Just our second offering from Aztec, New Mexico...
Item #698533
June 07, 1895
SAN JUAN COUNTY INDEX, Aztec, New Mexico, July 30 1909
* Very rare publication
Actually a territorial newspaper as New Mexico did not become a state until 1912. Although we've offered many other 19th century newspapers from New Mexico, this is just the second issue of this title and from this town in our 48 years.
Aztec is in the northwestern corner of the state. Very rare as wel... See More
From the year it became a state...
Item #695899
August 23, 1912
TUCUMCARI SUN, New Mexico. Aug. 23, 1912
* Rare Southwest publication
A quite uncommon title from this small New Mexico town in Eastern New Mexico, great to have from the year New Mexico became a state.
The front page has a photo of the county court house and jail.
Tucumcari, located on the old Route 66, has an interesting history and has been mentioned often in popular culture (Rai... See More
The 'Black Jack' Ketchum Gang robs a train...
Item #692518
September 09, 1897
HELENA WEEKLY HERALD, Montana, Sept. 9, 1897
* Tom Edward 'Black Jack' Ketchum gang
* Twin Mountain - New Mexico train robbery
The top of the front page has a report headed: "TRAIN ROBBED" "Two Masked Robbers Hold up Passenger Train Near Twin Mountain, Colorado" "The Brutally Use Express Messenger and Force Him to Open the Safe" "Supposed to... See More
Tombstone Epitaph shortly after the gunfight at the OK Corral...
Item #691509
December 04, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, Dec. 4, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Post Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in po... See More
A rare territorial newspaper... An Indian fight & a stagecoach robbery...
Item #690686
July 30, 1881
THE DILLON TRIBUNE, Beaverhead County, M.T. (Montana Territory), July 30, 1881
* Very rare publication
* Wild Old West era
A quite rare newspaper from the Territory of Montana, it not becoming a state until 1889. Thisis the volume 1, number 24 issue.
Dillon was founded in the Beaverhead Valley as a railroad town in 1880 by Union Pacific Railroad President Sidney Dillon. The town'... See More
First of this title we have offered...
Item #690308
March 07, 1901
THE FARMINGTON HUSTLER, New Mexico, March 7, 1901
* Rare territorial issue
* San Juan County
A quite scarce title, in fact the first we have discovered. This lasted but two years before merging with the Times to become the "Farmington Times-Hustler". "Union List Of Serials" notes that no institution in the country has any issues from this year.
Farmington is... See More
On Billy the Kid's death in almost a "hometown" newspaper...
Item #689457
July 23, 1881
THE LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, New Mexico, July 23, 1881
* Outlaw Billy the Kid shot dead
* Pat Garrett - Old West lawman
* In a area publication, very rare
This was essentially the "backyard" of the famed outlaw Billy the Kid, so it is significant that there are two articles concerning his recent death (killed by Pat Garrett on July 14 in nearby Fort Sumner, New Mexico).
The... See More
Very early from San Diego...
Item #689257
October 13, 1870
THE SAN DIEGO UNION, California, Oct. 13, 1870
* Rare & early from Southern California
Nearly a full front page has: "Southern California" "Discoveries in New Mexico" "State News" and a wealth of news and ads inside.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
A ghost town in New Mexico Territory...
Item #688551
March 17, 1911
THE CUERVO CLIPPER, Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, March 17, 1911
* Rare ghost town publication
Essentially a ghost town today having been split by interstate 40, and from when New Mexico was still a territory as it did not gain statehood until 1912. The entire county has less than 4700 in population.
Four pages, nice condition.... See More
Details of a lynching in New Mexico...
Item #682307
February 10, 1880
THE MISSOURI REPUBLICAN, St. Louis, Feb. 10, 1880 The front page has a report headed: "Triple Lynching Affair" from Las Vegas, New Mexico, noting in part: "The cow boys...implicated in the shooting of Carson...were dragged from their cells this morning by a mob of 75 armed men...victims were dragged to the central plaza & ropes were thrown over the beams...West was hauled ... See More
The Plains Indians... Building the Pacific Railroad...
Item #675647
October 23, 1867
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Oct. 23, 1867 The front page has: "The Indians" which reports from the Plains & at Fort Larned. Included as well is a letter from Fort Sumner, New Mexico concerning the Indian situation mentioning the Navajos, Apaches, and Utahs.
Page 6 has: "The Pacific Railroad" "Railroad Contractors Compelled to Carry On War--The Kansas Indians Fighti... See More
The Apache Indian War in New Mexico...
Item #675612
October 22, 1879
THE SAN DIEGO UNION, California, Oct. 22, 1879
* Apache Wars in the Southwest
* United States Army
The top of the second column is headed: "The Apache War" "Latest Advices from New Mexico--Collector Hinds Killed--Movements of the Hostiles--The Recent Terrible Slaughter--Present Situation" with the text taking close to half a column.
Four pages, some archival stre... See More
Navajo Indians of New Mexico cause problems...
Item #653062
September 17, 1906
ARIZONA GAZETTE, Phoenix, Sept. 17, 1906 Perhaps not unexpected from territorial Arizona (statehood in 1912) but later than one would expect: "NAVAJO INDIANS ON A RAMPAGE; LEAVE NEW MEXICO RESERVATION RAID CATTLE, TERRORIZE THE PEOPLE" .
Eight pages, irregular at the blank spine, good condition.
From territorial New Mexico...
Item #651183
January 11, 1901
* New Mexico Territory
Actually a territorial newspaper as New Mexico did not become a state until 1912. Eight pages, typical news & ads of the day, very nice condition.
From territorial Albuquerque...
Item #650417
November 08, 1898
* Before joining the Union
Actually a territorial newspaper as New Mexico did not become a state until 1912. We've offered a number of titles from Albuquerque but this (and a few others) is the first of this title to come into our inventory.
Eight pages, minimal wear at the central fold, very nice condition.... See More
From territorial Albuquerque...
Item #650413
November 02, 1898
* Before joining the Union
Actually a territorial newspaper as New Mexico did not become a state until 1912. We've offered a number of titles from Albuquerque but this (and a few others) is the first of this title to come into our inventory.
Eight pages, small wear hole at fold juncture of front leaf, two cut outs from the bac... See More
New Orleans... Texas cowboys... New Mexico...
Item #646347
December 01, 1883
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Dec. 1, 1883 Full ftpg. shows: "The Evacuation Day Centennial---Grand Marine Procession Passing Up the East River" showing the Brooklyn Bridge. Prints inside include: "Texas--Types of the Cowboys of the Plains" "Louisiana--Sketches in & About New Orleans"; great doublpg. centerfold shows view of the grand parade cele... See More
From Arizona 19 years before statehood...
Item #643462
October 03, 1893
ARIZONA DAILY GAZETTE, Phoenix, Oct. 3, 1893
* Rare old West title
* Maricopa County
This issue is from the Arizona Territory, 19 years before it joined the Union. The ftpg. has: "Three Men Wounded" "A Desperate Shooting Affray in Oakland" "Two Innocent Men are Killed in the Melee" and "Dynamite in New Mexico" and pg. 2 has: "Witches In Mot... See More
A rare territorial title from Oklahoma...
Item #622762
April 06, 1900
NORMAN DEMOCRAT-TOPIC, Norman, Oklahoma, April 6, 1900
* Rare territorial title
This is actually a "territorial" newspaper, as Oklahoma did not become a state until 1907, one of only 3 of the contiguous 48 to join the union in the 20th century (New Mexico & Arizona the other two).
Most of the front page is taken up with various news tidbits of both a local and national... See More
Pre-statehood New Mexico...
Item #583921
January 01, 1903
SANTA FE DAILY NEW MEXICAN newspaper dated 1903. A great issue, with a wealth of news of the day both local and national (and international) and a wealth of ads as well, many of which are illustrated.
Complete in 4 pages. Spine is somewhat irregular but causing no loss of text. Browned, mainly at the edges and some minor margin tears.
Territorial New Mexico...
Item #583918
January 01, 1903
SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN, New Mexico, 1903 A quite uncommon newspaper from this Western town, still 9 years before New Mexico would become a state! Nice condition. Be in touch if an image is needed.
19th century from the Oklahoma Territory...
Item #560881
January 01, 1898
THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN, Oklahoma City , 1898 This is actually a "territorial" newspaper, as Oklahoma did not become a state until ten years later in 1907, one of only 3 of the contiguous 48 to join the union in the 20th century (New Mexico & Arizona the other two). It is quite rare to find Oklahoma newspapers from the 1800's.
Formatted much like other newspapers of the day wi... See More
A "territorial" newspaper from 19th century Oklahoma...
Item #560800
January 01, 1898
THE PEOPLES VOICE, Norman, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, 1898 This is actually a "territorial" newspaper, as Oklahoma did not become a state until 1907, one of only 3 of the contiguous 48 to join the union in the 20th century (New Mexico & Arizona the other two). An uncommon opportunity for a 19th century newspaper from what was they referred to as the Indian Territory.
Complete... See More
Early Albuquerque, 29 years before statehood...
Item #130263
January 01, 1883
ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, New Mexico, 1883 Named in honor of then Viceroy the 10th Duke of Alburquerque, the Villa was an outpost on El Camino Real for the Tiquex and Hispano towns in the area. Since the city's founding, it has continued to be included on travel and trade routes including the Santa Fe Railway and the famous Route 66.
Four pages, good condition. A very rare and early ... See More
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