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Ben Franklin the weatherman: an early landmark work on meteorology...
Item #704434
October 01, 1766
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, October, 1766
* Benjamin Franklin as 1st weatherman ?
* Meteorological - climatologist - climate
Inside has four pages taken up with a paper written by Ben Franklin, read by him at the Royal Society in London in 1756. It was not put to print until 1765.
The essay is headed: "Physical and Meteorological Observations, Conjectures, and Suppositio... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #704040
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated March 9, 1758, June 10, 1760, MArch 3, 1763, Feb. 20, 1768, and May 28, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good condi... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #702789
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Sept. 16, 1758, Nov. 13, 1762, Dec. 13, 1764, April 7, 1768, and May 2, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in nice condi... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #701947
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Aug. 12, 1758, June 24, 1760, May 5, 1761, Feb. 2, 1768, and May 21, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in nice conditio... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #701355
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated June 20, 1758, Oct. 4, 1760, Feb. 12, 1761, March 31, 1768, and May 11, 1771. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in nice condi... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #700551
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Sept. 30, 1758; Sept. 16, 1760; July 28, 1761; May 21, 1768; & May 19, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American col... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #699116
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 26, 1758; Feb. 8, 1759; Jan. 8, 1760; Feb. 3, 1761; and
April 29, 1766. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #698821
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Dec. 26, 1761, May 19, 1763, May 3, 1766, April 2, 1768, & April 14, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colon... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #698705
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Feb. 25, 1758; Jan. 2, 1759; March 28, 1765; April 24, 1766; and Feb. 6, 1772. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good cond... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #698459
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 19, 1758, Jan. 8, 1760, Jan. 27, 1761, Jan. 27, 1763, and Jan. 15, 1771. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good condi... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #698004
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 17, 1758, Jan. 1, 1760, Jan. 25, 1763, Jan. 4, 1766, and Jn. 2, 1770. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good conditio... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #697736
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 14, 1758, Jan. 2, 1759, Jan. 13, 1761, Jan. 25, 17673, and Jan. 1, 1771. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American colonies.
Each issue is complete in 8 pages, 8 by 11 inches, perhaps minor rubbing & foxing to some, generally in good condi... See More
Five issue lot from before the Revolutionary War...
Item #692758
August 16, 1766
(5) THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, A group of five issues dated Jan. 7, 1758, May 15, 1760, Jan. 20, 1763, Jan. 5, 1768, & Jan. 30, 1772. Each issue is complete in 8 pages and is in good condition, a few with some damp staining & a little foxing or fold rubbing. A nice little group lot providing a flavor of life in England from the period when tensions were growing with its American coloni... See More
General Murray on retiring from Quebec...
Item #679163
September 01, 1766
THE SCOTS MAGAZINE, Edinburgh, Scotland, September, 1766 Although formatted much like the more common "Gentleman's Magazine" this is a much more scarce title.
News under: "British North America" includes an address from the Council in Quebec to Governor James Murray on his retirement from that position, with his response to the Council. Further on are more letters to... See More
Coalition of the American and West Indies' colonists...
Item #657794
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1766 Articles within this issue include: "Description of an Artificial Swan" "Account of a Journey Into Scotland" "An Address to the Annotators of the Bible" "Coalition of the American and W. Indian Colonists" and more.Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has various news reports of th... See More
Map of road from London to Berwick & York... Indians visit London...
Item #657760
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1766 Articles within this issue include: "...Act for Opening & establishing certain ports in the Islands of Jamaica and Dominica for the more free importation and exportation..." "On the Doctrine of Original Sin" 'An Improvement in Common Watches" which includes a print of the gears and workings of a watch (see), and mo... See More
News from America... Georgia prohibits noted exportations...
Item #631130
August 30, 1766
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1766 Page 2 has: "AMERICA. Baltimore Town, Maryland", which mentions the inhabitants' efforts to raise funds for a statue in honor of General William Pitt.
Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with 3 datelines from Charleston, noting Lord Charles Montagu as the new governor of South Carolina; that Georgia has prohibited the exp... See More
Frederick V of Denmark dies...
Item #628231
February 01, 1766
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, February 1, 1766 The ftpg. has "Our late Sovereign King of Denmark, Friderick (Frederick) the Fifth, after having laboured some Months under a Dropsical Disorder, expired this Morning...", with much more. Other news of the day and period advertising is also present. Complete in 4 pages, very nice condition, partial red-inked tax stamp on the ftpg., meas... See More
Florida described...
Item #623525
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1766 A very nice and detailed article is: "An Account of East Florida" (see), taking over a full page. Other articles include: "Laws Ill Executed with respect ot Vagabonds" "Miraculous Cure of a Consumption" "Charter Granted to the East India Company" ; much on: "Finances of this Kingdom" "L... See More
Mr. Pitt... Ornate masthead...
Item #581240
April 14, 1766
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, Glocester, April 14, 1766 The second page of this issue has a report "Mr. Pit [the elder], having taken a house at Bath for seven years, proposes to spend the remainder of his time either at Bath or at his seat in the west; so that the report of his being created a Peer, and that of his coming into the Ministry, seems without foundation." There are nume... See More
The Stamp Act, and more...
Item #120812
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, London, November, 1766 The front page of this issue features a decorative engraving of the 18th century London skyline. Among the 40+ pages are various news reports of the day including an item on North America Trade and the Stamp Act & more. (see photos). Great reading. Nice condition, bit close-trimmed at the right margin, & measures about 5 by 8 in... See More
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