Web Results (291)



Closing weeks of the Civil War...

Item #702783

March 25, 1865

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 25, 1865 

* Confederates falling apart 

* Nearing the end of war 

* Averasboro, North Carolina

Among the front page one column ads on the Civil War are: "Great Cavalry Campaign", "Land Co-Operation with the Fleet Before Mobile", "From The South", "Official Dispatch From Gen. Grant", "The Reported Fi... See More  

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What Robert E. Lee's plans are...

Item #697466

March 29, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, March 29, 1865 

* Battle of Fort Stedman

* Nearing the end of Civil War

* Lee's surrender less than two weeks away

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "GEN. GRANT'S ARMY" "The Victory of Saturday" "Further & Interesting Particulars" "Extend & Importance of Lee's Designs" "Position of the Li... See More  

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Capture of New Orleans!

Item #696933

April 28, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, April 28, 1862  

* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana

* General Benjamin Butler takes over

This issue reports one of the more significant events of the Civil War: the capture of New Orleans, the Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi.

With this important event the northern forces were well on their way towards controlling the very strategic Mississippi River corridor... See More  

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USS Indianola captured and destroyed......

Item #696020

April 13, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, April 13, 1863  

* USS Indianola blown up

* Casemate ironclad gunboat

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important Rebel News" "The Indianola Reported Blown Up by the Rebels" "An Attack Daily Expected on Port Hudson" and more.

Eight pages, minor irregularity along the spine, nice condition.
... See More  

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Latest reports from the Civil War...

Item #695340

December 16, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 16, 1863  

* Charles City Court House - Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "A Dash In the Direction of Richmond" "The Rebel Force at Charles City Court House Captured" "Their Camp Broken Up, Provisions Destroyed & Horses Brought Off" "Splendid Marching of Our Troops" "The President's ... See More  

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Huge display map on the front page... Shiloh...

Item #695251

April 09, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, April 9, 1862  

* Battle of Shiloh, Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee

* 2 nice Civil War maps - Island No. 10 captured

Fully half of the front page is taken up with a huge map with a banner head and subhead: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN THE SOUTHERN, EASTERN, AND MOUNTAIN PARTS OF VIRGINIA. Indicating the positions now held by the Rebels, and some of the positions held by the U... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Battle of Bull Run... Manassas, Virginia...

Item #693842

July 24, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, July 24, 1861 

* 1st Battle of Bull Run - Manassas, Virginia

* 1st major land battle of the Civil War (historic)

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: those relating to the first battle of Bull Run: "THE GREAT REBELLION" "The National Army Not Routed" "A Body of Troops Still at Centreville" "The Rebel Loss Estimat... See More  

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Battle of Fredericksburg, with a map...

Item #693833

December 17, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 17, 1862  

* Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia

* Civil War original reports w/ map

A very nice issue for display as the front page features a large Civil War map headed: "The Scene Of Saturday's Action" which shows a close-up of both the Union and Confederate batteries at the Battle of Fredericksburg.

Although Civil War maps are not extremely rare, ... See More  

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Map of the Civil War in the Southwest...

Item #693819

May 31, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 1862  

* Siege of Corinth, Mississippi 

* Confederate states map

The front page features a very nice map headed: "RETREAT OF THE REBEL ARMY FROM CORINTH" with the map showing from New Orleans to Memphis, to Pensacola.

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War: "ANOTHER TRIUMPH" "Corinth in Possession of Gen. Halleck" ... See More  

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Jeff Davis, Abe Lincoln, General Banks, General Butler, and more...

Item #693812

December 29, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 29, 1862  Page 2 includes a significant document by the President of the Confederacy, with headlines: "Proclamation Of Jeff. Davis" "The Retaliatory Policy Fully Inaugurated" "Gen. Butler to be Executed for the Hanging of Mumford" 'Fulmination Against Slaves found in Arms & Officers Commanding Them" with the entire 1 1/3 columns ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Electoral votes for Abraham Lincoln...

Item #693788

February 09, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 9, 1865 

* Battle of Hatcher's Run

* re. Abraham Lincoln election

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Counting of the Electoral Votes" "212 Votes for Lincoln and Johnson" "21 for McClellan and Pendleton" "The Peace Conference In Congress" "ARMY OF THE POTOMAC" "Severe Fighting but n... See More  

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The Pike's Peak Gold Rush...

Item #692804

March 24, 1859

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 24, 1859 

* Pike's Peak gold rush

The top of the front page has: "The New El Dorado Of The West" "Rich Products of Cherry Creek--The Best Route for Emigrants--Difference of Opinion Thereon--Important Statements of Returned Miners" with reports from Nebraska City which take nearly 1 1/2 columns. This would be known as the Pike's Peak ... See More  

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Latest reports on the Civil War...

Item #692609

January 12, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 12, 1864  Among the front page column heads are: "The War Inn Virginia" "Capture of the Guerrilla McCown, and Three of his Men" "Department of the South" "The Bombardment of Charleston Continues--The Hotels all Closed" "News From Washington" "From Fortress Monroe" and more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed (... See More  

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Latest reports from the Civil War...

Item #691868

December 16, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 16, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "A Dash In the Direction of Richmond" "The Rebel Force art Charles City Court House Captured" "Their Camp Broken Up, Provisions Destroyed & Horses Brought Off" "Splendid Marching of Our Troops" "The President's Message Before Congress" "The Exch... See More  

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Negro soldiers, Negro labor, free Negroes...

Item #691784

March 21, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, March 21, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Military Operations & Preparations in Louisiana" "Gen. Banks To Occupy Alexandria" "Madisonville Evacuated by Our Troops" "Admirable Working of Gen. Banks' Negro Labor System" "Affairs In Tennessee" "A Glance at the Military Situation" &q... See More  

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Mississippi 'colored infantry' are surprised...

Item #691783

March 04, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, March 4, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "From the Southwest" "A Company of the First Mississippi Colored Infantry Surprised" "All of Them Killed or Mortally Wounded" "Nothing Definite from General Sherman" "The Great Cavalry Raids in Virginia" "Kilpatrick at Spottsylvania Court House..."... See More  

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1864 Tazewell, Tennessee...

Item #691781

January 20, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 20, 1864  

 * Tazewell, Tennessee TN

* Moorefield, West Virginia

Among the front page column headlines on the Civil War are: "The War In West Virginia" "The Affairs at Moorefield and Allegheny Junction-Negro Soldiers..." "The War In Tennessee" "A Skirmish Near Tazewell..." "Interesting From New Orleans" "... See More  

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Canehill, Arkansas... Suffolk, Virginia...

Item #691778

December 04, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 4, 1862  

* Canehill, Arkansas

* Suffolk, Virginia

Among the front page column headlines on the Civil War are: "The War In The Southwest" "The War In Arkansas" "The Battle of Cane Hill" "Another Fight Near Suffolk" "The Recapture of the Celebrated Pittsburgh Battery" "ARMY OPERATIONS IN VIRGINIA" &quo... See More  

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Latest reports on the Civil War...

Item #691776

November 26, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 26, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From New Orleans" "National Prisoners Shot by the Rebels" "Army Operations In ?Virginia" "A Battle Probable for the Possession of Fredericksburg" "A Rebel Cavalry Raid Into Poolesville, Maryland" & much more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trim... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Prelude to the battle of Fredericksburg...

Item #691773

November 24, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 24, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "ARMY OPERATIONS IN VIRGINIA" "Refusal of the Rebels to Surrender Fredericksburgh" "The Passage of the Rappahannock to be Disputed" "Our Artillery Put in Position to Shell the Place" and more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, once folded into quarters ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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1864 Battle of Totopotomoy Creek....

Item #691562

May 31, 1864

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 1864 

* Totopotomoy Creek

* Dallas, Georgia

Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT'S ARMY" "Our Forces All South of the Pamunky" "A Severe Cavalry Fight on Saturday" "The Enemy Driven Back With Loss" "Further News from General Sherman" "A Fight On Saturday Near Dallas"... See More  

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From the closing weeks of the Civil War...

Item #691156

March 08, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, March 8, 1865  

* Abraham Lincoln's inaugural ball

* Civil War nearing the end

* Sherman's Southern march

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE CAROLINAS" "More Rumors About Sherman" "The Whereabouts of His Army Still Involved in Mystery" "His Advance said to have Entered North Carolina Two Weeks Ago&quo... See More  

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Large front page Civil War map...

Item #691152

July 01, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, July 1, 1862

* Seven Days Battles w/ large map

* George McClellan vs. Robert E. Lee

 Much of the front page is taken up with a large and very detailed Civil War map headed: "Locality of Last Week's Manoeuvres & Battles Before Richmond".

First column heads include: "Affairs Before Richmond" "Details of the Events of Thursday, Friday &... See More  

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Battle of the Chickahominy...

Item #691151

June 07, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, June 7, 1864  

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Ulysses S. Grant

* Robert E. Lee

Among the many nice, front page column heads on the Civil War: "The Grand Campaign" "The Battle of the Chickahominy" "Gen. Grant's Object in the Moment" "Brilliant Assault on the Rebel Works" "Rebel Night Attack" and more.

Eight pages, some f... See More  

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The Lincoln & Johnson campaign club...

Item #691146

September 13, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 13, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important naval News" "The Prize Steamer Georgia at Beaufort, N.C." "Another Pirate Ready to Leave Wilmington" "Lincoln & Johnson Campaign Club" "Large Meeting of the Friends of the Union Nominations" "Speeches..." and more, including a brief... See More  

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Richmond bread riots...

Item #691086

April 08, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, April 8, 1863  

* Richmond bread riot

* Women revolt in the streets

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Bread Riot In Richmond" "Three Thousand Hungry Women Raging in the Streets" "The Siege Of Vicksburgh" "The Yazoo Pass Expedition Still in Front of Fort Pemberton" "Charleston" "Department... See More  

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Robert E. Lee's campaign...

Item #691085

October 24, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 24, 1863  

* General Robert E. Lee

* Post Gettysburg campaign

* Retreating southward

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "LEE'S CAMPAIGN" "A Complete View of the Late Rebel Movements" "Lee Across the Rapidan" "From the Rebel States" "The War in the Southwest" and more.

Eight pages, never-tr... See More  

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Nashville, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg...

Item #691084

February 19, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 19, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From Vicksburg" "From the Army of the Potomac" "The Rebels Still at Work on Their Fortifications" "A Large Force of Rebels Two Miles South of Fredericksburg" 'Latest New From Richmond" "News From Nashville" "Gen. Dix's Department... See More  

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President Lincoln accepts the nomination for another four years...

Item #691083

June 10, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, June 10, 1864  

* Abraham Lincoln's 2nd term nomination

* 16th President of the United States

* John Morgan raiding Kentucky and more 

The front page has column heads: "The Baltimore Nomination" "Mr. Lincoln's Acceptance-Address of Gov. Dennison-The Platform-Its Indorsement by the President--Address of the National Union
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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A great victory at Winchester...

Item #691082

September 21, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 21, 1864  Among the many front page column heads on the Civil War are: "VICTORY!" "Great Battle in the Shenandoah Valley" "The Rebels Defeated by General Sheridan" "The Battle of Bunker Hill" "The Enemy Thoroughly Whipped" "They Are Pursued Behind Winchester" "The Rebel Generals Gordon, Wharton, Rodes, and ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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On the traffic in slaves...

Item #690951

February 18, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 18, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: The Army of the Potomac" "Contraband [slave] Traffic Interfered With" "A Deserter Shot" "Interesting From Kansas" "News From Washington" & more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.

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Latest reports from the field of battle...

Item #690944

January 23, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 23, 1863  

* Post Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "HIGHLY IMPORTANT" "Gen. Burnside Again Across the Rappahannock" "Gen. Hooker's Corps Thrown Over Above Fredericksburg" "Gen. Burnside's Address to the Army Before Moving" "News From Rebel Sources" &q... See More  

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Bombardment of Fort McAllister...

Item #690943

March 13, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, March 13, 1863  

* Battle of Fort McAllister

* Bryan County, Georgia

* Monitors bombardment

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From Port Royal" 

"The Bombardment of Fort McAllister" "Why It Was Unsuccessful" " Gen. Hunter's Preliminary Orders" "Arrival of Refugees from the South"... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln's general order...

Item #690844

November 17, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 17, 1862  

* Abraham Lincoln general order

* The Observance of the Sabbath

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "NEWS FROM WASHINGTON" "General Order from the President" "A More Strict Observance of the Sabbath in the Army and Navy Enjoined" which is signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.

Also: "From Gen. Burnside... See More  

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Wendell Phillips' speech on the future...

Item #690843

February 04, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 4, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From Key West" "The Capture of the British Steamer Peter & the Rebel Steamer Virginia" "Gen. Dix's Dept." and more.

The back page has: "OUR FUTURE" "Wendell Phillips Paints it Before an Immense Brooklyn Audience" "Abraham Lincoln a Mo... See More  

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Latest news from the Civil War...

Item #690842

February 14, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 14, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Mississippi Levees Cut by Our Forces" "Rebels Trying to Reopen the Mobile & Ohio Railroad" "Concentration at Vicksburg""Troops Sent There from Virginia & Mobile" "Gen. Dix's Dept." and more.

Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, minor wear ... See More  

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New Bern is attacked by the rebels...

Item #690790

February 06, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 6, 1864  

* Battle of New Bern, North Carolina

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Interesting From the South" "Spirit of the Rebel Press" "The Efforts to Recruit the Armies" and various reports from Europe.

Included is the Supplement with its own masthead & ftpg. column heads; "The War in North Carolina&q... See More  

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Lincoln's Proclamation... Much reporting on the Civil War...

Item #690637

December 08, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 8, 1863  

* President Abraham Lincoln

* Day of Thanksgiving proclamation

Among the front page first column heads are: "PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION" "Our Victories In Tennessee" "A Call For Thanksgiving" "Longstreet's Retreat Officially Confirmed" "Gen. Sherman Arrives at Knoxville on the 3d" "The Rebels Ma... See More  

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Advancing upon the Battle of Bull Run...

Item #689844

July 20, 1861

NEW YORK TIMES, July 20, 1861 

* First Battle of Bull Run beginning - Manassas

* 1st major battle of the American Civil War

Close to half of the first column is taken up with a stack of headlines including: "THE ADVANCE" "Movements of the National Army" "Skirmishing at Bull's Run" "8000 Troops Engaged" "The Rebels Retire from their Posit... See More  

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Kit Carson fights the Navajo Indians... Lincoln's famous rally-letter endorsed...

Item #689176

September 04, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 4, 1863 

* Kit Carson

* Abraham Lincoln

Although much of the front page is taken up with reports from the Civil War, perhaps the most interesting item is the brief page 5 item headed: "Victory of Kit Carson Over the Indians", reading in part: "...had a fight with the Navajoe Indians beyond Fort Canby. The Indians were defeated with the loss of 13 ki... See More  

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Follow-up to the Second Battle of Bull Run...

Item #688664

September 06, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 6, 1862 

* Second Battle of Bull Run # 2

* Manassas, Virginia

* Confederate victory

Most of the front page is taken up with follow-up reports on the Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas). Front page column heads include: "THE WAR IN VIRGINIA" "Gen. McClellan's Orders on Assuming His Command" "Latest Reports of Rebel Movements&
... See More  

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Harvard's 'special' commencement on the end of the Civil War... Slavery abolished in Georgia...

Item #688527

July 25, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, July 25, 1865 

* Harvard University commencement

* Georgia no longer a slave state

* Post civil war reconstruction era

The entire front page features the coverage of "HARVARD" "Culmination of the Grand Commencement" which concludes on the back page.

Although the Civil War had not formally concluded, Harvard's Commencement Week, celebrated th
... See More  

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Fighting in Maryland...

Item #688157

September 14, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 14, 1862

* Kanawha Valley Campaign of 1862

* Battle of Harper's Ferry West Virginia

* Confederate invasion of the North

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Invasion Of Maryland" "Rumors of a Heavy Battle Below Hagerstown" 'Jackson Supposed to be Engaged with The National Forces at Martinsburg" "Fighting at... See More  

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Oath of allegiance required in Virginia...

Item #688097

July 24, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, July 24, 1862  

* Surprise at Greenville, Missouri

* Confederate guerrillas attack

* Captain William T. Leeper

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Army of Virginia" "Important Orders Issued by Gen. Pope" "All Disloyal Male Citizens Within His Lines to be Arrested" "Those Who Refuse to Take the Oath t
... See More  

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Jeff Davis's speech to the troops...

Item #688096

October 25, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Oct. 25, 1863 

* Jefferson Davis speech

* Confederate president

* re. Chickamauga victory

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Advance of Gen. Banks on the Bayou Teche" "Interesting from the Texas Coast" "From the Rebel States" "Address of Jeff. Davis to Bragg's Army" which is signed in type: Jefferson... See More  

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Atlanta, Georgia during the Civil War...

Item #688095

July 23, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, July 23, 1864  

* Battle of Atlanta, Georgia

* General William T. Sherman

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "ATLANTA" "A Battle on Thursday" "The Enemy Defeated" "Our Forces Steadily Pushing the Rebels" "Army of the Potomac" "Late Southern News" "Gen. Johnston Relieved from Command&qu... See More  

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From the closing weeks of the Civil War...

Item #688094

March 02, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, March 2, 1865 

* Fall of Richmond nears

* Final weeks of the Civil War

The front page has some rather large & bold one column heads including: "THE SOUTH" "Great Excitement in the Rebel Capital" "The Abandonment of Richmond" "The Removal of Guns and Military Stores in Progress" "Consternation of the Citizens" "U... See More  

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Sherman is close to taking Savannah...

Item #688093

December 10, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, Dec. 10, 1864  

* William T. Sherman

* March to the sea

* Savannah, Georgia

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN'S MARCH" "Highly Important News" "Our Army Near Savannah" "The Rebels Are Reticent No Longer" "Savannah Probably Reached Yesterday" "ARMY OF THE POTOMAC" "The T... See More  

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Advancing upon Vicksburg...

Item #688092

May 26, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, May 26, 1863  

* Vicksburg, Mississippi campaign

* General Ulysses S. Grant operations

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "VICKSBURGH" "News From Gen. Grant's Army..." "Our Centre Within One Mile of Vicksburg Court-House" "6,000 Prisoners Already Captured" "Occupation of the Works at Haines' Bluff... See More  

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Jefferson Davis and his government...

Item #688090

March 23, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, March 23, 1865 

* Confederates falling apart

* Nearing the end of war

* Sherman at Goldsboro NC

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE SOUTH" "Jeff. Davis And His Government" "The Rebel Senate in Judgment on the Rebel President" "The Revelation Of Dispair" "Lee the Forlorn Hope of the Rebels" and more... See More  

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