Much news from the Revolutionary War...
Item #704210
September 28, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1776
* Rare Revolutionary War era title
* Tory issue from Pennsylvania
* Great year to have (1776)
This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.
The front page has an ad for the desertion of two soldiers from military ser... See More
Map of the Hudson River region... Franklin on the exchange of prisoners...
Item #701099
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1778 * Rare Revolutionary War New York map
* Benjamin Franklin letter - Ethan Allen
Of great significance is the very nice foldout map headed: "Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent Country", which shows from Crown Point & Ticonderoga, south to Philadelphia, & also from Long Island to Lake Ontario with consi... See More
Battle of Fort DuQuesne...
Item #700465
November 07, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 7, 1758
* Battle of Fort DuQuesne
* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
* French and Indian War
Over one-third of the front page has a very nice account of the historic Battle of Fort DuQuesne, site of present-day Pittsburgh, which includes: "A List of Officers and Soldiers Missing from the Action near fort Du Quesne, Sept. 14, 1758". George Washing... See More
Battle of Fort Frontenac...
Item #700463
November 02, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 2, 1758
* Fort Frontenac captured
* French and Indian War
The back page has a very nice letter: "...from an officer in one of the provincial regiments in America...dated Albany, Sept. 15" which begins: "You will hear from many hands the successful blow struck against the French interest in America by the taking of Cadaraque, or (as th... See More
Burgoyne takes Ticonderoga: a day by day account…
Item #699145
August 25, 1777
* Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
* American Revolutionary War
* General John Burgoyne victory
"Extraordinary" issues were printed when notable reports were received outside the normal publishing schedule, created to get the news to the public as quickly as possible.
This issue was printed to report the taking of Ticonderoga by General B... See More
Front page reports on the French & Indian War...
Item #693422
July 05, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 5, 1760 The front page begins with a report headed: "America" with a New York dateline noting news from the French & Indian War including: "...Sixteen 24 pounders with mortars...are gone to Oswego. Col. Williamson commands this train...The enemy sends out constant parties towards Crown Point & Ticonderoga..." and more.
Eight pa... See More
A "call to arms" for Londoners in support of America
Item #692362
September 27, 1775
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Sept. 27, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
The front page has some reports on the actions of Major Rogers in Maryland & Virginia. Also mention of work of the Virginia Provincial Convention. Plus a report of a soldier: "...who\ is on his parole in Gen. Wooster's camp. This person having been observed to follow at a distance, a load of po... See More
Burgoyne surrenders at Saratoga...
Item #689455
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1777 * Battles of Saratoga
* General John Burgoyne surrenders
* Germantown and Brandywine
The very first article is a two page continued: "Debate in the House of Lords on Lord Chatham's Motion for an Address to his Majesty relative to the American War".
This is one of the more historic issues of the Revolutionary War with a t... See More
Battle of Valcour Island... Military skirmishes...
Item #687343
November 02, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1776 (editor's copy) This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.
Inside pages have various reports concerning the Revolutionary War including: " Capt. Harding, in a Connecticut brig of war, was going up the So... See More
Washington's rousing call to patriotism...
Item #687199
October 04, 1775
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Oct. 4, 1775
* General George Washington & patriotism
* Near of beginning of Revolutionary War
The front page begins with a letter from London which has, in part: " the determination...with the King to destroy such towns as ly on the sea. But don't be frightened or deceived, they cannot accomplish their horrid schemes. Your secur... See More
Rumors about the war...
Item #597528
August 02, 1777
EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Aug. 2, 1777 Page 2 includes: "The last advices received from Gen. Howe...mention that he was then in motion with the main body of the army in the Jerseys to attack Philadelphia...consequently that the various reports of the defeat of Gen. Howe and Lord Cornwallis are without foundation....Notwithstanding all that has appeared in the papers about Gen... See More
Plight of prisoners... Events at Skenesboro & St. Augustine, Florida...
Item #587975
September 02, 1777
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 2, 1777 Page 2 has various content on the Revolutionary War including: "In America matters bear the aspect of being speedily brought to an issue. Ticonderoga is already in our possession, which is the key of all internal communication through the revolted colonies." and another item tells of the plight of prisoners with: "Sir, hard as my
... See More
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