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Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702540
January 01, 1767
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1767, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. An early almanac in 24 pages.
Wear at the margins as is typical of almanacs as they were heavily used throughout the year. Remnants of older tape at the spine, 4 by 6 1/2 inches.
Reference to the Stamp Act...
Item #701127
March 23, 1767
* Rare pro British Colonial publication
* American taxation - re. stamp act
Over 1 1/2 columns of the front page are taken up with: "Dr. Franklin's Pieces in Behalf of North America", signed in type: Homespun.
Also on the front page is a letter mentioning: "...I know not with what ... See More
England to build settlements west of the Allegany Mountains...
Item #700807
October 26, 1767
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Oct. 26, 1767 The front page has one bit noting: "...that the government, seeing the great advantages which may arise from the forming a settlement beyond the mountains in North America, have resolved on establishing a colony on the forks of the Ohio, in the country of the Illinois, which lies between the 36 and 37 degrees of Northern Latitude. We hear ... See More
German Protestants heading for Louisiana...
Item #696179
June 23, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 23, 1767 The middle of the back page has a brief item: "We hear that Mounteford Brown has obtained the grant of an extensive track of land in British Louisiana bordering on the Mississippi, a very fertile territory & intended to be settled with German emigrants & other protestant families from the continent."
Another item notes: "..... See More
Very early 1767 tennis report...
Item #688318
April 14, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 14, 1767
* Very early - 18th century tennis
The front page has: "A Further Account of the Patagonian Indians".
Inside has a rare & very early tennis report: "Yesterday the great match at Tennis between Tomkyns and Maccon was determined in favour of the latter; many of the nobility were present, and considerable bets depending.&q... See More
A new town near Hispaniola...
Item #679946
June 06, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 6, 1767 Inside has most of a column headed: "America" with datelines from Philadelphia, New York & Kingston, Jamaica.
One report notes that: "...Gov. Seymour...had already planned a town which was to be built on the Grand Key, and to be called by the name of Shelburne. As these islands lie so contiguous to Hispaniola...is imagined... See More
Byron's around-the-world voyage in the Dolphin...
Item #679940
April 18, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 18, 1767
* Commodore John Byron
* HMS Dolphin
* World voyage
Inside has half of a page taken up with: "Further Extracts from A Voyage round the World in his Majesty's Ship the Dolphin, Commanded by the Hon. Commodore Byron".
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, very nice condition.... See More
Dismissing an agent...
Item #679938
April 02, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767 Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent for the colony of Massachusetts, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, nice condition.
Skeleton from the Black Assize of Oxford 1577...
Item #679741
March 23, 1767
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL [Gloucester], England, March 23, 1767 Page 3 has an interesting item: "Last week the skeleton of a man in setters, with one jaw and some of the large bones perfect, was dug up in removing some ground in our Castle Green, eastward of the ruins of the old County Hall, memorable as the place wherein was held the fatal black assize, in the year 1577... upwards of 500 o... See More
Charleston residents warn against ship landing in their port... Funeral of the Duke of York...
Item #657564
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Nov. 9, 1767 * Early Southern America report
(currently spelled Gloucester) The ftpg. has most of the first column taken up with details of the funeral of the Duke of York & Albany, younger bother to King George III. He died in Monaco while on a trip but was buried in Westminster Abbey.
Pages 2 & 3 contains letter from Charleston, on... See More
A pestilence in Maryland spread by convicts from a prison ship....
Item #657561
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Oct. 12, 1767 (currently spelled Gloucester) The ftpg. has a report headed: "America" with a dateline of "Annapolis, in Maryland, July 29" concerning an outbreak of: "...that horrid contagious distemper, commonly called the gaol [jail] fever...A casual visit...from one of the felons some time since imported in a convict ship comm... See More
Bostonians complain...
Item #650311
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1767 Among the articles within are: "Observations on the American Locust" which takes nearly two pages and includes three illustrations of them (see); "Journey to the Written Mountains" includes a foldout plate showing the inscriptions there, near the Red Sea (see), measuring 8 by 10 1/2 inches; "Acts for the Preservation... See More
Uncommon provincial title with a decorative masthead...
Item #649299
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, 1769 (currently spelled Gloucester). Here is a very nice, four page issue from just a few years before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War in the colonies. This issue has a very nice & decorative masthead featuring engravings on either side. The front page also has a red-inked tax stamp. This issue contains various news of the day and a wealth of ads as well. ... See More
The death of Prince Edward, Duke of York...
Item #646274
September 17, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, September 17, 1767
* Multiple reports from America
Page two has multiple reports from Charles-Town, South Carolina [current Charleston] which tell of robberies and other hostilities, some of which are described as "worse than the most savage Indians." See images for the graphic details. Page 6 has additional reports from Elizabeth-Town, New Jersey [cu... See More
The death of Prince Edward, Duke of York...
Item #646266
September 29, 1767
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, September 29, 1767
* The death of Prince Edward, Duke of York & Albany
The front page has an order for a day of "General Mourning for his late Royal Highness Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany." Other items on the front page provide how this day of mourning is to be carried out. Prince Edward is the namesake of Prince Edward County, Virgi... See More
Meeting with the Indians... Acts of the Mass. Assembly...
Item #640219
June 27, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 27, 1767 Page 6 has over half a column with news from America which includes mention of a few Acts passed by the Mass. governor, including: "An Act for laying out and establishing a new street in the town of Boston" with others. Also a letter from Charleston with mention of a meeting with the headmen of the Creek Indian nation.
Eight pages, 8 1/... See More
Birth of a prince... Poem on playing cards...
Item #620546
November 05, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 5, 1767 Page 2 has a report announcing the birth of a son to King George III, with: "This day about noon the Queen was happily delivered of a Prince...This great event was soon after made known by the firing of the Tower guns. Her majesty is, God be praised, as well as can be expected; and the young Prince is in perfect health." This was Prince E... See More
A letter of thanks from Boston...
Item #612766
June 08, 1767
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, (Gloucester), England, June 8, 1767 Page 3 has: "A Letter from Boston, New-England" is a note of thanks including: "...noble & generous efforts in support of the common rights of mankind & liberties of Great Britain & her colonies..." (see). The tone would change in a few years.
Red tax stamp on the front page, 4 pages, folio size, neve... See More
Dismissing an agent...
Item #603435
April 02, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767 Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard (see).
Eight pages, 88 1/4 by 11 inches, some damp staining & minor margin wear.
Success in converting & educating the Cherokee Indians...
Item #598590
June 11, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 11, 1767 Inside has reports from Boston and Charleston headed: "America" (see) with reports datelined Boston and Charleston, the latter noting: "Mr. Hammerer, who came over from England with intent to civilize and convert the Cherokee Indians, has met with more success than some persons seemed to expect...have elected him head man over them ... See More
From the year after the Stamp Act was repealed...
Item #121059
THE ST. JAMES CHRONICLE; OR, THE BRITISH EVENING POST, London, England, 1767 Nice engraving in the masthead makes this a displayable issue. Various news of the day and a wealth of ads, from not long before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War.Note that the photo is "generic" and the issue you get will not be of this specific date but will be from 1767.
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