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Jefferson's books purchased by the Library of Congress... The capital rebuilds...

Item #700374

November 04, 1815

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 4, 1815  Inside: "Books--Jefferson's Library" concerning his private collection purchased by the Library of Congress to act as its foundation following its destruction by the British during the War of 1812.

It includes in part: "...The obliging & liberal manner in which Mr. Jefferson allowed us the free use of his library as ... See More  

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Visiting the scene of battle: Waterloo...

Item #693483

November 30, 1815

NATOINAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 30, 1815 Page 3 has a lengthy article--a full column--headed: "Waterloo" "Extracts of a letter from an American Gentleman in Europe tro his Friend in Portsmouth". 

The letter details his visit to the site of the historic Battle of Waterloo, which is very descriptive.  Five months earlier Napoleon was defeated by armies l... See More  

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