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Treaty of Ghent ends of the War of 1812...

Item #698472

February 22, 1815

BOSTON PATRIOT Feb. 22, 1815 

* Treaty of Ghent signed

* War of 1812 officially over

Page 2 has a very nice printing of the peace treaty which ended the War of 1812 with the complete text taking nearly three wide columns. At the end of the treaty are the signatures of the respective "Plenipotentiaries" and the concluding remarks of the President, in which he prevails upon all... See More  

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Two very significant events: Hull surrenders Detroit... The Constitution over the Guerriere...

Item #697913

September 04, 1812

THE YANKEE, Boston, Sept. 4, 1812  

* USS Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere

* War of 1812 - U.S. Navy victory

* Siege of Detroit - surrender

* Battle of Fort Detroit

* General William Hull

Inside has nice content on the War of 1812, most notably: "Surrender of Gen. Hull's Army to The British" which takes most of a column with the various reports. This was the surrender of... See More  

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President Monroe concerning the War of 1812... Two Monroe signatures...

Item #697222

November 16, 1812

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 16, 1812  Pages 1 and 2 have many "Documents Accompanying the President's Message to Congress" which include several to British official concerning the War of 1812. Two are signed in type: James Monroe.

Also inside: "Army In Ohio" "The President's Message".

Four pages, great condition.

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"Don't give up the Ship!" and more...

Item #695470

August 27, 1814

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT, Concord, August 27, 1814  A great issue with the memorable rallying cry from the War of 1812 "Don't give up the Ship!" used as a campaign slogan on the front page.

As a bit of history, Captain James Lawrence's famous cry was at the Battle of Lake Erie, eleven months prior. It quickly became the motto of the U.S. Navy, and as we see here was adopted as... See More  

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Damaged lot from the War of 1812 era...

Item #695341

July 01, 1814

NEW YORK EVENING POST, 1814  Here is a collection of 24 issues of this popular title from during the War of 1812 era, but we find no detailed reports of the war. All issues have damage, from loose at the spine, much chipping at margins, tears, some loss, and other disfigurements. The paper quality is very fragile.

Still a large number of issues from this historic era with a wide range of con... See More  

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Failures in the northern frontier... Naval reports...

Item #695220

March 29, 1814

THE WAR, New York, March 29, 1814 

* Printed exclusively to report on the War of 1812

The entire front page is taken up with a continuation of "Documents" explaining the causes of the failure of the American military on the northern frontier. Included are documents signed by: Isaac Shelby, W. Hampton, & John Armstrong. These reports carry over to page 2.

Other reports wit... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Existed for just one year... War of 1812 news...

Item #695018

January 25, 1813

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN, Walpole, New Hampshire, Jan. 25, 1813  

* Very rare publication

* Cheshire County

* War of 1812 reporting

An extremely scarce newspaper existing only from July 4, 1812 thru July 5, 1813. This is the volume 1, number 30 issue. Not surprisingly, this is the first of this title we have offered in our 47 years, having come from the private collection.

Being from du... See More  

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See the handsome masthead... On the Little Belt Affair...

Item #694987

July 20, 1812

THE WASHINGTONIAN, Windsor, Vermont, July 20, 1812  

* Nice masthead for display

The dominant feature of this issue is the very displayable masthead, featuring a large engraving of a heraldic eagle with an 11-inch banner. Although we once had many of this title, this is one of our last.

Printed during the early months of the War of 1812, it is not surprising that pages 2, 3 & 4 hav... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The War of 1812, and more...

Item #694554

April 30, 1813

THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, April 30, 1813  The entire front page is taken up with: "American Papers" from the House of Commons in London, much relating to the on-going War of 1812.

Page 3 has; "The New Friends of the Navy" and: "Ought Massachusetts t Build a Ship for Those who Would not Build one for Themselves?" There is also a lengthy report of a parade by ... See More  

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Very graphic front page from the War of 1812 era...

Item #693199

March 31, 1814

BOSTON GAZETTE, March 31, 1814 

* Great graphic political ad

The front page is dominated by a great & very graphic political "cartoon" headed: "The well equipt and Disciplined Ship" with Caleb Strong as its "commander" with the ship representing the state. Much political campaigning on the front page as well, most in type which is larger than normal.

F... See More  

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General Harrison on the Battle of the Thames...

Item #693188

October 23, 1813


* William Henry Harrison

* War of 1812 - Moraviantown

Page 3 has almost a full column taken up with various reports on the War of 1813, including events in Louisiana, and several mentions of General Wm. H. Harrison, particularly his account of this historic Battle of the Thames, a victory over the Indians.

Four pages, 9 1/4 by 11 1/2 inches,... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #693168

December 03, 1813

THE YANKEE, Boston, Dec. 3, 1813  Various reports concerning the War of 1812 including: "Smugglers! Smugglers!" "The War In Canada" "Genuine Patriotism - Extracts from Gov. Mitchell's Message to the Legislature of Georgia".

Inside includes: "From Gen. Hampton to Gen. Wilkinson - Head-Quarters, Four Corners" "Naval Order" signed by: Wm. Jo... See More  

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The War of 1812...

Item #693167

December 04, 1812

THE YANKEE, Boston, Dec. 4, 1812  Various reports from the early months of the War of 1812 including front page items: "The Navy - U.S. Ship Hornet" which takes over half a column; "War Movements" "A True Yankee Exploit".

Inside has: "General Smyth to the Soldiers in the Army of the Centre" "Sailors Rights" "Latest From Halifax"... See More  

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Napoleon... The War of 1812...

Item #693166

July 10, 1813

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 10, 1813  The front page has: "Occasional Remarks On the Present Unjust War" meaning the War of 1812. 

Inside has a: "Proclamation - Of His Majesty the Emperor, to the Army" signed in type by: Napoleon, concerning his recent military conquests.

Also reports concerning the War of 1812 with "Rigorous Blockade" "From Virg... See More  

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Much reporting on the War of 1812...

Item #693156

October 29, 1814

BOSTON PATRIOT, Oct. 29, 1814  Inside has several reports on the War of 1812 including: "Loss of the Tygress and Scorpion" "Later from New Orleans" "Latest From Izard's Army" "Latest from the U.S. Sloop of War Peacock" "Unheard of Brutality and Villainy!" "American Blockade" "Our Country!" "The Moral & Religiou... See More  

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Much reporting on the War of 1812...

Item #693155

November 02, 1814

BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 2, 1814  Inside has much on the War of 1812 with: "From The Enemy" with several reports; "Enemy In Hampton Roads" "From the Buffalo Gazette" "Deserters" "Arrival of the Peacock!" "General Izard's Army" "Capture of a British Privateer!" "Latest from the Army" "From Castine" and ma... See More  

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Latest from the War of 1812...

Item #692539

December 05, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 5, 1812   Inside has: "From Halifax" with some War of 1812 reports: "The Northern Army" and "Army of the Centre" which also have war reports. Much of a column is taken up with election-related reports including a lengthy article "The Union of the States".

Four pages, minor foxing, good condition.

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General Smyth's handbill on recruiting to invade Canada...

Item #692538

November 25, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Nov. 25, 1812 

* Invasion of Canada close

* Battle of Frenchman's Creek prelude

* General Alexander Smyth

Page 2 has: "Interesting Letters - from Maj. General Van Rensselaer...to Brig General Smyth of the troops of the United States. Also a letter from Henry Denison of the U.S. brig Argus concerning a naval encounter. Then a letter to the Secretary of the Navy... See More  

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Declaration of war...

Item #692490

June 27, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 27, 1812 

* War of 1812 declaration by United States 

* James Madison proclamation

* Historic report

This issue has one of the best presentations on the declaration of war against Great Britain, beginning the War of 1812.

Most of the first column of the front page is a somewhat decorative "Proclamation" headed with an engraving of a... See More  

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Bilingual newspaper in French and Dutch...

Item #690148

August 18, 1813


* Rare bilingual publication

* French & Dutch language

A fascinating bilingual newspaper, the left column in French, and the right column with the same content in Dutch. The title translates to: "Leaflet, Announcements & Miscellaneous Notices from Groningen". This is... See More  

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News from the War of 1812...

Item #689817

June 22, 1814


* Battle of Big Sandy Creek

* U.S. troops & Oneida Indians

Among reports within are "From Canada - British Account of the Affair at Sandy Bay" "Our Turn At Last" "Launch" which is a report of a failed launch of a new 74 gun ship; "Fourth of July" and several small tidbits re... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #689815

February 09, 1814

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Feb. 9, 1814  The front page has: "The Road To Ruin - Mr. Madison's Doctrine of Retaliation" which carries over to page 2.

Among reports within are: "Singular Punishment" "Military Requisition" "Frontier Reports"; reports from Utica and Herkimer regarding the War of 1812; "Riflemen".

F... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #689814

February 02, 1814

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Feb. 2, 1814  Among reports within are: "Tribute To Patriotism" "New Army Bill" "Five Hundred Dollars For Apprehending Traitors" and a few other war-related items.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689813

December 29, 1813

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Dec. 29, 1813  Among reports within on the War of 1812: "Lower Canada" "The Essex Frigate" being a lengthy letter from its commander: D. Porter; "Embargo" "Fort George" and a few other items.

Four pages, handsome masthead, nice condition.

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689812

November 10, 1813

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Nov. 10, 1813  Among reports within on the War of 1812: "Events of The War - On the Canada Frontier" "Indian Allies" "Fleets On Lake Champlain" "General Hampton's Army" "West-Florida" "The Enemy Based in North Carolina" and a bit more.

Four pages, two ink stains on the back le... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689811

April 21, 1813

THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, April 21, 1813  Among reports within on the War of 1812: "Blockading Squadron" "Madison & A Navy" "Trouble in the Camp" "British Watering Place" "Lewiston Safe" "Further Particulars"; a letter from "Urbanna" with military activities; other items.

Four pages, handsome... See More  

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Reports from the War of 1812...

Item #689810

October 26, 1814

NATIONAL AEGIS, Worcester, Massachusetts, Oct. 26, 1814  Among the War of 1812 reports within: "Destruction of the Pirates of Barataria" near New Orleans; "Copy of a Letter from John K. Smith to the Sec'ry of the Navy" dated at New Orleans; "Defeat of the Enemy being "General Orders" from Mobile with much good reporting.

Also: "Good News From the S... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Early items on the War of 1812...

Item #688866

July 23, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 23, 1812  The front page has some reports concerning celebrations for the 4th of July. Inside includes: "Naval Intelligence" "General Orders" signed in type: H. Dearborn, Major-General U.S. Army. Then "An Act" of Congress concerning the organizing of a volunteer military corps, signed by the President: James Madison. Also: &quo... See More  

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Battle at Queenston Heights during the War of 1812...

Item #687520

October 26, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Oct. 26, 1812  

* Battle of Queenston Heights

* War of 1812 - 1st major battle

The front page has: "An Act To authorise the granting of Patents for Land, according to the surveys... and to grant...rights to certain Claimants of Land in the District of Detroit..., signed in type: James Madison.

Inside page reports include: "Battles
... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #687500

October 17, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Oct. 17, 1812  The front page has a lengthy article headed: "Presidential Election". Inside includes: "Presidential Election" "A Proclamation" relating to the War of 1812, signed in type: James Madison. Following this are several reports relating to the War of 1812 including: "Army Movements".

Page 3 has much under: "War Intelligen... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #687499

January 13, 1813

BOSTON PATRIOT, Jan. 13, 1813  The front page has a lengthy article on: "Impressment of Seamen" which was a a major issue leading to the War of 1812. Also on the ftpg: "The Great Effects of the Non-Importation Law Against England".

Reports inside include: "Black Votes" "Additional Bounty" 'War Intelligence, On the Ocean" "Free Trade &... See More  

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The War of 1812...

Item #687487

August 01, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 1, 1812  Some reports inside on the early days of the War of 1812 include: "United States and G. Britain" "The Canadas" "Progress of the War on the Sea" "Military Notices" "Frontier Notices" and a it more.

Four pages, good condition.

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First of this title we have encountered...

Item #687407

July 13, 1812


* Very rare 19th century American publication

A very scarce title, in fact we believe this is the first we have encountered it. There are no issues of this date recorded in Brigham outside of the American Antiquarian Society.

The masthead features an engraving of George Washington. 

Pages 1 and 4 are f... See More  

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War of 1812 shipping embargo....

Item #686243

April 14, 1812

THE REPERTORY & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Boston, April 14, 1812  A very historic front page, as it includes a report headed: "EMBARGO" which reports on the voting for this historic measure which would lead to the War of 1812 with England.

The front page also has the: "Confidential Message" to the senate, in which the President states: "...expedient under existing
... See More  

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The Hornet vs. the Peacock... Nine Acts of Congress signed by Madison...

Item #686209

March 31, 1813

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, March 31, 1813 

* USS Hornet vs. HMS Peacock

* War of 1812 original reporting

* President James Madison

Half of the front page is taken up with  5 Acts of Congress each signed in type by: James Madison. Five more on page 2 as well.

Page 3 has: "Fifth Naval Victory! Over the Enemy" which is the battle of the Hornet vs. the Peacock. Inclu... See More  

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Fourteen Acts each signed by James Madison...

Item #686207

November 09, 1813

AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, Nov. 9, 1813  Nice heraldic eagle engraving in the masthead. The ftpg. has three Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: James Madison.

The Acts of Congress continue on page 2 with eleven more, each signed in type by: James Madison. One is for allowing the President to buy new furniture for the White House, and another is "To establish the tow... See More  

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Documents relating to the beginning of the War of 1812...

Item #686203

May 06, 1812

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 6, 1812  

* James Madison Embargo Act

* Prelude to the War of 1812

The front page has nearly two columns taken up with a great letter headed: "Reflections on WAR!" being part of a sermon. This was from just two months before the War of 1812 would be formally declared.

Also on the front page is a notable: "Law of the United States" ti... See More  

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Launching the frigate Psyche...

Item #686195

January 14, 1815

NEW YORK EVENING POST, Jan. 14, 1815  

* HMS Psyche launching

Page 2 begins with "An Act" of Congress which takes 1 1/2 columns, signed in type by the President: James Madison. Page 2 also has: "...an attempt was made to launch the frigate Psyche, which did not succeed, owing to the severity of the cold. This day she went safely into her element in a most handsome style. ... See More  

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James Madison, and the War of 1812...

Item #686193

September 06, 1813

FEDERAL REPUBLICAN & COMMERCIAL GAZETTE, Georgetown, (Col.), Sept. 6, 1813. Taking all of the front page are two acts laying duties on various items, each signed in type: James Madison. An uncommon title from the District of Columbia.

Inside has some War of 1812 content including an article: "The Enemy:"

Four pages, water staining to a bottom quadrant, minor foxing.... See More  

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Pushing for an embargo...

Item #686176

April 20, 1812

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, April 20, 1812  The front page has a  brief yet historically significant document signed by the President: James Madison, asking Congress to impose: "...a general Embargo be laid on all vessels now in port...for the period of 60 days..." with a bit more. Over half of the front page & much of page 2 have a discussion in Congress of an embargo. T... See More  

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Much on Rodgers' cruise...

Item #685727

October 09, 1813

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 9, 1813 

* John Rodgers' third cruise

* USS President - United States Navy

From the midst of the War of 1812, page 2 has a lengthy letter headed: "Rodger's Cruize" from on board the frigate President, signed in type: Jno. Rodgers. Pg. 3 had details of the funeral of William Henry Allen, late commander of the U.S. sloop of war Argus. Other bits on... See More  

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A very early Kentucky newspaper, with Hull's Proclamation to Canadians...

Item #682753

August 01, 1812

THE REPORTER, Lexington, Kentucky, Aug. 1, 1812  

* Rare & early for Kentucky

This is one of the earlier Kentucky newspapers we have offered. Brigham notes that only 4 issues in the United States have this issue.

Not surprisingly there is much reporting on the War of 1812, with reports headed: "Privateering" "Flag of Truce!" and more.

Perhaps the most notable c... See More  

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Reporting on the War of 1812, with a "rallying call" for soldiers...

Item #682615

November 30, 1812

CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, Nov. 30, 1812 

* General Alexander Smyth "rallying call"

The front page has a full column reporting on the War of 1812 in: "Our Southern Frontier" carrying over to page 2. Page 2 has a "rallying call" letter by General Alexander Smyth to the: "Men Of New York!" noting in part: "...You desire your share of fame. T... See More  

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The "Wasp" is captured... Madison's state-of-the-union address...

Item #682591

November 07, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 7, 1812 

* USS Wasp captured - War of 1812

* James Madison state of the Union Address

There are at least two notable reports in this issue, the first being the annual state-of-the-union address by the President, signed by him in type: James Madison. This was the first war-time annual message and much of this 2+ page "Message" deals with th... See More  

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Four Acts of Congress signed by Madison...

Item #682537

May 16, 1812


* James Madison 'type" signatures

A quite uncommon title. Page 3 has a full column taken up with  four Acts of Congress and a Resolution, each signed in type by the President: James Madison. One Act concerns providing for persons disabled during the Revolutionary War.

Four pages, never bound nor trimm... See More  

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Treaty of Ghent ends the War of 1812...

Item #682430

March 01, 1815


* Treaty of Ghent signed

* War of 1812 officially over

The front page has: "TREATY Of Peace And Amity, Between his Britannick Majesty and the United States of America.", the treaty which ended the War of 1812. The treaty contains a preface beginning: "His Brittanick Majesty and the United States of America, desirous... See More  

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War is declared, beginning the War of 1812...

Item #682105

June 20, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 20, 1812 

* War of 1812 declaration by United States 

* James Madison proclamation

An inside page has a lengthy: "Declaration of War" which takes over 1 1/2 columns and is signed in type by the President: James Madison. This is followed by related reporting from the "Committee on foreign relations..." which takes over 2 page... See More  

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Nice reports from the War of 1812...

Item #682057

November 12, 1813

THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, Nov. 12, 1813 

* William Henry Harrison - War of 1812

Inside has reports "From Quebec" including: "...The victory gained by the Americans on Lake Erie has excited an enthusiastic joy throughout the United States...". Also a nice item: "When Will the War End?" and: "The Enemy Again in the Potomac" "Latest From Ham... See More  

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How Napoleon treats Americans...

Item #680733

May 01, 1812

THE WEEKLY MESSENGER, Boston, May 1, 1812  Page 2 has: "Buonaparte's Treatment to the American" taking most of a column & introduced with: "The following is a plain unvarnished narrative of the cruelties & sufferings experienced by one of our fellow citizens during his captivity with our 'dear friends'...".

Four pages, damp staining to the bottom half,... See More  

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Death of Vice-Presdent George Clinton... Statehood of Louisiana...

Item #680643

April 25, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 25, 1812  Inside has a report headed: "George Clinton -- Dead !" which includes: "... It is with feeling of unmixed veneration for the character of the revolutionary hero, the patriot and statesman, combined in one, that we announce that the venerable GEORGE CLINTON IS NO MORE. He expired about 9 o'clock yesterday morning, at his lodgin... See More  

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