Death of George Washington's mother...
Item #697392
September 09, 1789
* Mary Ball Washington death
* President's G.W.'s mother
Pages 2 & 3 contain reports from the: "Proceedings in the House of Representatives of the United States", this being the founding year of the federal government.
Page 3 has an inconspicuous yet significant report: "Died--At Fredericksburg, Mrs. Washin... See More
On Washington again becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Army, plus more...
Item #694506
July 24, 1798
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, July 24, 1798
* President George Washington
* re. commanding American armies
Most of the front page is taken up with: "Laws Of the United States" including several Acts of Congress including: "Supplementary to an establish an uniform rule of Naturalization..." and: "Supplementary to...An Act authorizing the Presiden... See More
On the Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington named commander-in-chief.. So much more....
Item #687295
July 05, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown
* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts
* George Washington named commander
* American Revolutionary War
* Terrific issue w/ many reports
Nice engraving in the masthead of a post boy on horseback.
The front page has a letter from an officer in General Gage's regiment heading for ... See More
John Adams letter... Refuting Washington's death...
Item #686886
January 19, 1799
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 19, 1799
* President John Adams letter
* Refuting George Washington's death
Page 2 has a letter to the New York legislature signed in type by the President: John Adams.
Following it is a note which begins: "Some if the infernals who infest the United States have reported...the death of our beloved Fabius-Maximus, of Mount Vernon. The tale is ... See More
President Washington's state-of-the-union address...
Item #686595
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, December, 1790 * President George Washington
* 2nd State of the Union Address
Certainly the most notable content is the 1 1/2 pages taken up with: "President Washington's Speech" which was his second state-of-the-union address, signed by him in type: George Washington.
The balance of the issue is taken up with a wide range... See More
Siege of Newport, Rhode Island...
Item #685897
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1778 The issue begins with: "Proceedings in Parliament, continued" which has much concerning the Revolutionary War, including letters from Lord Viscount Howe to Lord Germaine from New York signed by him in type.A few bits include: " the rebel army remain strongly posted at the north part of the island of New York & the... See More
Washington's third state-of-the-union address... Ben Franklin...
Item #685647
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, November, 1791 * President George Washington
* State of the Union Address
* re. Benjamin Franklin's death
The most notable content is the lengthy & historic state-of-the-union address of President Washington, which takes nearly 3 pages, headed: "Speech of the President of the United States to Both Houses of Congress" and is ... See More
Rare mention of the ghost town Purrysburg, South Carolina...
Item #685365
August 17, 1734
* From when George Washington was two years old
* Purrysburg, South Carolina ghost town mention
This was the leading anti-Walpole political journal of its time: Thomas Lockwood describes it as "the most successful political journal of the first half of the eighteenth century...".
The stated purpose of ... See More
Recruitment ad for joining the U.S. military...
Item #683819
June 05, 1799
* From the year of George Washington's death
Page 2 has a letter from Lord Nelson to his wife. Page 3 also has a very nice recruitment ad for the military headed: "ATTENTION ! " "To all who properly estimate the Independence of America, love its Constitution, and are willing to defend its Government &... See More
Great account of the Asgill Affair, and the Toms River Blockhouse Fight...
Item #681112
July 16, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, July 16, 1782
* American Revolutionary War
The back page has some great content concerning the Toms River Blockhouse Fight with the report of the execution of Capt. Huddy.
It is followed by two letters relating to the controversial execution, which threatened to derail peace treaty talks. It would lead to a retaliatory threat to execute Capt. Ch... See More
On the creation of George Washington University...
Item #679041
January 02, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 2, 1796 Page 2 has a report from the Virginia House of Delegates concerning Washington: "...that the plan contemplated for erecting an University at the Federal city...And whereas when the general assembly of Virginia presented sundry shares in the James River and Potomac companies to George Washington as a small token of their gratitude for the great, e... See More
The death of Major John Mills...
Item #677413
August 10, 1796
THE HERALD; A GAZETTE FOR THE COUNTRY, New York, Aug. 10, 1796 Page 2 has a report from Fort Washington of the death of Major John Mills, who during the Revolution fought at the siege of Boston, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Monmouth and the Northwest Indian War.
Much reporting on the Napoleonic War in Europe.
Four pages, very nice condition.
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