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From the 1600's by a woman publisher... Joanna Brome...

Item #697919
THE OBSERVATOR, London, England, Jan. 25, 1681 

* Rare publication

* Woman publisher

A dialogue newspaper founded by Sir Roger L'Estrange, a Tory pamphleteer, as a vehicle for attacking dissenters and Whigs. This newspaper has the old style type making it great for framing, particularly with the over 340 year-old date clearly visible in the dateline.

The most intriguing aspect of... See More  

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From the 1600's by a woman publisher... Joanna Brome...

Item #663842
THE OBSERVATOR, London, England, July 25, 1682   A dialogue newspaper founded by Sir Roger L'Estrange, a Tory pamphleteer, as a vehicle for attacking dissenters and Whigs. This newspaper has the old style type making it great for framing,  particularly with the over 340-year old date clearly visible in the dateline.

The most intriguing aspect of this issue is the imprint at the bott... See More  

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A variant and short-lived title...

Item #649223
THE REHEARSAL OF OBSERVATOR, London, England  1704-1706  A variant title --& earlier date--of the newspaper titled "The Rehearsal", and much less common. A single sheet newspaper printed on both sides measuring 8 by 13 inches. The image shown is only an example of the layout and condition of what you will receive. Actual issues vary within the specifications given.

Note: U... See More  

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Early and notable 18th century title... Addison & Steele...

Item #649221
THE SPECTATOR, London, England, 1712  One of the more famous of the early newspapers and by the famed Addison & Steele. Nice condition, trimmed, some light browning. A single sheet issue measuring 8 by 11 1/2 inches. Red ink stamps do not appear to be present.

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Settling Georgia...

Item #616459
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1735  Near the back is a section headed: "Monthly Intelligencer" with news reports from various parts of England & Europe with one report under the heading: "Plantation Affairs" including: "From Georgia, that the 27th of December last the Indian Princes...arriv'd there in good health, pleas'd with their voyage. ... See More  

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Handsome, 300+ year old newspaper... published by Charles Brome...

Item #601055
THE OBSERVATOR, London, England, 1684-1686  A dialogue newspaper founded by Sir Roger L'Estrange, a Tory pamphleteer, as a vehicle for attacking dissenters and Whigs. This early singlesheet newspaper has the old style type making it great for framing (see photo) particularly with the over 300+ year old date clearly visible in the dateline.

Note: These issues were published by Charles Bro
... See More  

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From the 1600's by a woman publisher... Joanna Brome...

Item #600518
THE OBSERVATOR, London, England, 1682  A dialogue newspaper founded by Sir Roger L'Estrange, a Tory pamphleteer, as a vehicle for attacking dissenters and Whigs. This early singlesheet newspaper has the old style type making it great for framing (see photo) particularly with the over 300+ year old date clearly visible in the dateline.

This is a handsome dialogue newspaper founded by Sir ... See More  

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The whereabouts of John Paul Jones...

Item #598288

November 06, 1779

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 6, 1779  Page 2 has a report noting: "...gentleman...from Holland declared at a coffee-house near the 'Change, that he saw Paul Jones at the Hague last Thursday evening. He says he was dressed in scarlet, trimmed with gold, that he is much caressed by the Dutch, and that he saw his ships all lie in the Texel..." (see).

Four pages, folio... See More  

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Rare Daniel DeFoe periodical...

Item #207535
A REVIEW OF THE STATE OF THE BRITISH NATION, London, 1708 From research done by the prestigious London rare book firm of Pickering & Chatto, this is one of Daniel Defoe's greatest, but least known works. The Review covered his many interests, both literary and historical and was published twice and later three times a week. The reason for the neglect of this work is due in part to the tiny... See More  

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Famous title from the early 1700's...

Item #120185
THE SPECTATOR, London, 1711-1712 (untrimmed)  One of the most famous of the early newspapers & by the famed Addison & Steele. Nice condition, some foxing, single sheet.  The image shown is representative of the condition and look of the issue you will receive.  Actual dates vary but will be dated within 1711 or 1712.  Note:  No red ink stamps are present.

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A variant and short-lived title...

Item #120190
THE REHEARSAL OF OBSERVATOR, London, England  1704-1706  A variant title --& earlier date--of the newspaper titled "The Rehearsal", and much less common. A single sheet newspaper printed on both sides measuring about 8 by 13 inches. The image shown is only an example of the layout and condition of what you will receive. Actual issues vary within the specifications given.

N... See More  

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Early and notable 18th century title... Addison & Steele...

Item #120488
THE SPECTATOR, London, England, 1711  One of the more famous of the early newspapers and by the famed Addison & Steele. Nice condition, trimmed, some light browning. A single sheet issue measuring 8 by 11 1/2 inches. Red ink stamps do not appear to be present.

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