Web Results (47)



Mention of Ben Franklin... Slave trade... Establishing a penal colony in Australia...

Item #704117

* Early chess - Benjamin Franklin mention

* Penal Colony, Botany Bay, Australia

Two pages have considerable detail regarding the game of chess which includes a mention of Benjamin Franklin. Near the back under the "Domestic Occurrences" heading is a report reading: "By the last accounts received from the fleet from B... See More  

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Ben Franklin's historic/collectible: "The Morals of Chess"...

Item #703113
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, April, 1792 

* Benjamin Franklin - morals of chess

By far the most significant content is the historic/collectible essay: "The Morals of Chess. By Dr. Franklin", which takes 2 1/2 pages. Note: This essay was first printed in the Columbian Magazine in the Dec. 1786 issue. Regardless, this contemporary printing is among the few publications whi... See More  

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Very early newspaper from Cologne, Germany...

Item #702551

March 19, 1751

ORDINARIA RELATIONIS DIARIE CONINUATIO, Colonie Agrippinea, March 19, 1751  In 50 A.D. Roman emperor Claudius planted a colony on the left bank of the Rhine River. At the request of his wife he named it "Colonia Agrippina", which later became Cologne, Germany.

All four pages appear to be in Latin. Never bound nor trimmed with wide margins, 6 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches, a few period notati... See More  

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The Gunpowder Incident: in a Williamsburg newspaper... And so much more!

Item #698138

April 28, 1775

THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg (with Supplement), April 28, 1775  

* Very rare Colonial Virginia title

* Gunpowder Incident - Affair

This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.

This issue was printed 9 days after the battle of Lex... See More  

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Early from Australia...

Item #697810

May 15, 1798

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 15, 1798  

* Early New South Wales, Australia

Page 3 has early reports concerning Australia, including: "Major Gross, the Lt. Governor of New South Wales...forced for his ill state of health to leave that settlement..." The colony, when that ship left Port Jackson, was doing well... reason to expect that the inhabitants for the future will be... See More  

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A handsome newspaper from 1768... Rapid growth in Charleston...

Item #697719

June 13, 1768

THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England (now spelled Gloucester), June 13, 1768  

* Early Southern colony report

Various British news reports throughout, with its finest feature being the handsome masthead with two detailed engravings and the ornate lettering.

Page 3 has a brief item: "Letters from Charles-Town, South Carolina, mention that the inhabitants of that place are so much increas... See More  

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Focused on growing the economy of New York...

Item #694228

January 29, 1765

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 29, 1765  Page 6 has nearly a full column taken up with news reports headed: "America" taken from a letter from New York. The letter concerns the economy of New York and creating a society for the promoting of arts, agriculture and economy in the colony.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, partial red tax stamp on page 2, foxing and rubbing wear at ... See More  

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Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...

Item #694150

March 13, 1755

THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755  

* Very rare & early American publication

A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.

Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More  

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America's first war...

Item #689643

August 16, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 16, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The back page has a report concerning King Philip's War, an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day New England and English colonists.

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" ... See More  

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Addresses from Massachusetts and Connecticut...

Item #688851

March 17, 1683

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, March 17, 1683 

* Among the earliest of English language newspapers to be had

The back page has a report from "Whitehall" noting: "There have been presented to His Majesty, very Loyal Addresses from the governor and council of New Plimouth, in behalf of the General Court there and the Colony. And from the Governor and General Assembly of the C... See More  

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A layout for a colonial town... Canton (Guangzhou), China...

Item #688744
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770  Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.

A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More  

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Plan (print) for a colonial town... Canton (Guangzhou), China...

Item #688743
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770  Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.

A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More  

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Troubles in America... A colonial town plan print...

Item #688742
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770  Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.

A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More  

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Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings... Opinions on Massachusetts clergy re the Charter...

Item #688492

December 26, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, December 26, 1768  The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.

All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of the Ministers of the colony of the Massachusetts...upon this question--Whether to Surrender the... See More  

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Ben Franklin's famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #687418

September 06, 1775


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.  The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Handsome, patriotic newspaper with war-related reports...

Item #687350

March 13, 1780


* One of the more patriotic mastheads from the Revolutionary War

The masthead includes one of the more patriotic engravings of the Revolutionary War, described by the motto just under the dateline: "All Hands With One Inflamed, Enlightened Heart" showing 13 arms--one for each colony--joined by holding a... See More  

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With the "Supplement" issue as well. Fine content...

Item #687300

May 16, 1768


* Pro-British American publication

* Tensions build with England

The entire front page and most of pg. 2 are taken up with a continued report titled: "An Account of Corsica; & the Memoirs of the famous Pascal Paoli the commander in chief of the Corsicans."

Page 2 contains a nice & somewhat detailed ad for the famous series of... See More  

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Eye-witness accounts of the Battles of Lexington & Concord...

Item #687097

May 24, 1775


* Battle of Lexington & Concord

* Eyewitnesses accounts (very rare)

* Revolutionary War beginning

I'm not sure one could want a more notable front page--all-consuming--than the content found on page one of this issue. It is entirely taken up with six very detailed eye-witness accounts of the historic Battle o... See More  

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Rare mention of the ghost town Purrysburg, South Carolina...

Item #685365

August 17, 1734


* From when George Washington was two years old

* Purrysburg, South Carolina ghost town mention

This was the leading anti-Walpole political journal of its time: Thomas Lockwood describes it as "the most successful political journal of the first half of the eighteenth century...". 

The stated purpose of ... See More  

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King Philip's War: the first war in America...

Item #682795

August 19, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, August 19, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" is lost with most Americans, but the event cannot be over-stated. This was America's first war, and the only newspaper in existence to report it was this title.... See More  

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Reporting from colonial America...

Item #682584
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, June, 1755  Always one of our favorite magazines if only because of the very nice engraving at the top of the title page, showing the skyline of London at the time. Within is a very nice foldout map of the county of Glamorgan (located in the southern portion of Wales), measuring 8 by 9 inches showing much detail, & includes a related article.

Articles includ... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #681728

November 16, 1774

THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774  If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.  The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More  

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Benjamin Franklin receives an award...

Item #681445
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1753  Near the back is a small & inconspicuous item reading: "At the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society the prize medal of gold was voted to Ben Franklyn, Esq. of Maryland, for his electrical discoveries."  

Note that not only did they spell his name wrong but they have his home colony wrong.

At the back is the &q... See More  

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Capture of Ethan Allen...

Item #680937

October 21, 1775

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1775 

* Ethan Allen captured

* Revolutionary War

The front page includes a letter: "To the King" which references the American situation & includes: "...Let then, royal Sire, the liberty of England and America be ever in your heart, then shall the people be free, and America shall yet be happy in the full enjoyment of ... See More  

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Dismissing an agent...

Item #679938

April 02, 1767

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 2, 1767  Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston (New England)" concerning the dismissal of Mr. Jackson as an agent for the colony of Massachusetts, signed by the governor: Fra. Bernard.

Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, nice condition.

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #677502

December 07, 1774


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. 

The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More  

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Letters from Charleston, Jamaica, and Nova Scotia...

Item #677374
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1749  Over half a pg. has a: "Copy of a Letter from one of the Settlers in Nova Scotia dated Chebucto Harbour, July 28, 1749". Over half a pg. has: "Extracts of Some Letters from Carolina" datelined "Charles-Town" (Charleston) with news from that colony. There is also: "The Humble Address & Representati
... See More  

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Significant French & Indian War coverage... Jewish burial rituals....

Item #676676
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1758  The most significant article is headed: "American Affairs" with a dateline of Williamsburg, Virginia, July 7 which includes: "...that the Indians had lately killed & captivated 26 people between Winchester & Augusta court house...that a large body of the inhabitants, to the number of 300, were removed into Culpepper..... See More  

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More Protestant Germans for Georgia...

Item #676461
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1736  Included is an interesting article continue from a previous issue: "Account of the Deluge", meaning the Biblical Flood.

Near the back is a short bit noting: "The trustees for the colony of Georgia gave instructions to Mr. Von Reck to fetch more Protestants from Germany to be provided for in Georgia; those already there prov... See More  

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Lengthy Judaica item, plus the founding of Georgia...

Item #676454
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1731  There are several notable articles in this issue, including over a full page on: "...an Historical and Law-Treatise Against Jews and Judaism, published some years since."

Another significant item is one of the earliest reports to be had on what would be the creation of the Georgia colony, headed: "A true Account of a new Co... See More  

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Plan to create a nobility for the United States...

Item #670511
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, May, 1792  This title, along with the "Columbian Magazine", has the honor of being the first successful American magazine, both published in Philadelphia. The Museum was published by Mathew Carey and existed from January, 1787 thru the end of 1792.

Content includes: "Account of the Rise of the Mississippi Scheme" "Account of the Des... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Trouble in the colonies...

Item #670145

September 12, 1767

ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Sept. 12, 1767  Page 3 contains a biting speech by the Lt. Governor of West Florida to the Assembly, noting in part: "...I find much of your attention taken up in unworthy attempts to throw reflections upon my conduct...the most insolent & shameful resolutions that any Assembly ever presented to a Governor...What must other Colonies think of you whe... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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The Quakers of New York send thanks to the Queen of England for repealing the "cruel law"...

Item #666858

September 29, 1707

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 29, 1707  The front page begins with an: "...address of the people call'd Quakers in Long Island, and near Connecticut colony...presented to Her Majesty...".

The document notes in part: "We, the dutiful & loyal subjects of the Queen called Quakers, inhabiting in Long Island and places adjacent, and near Connecticut Colony think our se... See More  

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A substitute for British tea... Letter to the ladies of North America...

Item #657569
THE GLOCESTER JOURNAL, England, Jan. 4, 1768  (currently spelled Gloucester)  Page 2 has a report from Boston concerning the finding of "hyperion or Labrador tea" in the colonies, of special interest given the recent non-importation of tea from England.

Also an item noting: "By letters from Philadelphia we are credibly informed that a number of new buildings are going to ... See More  

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George Washington makes the front page... Jewish colony in the East Indies...

Item #656526
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1757 

* Early Major George Washington 

* Jewish colony in the East Indies

The first 2 1/2 pages have reports from the French & Indian War in America, including five letters written by General Braddock datelined Williamsburgh and Alexandria. In the introductory comments on the first page is mention that: "...concerning the territorie... See More  

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Layout for a colonial town in America... Print of a Patagonian penguin...

Item #645598
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1769   Within this issue is an interesting article: "Plan for Settling New Colonies" which includes an illustration showing how a town in an American colony is best laid out with a "middle square", the "first street", "second street", location of houses and roads, etc. (see). The article describes how such ... See More  

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Trouble in America...

Item #642514
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1769  Among the articles in this issue are: "A Description of the Copper Mine at Ecton Hill"; over two pages on: "A Continuation of the Most Interesting transactions in America..." continued from the January issue, which has some great reading concerning the troubles between America & England, one portion noting: "Re... See More  

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The Nova Constellatio coin, made for the American colonies... Settling Australia as a penal colony...

Item #640616
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1786 

* The Nova Constellatio coin print

* Made for circulation in the American colonies

The most interesting item in this issue is the foldout plate which contains--among other prints--an image of the "Nova Constellatio" coin used in the colonies (see). The print shows both the obverse & reverse & has a date of 1785.

Th... See More  

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Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings...

Item #632781

December 26, 1768

THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, Massachusetts, Dec. 26, 1768 

* Colonial Boston original

* Pro loyalist - Tory

* Pre Rev. War tensions

The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.

All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of th... See More  

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Settling Georgia...

Item #616459
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1735  Near the back is a section headed: "Monthly Intelligencer" with news reports from various parts of England & Europe with one report under the heading: "Plantation Affairs" including: "From Georgia, that the 27th of December last the Indian Princes...arriv'd there in good health, pleas'd with their voyage. ... See More  

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Non-importation in South Carolina...

Item #601145

August 12, 1769

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 12, 1769  Half of page 6 is taken up with a very nice report from South Carolina concerning the work of that colony to compel all residents & merchants to abide by a non-importation agreement, and also that they will: "...encourage & promote to the utmost of our power, the use of the North American manufactures in general, and those of this pro... See More  

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Preaching in the colonies... Protection against the Indians...

Item #598597

February 11, 1764

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 11, 1764  The front page has an article beginning: "I beg a little room in your Chronicle for a few words on the proposals from New England for propagating the Gospel...". Inside under "America" is a New York dateline mentioning the preaching of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, and also concerning "...An act providing for 300 effective men.... See More  

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Latest war reports...

Item #597737

October 20, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Oct. 20, 1777 

* Rare Revolutionary War title

Page 2 has a report noting: "....from New  York but by which there were many private letters confirming the repulse at Staten Island. A letter from Rhode Island...says that Gen. Pigott was arrived there to take the command of the troops...were in no fear of the provincials, whose number...was sa... See More  

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News from the Revolutionary War...

Item #597077

May 24, 1777

EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, May 24, 1777  Page 2 has a few reports concerning the Revolutionary War including: "From Connecticut that the jail in that colony are filled with loyal Americans who are treated in the most barbarous manner. Some are chained on their backs to the floor & others so loaded with irons that they can hardly walk...General Lee has a good room in New Yor... See More  

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From colonial Boston...

Item #585508

May 16, 1768

SUPPLEMENT TO THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, May 16, 1768  The front page is taken up with a wide variety of news reports from London including one item noting: "...the colony agents have orders...to obtain an act of Parliament for the encouragement of the  linen manufactury in North America...". An inside page has reports from "Boston" including: "...considering them too... See More  

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On the Boston Port Bill and more...

Item #568728

June 21, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 21, 1774  An inside page has over a full column beginning: On perusing in your paper of May 31, an extract from a pamphlet, entitled Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in America, some reflections occurred to me on that Authors reasoning, which I would wish to communicate to the public through your paper and it i... See More  

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General Gage killed?...

Item #567893

October 01, 1774

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 1, 1774  Inside has a report noting: "...some commotions at Boston in New England, that a very great number of the army have  deserted; and that some mischief has been done. It was also reported that General Gage was killed & that two regiments of his troops have revolted..." (see).

The back page has some American content including: &quo... See More  

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