1794 Boston, Massachusetts...
Item #711586
January 04, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 4, 1794
* 18th century American title
Eighteenth century American publications are somewhat scarce. Contains news of the day and various advertisements.
Pages 3 & 4 contain several illustrated ship ads.
Complete as a 4 page issue, generally in nice condition.
Rare political cartoon on America... Continental Association...
Item #710955
THE TOWN & COUNTRY MAGAZINE, London, Dec., 1774 A focus is a full page political cartoon concerning America, as such items ae rarely found in periodicals of the day.The heading of the cartoon is: "American In Flames" and the facing page has descriptive text on it. It reads in part: "...it will lead to point out the chief actors in the American tragedy...The three mo... See More
Seeking relief from the King....
Item #710011
August 08, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, Aug. 8, 1768 Under the heading: "America" and from Philadelphia is a report which begins: "We can assure the public--that the assembly of this province so early as February last took into their consideration the act of parliament imposing a duty on paper, glass, etc. and thereupon under a sense of the oppression of that act, prepared & ... See More
One of the earliest newspapers from the colonies...
Item #710010
May 15, 1735
THE AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY, Philadelphia, May 15, 1735
* Among the earliest of American newspapers
* Very early & rare colonial publication
As any serious collector of newspapers knows, it is exceedingly difficult to find any colonial American newspapers from before 1760, let alone an issue from 1735. It began in 1719 and only published through 1749. It was the very first newspa... See More
Counting the slaves... The infant Navy...
Item #709993
August 08, 1798
(2) COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 15 and 28, 1798 A notable pair of issues. The entire front page & a bit of pg. 2 of the Aug. 15 issue are taken up with: "An Act to provide for the Valuation of Lands & dwelling houses & the Enumeration of Slaves within the United States". It concludes by taking up most of the ftpg. of the Aug. 18 issue where it is signed in sc... See More
Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings...
Item #709991
December 26, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, Dec. 26, 1768
* Colonial Boston original
* Pro loyalist - Tory
* Pre Rev. War tensions
The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of th... See More
Two letters signed in script type by George Washington...
Item #707212
January 16, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 16, 1796
* Two letters signed in script by President George Washington
Page 2 has a letter from the President to Congress signed in script type: Go. Washington. Also on pg. 2 is a letter from the French to Washington, with his reply also signed in script type: Go. Washington.
This title was one of very few which used script type for the President,... See More
Samuel Webster's 1777 sermon...
Great and notable sermon on chasing the British out of America...
Item #706755
May 28, 1777
Pamphlet: "A SERMON Preached before the Honorable COUNCIL, and the Honorable House of Representatives, of the state of Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England. At BOSTON, May 28, 1777. Being the anniversary for the election of the Honorable Council. By Samuel Webster, A.M. Pastor of a church in Salisbury."
Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].
Complete in 44 pa
... See More
Printed at Boston, by Edes and Gill, M,DCC,LXXVII [1777].
Complete in 44 pa
Two accounts of Bunker Hill, Washington becomes commander-in-chief, so much more. In a Virginia newspaper...
Item #705357
July 14, 1775
VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg, July 14, 1775
This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War. A very rare opportunity for a scarce title from colonial Virginia.
When it comes to the military events of the Revolutionary War, I'm not s... See More
One of the more decorative mastheads of the 18th century...
Item #704984
December 03, 1795
* Nice masthead engraving
* 18th century America
If you are looking for a handsome American newspaper of the 1700's which is displayable & priced reasonably, this is one of the best. This title features one of the more decorative mastheads of the era.
Complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margins, some tiny binding... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #704881
March 10, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), March 10, 1743,4 (year noted as such as it was 1743 or 1744 depending on which calendar was used).
This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.
As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of t... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #704880
May 07, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 7, 1743 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short y... See More
Concerns about the Jay Treaty...
Item #704626
August 01, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Aug. 1, 1795 Over half of the front page is taken up with: "The Objections to the Treaty Refuted", referring to the controversial Jay Treaty. Page 2 has a document which also expresses concerns about the Jay Treaty, carrying over to page 3.
Four pages, scattered foxing, some creases to the back leaf, good condition.
Sam Adams issues a Proclamation...
Item #704507
June 29, 1795
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, June 29, 1795 Page 2 has a "Proclamation" signed in type by the governor: Samuel Adams.
Four pages, very handsome masthead, never-trimmed margins, small binding holes at the blank spine, great condition.
Signed by Washington & Jefferson...
Item #704502
May 08, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 8, 1793 The top of the first column has: "An Act for the Relief of Simeon Thayer" by the U.S. Congress, signed in type by the President: Go. WASHINGTON as well by the Secretary of State: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Significant Washington letter to the Jewish congregation of Newport...
Item #704389
September 15, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Sept. 15, 1790
* President George Washington
* Letter to the Jewish congregation
* Newport, Rhode Island - Jews
* Historic Judaica item - Moses Seixas
The back page contains one of the more significant Judaica items found in an American newspaper.
It presents the full text of the: "Address Of The Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Isl... See More
George Washington responds to the people of Salem...
Item #704321
June 19, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 19, 1793
* President George Washington letter
* Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts
Page 3 has a reply from the President to an address from the inhabitants of Salem, signed in type G. Washington. In the reply he discusses his late Proclamation declaring neutrality in the present contest between France and other European powers.
Page 3 also ha
... See More
* President George Washington letter
* Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts
Page 3 has a reply from the President to an address from the inhabitants of Salem, signed in type G. Washington. In the reply he discusses his late Proclamation declaring neutrality in the present contest between France and other European powers.
Page 3 also ha
Signed by Samuel Adams...
Item #704255
November 26, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 26, 1796
* Samuel Adams, governor of Massachusetts
* 18th century American original addresses
Page 2 has two messages addressed to the state senate concerning a resolution about presidential electors, each signed in type: Samuel Adams.
Other news of the day includes: "Embargo On Genoese Vessels" "Theatrical" and more. Several int... See More
Choosing a location for Congress...
Item #704253
November 23, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 23, 1793
* United States Congress
* Choosing a site to build
A page 3 report from Philadelphia notes: "The President of the United States, having summoned the headed of Departments, Chief Justice and other officers of the Government, to meet at Germantown, to advise on the most suitable place for the meeting of Congress; we understand, their deci... See More
Thomas Jefferson responds concerning the Jay Treaty...
Item #704252
February 08, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 8, 1794
* Thomas Jefferson letters
* re. John Jay Treaty
The front page has: "State Papers" which has three letters from Thomas Jefferson as Secretary of State, relating to the controversial Jay Treaty. Each is signed: Th. Jefferson.
Four pages, very nice condition.... See More
Creating the Bank of the United States...
Item #704245
November 02, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 2, 1791
* First Bank of the United States creation
Page 3 has a nice report on the opening of the 2nd Congress of the United States, and this is followed by a significant report headed: "National Bank" with details concerning its creation and organization, including the various men chosen as its directors, and noting that: "Thomas W... See More
Broadside "Extra" from Baltimore...
Item #704244
October 15, 1798
* Rare broadside extra
Although there were issues of this title in Phila., Boston & Baltimore, this is from Baltimore as the other two did not exist as of this date.
This is a broadside extra, a small single sheet printed on the front only. Such broadsides were typically printed to put urgent or important news into the hands of the reader as ... See More
Washington responds to concerns over the Jay Treaty...
Item #704242
August 19, 1795
* President George Washington
* Concerns over the Jay Treaty
Page 3 has the: "Answer" of the President to the concerns of the Selectmen of Boston over the controversial Jay Treaty, signed in type: George Washington.
Page 3 also has a report of a: "Negro Insurrection" in North Carolina.
... See More
Shipping report signed by Alexander Hamilton...
Item #704185
February 15, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 15, 1794 Page 2 has a report headed: "American Tonnage" being a chart, by country, of the actual tonnage shipped in 1792. The chart is signed by: Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury.
Four pages, some minor foxing, good condition.
(3) 1793 George Washington documents...
Item #704184
November 02, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 2, 1793
* (3) George Washington documents
Page 2 has an address of the people of Alexandria, Virginia, to the President supporting him in his Proclamation of Neutrality over the conflict between England & France. This is followed by the answer of the President, signed in type: G. Washington.
Then page 2 also has two more document, relating to Fra... See More
A displayable title... Much on the controversial Jay Treaty...
Item #704167
November 09, 1795
* Nice masthead engraving
* 18th century America
* Much on John Jay Treaty
Beyond having one of the more decorative & displayable mastheads of the 18th century, half of the front page is taken up with continued discussion headed: "Features on Mr. Jay's Treaty" with England, a very controversial d... See More
Alexander Hamilton, Anthony Wayne, John Jay, and Henry Knox...
Item #704138
December 11, 1793
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 11, 1793 Page 2 has a letter signed in type: Anthony Wayne concerning an encounter with the Indians. Some paragraphs begin: "It would appear that the savages mean to bend their attention to our convoys..." and "The savages killed & carried off about 70 horses..." and "There are nearly 1000 volunteers in the vicinity..." and m... See More
Washington script signature... Light house on Sequin Island...
Item #704070
April 25, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, April 25, 1795
* President George Washington act of Congress
* Seguin Island Maine Lighthouse proposed
The top of third column on the ftpg. has: "Laws Of The United States" "Published By Authority" "Third Congress of the United States". Hereafter is the text of: "An act to regulate the compensation of Clerks...", sig... See More
Washington signs an Act of Congress, front page...
Item #704066
February 26, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 26, 1791 The entire first column of the front page is taken up with an Act of Congress, headed with a nice engraving of a heraldic eagle, signed in script type by the President: George Washington, and in block type by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
The front page also has a letter beginning: "Perhaps the following extract from Gov. Jefferson... See More
Washington signs three Acts of Congress... Military outposts...
Item #704056
February 18, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 18, 1795
* President George Washington
* 3 Acts of Congress signed in script
The front page has a full column taken up with not just one, but three Acts of Congress each signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington.
Page 3 has: "The Western Posts" with some details on Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, Michilimackinac and Fort Miami.... See More
Act of Congress signed by Washington...
Item #704046
May 10, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 10, 1794
* President George Washington
* Act of United States Congress
The front page begins with an Act of Congress, signed in script type by the President; Go. Washington. It takes over half the column.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, wide margins, some foxing and minor tears at the margins, nice condition.... See More
John Hancock becomes governor...
Item #704039
May 28, 1791
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 28, 1791 Page 2 has a report that: "...committee appointed to count the votes for Governour and Lt. Governour reported that His Excellency JOHN HANCOCK, Esq. was chosen Governour and His Honour SAMUEL ADAMS Esq. Lt. Governour...".
Pages 2 & 3 also have a "Speech" which is signed in type: JOHN HANCOCK.
Four pages, never-trimmed margins... See More
The House responds to Washington's state-of-the-union address...
Item #703594
December 28, 1795
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Dec. 28, 1795 The front page has a letter: "To President Washington" signed by: An Old Soldier.
Page 2 contains the House of Representative's response to the Washington's recent state-of-the-union address. This is followed by the President's replay, signed in type: G. Washington.
Four pages, very handsome masthead, irregular at the margi... See More
Laying the cornerstone for the President's House, sort of...
Item #703561
May 26, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 26, 1792
* Philadelphia as the nation's capital (temporary)
* Future "White House" ? - Laying of the cornerstone
Page 3 has a somewhat inconspicuous report reading: "The following inscription is cut on the corner stone lately laid as the foundation of the house designed for the future residence of the President of the United St... See More
America alters its Constitution peacefully...
Item #703545
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, May, 1795 The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles as noted on the full title/contents page.Included are several letters signed in type by John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Madison & others. Also: "Description of a Visit to Mount Etna" among other articles. Near the back is the "Monthly Gazette" with ... See More
The King declares Americans are free & independent...
Item #703511
March 01, 1783
THE INDEPENDENT LEDGER & THE AMERICAN ADVERTISER, Boston, Feb. 24, 1783 One of the best features of this issue is the masthead engraving which features a very patriotic theme: "All Hands with One Inflamed Enlightened Heart." signifying the 13 united colonies having a common, patriotic purpose. One of the more patriotic masthead engravings of the Revolutionary War era.
Certainl... See More
The Boston Port Act, in a London newspaper...
Item #703363
April 02, 1774
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, April 2, 1774 The front page has a report that Thomas Hutchinson, governor of Massachusetts, requests to return to England, with Thomas Gage appointed as his replacement.
But of great significance is the page 2, 3 & 4 printing of the Boston Port Bill, titled: "An Act to Discontinue, in Such Manner & for such Time as are Therein Mentioned, the Landin... See More
Very significant & rare "pillar cartoon" issue... Massachusetts ratifies the Constitution, in a Boston newspaper...
Item #703264
March 01, 1788
* United States Constitution
* State of New Hampshire
* Pillar illustration - cartoon
This is one of the most desired & elusive issues of this title to be had, as it contains one of the cherished "pillar cartoons". The only other newspaper we have discovered that used the pillar cartoons is the Independent Chronic... See More
President George Washington responds...
Item #703204
September 28, 1795
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Sept. 28, 1795 This issue features a nice, ornate masthead engraving.
Page 2 begins with a discussion on the controversial Jay's Treaty with England. Also: "Indian Negotiations", but the feature report is a letter signed in type by the President: G. Washington, headed: "Answer Of the President to the Chairman of th... See More
Early American title from the French & Indian War...
Item #702912
May 13, 1762
* Rare Colonial Massachusetts
* St. Augustine, Florida
This is a much later issue of America's first successful newspaper, founded in 1704.
The top of the ftpg. has a nice recruiting advertisements to enlist soldiers to fight in the on-going French & Indian War: "For Recruiting His Majesty's Regular Forc... See More
An incomplete almanac, but from 1771...
Item #702542
January 01, 1771
"An Astronomical Diary Or An Almanack..." for the year 1771, printed in Boston by Nathaniel Ames. This is a damaged almanac as it is missing one interior leaf (March-April). Plus all leaves are loos, with much wear at margins including a few small portions missing from the margins.
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702541
January 01, 1784
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1784, by Nathanael Low, printed in Boston by T. & J. Fleet. An early almanac complete in 24 pages.
Never bound nor trimmed, 4 1/4 by 7 inches, with original string binding, minor wear at the margins, in surprisingly good condition for an 18th century almanac.
The Boston Massacre: two great reports...
Item #702493
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1770* The Boston Massacre
* Historic reporting
Certainly the most notable item in this issue is the report on the Boston Massacre.
The entirety of page 2 is taken up with an excellent & historic report of the Boston Massacre, headed: "AMERICAN AFFAIRS" and the article prefaced with: "The following Report of the Committee of t... See More
Great & rare political cartoon on the Boston Port Bill... Twenty pages discussing the Boston Port Bill...
Item #702485
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, April, 1774
* Boston Port Act of 1774 - Act
* Very rare illustration - print
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Over 20 pages within this issue are taken up with: "Debates Of A Political Society" which go into considerable detail discussing the ramifications of the historic Boston Port Bill. Also discussion of other concerns w
... See More
* Boston Port Act of 1774 - Act
* Very rare illustration - print
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Over 20 pages within this issue are taken up with: "Debates Of A Political Society" which go into considerable detail discussing the ramifications of the historic Boston Port Bill. Also discussion of other concerns w
Rare political cartoon on America... Continental Association...
Item #702484
THE TOWN & COUNTRY MAGAZINE, London, Dec., 1774* Rare pre Revolutionary War political cartoon on America
A focus of this issue is a full page political cartoon concerning America, such items rarely found in periodicals of the say.
The heading of the cartoon is: "American In Flames" and the facing page has descriptive text on it. It reads in part: "...it will... See More
England declares war against France: The French & Indian War begins...
Item #702243
May 22, 1756
* England declaration of war w/ France
The most significant item in this issue is: "His Majesty's Declaration of War Against the French King" which was the official beginning of the French & Indian War. It was prompted by England & France not being able to compromise on the border between their colonies in North... See More
Phillis Wheatley arrives in London...
Item #702240
June 22, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 22, 1773
* Phillis Wheatley's London arrival
* Famous Woman servant turned poet
Certainly the most notable report is found on the back page, which contains: "Last Thursday the celebrated negro girl Phillis, the Poet, whose extraordinary talents have lately been taken notice of in the News Papers, arrived in London from Boston in New England. She ... See More
Paul Revere... Determining representation in Congress...
Item #701957
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, May, 1792* Paul Revere to cast brass cannons
* Representation in U.S. Congress
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.
Content includes "The Pleasures of ... See More
The XYZ Affair In 1798....
Item #701701
March 28, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 28, 1798
* The XYZ Affair
* France relations
* John Adams message
Page 2 has the "President's Message" to Congress indicating that the negotiations with France by the U.S. envoys have failed. In the message the President states in part: "...I perceive no ground of expectation, that the objects of their mission, can be accomplished,... See More
John Adams responds, Thomas Jefferson intervenes...
Item #701700
October 24, 1798
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 24, 1798
* The XYZ Affair - France relations
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
The front page has an address: "To John Adams, President of the United States" from a military unit at Lexington, followed by his response signed in type: John Adams.
A page 2 bit concerning America making preparations for action against France during the XYZ Af... See More
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