Philadelphia printing of the Constitution of the United States...
Item #696414
THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, September, 1787 * Philadelphia printing of the Constitution of the United States
This title, along with the "American Museum", has the honor of being the first magazine to print the Constitution of the United States. Both publications were from Philadelphia, the city where the Constitution was created.
Comments from the Library Company ... See More
Hoping non-importation will work...
Item #696332
December 02, 1769
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 2, 1769
* Non-Importation agreement
Page 2 has a brief item headed: "America" from New York, and the back page has a letter from Connecticut to a gentleman in Boston noting: "The public spirited & generous union & conduct of the merchants respecting non-importation are, & deserve to be greatly applauded, & will b... See More
German Protestants heading for Louisiana...
Item #696179
June 23, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 23, 1767 The middle of the back page has a brief item: "We hear that Mounteford Brown has obtained the grant of an extensive track of land in British Louisiana bordering on the Mississippi, a very fertile territory & intended to be settled with German emigrants & other protestant families from the continent."
Another item notes: "..... See More
A futuristic look at America vs. England...
Item #696102
May 11, 1769
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 11, 1769 Most of the front page is taken up with a review of a new book: "Private Letters from an American in England to his Friends in America" from an interesting standpoint. It is prefaced with: "...These letters are supposed to be written...towards the close of the 18th century by a young American who is stimulated by curiosity to pay a v... See More
Foldout map of Eastern Europe...
Item #695917
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1739 Map Only* Foldout map of Eastern Europe
* 18th century original
Nice foldout map of Eastern Europe showing what would seem to be portions of Ukraine, Turkey, and vicinity (see photos). This is only the second fold-out map offered in Gentleman's Magazines.
Although it is missing small sections of the top corners, has a small p... See More
Latest news from the Revolutionary War in a very rare newspaper...
Item #695809
May 07, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, May 7, 1779
* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781. This issue is volume 1, number 8.
Inside has a report from Charleston beginning: "Five deserters who came last week to Purysbu... See More
A 1733 newspaper from Germany...
Item #695787
May 11, 1733
NEUE ZEITUNGEN von GELCHRTEN SACHEN, Leipzig, Germany, May 11, 1733
* Rare miniature curiosity
A very early and tiny newspaper from this largest city in the German province of Saxony. The title roughly translates: "News From Learned Things". At this time George Washington was just one year old.
Eight pages, 4 by 6 1/2 inches, a few minor, period notations at margins, great ... See More
Some notes from the French & Indian War...
Item #695161
August 03, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1762 Page 7 has an: "Extract of a Letter From Philadelphia", bits including: "Gen. Mockton is his government of New York...Seven British ships of war were cruising of Cape Francis, blocking up the French men of war...The Indians to the north and west are very quiet...".
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 3/4 inches, partial red ... See More
Cherokee Chiefs in London... Handel's monument in Westminster Abbey...
Item #695156
July 15, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1762
* Cherokees Indians - Native Americans
* George Frederic Handel monument dedication
Page 2 has two interesting, yet brief, items: "The Cherokee Chiefs have been invited by the Lord Mayor to the Mansion house, and are soon to go there."
In 1762, a delegation of Cherokee leaders arrived in Lon
... See More
Powers of a Cherokee Chief, now visiting England...
Item #695155
July 06, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 6, 1762 Page 2 has a report from London noting: "The Cherokee Chief who is now here is the second person in point of consideration of his people. The Cherokees are the most considerable Indian nation with which we are acquainted, and are absolutely free...It is courage and ability that constitutes a Chief amongst the Cherokees, who are led by him inde... See More
News from the French & Indian War...
Item #695145
December 31, 1761
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 31, 1761 The front page has over a full column of reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston, Boston, and Halifax in Nova Scotia. A few bits include: "...A gang of the Point Indians were returned from war against the Spaniards; they lost four men...and killed one Spaniard and a negro...The great bustle that was some time ago in... See More
Handsome newspaper for display...
Item #695017
November 03, 1794
THE DAILY ADVERTISER, New York, Nov. 3, 1794
* Rare 18th century publication
* Illustrated shipping advertisements
Although we once had a volume of this title, this is the first we have offered in several years, having come from the private collection.
A great front page for display, as the masthead has ornate lettering and an engraving at the center, and the full page of ads includ... See More
Broadside "Extra" of the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694986
May 17, 1771
* Very rare "extra" edition broadside
* Pre-Revolutionary War America
A very handsome broadside (printed on one side only) "Extra" edition of the famous newspapers, owned by Ben Franklin during the previous decade.
The reports are news items from London brought over in the ships L... See More
George Washington and the Newburgh Conspiracy...
Item #694966
October 07, 1783
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, October 7, 1783
* Newburgh Conspiracy plan
* General George Washington
* Revolutionary War ending events
Both the front page and page 2 have nice, lengthy letters concerning the Newburgh Conspiracy of that time.
The Newburgh Conspiracy was a plan by Continental Army officers to challenge the authority of the Confederation Congress, arising from
... See More
End of war reports... Proclamation signed by John Hanson, the first President?
Item #694963
November 05, 1782
* Revolutionary War ending events
* John Hanson - 1st American president ?
Page 2 has a lengthy letter which is reflective of the American-British relationship in the past. A few bits include: "...they have not duly considered the solid reasons and unanswerable arguments of the worthy, upright pe... See More
Single sheet "Supplement" to the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694917
August 03, 1769
SUPPLEMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, No. 2119 (Philadelphia, Aug. 3, 1769)
* Rare colonial publication
This "Supplement" issue came with the Aug. 3, 1769 (date not printed here) issue of the Gazette but has since been separated. As was typically the purpose of Supplement issues, this single sheet is entirely taken up with advertisements that could not fit in the reg... See More
Very handsome Revolutionary War newspaper from Philadelphia...
Item #694765
December 11, 1779
* American Revolutionary War
* Great masthead for display
This newspaper features one of the most ornate and decorative mastheads of the Revolutionary War, the words "Pennsylvania Packet" so frilly that it can be difficult to read.
Most of page 2 is taken up with; "An Act for Vesting the Est... See More
This newspaper existed for just one year... Botany Bay...
Item #694555
December 06, 1796
THE NEW WORLD, Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1796
* Rare publication
* Botany Bay
* New South Wales
* Australia
A very scarce title, existing only from Aug. 15, 1796 thru Aug. 16, 1797, just one year. This issue is from the private collection.
Page 3 has: "Botany Bay" which is present-day Australia. The letter from Governor Hunter, New South Wales, begins: "This settlement ... See More
A single sheet "Supplement" issue...
Item #694552
October 15, 1796
SUPPLEMENT TO CLAYPOOLE'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Oct. 15, 1796 Occasionally newspapers would publish a "Supplement" to an issue to either provide space for advertisements or to report news that would not fit within the 4 page issue. This is one.
The front page begins with a: "Twenty-Dollars Reward" for a runaway: "...Negro servant lad..." ... See More
William Cobbett's famous newspaper...
Item #694551
January 04, 1798
PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, Jan. 4, 1798
* Rare 18th century American publication
This was William Cobbett's important and controversial--but short-lived--daily newspaper.
Cobbett was a prolific & controversial publisher who often wrote under the pen name of "Peter Porcupine." He was famous for sniping at his political opponents, usually those of a Jeffer... See More
First elephant to arrive in America...
Item #694546
April 16, 1796
THE DIARY, New York, April 16, 1796
* First elephant comes to America
* Captain Jacob Crowninshield
The most notable content would be the page 3 report of the very first elephant to arrive in America, which was on board the ship America.
The report reads: "The America has brought him an ELEPHANT from Bengal, in perfect health. It is the first ever seen in America, and a very gr... See More
The Yellow Fever is finally abating...
Item #694541
October 15, 1799
* Yellow Fever in Philadelphia subsiding
Page 3 has a report signaling the end of the Yellow Fever pandemic which hit Philadelphia very hard at that time: "We rejoice in the prospect of returning health, and the revival of business. The condition of the City Hospital is so far ameliorated as to induce a hope.... See More
Rare 18th century title from Philadelphia...
Item #694520
September 16, 1786
* Very rare 18th century American publication
A very rare title, in fact I find no record in our database of having sold another of this title.
This newspaper existed under this title from just May 31, 1786 thru Feb. 14, 1788, less than 2 years. It existed for 16 months prior under several different titles... See More
On Washington again becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Army, plus more...
Item #694506
July 24, 1798
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, July 24, 1798
* President George Washington
* re. commanding American armies
Most of the front page is taken up with: "Laws Of the United States" including several Acts of Congress including: "Supplementary to an establish an uniform rule of Naturalization..." and: "Supplementary to...An Act authorizing the Presiden... See More
Interesting embossed stamp at the top...
Item #694484
February 22, 1799
MASSACHUSETTS MERCURY, Boston, Feb. 22, 1799
* At the turn of the 19th century
An issue from the private collection which has an interesting, embossed stamp at the upper left corner, likely by a library. Also this issue is in great condition with untrimmed margins, once string bound.
Four pages, various news of the day with most of pages 3 and 4 taken up with advertisements. Very ni... See More
Key figure of the French Revolution is hanged on a lamp post...
Item #694455
October 07, 1789
* Joseph Foullon de Doué lynching - torture & hanging
This is from the private collection, selected for inclusion primarily for its excellent condition.
* Joseph Foullon de Doué lynching - torture & hanging
This is from the private collection, selected for inclusion primarily for its excellent condition.
Page 2 has a: "Letter From Louisville" concerning a convention ton regarding Kentucky becoming a state separate from Virginia,
... See More
Acts of Congress recently approved... Inquiry into General Arthur St. Clair's failure...
Item #694454
May 22, 1792
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, May 22, 1792
* During George Washington's administration 1st term
The front page has over a column with a report from Congress prefaced with: "The committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the failure of the late expedition under Major-General St. Clair have proceeded to examine all the papers furnished...", this referring to his... See More
Oswego in the French & Indian War... Large map of Europe... Judaica item...
Item #694426
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1756 * Great & quite large map of Europe
* Oswego - French & Indian War
* Judaica - Jewish content
The prime feature would be the very nice & large foldout map titled in the cartouche: "A New & Correct CHART of EUROPE..." which shows all of Europe as well as Iceland, Russia, North Africa, a... See More
Four Acts of Congress signed by Washington & Adams...
Item #694281
May 21, 1796
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 21, 1796
* President George Washington
* John Adams - Acts of Congress
The front page contains not one or two, but four Acts of Congress, each signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington, and in block type by the Vice Pres: John Adams. A very nice issue for display given these four Washington signatures on the front page.
Page 3 has a report refer... See More
Great that New Orleans is in the hands of the Spanish & not the French... Female convicts now being sent to Florida...
Item #694229
February 12, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 12, 1765
* Early New Orleans (New Spain)
* Under Spanish not French rule
* Female convicts sent to Florida
Page 2 has a report noting: "...informed the intended cession of New Orleans to the Spaniards was made known to the British Ministry, by order of the court of a Spanish settlement in these parts, and a total removal of our an... See More
Focused on growing the economy of New York...
Item #694228
January 29, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 29, 1765 Page 6 has nearly a full column taken up with news reports headed: "America" taken from a letter from New York. The letter concerns the economy of New York and creating a society for the promoting of arts, agriculture and economy in the colony.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 inches, partial red tax stamp on page 2, foxing and rubbing wear at ... See More
How an Indian was treated by the French...
Item #694226
January 19, 1765
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 19, 1765 Page 5 includes news from Charleston that: " Indian belonging to one of the parties of Cherokees which went out against the enemy Indians last summer...was taken by the enemy Indians...On the night foxed for committing him to the flames, he happily made his escape & got back to the Cherokee nation...he was carried to a good French se... See More
War-related items from the Caribbean...
Item #694208
August 06, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1757 Page 6 has over half a column with news headed: "America" with news from the Caribbean and problems with sickness among naval crews. One bit notes: "...North America must be first reduced, and then use islands must go of course."
Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, great condition.
News from the French & Indian War...
Item #694207
August 30, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1757 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a New York dateline, mentioning in part: "...the embargo was taken of all vessels bound from hence for Great Britain...several sloops arrived here from Albany with a few of Otway's men, designed to keep garrison in Fort George in this city...that seven French men of war that were seen cr... See More
News from America...
Item #694204
November 12, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 12, 1757
* Colonial America report
Page 7 has a report headed: "America" with New York and Philadelphia datelines. The first item notes the death of Jonathan Belcher, governor of New Jersey. The other mentions the large number of English vessels captured and taken into Guadeloupe.
Eight pages, 8 by 11 inches, great condition.
... See More
News from America...
Item #694203
November 12, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 12, 1757 The front page begins with several news items headed: "America" with a New York dateline, most dealing with naval issues.
The back page has an: "Extract of a Letter From Charles-Town [Charleston], South Carolina" noting in part that: "...three Spaniards were taken up & examined...suspected to belong to some of t... See More
Early Boston newspaper with nice front page references to the French & Indian War...
Item #694151
December 29, 1760
* Original colonial America publication
* French and Indian War coverage
A quite early issue of this famous title, from near the end of the French & Indian War.
Just a few months earlier the governor of Canada surrendered the province of Quebec (New France) to the British, and the French outpost of Detroit surrendered t... See More
Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...
Item #694150
March 13, 1755
THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755
* Very rare & early American publication
A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.
Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More
George Washington at age 22... Great map of America...
Item #694072
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1754
* Great American colonies mid-18th century map
* Future general & president George Washington
Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
... See More
* Great American colonies mid-18th century map
* Future general & president George Washington
Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
A naval skirmish...
Item #694039
January 23, 1759
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, January 23, 1759 Page 5 begins with a report datelined from New York noting in part: "...the Royal Hester, privateer...of 16 guns...fell in with three large French ships bound from Canada to the Cape, whom she so warmly engaged as at length to be obliged to sheer off..." with more on the naval encounter.
Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice con... See More
News from the Caribbean...
Item #694034
May 29, 1759
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 29, 1759
* Invasion of Guadeloupe
* British expedition
* Seven Years' War
Page 5 has most of a column headed: "America" with reports from the Caribbean with bits including: "...skirmish with the enemy...near Point St. Petre in which we lost four or five negroes..." and: "...Grand Terre, in the island of Guadeloupe, has ... See More
Putnam's account of the Battle of Horse Neck via George Washington...
Item #693762
April 22, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, April 22, 1779
* The Battle of Horse Neck
* Greenwich, Connecticut
* General Israel Putnam
* Gen. George Washington
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.
This issue is volume 1, number 6.
The front page begins with a letter conc... See More
Recap of the French & Indian War in 1757...
Item #693722
April 08, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 8, 1758 Over half of the first column on the front page is headed: "America" with reports from Kingston, Jamaica.
Most of page 6 is taken up with: "An Impartial Representation of Facts, relative to the State of Publick Affairs in North American during the Year 1757. Drawn at New York". The text is a great overview of the events of the... See More
British-French naval battle in the Caribbean...
Item #693712
February 11, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 11, 1758 Page 6 has most of the first column taken up with a report headed:"America" being an extract of a letter from Kingston, Jamaica on this historic naval Battle of Cap-Francais.
This was an engagement during the Seven Years' War (American portion was called the French & Indian War) fought between French and British forces outsid
... See More
British-French naval battle in the Caribbean...
Item #693711
February 11, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 11, 1758
* Battle of Cap-Français - Haiti
* Seven Years War
* French & Royal Navy
Page 6 has most of the first column taken up with a report headed: "America" being an extract of a letter from Kingston, Jamaica on this historic naval Battle of Cap-Francais.
This was an engagement during the Seven Years' War (American p
... See More
Spreading Christianity among the Indians of America...
Item #693702
May 09, 1772
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 9, 1772
* Native Americans - Indians
* Christianity teachings ?
* Pre-Revolutionary War era
Over half of page 3 is taken up with several detailed reports on: "...accounts o the successful attempts to spread the Gospel among the heathens in America, as nothing can tend more to secure our colonies in that part of the world from the ravages & ... See More
One of the more decorative mastheads of the 18th century...
Item #693645
May 24, 1798
* Nice masthead engraving
* 18th century America
If you are looking for a handsome American newspaper of the 1700's which is displayable & priced reasonably, this is one of the best. This title features one of the more decorative mastheads of the era.
Complete in 4 pages, never-trimmed margins, a little light fo... See More
Chase after a French ship on Lake Champlain...
Item #693604
January 24, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1760 The back page includes a letter from Halifax, Nova Scotia, followed by an: "Extract of a Letter from Crown Point" which includes: "Capt. Boring...been down Lake Champlain as far as...Nut Island...fell in with a top sail schooner which he gave chase to, but the Frenchman this means escaped..." with a bit more on a naval is... See More
Safe to return to their homes...
Item #693593
January 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 3, 1760 The front page has half a column headed: "America" with New York and Boston datelines.
The reports relate to the ongoing French & Indian War, noting in part: " Governor...recommending it to the inhabitants to return to their settlements along Hudson's river, above Albany, as they may now abide th... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693566
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
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