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A short-lived campaign newspaper...
Item #701993
September 24, 1816
THE PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Sept. 24, 1816 This very uncommon title began with this issue, being volume 1, number 1 (not noted as such by verified in Brigham), ending on May 17, 1817, existing for just 8 months.
This newspaper did not have current news of the day but rather was a campaign newspaper in its early weeks, becoming a regular newspaper closer to its demi... See More
Large chart of the land battles of the War of 1812...
Item #700451
May 04, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 4, 1816 Pages 2 and 3 are taken up with a very extensive chart of the: "LAND BATTLES" of the just-ended War of 1812, columns headed "Place of Action" "When Fought" "Commander's Names" and more. The top of page 4 has a chart: "A Comparative View of the Aggregate Loss of the American and British Armies ... See More
Andrew Jackson is tough on violators of Cherokee lands...
Item #695609
November 30, 1816
THE NATIONAL REGISTER, Washington, Nov. 30, 1816 Inside has a notice signed in type by: Andrew Jackson, Major General Com'fg. in which he notes: "All white men settling on the Cherokee lands...are hereby ordered to drive off their stock within 20 days and remove themselves and families within 30 days...All individuals not attending to this notification...will be prosecuted to the ex... See More
Issue number 5 of just 29 printed...
Item #695016
October 29, 1816
THE PEOPLE'S ADVOCATE, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Oct. 29, 1816 A very rare title which existed for just 29 issues, and only 7 institutions have any holdings, 3 of which have but a few issues. It began as a quarto size issue, but with this issue--issue #5--it enlarged to folio size.
Not surprisingly, this is the first issue we have offered in our 47 years, having come from the pri... See More
Huge & graphic political ad...
Item #695015
March 30, 1816
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 30, 1816
* Great political advertisement as for display
The front page is dominated by a very large engraving of a ship headed: "Huzza, for the Massachusetts!", part of a political notice in support of John Brooks for governor.
Note that the flag on the tallest mast bears his name, with political slogans on the other flags. Much text as well... See More
President Madison signs Acts of Congress... Execution of Richard Smith...
Item #685991
September 03, 1816
NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, Sept. 3, 1816 The middle of the front page is taken up with 3 Acts of Congress and a "Resolution", each signed in type by the President: James Madison.
The back page has nearly 2 columns on: "The Execution" of Richard Smith for the murder of Capt. John Carson. There is much written about him on the internet.
Four pages, various cases, goo... See More
Indiana to become the 19th state of the Union...
Item #685735
December 10, 1816
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 1816
* Indiana will become a state (eve)
Page 3 has reports of discussions from Congress, one report headed: "Indiana State" which includes: "...proceeded to the order of the day on the resolution recognizing the republicanism & conformity to constitution and law of the constitution of the new State of Indiana...and ... See More
Slave advertisement from the nation's capital...
Item #683741
April 23, 1816
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., April 23, 1816 This issue has a runaway slave advertisement on the back page.
News of the day and other ads. Four pages, foxing, good condition.
Slave advertisements from the nation's capital...
Item #683740
September 26, 1816
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., Sept. 26, 1816 This issue has not one but three runaway slave advertisements with two on page 3 and the other on the back page.
News of the day and other ads. Four pages, foxing, good condition.
The first "learned society"...
Item #680898
August 15, 1816
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C. August 15, 1816 The second page carries an article "A number of the citizens of the District of Columbia, impressed with the importance of forming an association for the purpose of promoting useful knowledge, met on the 28th day of June, 1816,... agreeably to public notice the committee appointed as aforesaid reported the following draft of a con... See More
Appalachicola, Florida... Slave or free?
Item #673060
September 14, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 14, 1816 Starting on the front page and continuing within is a great article describing a banquet held in Paris to celebrate American Independence, which illustrates the great relationship held between both nations.
Another article within describes the mass migration of Negroes from in and around New Orleans to Appalachicola, Florida.... See More
Increasing the size of the U.S. Navy... On the defense of Fort McHenry...
Item #673058
May 18, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 18, 1816
* United States Navy & Fort McHenry
* George Armistead & James Madison
All of pages 1, 2 & part of page 3 are taken up with honors to those who defended Baltimore in September, 1814 when invaded by the British, including a letter datelined from Fort McHenry signed: Geo. Armstead.
Inside has: "An Act to Abolish the E... See More
Gallipolis, Ohio... The Chickasaw and Cherokee Indians...
Item #671376
September 21, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Sept. 21, 1816 Nearly a full page has: "Gallipolis, Ohio" which provides a brief but historic background of this community.
Two separate articles illustrate a great contrast on relationships between various Indian Tribes and the new settlers: "Chickasaw Notice" and "Huntsville, (M.T.)". The former is a letter from William ... See More
Detailed history on the troubles in the Mediterranean...
Item #671333
April 27, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 27, 1816 The first 4 pages are almost entirely taken up with: "Naval History - Account of the Operations of the American Squadron under Commodore Decatur, Against Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli", in their region where there had been on-going problems with piracy.
This is followed by 1 1/2 pages on: "The Mediterranean" being a det... See More
Napoleon's signature on the front page...
Item #667230
June 22, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 22, 1816 Perhaps the best content in this issue is the very unusual front page item headed: "Napoleon--'his mark' " which includes a facsimile of his signature, with a bit of text (vertical) which begins: "The annexed is a very exact copy of the signature of the most extraordinary man now living..." with a bit more.... See More
Terrific article on the life & character of Bonaparte...
Item #667228
November 23, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 23, 1816 Inside has a terrific article: "Remarks on Bonaparte" which takes over two pages. There is considerable detail on his character, actions, and life, the report beginning: "It is now time that the people of this country should be made acquainted with the real character of that extraordinary man...".
Some of the paragraph... See More
Creating a militia... Creating a National University in Washington, D.C...
Item #652968
December 21, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 21, 1816 Inside has over two pages taken up with: "A PLAN, For Classing and Arming of the Militia, and for Calling them Forth to Execute the Laws of the Union, Suppress Insurrections, and Repel Invasions, and to Repeal the Laws Heretofore passed for those Purposes." Considerable detail.
Nearly half a column is: "A BILL For the... See More
Indiana prepares for statehood... Court martial trial of General Edmund Gaines...
Item #650008
November 30, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 30, 1816 Pages 7 & 8 contain the inaugural address of Governor Jennings, the first governor of Indiana, given just a month prior to Indiana becoming the 19th state of the Union. Not surprisingly much of his speech focuses on the work in gaining statehood.
Also inside is great detail on the: "Trial of General Gaines" court marti... See More
Need to create a naval depot near the nation's capital...
Item #649794
July 13, 1816
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, July 13, 1816 The ftpg. has most of a column headed: "NAVAL DEPOT" which begins: "The events of the late war have established the opinion that it is necessary for the United States to create a Naval Depot or establishment on some part o the Chesapeake for the repairing of ships and their protection in time of war..." with much mor... See More
Mississippi Territory hopes to join the Union...
Item #649792
January 06, 1816
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 1816 The back page has a lengthy article on the: "Mississippi Territory" which concerns the: "...praying for admission into the Union as an independent state." Before the following year would end Mississippi would become the 20th state of the Union.
Also on the bkpg. is: "The Algernine Treaty" signed in type by ... See More
Converting the Jews... Indiana joins the Union...
Item #648731
December 14, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, December 14, 1816 One of the more notable items in this issue is the back page item with a small heading: "The Jews" with the text including:
"...about $500,000 have been assessed on the public in one form or other for the last five yeas & expended---with what result? The conversion, real or supposed, of five Jews. This is at the rat... See More
Allowing Indiana to become a state...
Item #647618
June 01, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 1, 1816 Perhaps the best content in this issue is an article headed: "Laws of the United States. An Act to enable the people of the Indiana Territory to form a constitution & state government & for the admission of such a state into the union..." which takes over a full pg. and is signed in type by H. Clay and the President, ... See More
The Trial and Execution of Marshal Ney...
Item #628234
February 03, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, February 3, 1816 One of the more notable items is the reporting (pages 401-402) of the trial and execution of the beloved Frenchman Marshal Ney. Ney's execution was an example intended for Napoleon's other marshals and generals, many of whom were eventually exonerated by the Bourbon monarchy. Other news of the day is present throughou... See More
An early life preserver...
Item #622018
March 02, 1816
NEW YORK SPECTATOR, March 2, 1816 Page 3 has an interesting article of a new devise called a: "Life-Saving Mattress" with a prefacing note that it is: "...not only for all the uses of a common mattress, but also for the preservation of life in cases of shipwreck.", followed by: "A Description of the Patent Life-Saving Mattress" (see).
Four pages, nice condition... See More
Freedom of religious expression protected on campus...
Item #616693
July 11, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 11, 1816
* Freedom of religious expression protected on campus
Page 2 has an interesting article: "Religious Liberty" which is prefaced with a note stating the piece is taken from the new charter of the University in New Hampshire and is: "...of the highest value, & will reflect immortal honor on the Legislature...". Portions ... See More
James Lawrence and his famous quote: "Don't Give up the Ship"...
Item #600286
May 11, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, May 11, 1816 Perhaps the best content in this issue is a nice back page report on a monument erected to the memory of famed Naval hero James Lawrence, which includes at the bottom his very famous quote: "...His dying words were, 'DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP' ".
Among the other reports in this issue are: an article titled: "Natural... See More
Map of Algiers...
Item #584006
November 16, 1816
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 16, 1816 One of the more notable items in this issue is the very unusual--are quite rare--full page map headed: "Plan of Algiers" which is a somewhat crude illustration of the town, with various details.
Among other reports in this issue are: "The Right & Power of Suffrage", "Convention of Maine", "Yellow Fev... See More
Death of Col. William S. Smith... son-in-law of John Adams...
Item #561934
June 26, 1816
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Massachusetts, June 26, 1816
* William S. Smith death
* Abigail Adams
Among the "Deaths" on page 2 is one that reads, in part: "In New York State, Col. William S. Smith, a brave and intelligent officer of the revolutionary war....an independent Member of Congress....He was son-in-law of President Adams; but was bereaved of his excellent consort se... See More
Item #538588
February 22, 1816
* Early Cincinnati Ohio population increase
* Early 19th century original
A page 2 item headed Population Of Cincinnati says:
* The population of the town of Cincinnati in Ohio, according to a Census lately taken, is 6498, including 247 blacks and mulattoes. The population in 1810 was only 2320.
Other news of the day includes... See More
1816 Brownville New York...
Item #538118
December 26, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Dec. 26, 1816.
* Canal Locks
* Black River at Brownsville New York
A page 2 report says:
* ...the locks on the Black River, below Brownsville, N.Y., are completed, so that the navigation is now unmolested from the Lake to Brownsville. One of the largest boats used on the St. Lawrence, with about 100 men...passed through these locks, of two lifts... See More
The University of New York in 1816....
Item #219861
March 15, 1816
NEW YORK EVENING POST, March 15, 1816 On page under Communications is a report stating that: "...the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of New-York recommended Thomas Cooper, Esq., for the degree of Dr. of Medicine." Contains the resolution recommending the degree. Cooper taught at Dickinson College and was an associate of Joseph Priestley. Other news of the da
... See More
Alligator attack in North Carolina in 1816...
Item #219555
July 02, 1816
CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, July 2, 1816.
* Woman killed by alligator in North Carolina
Page 3 has a report from Lumberton, N. Carolina about a woman attacked and killed by an alligator while riding across the Gum Swamp, with mention that the gator was killed later and measured eleven feet in length. Other news of the day includes: "Execution" "A Good Method of Destroying Crows"
... See More
* Woman killed by alligator in North Carolina
Page 3 has a report from Lumberton, N. Carolina about a woman attacked and killed by an alligator while riding across the Gum Swamp, with mention that the gator was killed later and measured eleven feet in length. Other news of the day includes: "Execution" "A Good Method of Destroying Crows"
Chalybeate water found in 1816....
Item #218044
August 05, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Aug. 5, 1816.
* Chalybeate water found at Chappaqua New York
A page 2 report says: A chalybeate spring has been discovered at Chapequa....about three miles from the Hudson River, and 30 above New York....and its waters...containing iron enough to cause a beneficial effect, and not enough to do harm. Other news of the day includes: "Civilization... See More
DeWitt Clinton - Grand Canals in 1816...
Item #218019
December 30, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, December 30, 1816
* Canal between Great Lakes Erie & Hudson - DeWitt Clinton
Page 2 has a report stating that the Commissioners of New York headed by DeWitt Clinton presented a memorial to Congress ...praying for an appropriation, in lands or money in aid in the construction of the GRAND CANALS between the navigable waters of the Hudson an
... See More
* Canal between Great Lakes Erie & Hudson - DeWitt Clinton
Page 2 has a report stating that the Commissioners of New York headed by DeWitt Clinton presented a memorial to Congress ...praying for an appropriation, in lands or money in aid in the construction of the GRAND CANALS between the navigable waters of the Hudson an
Dewitt Clinton in 1816....
Item #217786
July 25, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 25, 1816.
* Dewitt Clinton
* Stephen Van Ransellear
A page 2 report from the Utica Patriot states that: ...Stephen Van Ransellear [sic] and DeWitt Clinton, two of the commissioners appointed to explore the country through which it is proposed to cut the contemplated Canal, have arrived in this village for the purpose of the duty assigned to them.
... See More
* Dewitt Clinton
* Stephen Van Ransellear
A page 2 report from the Utica Patriot states that: ...Stephen Van Ransellear [sic] and DeWitt Clinton, two of the commissioners appointed to explore the country through which it is proposed to cut the contemplated Canal, have arrived in this village for the purpose of the duty assigned to them.
Migration in America Westward in 1816....
Item #217559
June 20, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 20, 1816.
* early emigrants (emigration) moving to Missour in 1816 original reporting
A page 3 report from Columbus, (Ohio) says: Sailed from...Delaware County, the Adventure of Little Walnut...bound for Missouri. The Adventure is [a] seventy five feet keel and 16 tons burthen. It was built on Little Walnut one mile from its mouth.... Loaded princi
... See More
* early emigrants (emigration) moving to Missour in 1816 original reporting
A page 3 report from Columbus, (Ohio) says: Sailed from...Delaware County, the Adventure of Little Walnut...bound for Missouri. The Adventure is [a] seventy five feet keel and 16 tons burthen. It was built on Little Walnut one mile from its mouth.... Loaded princi
Steubenville, Ohio 1816...
Item #217465
December 05, 1816
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Dec. 5, 1816.
* Steubenville, Ohio
On page 2 under Western Improvements is a report about the growth of Ohio, plus various particulars about the business and industries in the town of Steubenville. Says that the town has a steam paper mill, a steam grist mill, a woolen factory, a cotton factory, an extensive brewery, a soap and candle factory and an a
... See More
* Steubenville, Ohio
On page 2 under Western Improvements is a report about the growth of Ohio, plus various particulars about the business and industries in the town of Steubenville. Says that the town has a steam paper mill, a steam grist mill, a woolen factory, a cotton factory, an extensive brewery, a soap and candle factory and an a
1816 United States Canada border....
Item #217427
January 22, 1816
* United States & Canada border
* General Peter Porter
A page 2 report states that John Holmes of Maine and General Peter Porter of New York were appointed commissioners by the President and Congress ...under the late treaty with Great-Britain, to settle the boundary between the United States and the British Provinces. Other news of th
... See More
* United States & Canada border
* General Peter Porter
A page 2 report states that John Holmes of Maine and General Peter Porter of New York were appointed commissioners by the President and Congress ...under the late treaty with Great-Britain, to settle the boundary between the United States and the British Provinces. Other news of th
Eliphalet Pearson Sermon In 1816...
Item #212068
March 05, 1816
CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, March 5, 1816 The front page has an extract from A Sermon delivered in Boston before the American Society for education of pious Youth for the Gospel Ministry, Oct. 26, 1815, by the Rev. Eliphalet Pearson, L.L.D. Other news of the day includes: "Spotted Fever" "The National Bank Bill" "Congress" and much more. Some margin staining, second leaf has... See More
Bolivar Victory... Concord New Hampshire...
Item #203573
July 09, 1816
NEW-HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, July 9, 1816 Page 2 has a report: Bolivar Victorious". Front page has stray writing above the masthead and an area of rubbing, occasional foxing. 4 pages.
Item #151591
January 08, 1816
CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Jan. 8, 1816 Taking 2 columns on pg. 2 is: "The Close Of Revolution And The Close Of The Year. Addressed To The Readers Of The Connecticut Mirror" being the carrier's address. Good.
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