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The Jew Bill... Jefferson, Adams & Madison lend their support...

Item #708732

February 20, 1819

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 20, 1819 (with the "Supplement To Volume XV")

* Re: The Jew Bill

* Thomas Jefferson provides opinion

* Historically significant

Certainly the best content in this issue is in the lengthy "Supplement" to the volume, with an article headed: "Legislature Of Maryland - The Jew Bill--From A Correspondent" which takes near... See More  

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President Madison is "such an idiot"...

Item #704648

September 29, 1814

THE STAR, London, England, Sept. 29, 1814  There is so much fine War of 1812 content in this issue that most is seen in the photos; too much to detail here. A few highlights include: "As it is evident to all the world...that the present administration of the American government are wholly incompetent to carrying on the war, or making an honorable & speedy peace...". And: "N... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Politics... War of 1812...

Item #704090

March 10, 1814

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, March 10, 1814  The front page has two Acts of Congress each signed in type by the President: James Madison. Also a nice engraving of a ship used as a political devise in an election for governor. 

Page 2 has some items on the War of 1812 including: "Army And Militia" & "Naval Bills".

Four pages, archival repair at the blank spine,... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Terrific, lengthy account of the Battle of Tippecanoe...

Item #704018

January 08, 1812


* Battle of Tippecanoe

* William Henry Harrison

This issue contains one of the most detailed, lengthy accounts of the battle of Tippecanoe we have seen in a newspaper, taking 1 1/2 columns on the front page and almost the entirety of page 2.

The letter is datelined Vincennes, 18th Nov. 1811, is signed in type by the commander: W... See More  

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Victory at New Orleans... The War of 1812 is over...

Item #703926

February 18, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, February 18, 1815

* Battle of New Orleans is won by Andy Jackson

* The War of 1812 is over
: text of the Treaty of Peace

  The front page announces not one but two very significant developments in the War of 1812.

Topped with an engraving of a heraldic eagle (rare for this title) is an announcement headed: "Glorious News ! " "Orlea... See More  

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America alters its Constitution peacefully...

Item #703545
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, May, 1795  The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles as noted on the full title/contents page.

Included are several letters signed in type by John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Madison & others. Also: "Description of a Visit to Mount Etna" among other articles. Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with ... See More  

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House of Representatives' version of the Bill of Rights...

Item #703196

August 29, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, August 29, 1789 

* U.S. Congress version of the "Bill of Rights"

* United States Constitution - Amendments

* Presidents George Washington & John Adams

This is a very significant issue, as page 2 contains an early version of the historic Bill of Rights.

As a brief history, the Constitution was signed in September 1787 and sent to t... See More  

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You know of Molly Pitcher. Do you know of Betsy Doyle?

Item #702993

December 19, 1812

THE WAR, New York, Dec. 19, 1812   Most of the front page is taken up with a: "Official Report, to Brigadier General Smyth with much war reporting, signed in type: Geo. McFeeley, Lt. Col. Commanding Fort Niagara.

Within McFeeley's report is: "...An instance of extraordinary bravery in a female (the wife of one Doyle, a private in the United States Artillery, made a pr... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Documents signed by Madison, Monroe, Napoleon... The War of 1812...

Item #701019

July 23, 1813

THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, July 23, 1813   Pages 1 & 2 have a lengthy report from the Secretary of State, signed in type: James Monroe, & prefaced with a brief note signed by the President: James Madison. Inside has 2 more letters signed by James Monroe, plus one signed by: Napoleon.

A few reports on the War of 1812: "Alarm at Washington" "Blockade of New Londo... See More  

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Five Acts of Congress, one for punishing piracy...

Item #701005

May 27, 1820


* President James Madison

* United States Congress

* Five acts w/ piracy - pirates

The back page has a full column taken up with 4 Acts of Congress, one for: "...punishing the crime of piracy" and another for: "...continuing the work upon the center building of the Capitol...", plus one on page 2 as well. E... See More  

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The Constitution captures the Java...

Item #700925

February 27, 1813

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 27, 1813 

* USS Constitution - William Bainbridge

* HMS Java - Henry Lambert

Under "Naval Heroism" is a  message from the President concerning Captain Bainbridge and his frigate Constitution on the capture of the British frigate Java, signed by him in type: James Madison.

There is much reporting under the heading: "Events of the... See More  

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Documents on the Tripolitan War... Ending the Quasi-War with France...

Item #700650

January 02, 1802

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 2, 1802  The front page has 3 letters concerning the Tripolitan War, or the First Barbary War, including a letter from the President to the Bey [governor] of Tripoli, signed in type: Thomas Jefferson as well as James Madison.

Page 2 has: "A Proclamation" signed by the President: Th. Jefferson, concerning a treaty with France to end the Quasi-War.

F... See More  

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Treaty of Ghent ends of the War of 1812...

Item #698472

February 22, 1815

BOSTON PATRIOT Feb. 22, 1815 

* Treaty of Ghent signed

* War of 1812 officially over

Page 2 has a very nice printing of the peace treaty which ended the War of 1812 with the complete text taking nearly three wide columns. At the end of the treaty are the signatures of the respective "Plenipotentiaries" and the concluding remarks of the President, in which he prevails upon all... See More  

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The historic Embargo Act becomes law...

Item #695216

January 04, 1814

THE WAR, New York, Jan. 4, 1814 

* The Embargo Act of 1813 signed into law

The front page is entirely taken up with "EMBARGO LAW - An Act Laying an Embargo on all ships & Vessels in the Ports & Harbors of the United States." with this historic document carrying over to take two-thirds of page 2 as well where it is signed in type by the President: James Madison.

This d... See More  

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Death of Joseph Haydn... Proclamation signed by President James Madison...

Item #692771

August 17, 1809

BOSTON GAZETTE, Aug. 17, 1809 

* Franz Joseph Haydn death

* Classical music composer

* Vienna, Austria

The top of the front page has: "A Proclamation" signed in type: James Madison, and also: "French Piracies" which takes an entire column. On page 2, under the "Deaths" is a small announcement "In Vienna, May 31st, Hayden, [Hadyn] the celebrated musi... See More  

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President Madison and the church & state controversy....

Item #691342

March 09, 1811

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 9, 1811 

* President James Madison

* Church & State controversy

Page 2 has a rather inconspicuous report under "National Legislature" that mentions not only a rare veto by the President (Madison), but also a religious establishment issue. The report states: "The bill for incorporating a Baptist Society in the Mississippi Ter
... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #689815

February 09, 1814

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Feb. 9, 1814  The front page has: "The Road To Ruin - Mr. Madison's Doctrine of Retaliation" which carries over to page 2.

Among reports within are: "Singular Punishment" "Military Requisition" "Frontier Reports"; reports from Utica and Herkimer regarding the War of 1812; "Riflemen".

F... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689811

April 21, 1813

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, April 21, 1813  Among reports within on the War of 1812: "Blockading Squadron" "Madison & A Navy" "Trouble in the Camp" "British Watering Place" "Lewiston Safe" "Further Particulars"; a letter from "Urbanna" with military activities; other items.

Four pages, handsome... See More  

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Interesting church and state item...

Item #689268

March 12, 1811

THE REPERTORY, Boston, March 12, 1811 

* Church and State

* President James Madison

Page 2 has: "National Legislature" being a rather inconspicuous report mentioning not only a rare veto by the President, but also concerns a religious establishment issue. The report states: "The bill for incorporating a Baptist Society in the Mississippi Territory, and granting five acre... See More  

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Early items on the War of 1812...

Item #688866

July 23, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 23, 1812  The front page has some reports concerning celebrations for the 4th of July. Inside includes: "Naval Intelligence" "General Orders" signed in type: H. Dearborn, Major-General U.S. Army. Then "An Act" of Congress concerning the organizing of a volunteer military corps, signed by the President: James Madison. Also: &quo... See More  

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Madison's state-of-the-union address to the nation...

Item #687993

December 06, 1809

BOSTON PATRIOT, Dec. 6, 1809  

* President James Madison

* State of the Union Address

Taking over 2 columns of the front page & ending on page 2 is the: "President's Message" being his annual state-of-the-union address in which he recounts the events of the year, signed in type: James Madison.

Four pages, scattered foxing, a bit irregular at the spine, good condition... See More  

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Battle at Queenston Heights during the War of 1812...

Item #687520

October 26, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 26, 1812  

* Battle of Queenston Heights

* War of 1812 - 1st major battle

The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.

Inside page reports include: "Battles
... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #687500

October 17, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Oct. 17, 1812  The front page has a lengthy article headed: "Presidential Election". Inside includes: "Presidential Election" "A Proclamation" relating to the War of 1812, signed in type: James Madison. Following this are several reports relating to the War of 1812 including: "Army Movements".

Page 3 has much under: "War Intelligen... See More  

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War of 1812 shipping embargo....

Item #686243

April 14, 1812

THE REPERTORY & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Boston, April 14, 1812  A very historic front page, as it includes a report headed: "EMBARGO" which reports on the voting for this historic measure which would lead to the War of 1812 with England.

The front page also has the: "Confidential Message" to the senate, in which the President states: "...expedient under existing
... See More  

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Resuming trade agreements after the War of 1812...

Item #686210

December 30, 1815

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston Dec. 30, 1815  On the front page under "State Paper" is: "A Convention To Regulate the Commerce between the Territories of the United States and of His Britannic Majesty", signed in type: John Q. Adams, H. Clay, & four others, plus James Madison.

This was an important treaty which nullified most duties and allowed the U.S. to trade with the ... See More  

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The Hornet vs. the Peacock... Nine Acts of Congress signed by Madison...

Item #686209

March 31, 1813

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, March 31, 1813 

* USS Hornet vs. HMS Peacock

* War of 1812 original reporting

* President James Madison

Half of the front page is taken up with  5 Acts of Congress each signed in type by: James Madison. Five more on page 2 as well.

Page 3 has: "Fifth Naval Victory! Over the Enemy" which is the battle of the Hornet vs. the Peacock. Inclu... See More  

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Fourteen Acts each signed by James Madison...

Item #686207

November 09, 1813

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Nov. 9, 1813  Nice heraldic eagle engraving in the masthead. The ftpg. has three Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

The Acts of Congress continue on page 2 with eleven more, each signed in type by: James Madison. One is for allowing the President to buy new furniture for the White House, and another is "To establish the tow... See More  

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Documents relating to the beginning of the War of 1812...

Item #686203

May 06, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 6, 1812  

* James Madison Embargo Act

* Prelude to the War of 1812

The front page has nearly two columns taken up with a great letter headed: "Reflections on WAR!" being part of a sermon. This was from just two months before the War of 1812 would be formally declared.

Also on the front page is a notable: "Law of the United States" ti... See More  

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James Madison, and the War of 1812...

Item #686193

September 06, 1813

FEDERAL REPUBLICAN & COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Georgetown, (Col.), Sept. 6, 1813. Taking all of the front page are two acts laying duties on various items, each signed in type: James Madison. An uncommon title from the District of Columbia.

Inside has some War of 1812 content including an article: "The Enemy:"

Four pages, water staining to a bottom quadrant, minor foxing.... See More  

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On the Non-Intercourse law... Did the governor die?

Item #686179

July 27, 1809

BOSTON GAZETTE, July 27, 1809  The front page has most of a column taken up with AN ACT...The Amended Non-Intercourse Law." concerning relations with England and France, signed in type by the President: James Madison.

Page 2 has a curious item: "A Danbury paper of July 19 announces...the death of his Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. This report, we think, and sincerely hope, is p... See More  

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Pushing for an embargo...

Item #686176

April 20, 1812

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, April 20, 1812  The front page has a  brief yet historically significant document signed by the President: James Madison, asking Congress to impose: "...a general Embargo be laid on all vessels now in port...for the period of 60 days..." with a bit more. Over half of the front page & much of page 2 have a discussion in Congress of an embargo. T... See More  

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Congressmen sworn in & Congress begins...

Item #686051

April 15, 1789


* 1st United States Congress begins

* Congressmen & speaker are sworn in

A terrific issue on the very first days of work for the new federal Congress.

  See the photo for the page 2 report from New York mentioning that the Speaker & other members of the House are sworn into office, with a printing of a portion of their o... See More  

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President Madison signs Acts of Congress... Execution of Richard Smith...

Item #685991

September 03, 1816

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, Sept. 3, 1816  The middle of the front page is taken up with 3 Acts of Congress and a "Resolution", each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

The back page has nearly 2 columns on: "The Execution" of Richard Smith for the murder of Capt. John Carson. There is much written about him on the internet.

Four pages, various cases, goo... See More  

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The "Wasp" is captured... Madison's state-of-the-union address...

Item #682591

November 07, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 7, 1812 

* USS Wasp captured - War of 1812

* James Madison state of the Union Address

There are at least two notable reports in this issue, the first being the annual state-of-the-union address by the President, signed by him in type: James Madison. This was the first war-time annual message and much of this 2+ page "Message" deals with th... See More  

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Four Acts of Congress signed by Madison...

Item #682537

May 16, 1812


* James Madison 'type" signatures

A quite uncommon title. Page 3 has a full column taken up with  four Acts of Congress and a Resolution, each signed in type by the President: James Madison. One Act concerns providing for persons disabled during the Revolutionary War.

Four pages, never bound nor trimm... See More  

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Treaty of Ghent ends the War of 1812...

Item #682430

March 01, 1815


* Treaty of Ghent signed

* War of 1812 officially over

The front page has: "TREATY Of Peace And Amity, Between his Britannick Majesty and the United States of America.", the treaty which ended the War of 1812. The treaty contains a preface beginning: "His Brittanick Majesty and the United States of America, desirous... See More  

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War is declared, beginning the War of 1812...

Item #682105

June 20, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 20, 1812 

* War of 1812 declaration by United States 

* James Madison proclamation

An inside page has a lengthy: "Declaration of War" which takes over 1 1/2 columns and is signed in type by the President: James Madison. This is followed by related reporting from the "Committee on foreign relations..." which takes over 2 page... See More  

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Madison proposes Amendments to the Constitution... Early edition of the Bill of Rights...

Item #681502

June 13, 1789

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, June 13, 1789 

* Early edition of the "Bill of Rights"

* United States Constitution - Amendments

* President James Madison

An exceedingly significant issue which has, on page 3, a preliminary draft of the Bill of Rights described as  "...the Amendments to the New Constitution, proposed by the Hon. Mr. Maddison [sic]...".... See More  

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The earliest newspaper from Illinois we have offered...

Item #678440

June 05, 1819

EDWARDSVILLE SPECTATOR, Illinois, June 5, 1819

* Very rare publication

* Madison County

 This is the earliest newspaper from Illinois we have offered. Not only that, it is eleven years earlier than the previous earliest newspaper from this state. And it is the volume 1, number 2 issue. Keep in mind that Illinois just became a state six months previous.

It is notable that the two volum... See More  

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Battle at Queenston Heights during the War of 1812...

Item #677937

October 26, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 26, 1812  

* Battle of Queenston Heights

* American War of 1812

The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.

Inside page reports include: "Battles At Queens
... See More  

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President Madison offers pardon to deserters from the Army...

Item #677936

October 22, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 22, 1812

* War of 1812 deserters

* James Madison pardon

The first column is taken up with 3 Acts of Congress as well as: "A Proclamation" headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle, concerning the granting of a full pardon for those who have deserted from the Army. Each is signed in type by the President: James Madison.

Page 2 includes: "... See More  

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Acts of Congress... The War of 1812...

Item #677932

October 05, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 5, 1812  The front page has a full column taken up with five Acts of Congress, each signed in type by he President: James Madison.

Inside has several reports on the War of 1812 including: "Military Movements" "The Freedom of the Sea, or War!" "Americans In Canada" "Anglo-Savages" "Green Mountain Patriots&qu... See More  

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Louisiana becomes the 18th state of the Union...

Item #677931

October 01, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 1, 1812  

* Territory of Orleans

* Louisiana statehood

The front page begins with: "An Act For the Admission of the State of Louisiana into the Union...", which formally happened on April 30, as noted at the end of the act: "Sec. 6. And be it further enacted that this act shall immense and be in force from and after the thirtieth day o... See More  

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The President declares the war to be over(?)... War in the Chesapeake...

Item #677919

July 02, 1814

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 2, 1814  Page three has an interesting item: "A Proclamation", signed in type by the President: James Madison which declares the war with Great Brittan to be over. However, upon further inspection, the article above headed, "The Turnpike Road to Peace", makes it clear this is merely a proclamation being suggested to the President ... See More  

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Surrender of Detroit in the War of 1812...

Item #677829

September 07, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Sept. 7, 1812 

* President James Madison

* Siege of Detroit - surrender

* Battle of Fort Detroit

* General William Hull

The front page contains two Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

Page 2 has a number of War of 1812 reports including: "Latest from the Western Frontier" also: "General Orders" sig... See More  

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Early war reports on the War of 1812...

Item #677823

August 17, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 17, 1812  The front page has a column taken up with 3 Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

Page 2 has a full column of reports on the early battles of the war, beginning with: "The War On Land" which includes several dispatches. Also: "The Savage Allies of England" and "British Accounts". Othe... See More  

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From the early months of the War of 1812...

Item #677821

August 10, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 10, 1812  The front page has an Act of Congress for issuing Treasury notes, signed in type: James Madison. Also: "British Invasion" "Divide & Conquer" "Florida" "American Prize List" and more.

Four pages, nice condition.

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Several documents relating to the War of 1812...

Item #677799

July 30, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 30, 1812  Close to half of the front page is taken up with various documents relating to the War of 1812 including a: "Notice To British Subjects" living in America, followed by a: "Marshal's Notice" beginning: "The Department of State having directed that all British subjects within the United States, report themselves..."... See More  

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Dealing with the British living in America...

Item #677797

July 20, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 20, 1812  Two columns of the front page are taken up with: "A Proclamation" for a day of Thanksgiving in support of the war, signed: James Madison. As well as four Acts of Congress each signed by Madison, one: "For the More Perfect Organization of the Army of the United States".

Also within: "Federal Recommendation of the War"... See More  

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War-related Acts of Congress on the front page...

Item #677796

July 16, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 16, 1812  The front page has a full column with 2 Acts of Congress: "To Prohibit American Vessels from Proceeding to or Trading with enemies of the United States..." and: "An Act Supplementary to the Act entitled 'An Act Respecting Alien Enemies' " each signed in type: James Madison.

Inside includes: "Privateering" &qu... See More  

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