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Paul Revere and George Washington...

Item #704201

March 09, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 9, 1796 

* President George Washington

* Paul Revere's Masonic Lodge

Page 2 has an Act of Congress concerning a loan on the domestic debt which is signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington, and in block type by John Adams. Also on page 2 is a: "Tribute Of Respect" to: "...the Great WASHINGTON."

Page 3 has a Ma... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Patriotic masthead after a Revere engraving... Much on the Revolutionary War...

Item #703292

May 16, 1783

THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & THE UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, May 16, 1783  A nice issue as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words "Appeal To Heaven" above him. 

Most... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Paul Revere... Determining representation in Congress...

Item #701957

* Paul Revere to cast brass cannons

* Representation in U.S. Congress

Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly scarce in today's market. This title was published by the famed Isaiah Thomas, the patriot printer from the Revolutionary War & founder of the American Antiquarian Society.

Content includes "The Pleasures of ... See More  

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A two-issue set: George Washington and Paul Revere on the front page...

Item #697849

June 25, 1796

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, June 22 and 25, 1796 

* President George Washington

* Paul Revere's church bells

A two issue set with over half of the front page of the 22nd taken up with lengthy & detailed text of: "An ACT to Regulate Trade & Intercourse with the Indian Tribes & to Preserve Peace on the Frontiers." The Act carries over to take more than a full co... See More  

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Washington agrees to help establish a military force... Much on the end of the war...

Item #687373

September 18, 1783


* General George Washington

* United States military force

* Revolutionary War ending events

A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken from (modeled after) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence" in ... See More  

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Benedict Arnold responds... Nice war reports... Paul Revere masthead...

Item #687315

March 25, 1779


* 18th century American publication

* Revolutionary War - Benedict Arnold

* Masthead by Paul Revere

This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era.

It is worth noting that the famed printer Isaiah ... See More  

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Paul Revere engraved the masthead... Battle of Alamance...

Item #687196

January 23, 1772

THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Boston, Jan. 23, 1772 

* Paul Revere masthead engraving

* Pre American Revolutionary War

* Battle of Alamance - North Carolina

This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era. An ardent patriot, Thomas was a constant target of the Royalist government. He began his ne... See More  

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Likely the most desired masthead from the 18th century...

Item #687194

October 27, 1774

THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Or Thomas's Boston Journal, October 27, 1774  It would be difficult to properly place both the scarcity and desirability of this newspaper in the confect of American history. This issue has the famous "Join Or Die" engraving stretching across the masthead.

In the same way that the famous "Dewey Defeats Truman" issue of the Chicago Tribune is com... See More  

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Death of John Hancock in his hometown newspaper...

Item #681123

October 09, 1793

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 9, 1793 

* John Hancock death (1st report)

* Declaration of Independence signer

* 1st Massachusetts Governor

* From his hometown (rare)

Curiously, the ftpg. includes "A Proclamation for a Day of Public Thanksgiving By His Excellency John Hancock, Governor..." carrying over to pg. 2 where it is signed by him in type: John Hancock.

Contrast t... See More  

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Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, in an American newspaper... Masthead modeled after one of Paul Revere's...

Item #680790

December 14, 1781

THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, December 14, 1781  

* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown

* American Revolutionary War ending

This issue contains one of the most historically significant letters from the Revolutionary War, being Cornwallis' official announcement of his surrender to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.

The report consumes all of page 3, prefaced with: "... See More  

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The very historic Duche letter to General Washington... Battle of the Kegs...

Item #680789

February 19, 1778

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Feb. 19, 1778 

* Jacob Duché - 1st chaplain to the Continental Congress

* Famous letter to General George Washington

* American Revolutionary War

A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken after (modeled from) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence&... See More  

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Gayhead lightouse on Martha's Vineyard...

Item #648443

June 06, 1799

J. RUSSELL'S GAZETTE, Boston, June 6, 1799

* Gay Head Lighthouse

* Martha's Vineyard

Page 2 has a report of a naval battle noting in part: "...the capt. of the privateer lost one leg. Bradford, it is said, came beating YANKEE DOODLE; he mounted only ten four pounders and had 25 men."

But the most notable content is the full column on page 4 which has: "Plan of a Ligh... See More  

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