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Closing events of the Revolutionary War...

Item #690374

April 29, 1783

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, April 29, 1783 

* American Revolutionary War - closing events

The front page has some reports concerning the negotiations for a treaty of peace to end the Revolutionary War. Also reports headed: "America" which carry over to page 2 concerning various events in America, one bit noting: "...In January last, Col. Willet, with about 600 men... See More  

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Reports on closing events of the Revolutionary War...

Item #690373

July 25, 1783

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, July 25, 1783 

* American Revolutionary War - closing events

This issue has a wealth of reporting on the closing events of the Revolutionary War and the negotiations for peace.

The front page has reports concerning the Spanish at St. Augustine, and mention that: "...returned from New York & brings information that every preparation is making... See More  

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England discusses the issue of independence for America... War accounts...

Item #686694

May 12, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 12, 1780

* American Revolutionary War era newspaper

* Independence for America ?

 Pages 2 and 3 have much discussion in the House of Commons concerning the Revolutionary War. A few bits include: "...introduced his motion for a reconciliation between Great Britain & her colonies. Peace, he said, was a desirable object to every man...The p... See More  

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Newly formed America flexing its trade muscles with England...

Item #671779

March 23, 1784

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 23, 1784  Page 3 has a report headed: "America - From the New York Royal Gazette" which was loyal to the British during the Revolutionary War. It notes in part: "...Assembly of New Jersey...Resolved unanimously, that the United States in Congress assembled, ought to be vested with the exclusive power of regulating trade & commerce t... See More  

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A Proclamation by the King...

Item #620582

June 13, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 13, 1780  Although from the midst of the Revolutionary War I cannot find any reference to it, this issue filled primarily with reports from Europe, including a front page "Proclamation" by the King.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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A Proclamation by the King concerning riots and treason...

Item #620581

June 16, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 16, 1780 Although from the midst of the Revolutionary War I cannot find any reference to it, this issue filled primarily with reports from Europe, including a front page "Proclamation" by the King concerning treasonous activity.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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On General Fraser's work in Canada...

Item #611545

March 17, 1780

EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 17, 1780 

* Revolutionary War

Over one-third of the front page is taken up with a: "Eulogium on General Fraser--From General Burgoyne's State of the Expedition from Canada, just published" (see for portions).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Relations with America...

Item #606551

June 09, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, June 9, 1780  The bottom of the front page begins a letter which takes two-thirds of pg. 2 concerning relations with America, beginning; "I shall wave mentioning any thing with regard to the American war; so much has been said pro and con by men of superior abilities...this is not my design, but I shall confine myself to a few of the most notorious rec... See More  

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Duel of Generals Lee and Clarkson... Washington at West Point...

Item #592340

December 03, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Dec. 3, 1779  Inside has: "...Our fleet and army at New York have had a happy escape from the vengeance D'Estaing pronounced against them...passenger...says that every thing was quiet when he came from New York excepting some little skirmishing in the back settlements...repulsing an attack on Long Island & making a descent in the Jersies where ... See More  

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Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain...

Item #592266

November 05, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Nov. 5, 1779  The entire front page and half of page 2 are taken up with: "The Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain in answer to the Exposition of the Court of France" which relates in part to the French involvement in the Revolutionary War (see for portions).

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Frustration with lost reinforcements...

Item #592265

November 02, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Nov. 2, 1779  The entire front page and a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with: "The Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain in Answer to the Exposition of the Court of France". This lengthy piece concerning the French involvement in the Revolutionary War, a few bits noting in part: "...During the disputes that had arisen between Great Bri... See More  

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Plans for a peace proposal... Rev. War...

Item #592263

October 22, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, October 22, 1779 

* Revolutionary War peace plan ? 

Page 3 has a report of some hope for peace in the Revolutionary War, headed: "Proposals for the final Settlement & Pacification of  the Troubles in America..." which includes 6 points as printed here, the first: "Required that commissioners be appointed to treat, consult,... See More  

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British defeat in the South...

Item #592256

August 24, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 24, 1779  Most of the first column on the front page is taken up with a piece from the book of Genesis prefaced with: "The following beautiful Apologue in the Eastern stile was written by Dr. Franklin some years ago, with a view of reclaiming his countrymen in New England from that spirit of intolerance and religious persecution which were then so... See More  

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How Virginia dealt with patriots & traitors...

Item #592255

August 20, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 20, 1779  Page 3 under "America" has a report from the Committee of the House of Delegates in Virginia, which includes: "...those inhabitants of this state who were beyond sea at the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, & have not since by overt acts adhered to the public enemy, ought still to be deemed citizens of this commonwe... See More  

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Crushing the rebellion in the South...

Item #592044

March 30, 1781

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 30, 1781  Page 3 has: "The station his Majesty's forces have now taken in the southern colonies must be the means of entirely crushing the rebellion here, as it is impossible the rebels can have any communication with the north but by a round of several miles through swamps & other places as disadvantageous." (see) The rest of the co... See More  

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Revolutionary War era....

Item #592043

March 09, 1781

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, March 9, 1781

* Uncommon title

A nice newspaper from the closing months of the Revolutionary War, however I find no American content. All the news reports seem to be European in focus. Many ads as well.

Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

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Terminating the "present commotions"...

Item #591949

June 04, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, June 4, 1779  Page 3 includes: "...The open assistance given by the natural rivals & enemies of Great Britain to the rebellious colonies of North America has united all ranks of men in zeal for the common cause. They rejoice in the success which attends your Majesty's arms...and they, trusting in the Almighty, look forward with the solicitude of good cit... See More  

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General John Burgoyne...

Item #591927

May 25, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 25, 1779  Most of page 2 is taken up with further discussions in the House of Commons on the conduct of General Howe. Page 3 has from the "House of Commons: "General Burgoyne rose and recapitulated the whole of the American war in which he had been concerned...". An update notes: "...from Virginia...brings advice that nothing had yet... See More  

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Reflecting upon the events of the on-going war...

Item #591924

May 14, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 14, 1779 

* Rare Revolutionary War era title

Inside has a lengthy discussion in the "House of Commons" concerning the actions of General Grey and Howe in the Revolutionary War, bits including: "...That the southern expedition was the only effectual diversion of Gen. Washington's army in favour of our northern forces...harassed b... See More  

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Item #591745

January 15, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 15, 1779  Although from the middle of the Revolutionary War I find very little--if any--reference to it, this issue filled primarily with European reports. Complete in 8 pages, measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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Item #591744

January 12, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Jan. 12, 1779  Although from the middle of the Revolutionary War I find very little--if any--reference to it, this issue filled primarily with European reports. Complete in 8 pages plus also included is the single page "Supplement" issue. Measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches, light wear to folds, generally nice condition.

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Mention of "The Pretender"...

The Count of Albany's death report... woodcut ad...

Item #591473

March 09, 1784

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Edinburgh, March 9, 1784 Within this issue is a report of the death of the Count of Albany, which makes reference to The Pretender.  Also included is a decorative woodcut ad for "Improved Milk of Roses".  News of the day with period advertising are present throughout.  Measures approximately 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, complete in 8 pages, in good con... See More  

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Early reports on the fall of Charleston to the British...

Item #585440

May 23, 1780

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, May 23, 1780  Page 2 has: "...from the force carried out with Sir Henry Clinton to South Carolina, there is room to entertain the most favourable hopes of the success of his enterprise. With Sir Henry Clinton, from New York, went 7500 men..." with more (see photos). Elsewhere is: "...a letter from an Officer on board the brig Hawke off Staten... See More  

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