A rare title from the Dakota Territory...
Item #704232
April 02, 1884
THE INTER STATE, Gary, Dakota, April 2, 1884
* Very rare publication
* Deuel County, South Dakota
A very rare territorial newspaper from what is present-day South Dakota, five years before statehood. They refer to themselves as the "Gate City of Dakota" as it is situated at the eastern border of the Territory, very close to Minnesota. At the 2010 census the population of Gar... See More
A man with 8 wives...
Item #697953
July 18, 1868
DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, July 18, 1868 A wide variety of news reports both local and regional and a huge quantity of ads as well.
Among the articles: "A Man With Eight Wives Who Does Not Live in Utah" "Lynch Law in Minnesota--Letter From Gov. Marshall" "Letter From Lake Tahoe" & more.
Four pages, a very large size newspaper, never bound nor tr... See More
A rare title from the Dakota Territory...
Item #690671
November 14, 1883
THE INTER STATE, Gary, Dakota, Nov. 14, 1883
* Very rare publication
* Deuel County, South Dakota
A very rare railroad town, territorial newspaper from what is present-day South Dakota, six years before statehood. They refer to themselves as the "Gate City of Dakota" as it is situated at the eastern border of the Territory, very close to Minnesota. At the 2010 census the po... See More
Bank robbery, then robbers caught... Broadside...
Item #680705
September 04, 1878
THE ADVANCE, Red Wing, Minnesota, Sept. 4, 1878 Page 2 has: "Treaty With Indians" which begins: "Generals Howard, Wheaton, Sawhille...met Indian chiefs at Umatilla, Oregon & had a general pow-wow...". Also: "A Missouri Daytime Bank Robbery" which has much on a robbery in Concordia, Minnesota including: "...three men entered the bank...jumped over the co... See More
A territorial newspaper from Montana...
Item #200555
THE HELENA DAILY HERALD, Montana, 1878 A nice territorial newspaper eleven years before Montana would become a state. Helena was founded at the discovery of gold in a gulch off the Prickly Pear valley in 1864. Thoughts for a town name included Tomah, Pumpkinville and Squashtown but ultimately was named Helena for a town in Minnesota or Arkansas, with Yankee & Confederate sympathies expre... See More
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