Web Results (353)



Map of Charleston, South Carolina...

Item #705321

January 05, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 5, 1862  The front page features a large Civil War map headed: "IMPORTANT MOVEMENTS NEAR CHARLESTON, S. C." Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "IMPORTANT FROM THE SOUTH" "Operations on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad" "Seizure of the Station Near Charleston

* Desperate Battle and Defeat of the Rebels Near Port Ro... See More  

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The very first official Memorial Day observance...

Item #704400

May 31, 1868

NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1868 

* Very 1st Memorial Day observance

Page 10 begins with: "THE UNION DEAD" "Decorat5ion of the Graves of Soldiers at the Cemeteries" "Muster of the Veterans of the War" "Patriotic Addresses & Affecting Ceremonies" "In Memoriam".

The first national celebration of Memorial Day took place May 30, 1868, at ... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Synagogues hold memorial services... Much on the assassination & funeral of Lincoln...

Item #704120

April 21, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1865 

* Rare 1st-page mentions of Synagogue services

* Re: Abraham Lincoln's assassination & funeral

* Black mourning borders on all eight pages

Perhaps the most noteworthy coverage is the front-page details regarding various services being held at local synagogues - which includes the congregations at "B'nai Israel," "Bikur Cholim... See More  

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Huge front page Tennessee Battle map...

Item #702879

April 21, 1863

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1863

* Large Tennessee Civil War map

* Battle of Suffolk - Virginia

The front page has an 11 1/2 by 14 inch map: "IMPORTANT CONTEMPLATED OPERATIONS IN TENNESSEE." "The Great Battle Field of the Rebels Under General Joe Johnston and the Union Forces Under General Rosecrans." Relates heads on pg. 2: "The Coming Struggle" "Tenne... See More  

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The French in Mexico, featuring a map...

Item #699527

January 29, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 29, 1863  

* Front Page Map of Mexico

* Port Hudson MS

* Vicksburg, Mississippi

The front page has a large map headed: "THE FRENCH IN MEXICO. Operations of the French Army--The Route of the Troops from Vera Cruz to the Mexican Capital" with related front page heads as well.

There are also front page Civil War reports including: "Rebel Army Under G... See More  

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Huge front page map shows much of Texas...

Item #698599

November 30, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1861 An extremely decorative issue, as the entire front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE GREAT EUROPEAN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC" with a subhead: "The Gulf Slope of Mexico--The Harbor of Vera Cruz and the National Road to the Capital--Scene of Operations of the English, French and Spanish Expedition." with the map showing much... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy...

Item #698598

March 25, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 25, 1862  The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 7 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedure of flogging.

The front page has a map titled: "WHAT GENERAL BURNSIDE HAS ACCOMPLISHED, Scene of Op... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Fine issue on the Monitor vs. the Merrimac...

Item #698508

March 10, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 10, 1862 

* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia

* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

* Civil War ironclads

Front page first column heads report on the most famous naval battle of the Civil War: "Important From Fortress Monroe" "The Merrimac Out of Norfolk" "Tremendous Naval Conflict" "The Union Frigate Cu
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Abraham Lincoln's remains in New York City...

Item #698507

April 25, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 25, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln assassination

* Remains in New York City

* Civil War closing events

All columns on all 8 pages are black-bordered in memory of Abraham Lincoln. Two-thirds of the first column are taken up with nice heads concerning the funeral of Abraham Lincoln including: "HONORS To the MARTYR PRESIDENT" "Our Tribute to the Lamented De... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Map shows the Cumberland River...

Item #698337

January 09, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 9, 1862  The front page features a Civil War map headed: "The Rebel General Zollicoffer's Position On the Cumberland River.", plus several columns have war-related heads including: "Great Activity at the Headquarters of the Army" "Gen. Sherman's Report of Gen. Stevens' Operations on the Coosaw River" "Important From Western ... See More  

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Large Civil War map of the Mississippi Valley...

Item #698333

March 08, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, March 8, 1863  The front page features a large map headed: "THE GREAT UNION RIVER..." showing the Mississippi and tributaries from Moon Lake to the Gulf of Mexico.

Among the front page column heads on the war: "Important Military & Naval Movements on the Mississippi" "Tremendous Efforts of the Unionists to Open Navigation to the Gulf" "... See More  

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Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana...

Item #698330

April 30, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, April 30, 1862  

* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana

* Mississippi River naval engagement

* Siege of Yorktown, Virginia

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS" "Desperate Naval Engagement on the Mississippi River" "THE UNION LOSS VERY HEAVY" "Evacuation of the City by the Rebel Forces" &... See More  

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1861 unique Civil War era set...

Item #698150
This is a unique three-issue set of authentic Civil War newspapers from the 1st year of the war.  Included are one each of the following:

* The New York Herald

* Harper's Weekly Illustrated

* The Circular

The New York Herald was known for excellent war reporting, the Harper's Weekly contains outstanding Civil War related prints (many suitable for framing), and The Circular (On... See More  

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Death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy... Large Civil War map...

Item #698135

March 24, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 24, 1862 

* Uriah P. Levy death (1st report)

* 1st Jewish commodore of U.S. Navy

* American Civil War - Jews

The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 5 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedu... See More  

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Huge front page map shows much of Texas...

Item #698117

November 30, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 30, 1861 

* Gulf of Mexico coast map

* Texas - Mexico

An extremely decorative issue, as the entire front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE GREAT EUROPEAN ALLIANCE AGAINST THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC" with a subhead: "The Gulf Slope of Mexico--The Harbor of Vera Cruz and the National Road to the Capital--Scene of Operations of the English, Fren... See More  

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Wealth of front page Civil War reports...

Item #696680

November 19, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 19, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Army of the Potomac Moving to a; New Line of Operations" "Warrenton Evacuated" "Aquia Creek to be General Burnside's Base of Operations" "Col. Vandever's Expedition & Success" "The War in the Southwest" "Graphic Description of the Battle o... See More  

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Sherman's work against Atlanta... Capture of Memphis...

Item #696636

August 25, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 25, 1864 

* Atlanta Georgia GA

* William T. Sherman

* 2nd Battle of Memphis

* Nathan Bedford Forres

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GRANT" "Retirement of the Enemy from the Front on the Weldon Railroad' "Statements of Rebel Deserters" "SHERMAN" "Progress of the Siege of Atlanta" "The... See More  

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Battles at Culpepper, Virginia... Capture of Knoxville...

Item #695900

September 14, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 14, 1863  

* Battle of Culpeper Court House - Virginia

* Knoxville campaign - Gen. Ambrose Burnside

Among the many front page one column heads reporting on the Civil War are: "Meade's Army" "Union Advance Beyond Culpepper" "Skirmishing With the Rebels" "Culpepper Occupied by the 2nd Army Corps" "Troops from Lee'... See More  

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Civil War map, plus a map of Fort Craig, New Mexico... An ad for John Wilkes Booth...

Item #695300

March 17, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 17, 1862 

* Rare hand drawn military map

* Battle of Pea Ridge Missouri

* Battle of Valverde - Fort Craig

* New Mexico Territory

The front page features a large map headed: "THE REBEL BATTERIES ON THE LOWER POTOMAC." "Facsimile of a Plan of the Batteries & Encampments on the Lower Potomac Picked Up in the Rebel Camp By Our Troops."

Fron... See More  

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Fighting in Kentucky: map of Bowling Green...

Item #695255

February 16, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb . 16, 1862 

* Bowling Green, Kentucky map

The front page is dominated by a very large Civil War map headed: "THE EVACUATION OF BOWLING GREEN".

Front paged column heads include: "Important From Kentucky" "The Evacuation of Bowling Green Confirmed" "Movements of the Rebel Troops" "Trouble Among the Rebel Generals" &qu... See More  

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Eleven Civil War newspapers with front page maps...

Item #695198

March 24, 1862

This is a damaged lot of eleven Civil War issues of the famous titles: New York Herald, New York Tribune, and Philadelphia Inquirer. Each has a front page Civil War map but each issue is damaged by tears, stains, margin chipping with some loss, perhaps a missing leaf, loose at the spine, separation at the central fold, etc. Map issues are typically priced in the $40 - $55 range when in good condit... See More  

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Eleven Civil War newspapers with front page maps...

Item #695197

March 24, 1862

This is a damaged lot of eleven Civil War issues of the famous titles: New York Herald, New York Tribune, and Philadelphia Inquirer. Each has a front page Civil War map (one has a print of a general; no map) but each issue is damaged by tears, stains, margin chipping with some loss, loose at the spine, separation at the central fold, perhaps a missing leaf, etc. Map issues are typically priced in ... See More  

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Four Civil War maps, one consumes a full page...

Item #693865

May 09, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, May 9, 1863  

* New York Harbor defenses

* Battle of Chancellorsville - Virginia

* Four American Civil War maps

front page features a nice & very detailed Civil War map headed: "DEFENSE OF NEW YORK HARBOR" which shows Sandy Hook, Brooklyn, Coney Island, Staten Island and more.

A smaller map is on page 3:
"Scene of... See More  

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Huge front page Civil War map, and a smaller one inside...

Item #693856

December 29, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 29, 1864  

* First Battle of Fort Fisher

* Wilmington, North Carolina

Most of the front page is taken up with a huge and very detailed Civil War map headed: "THE ATTACK ON FORT FISHER. Important Operations Off Wilmington, N.C.---The Rebel Forts and Defenses".

Among the front page column heads are: "WILMINGTON" "The Porter-Butler Expediti... See More  

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Civil War map of the Vicksburg vicinity...

Item #693852

July 09, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, July 9, 1862  

* Vicksburg MS Mississippi

* Seven Days battles

* General George McClellan

The front page is dominated by a very large & detailed Civil War map headed: "IMPORTANT OPERATIONS AT VICKSBURG" with subhead: "The New Mode of Punishing Rebels--Altering the Channel of the Mississippi--Setting Vicksburg Back a Little".

Among the column h... See More  

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Civil War map of the Harper's Ferry vicinity...

Item #693828

October 18, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 18, 1862  The front page features a nice Civil War map headed: "THE ADVANCE OF M'CLELLAN'S ARMY. The Scene of the Next Great Battle in Virginia" which shows from Martinsburg to Sharpsburg to Harper's Ferry & Hillsboro.

Among the front page column heads are: "The Advance of the Union Forces" "Reconnoissance & Skirmishes with t... See More  

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Very large front page Civil War map...

Item #693815

August 30, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 30, 1862 

* Second Battle of Bull Run & more w/ map

The front page features a very large & extremely detailed map headed: "IMPORTANT EVENTS IN VIRGINIA. The New Battle Fields of Bristow, Manassas and Bull Run--The Scene of Pope's Energetic Operations on Thursday Last."

Over half of the first column is taken up with great Civil War heads inclu... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Civil War map of a naval battle near Fort Pillow...

Item #693805

May 18, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 18, 1862

* U.S. naval operations near Fort Pillow

* Mississippi River - Andrew H. Foote

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From South Carolina" "Effects of the Abolition Edict of General Hunter" "The Contrabands Eschew a military Life" "Heroism Of Nine Colored Seamen" and more.

Perhaps the best con... See More  

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Close to the outbreak of the Civil War...

Item #693803

April 10, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, April 10, 1861  

* Civil War beginning soon (2 days away)

* Fort Sumter about to be attacked

* History about to be made

The entire front page is taken up with ads, while page 2 features a nice map headed: "The City of Charleston And Its Defences. Plan of the Harbor, Showing Fort Sumter and Other Forts, the City and Suburbs" with various related headlines tak... See More  

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Sherman's triumphant march through the South...

Item #693786

February 17, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 17, 1865 

* General William T. Sherman

* Marching & capturing coastal towns

* Orangeburg & Branchville, South Carolina

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "SHERMAN" "Our Forces Near the Rebel Prison Pen at Florence, S.C." "A Rapid March Through the State" "Evacuation of Branchville" "Occupat... See More  

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Recruits are needed... Special message signed by President Lincoln...

Item #693481

May 28, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 28, 1862 

* Call for more troops - recruits

* Abraham Lincoln message signed

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Brisk Recruiting for Volunteer Organizations" "News From Gen. Banks' Army" 'The Rebels Retreating to Winchester" "The Military Furor" and more.

Page 4 has: "Special Message of Presiden... See More  

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From the early weeks of the Civil War... Front page map...

Item #693142

May 13, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1861  

* Near the beginning of the war 

* Alexandria, Virginia 

* Small map

Among the first column heads on the earliest weeks of the Civil War are: "THE WAR" "Arrival of More Troops in Washington" "Threatened Attack of the Rebels on the Relay House" "Reported Skirmishing at Alexandria" "Conflict Between t... See More  

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Charleston in flames, Beauregard wants a truce which is denied...

Item #693139

August 28, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Aug. 28, 1863

* Second Battle of Fort Sumter

* Charleston Harbor, South Carolina

* Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard

 The front page has a nice print of: "THE REBEL TORPEDOES" with 3 views of it.

First column heads include: "CHARLESTON" "Sumter a Mass of Rubbish" "Shelling of Charleston & Forts Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard... See More  

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Matagorda Peninsula expedition... Texas...

Item #692926

January 23, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 23, 1864  Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From the Gulf", "The Expedition to the Matagorda Peninsula", "The Granite City Shells the Rebels & Scatters Them", "Meade's Army", "General Kelley's Dept.", and more.

Other Civil War related reporting is found throughout. 

... See More  

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End of the Civil War near...

Item #691813

April 05, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 5, 1865 

* Civil War end in sight

* General Ulysses S. Grant

* Robert E. Lee's army breaking up

Most of the first column of the front page is taken up with celebratory heads on the collapse of the Confederacy, and the end of the Civil War. Among them are: "THE END" "Our Details of the Decisive Contest of Sunday" "What Grant Has Accom... See More  

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Lincoln's second inauguration...

Item #691247

March 06, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, March 6, 1865

* Abraham Lincoln 2nd inauguration

* Closing weeks of the Civil War

* Assassination nears

Page 4 headlines at the top of last column about the second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln include: "INAUGURATION" "Our Report of the Second Installation of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States" "Scenes at the White House in the Str... See More  

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Sherman's Christmas present to President Lincoln and the nation...

Item #691157

December 26, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 26, 1864  

* Christmas present to Abraham Lincoln

* General William T. Sherman

* March to the sea completed

* Savannah GA Georgia captured

An historic issue reporting the fall of Savannah to the Union forces, with one of the more notable quotes part of the headlines.

The front page has: "SHERMAN" "His Christmas Gift to the Nation" "Capt... See More  

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Battle of Shiloh... Capture of Island No. 10, with a map...

Item #691150

April 15, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, April 15, 1862 

* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing

* Battle of Island Number Ten - Tennessee

The front page is dominated by a large & very detailed Civil War map headed: "THE IMPORTANT OPERATIONS ON THE MISSISSIPPI. Appearance of Island No. 10---The Gunboats, Transports, Land Batteries, etc. at the Time of the Surrender."

Also, the last column has a... See More  

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Three maps and a diagram...

Item #691149

May 13, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 13, 1862 

* Bottoms Bridge - Chickahominy River

* General George B. McClellan

The front page is dominated by a nice, detailed Civil War map headed: "THE BATTLE FIELD IN VIRGINIA - The Area of General McClellan's Operations--Bottom's Bridge on the Chickahominy." Column heads as well including: "State of Things In Richmond" "Starvatio... See More  

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Yankees capture Columbia, South Carolina...

Item #690287

February 19, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 19, 1865 

* Columbia SC - South Carolina Map

* Robert E. Lee correspondence

* Rare Confederate flag illustration

The front page is dominated by a large & very detailed Civil War map headed: "SHERMAN IN THE HEART OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Occupation of Columbia, the State Capital---Probable Evacuation of Charleston."

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civ... See More  

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Maps of Pensacola, Florida and Nashville, Tennessee...

Item #690275

November 27, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 27, 1861 

* Pensacola Florida - Fort Pickens

* Nashville, Tennessee - new rebel capital

The front page has two maps titled: "THE REPORTED FIGHT AT PENSACOLA" and "THE NEW REBEL CAPITAL", being a detailed view of Nashville & vicinity.

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "IMPORTANT FROM THE GULF" "PROBABLE UNI... See More  

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Map shows the seat of war in Kentucky...

Item #690274

October 06, 1861

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 6, 1861  The front page is dominated by a nice map headed: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN KENTUCKY". Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "Operations in Kentucky" "Topographical Description o the Field of Operations in Kentucky" "THE REBELLION" "Important From Hatteras Inlet" "Capture of the Steamer Fanny, Laden w... See More  

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Latest news from the Civil War...

Item #690113

October 29, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 29, 1863  

 Skirmish at Little Bear Creek

* Tuscumbia, Northwest Alabama

Inside pages have a wealth of reporting on the Civil War with column heads: "Grant's Army" "Particulars of the Battle Near Tuscumbia" "Firing on Chattanooga Suspended" "Serious Mutiny Among the Tennessee Troops" "Meade's Army" &#... See More  

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Chattanooga & Lookout Mountain...

Item #690106

October 31, 1863

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 31, 1863  

* Battle of Wauhatchie, Tennessee

* Lookout Mountain

Among the inside page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Fighting Near Carrion Crow Bayou" "Revel General Kirby Smith's Address to the People of Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas..." "Destitution in Georgia" "CHATTANOOGA" "Brilliant Success of General... See More  

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The last battle of the Civil War... Trial of Lincoln's conspirators...

Item #689704

May 28, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, New York, May 28, 1865 

* Kirby Smith Surrenders

* Formal end of Civil War

* Trial of the conspirators

Among the first column heads reporting on the trial of those who conspired to murder the President: "THE TRIAL" "Atzerott Prowling About for President Johnson" "Efforts to Impeach the Credibility of the Witnesses for the Prosecution" &q... See More  

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Map of the scenes of battle in Florida...

Item #689669

February 20, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 20, 1864 (erroneously printed as 1863 on pgs. 1 & 5)  The ftpg. is filled with ads being a "triple sheet" issue.

Much Civil War reporting on pages 3+ with a map headed: "The Campaign In Florida" with much detail, showing from St. Mary's to Ocala & much in between. Also a smaller map showing the Natchez, Mississippi, vicinity.

Among the c... See More  

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Fall of Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #689661

April 04, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 4, 1865 

* Fall of Richmond VA Virginia

* Civil War nearing the end

First column heads on the front page about the fall of Richmond: "GRANT" "Richmond Ours" "Weitzel Entered the Rebel Capital Yesterday Morning" "Many Guns Captured" "Our Troops Received with Enthusiasm" "The City On Fire" "Pe
... See More  

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Full front page Civil War map of the Mississippi Valley...

Item #689178

March 08, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 8, 1862 

* Rare full front page Civil War map - Mississippi Valley

* Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky and more

The front page is entirely taken up with a map headed: "THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY; The Points of Interest Between Nashville, Tennessee and Arkansas, and the Gibraltars of the Rebels". Also a small page 3 map titled: "Sce... See More  

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The Battle of Antietam... Confederate newspaper printed in Grenada, Mississippi...

Item #688401

September 22, 1862

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Grenada, Mississippi, Sept. 22, 1862  If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War. See the details at the bottom of this listing.

The back page contains an early report on the Battle of Antietam, containing some sketchy, early reports, with: "Later--Another Battle In Ma... See More  

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Crisis in the South...

Item #688112

December 30, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 30, 1860  Among the front page column heads on the events that would lead to the Civil War, are: "THE REVOLUTION" "Resignation of the Secretary of War" "Extraordinary Ultimatum of the South Carolina Commissioners" "The Admission of New Mexico with or Without Slavery, Recommended" "Seizure of a Revenue Cutter by the South ... See More  

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