..." with more. 

An early repo... See More  

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Early reports from the California Gold Rush...

Item #698607

December 19, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 1848  The back page has some nice, early Gold Rush content with the top of a column headed: "From California" containing several reports, one noting: "...The attention of the whole population is entirely devoted to the gold region...Much sickness prevails & many die...but the truth is, they are so entirely absorbed by the m... See More  

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Early report on the Gold Rush of California...

Item #698606

October 14, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 14, 1848 The top of pg. 3 has a column head: "The California Gold Region" which has near the beginning: "The accounts which have reached the United States concerning the auriferous region of country on the Sacramento...induced hundreds, we might say thousands, of our citizens to turn their eyes in that direction..." with more on th... See More  

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Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the Mexican War...

Item #698563

July 08, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 8, 1848

* Mexican War ends

* Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

* Mexico - United States - Texas

The top of page 2 has the very historic report of the official end of the Mexican War, beginning with: "A Proclamation" "Whereas a treaty of peace, friendship, limits, & settlement between the United States of America and the Mexican re... See More  

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Death of James Fenimore Cooper...

Item #698517

September 23, 1851

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, Sept. 23, 1851

* American writer death

Taking three-quarters of a column on page 3 is a report: "Death Of James Fenimore Cooper". Nice details about the career of America's first great novelist.

Four pages, very nice condition.... See More  

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Gold Rush items in a South Carolina newspaper...

Item #698344

February 21, 1849

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, Columbia, South Carolina, Feb. 21, 1849  

* Rare antebellum publication

* California Gold Rush report

Not only a rather rare antebellum title, but page 2 has California Gold Rush content with a letter headed: "California" which questions the consequences of the "gold excitement" and people & goods heading west. Another brief article: "C... See More  

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California gold...

Item #698327

July 11, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C.,July 11, 1849  Page 3 has a relatively short article: "California Gold" noting in part: "...that the amount of the precious metal from the 'diggings' already deposited at the Mint for coinage is within a small fraction of two millions of dollars...". and more.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Great, early California Gold Rush report...

Item #698142

December 12, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1848  The top of the back page has a column head: "Further Of The Gold Mines" which is an early report on the California Gold Rush. It is primarily a lengthy letter datelined "Monterey, California, August 29, 1848".

A few bits include: "The gold discoveries still continue--every day brings some new deposits to light.... See More  

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People deserting to follow the trail to the gold fields...

Item #698137

November 04, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1848  The front page has news on the Gold Rush headed: "From California", beginning: "In Upper California the gold excitement is on the increase..." with more.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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Beware of the infatuation for gold...

Item #698111

December 21, 1848

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 21, 1848 

* California gold rush fever

Page 3 has an article: "Gold" which includes: "...all that has been reported of the gold regions of California to be true...rather a misfortune than a source of congratulation. Visions of golden sands...are filling...the minds of thousands, & if the epidemic continues we may expect t... See More  

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Early and rare from Florida...

Item #698095

July 01, 1848

THE FLORIDIAN, Tallahassee, Florida, July 1, 1848 

* Rare antebellum publication

* Pre Civil War South

Nineteenth century newspapers from Florida are uncommon, particularly those from before the Civil War. Here is such an issue from the capital city of Florida, three years before the Civil War.

The ftpg. has literary & other items including: "Biographical Sketch of General W... See More  

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Gold in California, and getting there...

Item #697894

December 28, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 28, 1849  The top of page 3 has a column headed: "Additional From California" which has much concerning the growth of the territory. One bit includes: "The immigrants by the overland route were continuing to arrive...It is said that numbers are now coming by the northern trail...The emigrants think that much of the suffering ... See More  

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The Mormons' new home... Gold in California...

Item #697823

March 22, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 22, 1849  

* California gold rush - 49ers

* Mormons at Salt Lake City

* Mormonism - emigration

Two-thirds of a column on page 3 is taken up with: "The Mormons" which notes in part: "...Seven thousand of them have found a resting place in the most remarkable spot on the American continent...to follow after a new Jerusalem ... See More  

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California Gold Rush. amd it's growing population...

Item #697382

August 15, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 15, 1849  Page 3 has an interesting article: "Population Of California" noting that the entire "country" has about 60,000 people, broken down by country of origin. It also notes: "...Of the population already in the country, it is supposed that one-half...are engaged in various business pursuits, and the other half ... See More  

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Difficulties in getting to the California gold fields...

Item #697231

December 12, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1849  Page 3 has a great half column report: "From California" concerning the on-going Gold Rush. It has two letters, the first from "Camp on St. Mary's River" which details the travails of the overland route to Calif. with some interesting detail. It ends saying: "...From my experience I would not advise no... See More  

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Great on the Thomas Sims fugitive slave case in Boston...

Item #696676

May 10, 1851


* Thomas Sims - Negro

* Fugitive slave case

This was perhaps America's first successful illustrated newspaper, existing from 1851 thru 1859. It set the format for other more successful titles to emulate, most notably Frank Leslie's Illustrated (1855) and Harper's Weekly (1857). All were modeled after the... See More  

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The President's state-of-the-union address, from the nation's capital...

Item #696648

December 03, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 3, 1850 

* President Millard Fillmore

* State of the Union Address

Taking all of the front page & part of page 2 is the President's annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type at its conclusion by: Millard Fillmore. It is headed: "The Message".

As was typical with this annual tradition, President Fillmore reviewed ... See More  

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Col. Fremont's disastrous fourth expedition...

Item #696647

March 29, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 29, 1849  

* John C. Fremont

* Fatal 4th expedition

The top of the front page has a nicer account headed: "Col. Fremont--A Distressing Report" which is concerning his fateful fourth expedition in the West during which his party was caught in a snowstorm in Colorado causing loss of ten of his men & 130 of his pack mules. Near... See More  

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Latest news from the Gold Rush...

Item #696645

August 10, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 10, 1849 

* California Gold Rush

* 49ers - mining - miners

Page 3 has a variety of reports under: "From California" which has the latest reports concerning the Gold Rush, a few bits noting: "...Gold is plenty, large quantities being brought every day from the placers...The quantity was thought inexhaustible...The healt... See More  

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A Communist's oath from 1848...

Item #696508

August 08, 1848

BOSTON EVENING TRANSCRIPT, August 8, 1848  The front page has an early Communist oath under the heading: "THE OATH OF THE COMMUNISTS." See image for details. Other news of the day with period advertising is found throughout.

Four pages, small folio size, two cutouts on the 2nd leaf, but otherwise in nice condition. Since the described content is on the 1st leaf, the cutouts do not ... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #695947

March 20, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1851

* Rare abolitionism publication

An anti-slavery newspaper that is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting on June 5, 1851.

The complete serialization appeared almos
... See More  

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On a fugitive slave case... News from California...

Item #695946

March 27, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., March 27, 1851  

* Rare abolitionism publication

An anti-slavery newspaper that is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting on June 5, 1851.

The complete serialization appeare
... See More  

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Great & descriptive letter from Santa Fe on the famed Kit Carson...

Item #695945

April 03, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., April 3, 1851  

* American frontiersman Kit Carson

* Letter from Santa Fe, New Mexico

An anti-slavery newspaper that is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting on June 5, 1851.

... See More  

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Famous Thomas Sims fugitive slave case... Sara Jane Lippencott...

Item #695944

April 10, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., April 10, 1851  

* Rare abolitionism publication

* Fugitive slave Thomas Sims

* Reformist Sara Jane Lippencott

An anti-slavery newspaper which is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era,... See More  

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Very famous anti-slavery newspaper... On the Fugitive Slave Law & more...

Item #695942

April 24, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1851  

* Harriet Beecher Stowe

* Rare Anti-slavery publication

* Pre-American Civil War era

An anti-slavery newspaper which is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting... See More  

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