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Trouble with Indians in Illinois in 1772...

Item #698192

June 13, 1772


* 18th century Kaskaskia, Illinois

* Indians - Native Americans

Page 3 has an: "Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at the Illinois, dated at Kaskaeskias" noting: "Since we have had possession of the Illinois country the above nation of Indians...have taken 7 Englishmen & one woman prisoners, scalped 1 soldier... See More  

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The Gunpowder Incident: in a Williamsburg newspaper... And so much more!

Item #698138

April 28, 1775

THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg (with Supplement), April 28, 1775  

* Very rare Colonial Virginia title

* Gunpowder Incident - Affair

This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.

This issue was printed 9 days after the battle of Lex... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown: a first report...

Item #698085

November 27, 1781

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 27, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* Revolutionary War ending

* Historic item - 1st report

This is one of the more noteworthy issues of the Chronicle for the entire Revolutionary War, as it is the first issue in this title to announce the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, essentially ending the Revolutionary War.

Although the fo... See More  

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A "call to arms" for Londoners in support of America

Item #692362

September 27, 1775

THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Sept. 27, 1775 

* American Revolutionary War

The front page has some reports on the actions of Major Rogers in Maryland & Virginia. Also mention of work of the Virginia Provincial Convention. Plus a report of a soldier: "...who\ is on his parole in Gen. Wooster's camp. This person having been observed to follow at a distance, a load of po... See More  

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Congress responds to the King's Proclamation that the colonies are in open rebellion...

Item #687385

December 21, 1775

THE NEW-ENGLAND CHRONICLE or the ESSEX GAZETTE, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dec. 21, 1775  

* King George III of England

* American colonies in rebellion

* U.S. Congress addresses conflict

* American Revolutionary War

Certainly the most historic content is found on page 3, being Congress' response to the King's proclamation of August 23 in which he refused to receive the conci... See More  

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One of the more rare Revolutionary War titles... Battle of Bunker Hill... Patrick Henry... so much more...

Item #687318

October 06, 1775


* Battle of Bunker Hill

* Revolutionary War

* Very rare publication

Certainly one of the more scarce titles from during the Revolutionary War. This is the volume 1 number 27 issue of a newspaper that existed only from April 7 to December 22, 1775, publishing a total of just 38 i... See More  

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On the Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington named commander-in-chief.. So much more....

Item #687295

July 05, 1775


* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown

* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts

* George Washington named commander

* American Revolutionary War

* Terrific issue w/ many reports

Nice engraving in the masthead of a post boy on horseback.

The front page has a letter from an officer in General Gage's regiment heading for ... See More  

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War in the South... Chart of killed & disabled...

Item #686374
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, September, 1781 

* American Revolutionary War

* Camden, South Carolina

Near the beginning is the "List of the Men Killed or Disabled in the War" which includes various columns, with mentions of Howe, Carleton, Gage, Saratoga, and more. Also: "Summary of Proceedings in the last Session of the Last Parliament" which includes some ... See More  

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Letter from Patrick Henry, and much on the Revolutionary War...

Item #684429

June 09, 1779


* Patrick Henry letter signed in type

* Much on the Revolutionary War

Pages 2 and 3 contain a wealth of reporting on the Revolutionary War including a letter from Charleston noting in part: "The campaign in George and the Southern part of this state between the royal army commanded by Brigadier General P... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, in an American newspaper... Masthead modeled after one of Paul Revere's...

Item #680790

December 14, 1781

THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, December 14, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* American Revolutionary War ending

This issue contains one of the most historically significant letters from the Revolutionary War, being Cornwallis' official announcement of his surrender to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.

The report consumes all of page 3, prefaced with: "... See More  

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Significant French & Indian War coverage... Jewish burial rituals....

Item #676676
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1758  The most significant article is headed: "American Affairs" with a dateline of Williamsburg, Virginia, July 7 which includes: "...that the Indians had lately killed & captivated 26 people between Winchester & Augusta court house...that a large body of the inhabitants, to the number of 300, were removed into Culpepper..... See More  

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George Washington makes the front page... Jewish colony in the East Indies...

Item #656526
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1757 

* Early Major George Washington 

* Jewish colony in the East Indies

The first 2 1/2 pages have reports from the French & Indian War in America, including five letters written by General Braddock datelined Williamsburgh and Alexandria. In the introductory comments on the first page is mention that: "...concerning the territorie... See More  

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New York, Williamsburg, and Boston reports...

Mount Vesuvius erupts...

Item #649332

February 16, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, February 16, 1768  As inside report, "An account of the Great Eruption of Mount Vesuvius, the 10th of October, 1767...", which provides considerable details of the great eruption of 1768. Other articles include reports from New York, Williamsburg, Virginia, and Boston (see images).

Complete in 8 pages, 9 by 12 inches, only minor rubbing, nice condition.... See More  

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Great report on non-importation in Boston...

Item #601354

November 30, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 30, 1769 

* Non-Importation agreement

Page 6 has most of a column headed: "America" with reports from Boston, New Haven and Williamsburg, the former having a great report concerning non-importation, including: "We are assured that the merchants of this town, considering that the period to which their late agreement to withhold the impor... See More  

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Angry that the governor dissolved the General Assembly...

Item #601268

August 26, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, Aug. 26, 1769  Page 2 has most of a column taken up with reports headed "America" with Boston, Williamsburg, and Philadelphia datelines. The Boston report ends with: "...Resolved...when the governor of the Province had wantonly dissolved the General Assembly & arbitrarily refused to call another upon the repeated dutiful petition of the people." T... See More  

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War in the South... Chart of killed & disabled...

Item #594757
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, September, 1781  Near the beginning is the "List of the Men Killed or Disabled in the War" which includes various columns (see), with mentions of Howe, Carleton, Gage, Saratoga, and more (see). Also: "Summary of Proceedings in the last Session of the Last Parliament" includes some discussion of the Revolutionary War.

Also: "Concer... See More  

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