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Samuel Webster's 1777 sermon...
Great and notable sermon on chasing the British out of America...
Item #706755
May 28, 1777
Pamphlet: "A SERMON Preached before the Honorable COUNCIL, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the state of Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England. At BOSTON, May 28, 1777. Being the anniversary for the election of the Honorable Council. By Samuel Webster, A.M. Pastor of a church in Salisbury."
Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].
Complete in 44 pa
... See More
Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].
Complete in 44 pa
Notable ad for Paine's "Common Sense"... Much on the faltering relationship with America...
Item #704396
January 18, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1776
* Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" ad
* Great year to have (1776)
* American Independence ?
* Revolutionary War original
Wonderful to find a newspaper not just dated 1776, but from Philadelphia.
The entire front page is taken up with reports from Parliament, much concerning the tension with the American colonies... See More
John Adams & Thomas Paine...
Item #703565
May 11, 1798
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, May 11, 1798 The front page has a three-quarter column article: "To the Inhabitants of the Town of Providence, Rhode Island" signed in type by the President: John Adams. Also on the front page is a letter signed by Thomas paint written to France's Council of 500.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, a bit of light damp staining, good condition.... See More
Criticizing Thomas Paine's writings...
Item #703477
January 23, 1779
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET OR THE GENERAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1779 Two-thirds of the front page and most of page 2 are taken up with an interesting, critical article on Thomas Paine's works. It is headed: "To The Respectable Public of America, On the Veracity of Common Sense" in which the authors points out 20 "falsehoods" on the Paine's works, with th... See More
Very handsome Revolutionary War newspaper from Philadelphia...
Item #694765
December 11, 1779
* American Revolutionary War
* Great masthead for display
This newspaper features one of the most ornate and decorative mastheads of the Revolutionary War, the words "Pennsylvania Packet" so frilly that it can be difficult to read.
Most of page 2 is taken up with; "An Act for Vesting the Est... See More
Two front page George Washington script signatures... Building Washington, D.C...
Item #693180
June 23, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 23, 1792
* President George Washington
* Designing District of Columbia
* Federal buildings - Capitol
Most of the first column on the front page is taken up with an Act of Congress and a “Resolve”, each signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington, making this a nice issue for display.
Over 2 front-page columns are on: “Re... See More
Terrific discussions on the value of independence from England... Confirmation Howe has evacuated Boston...
Item #687419
March 30, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, March 30, 1776
* Rare Revolutionary War era title
* Tory issue from Pennsylvania
* Great year to have (1776)
This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.
The entire front page and a portion of the back page are filled with a terri... See More
Likely the most desired masthead from the 18th century... Paul Revere's segmented snake engraving - "Join or Die"
Item #687194
October 27, 1774
THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Or Thomas's Boston Journal, October 27, 1774 It would be difficult to properly place both the scarcity and desirability of this newspaper in the confect of American history. This issue has the famous "Join Or Die" engraving stretching across the masthead.
In the same way that the famous "Dewey Defeats Truman" issue of the Chicago Tribune is com... See More
The American colonies and England... Gradual Abolition Act... Early naval battle...
Item #687146
March 25, 1780
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, March 25, 1780
* American Revolutionary War
* Great masthead engraving
The front page has a fine account of a furious naval engagement between Britain and France in the Revolutionary War, involving the frigate HMS Quebec and the frigate Surveillante of the French Navy. The battle ended in a French victory when Quebec was destroyed by an exp... See More
Further on Ethan Allen's narrative of his captivity...
Item #687145
November 20, 1779
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1779
* Ethan Allen captivity
* Revolutionary War original
Most of the front page is taken up with an Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, prefaced with a paragraph signed in type by the Clerk of the General Assembly, none other than: Thomas Paine.
Page 3 has yet another Act which is prefaced with an intro signed: Thomas Paine.
All of ... See More
Dr. Joseph Priestley... France eliminates knighthood...
Item #686807
September 28, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 28, 1791 A page 3 report says: "A subscription was opened in London, before Capt. Scott sailed, for the purpose of building a large and elegant Chapel for the Rev. Dr. Priestley." Joseph Priestley is credited with the discovery of oxygen.
There is much concerning the French Revolution including a page 2 item: "National Assembly - Abolition Of... See More
Treatment of Indians... Louis XVI on the colors of the flags...
Item #686786
May 14, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 14, 1791 Over half of the front page is taken up with: "Commonn Sense -- In Answer to Burke's Phillipick" which relates to Thomas Paine's work, plus much concerning he French Revolution and several references to the Maquis de LaFayette.
Page 2 has "A Law" from France, signed by the King: Louis, concerning a Decree of the Nati... See More
Deaths of Joseph Haydn and Thomas Paine...
Item #684914
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1809* Deaths of Joseph Haydn and Thomas Paine
The obituary listing inside includes: "At New York, the notorious Thomas Pain [sic]; whose death is an admonitory event; may the lesson that it inculcates be impressive..." & more. The opposing page has: "In Guppendorff, aged 76, Joseph Haydn, the celebrated composer... ju... See More
Critical piece on Thomas Paine and his works...
Item #677414
August 17, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 17, 1796 Page 3 has over half a column taken up with a critical report on Thomas Paine and his works. A few bits include; "Tom Paine treats every subject, government, religion, finance, with equal profoundness and knowledge...with absolute shallowness and ignorance. In his Common Sense (the real merit of which work was that it boldly... See More
Thomas Paine's latest pamphlet...
Item #677408
July 23, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, July 23, 1796 Page 3 has nearly half a column headed: "Thomas Paine" concerning a pamphlet he wrote on: "...the Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance...". A smaller article mentions Hamilton.
The front page has an ad placed by the "Pennsylvania Population Company" concerning the sale of large acreage ... See More
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