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1993 Ruth Bader Ginsburg nomination...
Item #709949
June 15, 1993
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 15, 1993
* Ruth Bader Ginsburg nominated
* United States Supreme Court nomination
* Appointed by President Bill Clinton
The top of the front page has a nice headline: "Clinton Picks Moderate Judge Ruth Ginsburg for High Court" with various subheads and color photo showing Ginsburg with Bill Clinton. Lengthy first reports continue inside.
Complete with al... See More
Buffalo Bills win 1964 AFL football title...
Item #709948
December 27, 1964
* Buffalo Bills vs. San Diego Chargers (AFL)
* American Football League Championship Game
The front page of the sport's section has a nice banner headline: "BILLS UNSEAT CHARGERS AS AFL CHAMPS" with subheads and stats. (see images) First report coverage continues on the following pages with 2 related photos.
Complete with 70... See More
Ohio River Flood of 1937... Louisville, Kentucky...
Item #709947
January 26, 1937
* Ohio River Flood of 1937
* Great Depression era
* Louisville, Kentucky photos
The front page has a nice banner headline: "105 DEAD; 550,000 HOMELESS" with subheads. Nice for display. More on pages 2 & 3 with a related map and photo. A great full page pictorial is on the back page which is also nice for display. (see images) This flood wh... See More
Rehmeyer's Hollow murder... Witchcraft...
Item #709945
January 08, 1929
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., January 8, 1929
* Rehmeyer's (Hex) Hollow Murder
* York, Pennsylvania - John Blymire
Near the bottom of the front page has a two column heading: "'Powwow Doctor' Slew 'Witch' Witness Blurts Out on Stand'" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 24 pages, light toning and some wear at the margins, generally in good con... See More
A famous civil rights murder case from Mississippi...
Item #709944
June 27, 1964
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., June 27, 1964
* Mississippi Civil Rights workers disappear
* James Chaney - Philadelphia MS
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "FBI ARRESTS THREE IN THREAT TO KILL MISS. RIGHTS PAIR" with subheads. (see images) This was a notable civil rights-related murder. Their bodies would be found on August 4 & 21 when white men--most... See More
Death of movie great Orson Welles...
Item #709942
October 11, 1985
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Oct. 11, 1985
* Orson Welles death (1st report)
* Actor - director - writer - producer
* Hollywood movie film - radio - theatre
* "War of the Worlds" & "Citizen Kane" fame
* Best title to be had ?
The bottom of the front page has a heading: "Orson Welles, Theatrical Genius, Found Dead at 70" and includes a photo of him. The article car... See More
Premiere of "The Goonies", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #709941
June 14, 1985
LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 14, 1985 (front & Calendar Sections)
* Best "The Goonies" film advertisement
* Grand Opening week movie premiere
* Adventure comedy cult classic
An issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "The Goonies" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywo... See More
Amelia Earhart autogiro flight w/ passenger....
Item #709908
December 20, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 20, 1930
* Amelia Earhart autogyro flight
* Willow Grove, Pennsylvania
* First to carry a passenger
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "Miss Earhart Pilots Passenger In Autogiro" with subhead. (see images) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do not.
Complete with 38 ... See More
Large photo of John F. Kennedy...
Item #709877
November 22, 1963
EUGENE REGISTER-GUARD, Oregon, Nov. 22, 1963 A very dramatic front page, with perhaps the largest photo of JFK we have seen on any newspaper. The "regular" front page appears on page 3. Complete in 30 pages.
Death of Jack Ruby... slayer of Lee Harvey Oswald... assassin of JFK...
Item #709874
January 03, 1967
THE PARSONS SUN, Parsons, Kansas, January 3, 1967
* Jack Ruby dies while waiting on death row...
* Hard-to-find same-day reporting
* Slayer of Lee Harvey Oswald... assassin of JFK
The front page reports of the death of Jack Ruby, which includes a photo, supporting text, and the 3-column, 2-line headline: "Death Takes Ruby; Slayer of Oswald." Another related front page article is ... See More
1951 Frank Costello - NYC mob boss...
Item #709871
March 20, 1951
THE DETROIT NEWS, March 20, 1951
* Frank Costello - NYC gangster - mob boss
* Luciano crime family - "The Prime Minister of the Underworld"
* United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce
* Kefauver Hearings
The front page has a banner headline: "QUESTION O'DWYER ON BIG BOOKIES" with subheads and photo showing Costello in the ... See More
1929 Kalamazoo, Michigan witch killing...
Item #709870
July 21, 1929
* Etta L. Fairchild murder
* Witch's spell killing - wicca
* Eugene & Pearl Burgess
* Kalamazoo, Michigan
The top of the front page has a one column headIng: "DENIES SHE HELPED TO KILL 'WITCH'" with subheads. (see images) Coverage on the killing of Etta Fairchild by Eugene and Pearl Burgess at Kalamazoo, Michigan. This would... See More
Television coming to your home in 1939 ?...
Item #709869
October 21, 1938
* David Sarnoff announces home television
* RCA - Radio Corporation of America invention
* Home entertainment about to modernize - TV
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Television Ready for Home; Sets to Go on Sale by Spring" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 30 pages, light toning and a little wear at the mar... See More
Booker T. Washington... First African-American on a stamp...
Item #709867
April 08, 1940
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, April 8, 1940
* Booker T. Washington
* First African-American on a postage stamp
* Philatelic, stamp collecting interest
Page 16 has a somewhat discrete report announcing what would be the first African-American to appear on a United States postage stamp, the article is headed: "Stamp Honoring Negro Educator Placed on Sale" (see images)
His... See More
Babe Ruth near death... He would die a few days later...
Item #709864
August 13, 1948
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, August 13, 1948 This 36 page newspaper has a two line, two column headline on the front page: "Babe Ruth's Condition Improves; Well-Wishers' Messages Pour In". Inside photo shows several coaches and players from the Boston Red Sox reading the Babe Ruth article in their hotel after their game with the New York Yankees was cancelled. The photo an... See More
Rehmeyer's Hollow murder... Witchcraft...
Item #709860
January 06, 1929
THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, Albany, New York, January 6, 1929
* Rehmeyer's (Hex) Hollow Murder
* York, Pennsylvania - John Blymire
The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "STAGE ALL SET FOR OPENING OF 'VOODOISM TRIAL" with subhead. (see)
Complete 1st section only with all 14 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally good.... See More
1974 Turkish Invasion of Cyprus...
Item #709858
July 21, 1974
* Turkish Invasion of Cyprus (1st report)
* Greek and Turkish Cypriots violence
* Turkey vs. Island of Cyprus & Greece
The front page has a nice headline: "Turks seize route into Cyprus capital" with subhead and related map. (see images) More related reports inside.
130+ pages, a few unrelated pages missing on the inside, all Cyp... See More
Buffalo Bills win 1964 AFL football title...
Item #709856
January 02, 1964
THE DETROIT NEWS, Jan. 2, 1961
* Houston Oilers vs. Los Angeles Chargers (AFL)
* American Football League Championship Game
* First season for Oilers as a professional team
The front page of the sport's section has a five column heading: "Blanda Passes Houston to 1st AFL Title" with 3 related photos, one showing George Blanda and stats. (see images)
Complete with 50+ p... See More
1934 Woonsocket, Rhode Island riot...
Item #709855
September 12, 1934
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 12, 1934
* Saylesville, Rhode Island mill riot
* General Textile Strike of 1934
The top of the front page has nice banner headline: "TEXTILE BATTLE WOUNDS 142" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Five related photos are on the back page with heading.
Complete with 34 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small binding holes along ... See More
Billy Burke wins 1931 U.S. Open (golf)...
Item #709838
July 07, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 7, 1931
* Billy Burke wins 1931 U.S. Open of golf
* Inverness Club - Toledo, Ohio
* 72-hole playoff vs. George Von Elm
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "BURKE WINS U.S. OPEN, DEFEATING VON ELM BY STROKE AT TOLEDO" with subheads. (see images) Much more in the sport's section.
Complete with 48 pages, rag edition, some small binding s... See More
Archie Griffin wins 2nd Heisman trophy....
Item #709837
December 04, 1974
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, December 4, 1974
* RB Archie Griffin
* Ohio State Buckeyes
* 1st Heisman Trophy
The sport's section (page 159) has a heading: "Heisman Trophy goes to Ohio States Griffin" with photo list of past winners. (see images) Another related article about Griffin is on page 155. First report coverage on Ohio State Buckeyes running back, Archie Griffin, winning the H... See More
1974 Elton John concert advertisement...
Item #709778
December 02, 1971
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Dec. 2, 1974
* Early Elton John concert advertisement
* British singer - songwriter - pianist
* Madison Square Garden - New York City
Page 115 has a advertisement for early "Elton John" concerts at Madison Square Garden. (see images) This was one of his first concert tours. John Lennon surprised fans by joining Elton John ... See More
1979 "No Nukes" MSG concerts advertisement...
Item #709777
September 10, 1979
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Sept. 10, 1979
* No Nukes: The Muse Concerts for a Non-Nuclear Future
* Musicians United for Safe Energy MSG Advertisement
* Tom Petty - Jackson Browne - Bruce Springsteen & more
The back page has a nice advertisement for upcoming "No Nukes: The Muse Concerts for a Non-Nuclear Future" concerts at Madison Square Ga... See More
1974 Eric Clapton concert advertisement...
Item #709776
May 30, 1974
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Nov. 21, 1974
* The Charlie Daniels Band concerts ad
* "Fire on the Mountain" album release
* "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" song fame
Page 89 has a nice full page advertisement for "The Charlie Daniels Band" concerts at the Capital Theater and Felt Forum. (see images)
I suspect this to be an extremel... See More
1943 Boris III of Bulgaria assassination...
Item #709775
August 29, 1943
* King Boris III of Bulgaria assassination ?
* Tsar - czar of Kingdom of Bulgaria poisoned ?
The front page has a banner headline: "BULGARIA'S KING BORIS DIES; REPORTED ASSASSIN'S VICTIM" with subheads and photo. (see images) Nice for display.
The first and most popularly held belief is that King Boris was poisoned by the Third Reich ... See More
Rehmeyer's Hollow murder... Witchcraft...
Item #709773
January 10, 1929
* Rehmeyer's (Hex) Hollow Witch Murder trial
* York, Pennsylvania - John Blymire convicted
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "PLEADS RIGHT TO KILL 'WITCH'; IS GIVEN LIFE TERM" with subhead. Related photo is on the back page. (see images)
Complete with 40 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
St. Valentine's Day massacre indictment... Jack McGurn....
Item #709772
March 10, 1929
* St. Valentine's Day massacre investigation
* Al "Scarface" Capone subpoenaed
* Best title to be had - very rare as such
The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "AL CAPONE GETS 8 MORE DAYS TO REGAIN HEALTH" with subhead. (see images)
When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activities born out of the... See More
Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto killed...
Item #709769
May 21, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 21, 1943
* Marshall Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto killed
* Imperial Japanese Navy - combined fleet commander
* Attack on Pearl Harbor and Battle of Midway leader
* World War II - Pacific War
The front page has a one column heading: "JAPANESE ADMIRAL KILLED IN COMBAT" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 40 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More
Bobby Thomason shot heard round the World....
Item #709766
October 04, 1951
THE DETROIT NEWS, October 4, 1951
* Bobby Thomson home run (1st report)
* New York Giants - MLB baseball
* "Shot Heard 'Round the World"
The front page of the sport's section (pg. 61) has a banner heading: "Giants Can Do the Herculean--Giants Do" with photo of Thomson waving to the crowd. the following page has a team photo of the Giants and box scores with smal... See More
Vanessa Williams loses Miss America crown....
1984 San Ysidro McDonald's massacre...
Item #709745
July 20, 1984
LOS ANGELES TIMES, July 20, 1984
* Miss America Vanessa Williams
* First black Woman to win crown
* Penthouse magazine nude photos scandal
* San Ysidro McDonald's massacre
* San Diego, California mass shooting
* James Huberty - mass murder
The front page has a banner headline: "There She Goes: Miss America" with subhead and photo. (see images) Nice to have from the home o... See More
Internment of Japanese during World War II begins...
Item #709744
February 17, 1942
* Internment of Japanese Americans begin
* re. FDR's Executive Order 9066
* re. Alien control order
* World War II - WWII
The front page has a one column heading: "FBI Stages Statewide Jap Roundup" Lengthy text continues on page 6. FDR's Executive Order 9066 signing was just 2 days away.
Complete with 22 pages, light toning at ... See More
1924 prophesy for World War II ?...
Item #709743
September 29, 1924
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, September 29, 1924
* Predicting World War II ?
* Japan and United States
* Attack on Pearl Harbor ?
front page has a banner headline predicting the future war ?: "JAPS ADMIT U. S. WAR FEAR" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. The attack on Pearl Harbor was still 17 years away
Complete with 36 pages, light toning and some wear at the margins, main... See More
Otto von Habsburg becomes Emperor & King...
Item #709742
November 21, 1930
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, November 21, 1930
* Archduke Otto von Habsburg of Austria
* Becomes Emperor of Austria & King of Hungary
The top of page 13 has a one column heading: "'KING' OTTO IS 18, BUT HAPSBURG CUT HIM COLD" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage on Otto von Habsburg becoming the last Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.
Complete in 42 pages, ... See More
1931 Gladewater, Texas oil well explosion disaster....
Item #709741
April 29, 1931
* Gladewater, Gregg & Upshur County, Texas
* Sinclair No. 1 Cole oil well explosion disaster
The front page has a two column heading: "Oil Gusher Explodes; Flames Kill 14 Men" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 30 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally in good condition. ... See More
USS Reuben James sunk.... 1st U.S. warship...
Item #709740
October 31, 1941
* USS Reuben James sunk (Early 1st report)
* 1st American warship casualty of WWII
The front page has a great banner headline in bold lettering: "U.S. DESTROYER SUNK; Torpedoed Ship Had 120 Aboard" with subhead and photo. (see images) Nice for display. First report coverage on the sinking of the USS Reuben James, the 1st ... See More
Winter War in 1939... Soviets invade Finland...
Item #709738
December 21, 1939
* Battle of Suomussalmi
* Winter War - Finland
* Soviet Union - Soviets
* World War II - Finns
The front page has a nice banner headline: "BATTLE IN ARCTIC; 22 BELOW" with subheads. (see) Nice for display.
Complete with 40 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.
wikipedia notes: The Battle o... See More
Robert Goddard.... early rockets... Charles Lindbergh, Jr. ?...
Item #709733
July 10, 1930
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 10, 1930
* Robert H. Goddard - Early rockets - rocketry
* 1st photo of Charles Lindbergh Jr. ?
Page 27 has a one column heading: "GUGGENHEIM BACKS ROCKET SKY-STUDY" with subheads. (see images)
Page 3 has a photo of newly born Charles Lindbergh Jr. This could be the earliest photo of him in any newspaper.
Fifty-two pages, various cutouts in unrelated pag... See More
Murder Inc. hitman death... Abe Reles...
Item #709731
November 13, 1941
CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE, November 13, 1941
* Abe Reles death - Murder Inc. hitman
* "The Canary Who Could Sing, But Couldn't Fly."
* Gambino Crime family - Albert Anastasia informant
The top of page 19 has a one column heading: "GANG INFORMER IN MURDER CASE FALLS TO DEATH" with subhead and small photo of Reyes. First report coverage on the death (murder?) o... See More
Call for Jewish boycott in 1933 Germany...
Item #709729
May 13, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 13, 1933
* American lawyer Samuel Untermyer
* Jews - Jewish - Judaica - Zionist
* Call for economic boycott in Nazi Germany
Page 7 has various reports from early Nazi Germany with a one column heading: "Untermyer Renews Plea For Boycott" with subhead. (see images)
Complete with 28 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More
Anthony Fokker death... aviation pioneer...
Item #709727
December 24, 1939
* Anthony Fokker death w/ photo
* Dutch airplane - aviation pioneer
* "The Flying Dutchman"
The top of page 8 has a one column heading: "FOKKER'S BODY WILL BE TAKEN BACK TO HOLLAND" with subhead and small photo. (see images)
Complete 1st section only with all 10 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes al... See More
Hugo Black... Ku Klux Klan... KKK...
Item #709726
August 13, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 13, 1937
* Hugo Black - American politician and jurist
* Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court
* Klu Klux Klan - KKK member ? (Democrat Party)
The front page has a banner headline: "How Black Returned to Ku Klux Klan Described in Official Record of Order" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Black was accused by many of... See More
Charles Lindbergh finds lost city...
Item #709725
July 30, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 30, 1929
* Aviator Charles Lindbergh
* Ancient Mayan Civilization
* Airplane exploration - findings
The front page has a two column heading: "Lost Mayan City Discovered by Lindbergh; Yucatan 'Find' Led Him to Air Photography" (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 48 pages, light toning at the margins, minor spine wea... See More
Anti-Jewish riots in Britain....
Item #709652
August 05, 1947
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 5, 1947
* Anti-Jewish riots in Britain (pogrom)
* re. The Sergeants affair
* Manchester & Liverpool
* Anti-semitism - Jews
The top of page 7 has a two column heading: "Mob Attacks on Jews in Britain Continue; Liverpool Police Active to Halt Outbreaks" with subhead. (see images)
The top of page 6 has a one column heading: "Zionists Announce Wa... See More
1951 Abdullah I of Jordan assassination...
Item #709651
July 20, 1951
THE DETROIT NEWS, July 20, 1951
* King Abdullah I of Jordan
* Al-Aqsa Mosque assassination
* Old City of Jerusalem
The front page has a great banner headline: "ASSASSIN KILLS BRITISH PUPPET ABDULLAH" with subheads and photo. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete with 52 pages, rag edition in nice condition. Small binding holes along the spine. ... See More
The 1st nominiation of Franklin D. Roosevelt for president...
Item #709650
July 02, 1932
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass., July 2, 1932
* Democratic National Convention
* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR
* 1st of 3 nominations
* Best title to be had ?
The front page has a nice banner headline: "ROOSEVELT NOMINATED IN STAMPEDE; PICK GARNER TODAY FOR SECOND PLACE" with subheads and photo. (see images) Nice for display. First report coverage on FDR's nomination as a Dem... See More
Adolph Hitler takes control of Prussia in 1933...
Item #709649
April 12, 1933
* Free State of Prussia takeover - seizure
* Adolph Hitler & Hermann Goering
* Third Reich in the beginning - Nazis
The top of page 12 has a one column heading: "HITLER IS MADE HEAD OF PRUSSIA; RULE EXTENDED" with subhead and small photo of Hermann Goering. (see images) Hitler was made chancellor of Germany just a few months earlier.
Com... See More
Japanese aerial bombing of Canton & Nanjing (Nanking), China
Item #709648
September 21, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 21, 1937.
* Nanjing - Canton & Nanking air raid bombing
* Japanese airplane raiders - pre massacre
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "OUR ENVOYS QUIT NANKING AS CITY AWAITS AIR RAIDS" with subheads. (see images) More on page 10.
Complete with all 52 pages, light toning and some archival mending at the margins, otherwise goo
... See More
* Nanjing - Canton & Nanking air raid bombing
* Japanese airplane raiders - pre massacre
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "OUR ENVOYS QUIT NANKING AS CITY AWAITS AIR RAIDS" with subheads. (see images) More on page 10.
Complete with all 52 pages, light toning and some archival mending at the margins, otherwise goo
1963 South Vietnamese coup d'état...
Item #709647
November 02, 1963
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 2, 1963
* 1963 South Vietnamese coup d'état
* President Ngo Dinh Diem assassination
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "COUP IN VIETNAM DEPOSES DIEM; HE AND NHU SEIZED BY MILITARY" with subheads, related map and 2 photos. (see images) Much more on the followings pages, loads of text.
Complete with 40 pages, minor margin wear,... See More
Premiere of "Halloween 5", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #709618
October 13, 1989
LOS ANGELES TIMES, October 13, 1989
* "Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers"
* Best Grand Opening Day movie advertisement
* Slasher horror film - Donald Pleasence
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers" and perhaps no better newspaper could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the ... See More
2000 Music City Miracle...
Item #709617
January 09, 2000
* Music City Miracle
* Tennessee Titans
* NFL Football playoffs
* vs. Buffalo Bills
The front page of the sport's section has a banner headline: "Titanic Call Sinks Bill" with subhead and a few related photos. (see images)
Complete 1st and sport's sections with a total of 44 pages, nice condition.... See More
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