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An attempted early demonstration of a parachute ends comically... News from America...

Item #699820

July 14, 1785

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 14, 1785  The back page has a report concerning the early use of a parachute, bits noting: "...persons were assembled...late Blanchard's Aerobatic Academy near Vauxhall, to be spectators of an experiment made by a Italian with a parachute, who was to have let himself down from a prodigious altitude and to manifest his composure by playing on a viol... See More  

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News from "Carolina" and Nova Scotia...

Item #692527

January 03, 1785

THE MORNING POST, & DAILY ADVERTISER, London, Jan. 3, 1785  Page 2 has an: "Extract of a Letter from New Brunswick, in [North] Carolina" which is a case of brutality. Then: "American News" which is actually a report of a speech by the governor of Nova Scotia at Halifax, with the response from the Assembly.

Four pages, partial red tax stamp on the front page, good cond... See More  

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First image of a balloon flight in any periodical? "Peter the Wild Boy"...

Item #683345

February 01, 1785

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1785 

* Jean-Pierre Blanchard

* 1st English Channel crossing print

* "Peter the Wild Boy"

Perhaps the most notable content is the foldout plate with various images, the largest of which is a terrific engraving of: "The Flight of M. Blanchard and Dr. Jeffries from Dover Castle" to France, as noted at the bottom of the ... See More  

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Blacks to have rights of citizenship in New York ? Washington to move to England?

Item #679259

July 23, 1785

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 23, 1785 

* General George Washington to move his residence to England (?)

* Blacks to have citizenship rights in New York (?)

Page 2 has a report from New York with some news from the Assembly of the state which includes: "...very warm debates also have taken place upon the question of admitting Blacks, Mulattoes, Mustees, Quadroons...the the r... See More  

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General Oglethorpe and Georgia...

Item #668646

September 01, 1785

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1785  Included is an interesting article: "Description of a Machine for Raising Water by Wind" being an unusual type of windmill which includes a nice full page plate of it.

Other items include: "Chemical Inquiries into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors"; an article concerning General Oglethorpe and his settling of Georgia, and... See More  

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Gifts to George Washington from Virginia...

Item #644294

May 01, 1785

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1785  Among the articles within are: "Observations on a Tour Through the Island of Jersey" which is in the English Channel; "Anecdotes of Hogarth" "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Session of Parliament" "Original Letter form Dr. Johnston" & so much more.

Near the back is: "Intelligence..." with... See More  

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John Adams delivers his credentials to the King...

Item #625993
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1785  Among the articles are: "Curious Caves on the Elephanta Island" near India; "Epitaph Proposed by Dr. Fordyce for Samuel Johnson" and so much more. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has various news reports of the day, which includes a report: "This day John Adams, minister plenipotentiary from the... See More  

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Item #625978

March 01, 1785

THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1785  Articles within include: "Notices of Handel" the famed composer; "Dr. Johnson at Cambridge" and a wealth of other British-themed articles. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which provides the latest news of the day, as well as: "Proceedings in the Present session of Parliament".

Included is o... See More  

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Edinburgh Scotland in 1785....

Item #538188
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1784-1786  A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well.

  Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition.

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Item #208447
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, 1785  A nice 18th century Scottish newspaper with the entire front page taken up with ads, with various news of the day on the inside pages. Some of the ads have illustrations as well. Complete in 4 pages, partial red-inked tax stamp on the front page folio size, some light browning or dirtiness, generally nice condition. The photo shown below is "... See More  

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