Further on Ethan Allen's narrative of his captivity...
Item #687145
November 20, 1779
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1779
* Ethan Allen captivity
* Revolutionary War original
Most of the front page is taken up with an Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, prefaced with a paragraph signed in type by the Clerk of the General Assembly, none other than: Thomas Paine.
Page 3 has yet another Act which is prefaced with an intro signed: Thomas Paine.
All of ... See More
References to Cornwallis' surrender... A plea to Congress by Loyalist James Rivington...
Item #687139
December 06, 1781
* American Revolutionary War
* Post Surrender of Cornwallis
* Loyalist James Rivington
The masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere, showing a soldier holding a sword and a document inscribed "Independence" while standing beneath a banner inscribed "Appeal To Heaven&q... See More
Much like the Olive Branch Petition... Reaction by the soldiers to reading the "...Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms"...
Item #687100
July 26, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
* Post Battle of Bunker Hill
A terrific issue, as the entire front page and most of page 2 are taken up with a terrific follow-up to the Olive Branch Petition, in fact, written just 3 days after it, in which the Continental Congress points out the many issues with its relations with England, detai... See More
Execution of Col. Isaac Hayne, and much more...
Item #687094
October 11, 1781
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, October 11, 1781
* American Revolutionary War original
* American Issac Hayne's execution - hanging
Most of the front page is taken up with various correspondences from and to C. Fraser, Isaac Hayne, Lord Rawdon & John Collock, with a prefacing note: "The following are authentic copies of sundry papers which Col. Isaac Hayne, two ... See More
Perhaps the best Cornwallis surrender issue we have offered...
Item #687093
November 13, 1781
* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
* American Revolutionary War ending
A terrific issue as not only does it contain a fine account of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, but it consumes the entire front page, carries over to take most of page 2, with additional information on page 3 as well.
The front p... See More
George Washington's state-of-the-union address...
Item #686710
November 14, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Nov. 14, 1792
* President George Washington
* State of the Union Address
Taking over half of the front page and concluding on page two where it is signed in script type: G. Washington, is President George Washington's "Speech to Both Houses of Congress".
This was his annual state-of-the-union address, a tradition which he initiated in 1790 a... See More
Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President: a day after report...
Item #686699
May 26, 1787
* Constitutional Convention begins
* George Washington elected president
An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention--terrific to have in a newspaper from the city where these notable proceedings were held.
As such, this is likely the ... See More
George Washington's state-of-the-union address...
Item #686698
December 22, 1795
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Dec. 14, 1795
* President George Washington
* State of the Union Address
Page 3 include the historic annual state-of-the-union address of President George Washington to Congress. Headed "SPEECH" it is prefaced with: "This day, precisely at 12 o'clock, The President of the United States met both Houses of Congress in the hall of the Repre... See More
President Washington's state-of-the-union address...
Item #686595
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, December, 1790 * President George Washington
* 2nd State of the Union Address
Certainly the most notable content is the 1 1/2 pages taken up with: "President Washington's Speech" which was his second state-of-the-union address, signed by him in type: George Washington.
The balance of the issue is taken up with a wide range... See More
News of Cornwallis' surrender... Benedict Arnold & the Battle of Groton Heights...
Item #686426
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1781* Revolutionary War
* Cornwallis' surrender
* Gen. Benedict Arnold
* Battle of Groton Heights
Near the back is a section headed: "American News" which has a "Copy of a Letter from Brig. Gen. Arnold to his Excellency the Commander in Chief, dated Sound off Plumb Island, Sept. 8, 1781" which takes over an entire pa... See More
Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown...
Item #686313
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1782 * Lord Charles Cornwallis
* General George Washington
* Surrender at Yorktown - Virginia
This issue contains the very historic report of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia.
An inside page has a nice report headed: "Extract of a Letter from Sir Henry Clinton" which begins: "...I had th... See More
Full page focus on Lincoln, with a print...
Item #686261
May 01, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination w/ print
Phrenology is a theory that the personality traits of a person can be derived from the shape of their skull. Although holding no validity today, it was a popular science in the mid-19th century and this periodical focused on it.
The feature of this issue is the page near the back which is devoted to Ab... See More
Significant Act of Congress in response to the Whiskey Rebellion...
Item #686153
July 09, 1794
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, HARTFORD, June 23, 1794 Half of page 2 is taken up with an Act of Congress: "An ACT Making Further Provision for Securing and Collecting the Duties on foreign and Domestic Distilled Spirits, Stills, Wines and Teas." At its conclusion it is signed in type by the President; Go. Washington,
This Act of Congress was notable to the troubling Whiskey Rebellion i... See More
The historic Funding Act of 1790...
Item #686121
August 16, 1790
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Aug. 16, 1790
* Funding Act of 1790
Taking two-thirds of the front page and half of page 2 is: "An Act making Provision for the Debt of the United States" which is signed in type by John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.
This was the very historic Funding Act of 1790 which was passed on August 4, 1790 by the United States Congress t... See More
Congressmen sworn in & Congress begins...
Item #686051
April 15, 1789
* 1st United States Congress begins
* Congressmen & speaker are sworn in
A terrific issue on the very first days of work for the new federal Congress.
See the photo for the page 2 report from New York mentioning that the Speaker & other members of the House are sworn into office, with a printing of a portion of their o... See More
Workings of Congress on creating the Tariff Act of 1789...
Item #686046
May 18, 1789
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, May 18, 1789
* Tariff Act of 1789
* United States Congress
* 1st major piece of legislation
One of the first priorities of the new federal government was creating a means of tariff revenues, of such importance that the resulting Tariff Act of 1789 was just the second Act approved by Congress. The Tariff Act would be approved on July 4.
But it is th... See More
Tonnage Act: further defining the historic Tariff Act of 1789..
Item #686033
July 24, 1789
* Tariff Act of 1789 (Tonnage)
* George Washington signs
* 1st major piece of legislation
The entire front page is taken up with ads including 7 illustrated ship ads.
Page 2 has an address to George Washington from the governor & council of North Carolina, which is followed by his reply which carries ove... See More
Formally creating the Territory of Washington...
Item #685771
March 08, 1853
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 8, 1853
* Creation of Washington Territory
* United States Congress passes
Being the "mouthpiece of the federal government", typically this newspaper was the first to report notable political reports and developments So it is no surprise that nearly half of the front page is taken up with the Act of Congress creating th... See More
Washington's third state-of-the-union address... Ben Franklin...
Item #685647
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, November, 1791 * President George Washington
* State of the Union Address
* re. Benjamin Franklin's death
The most notable content is the lengthy & historic state-of-the-union address of President Washington, which takes nearly 3 pages, headed: "Speech of the President of the United States to Both Houses of Congress" and is ... See More
George Washington's inauguration and inaugural address... And a very rare eye-witness account...
Item #685616
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE OR MONTHLY MUSEUM, Boston, May, 1789 * President George Washington
* Inauguration - inaugural address
* In a American publication (rare)
Rarely are we able to offer an American imprint with a period report of Washington's inauguration and inaugural address. Great to have this text in this famous magazine published by perhaps the most renowned printer of... See More
Scathing comments about Callender...
Item #685598
September 01, 1802
AURORA GENERAL ADVERTISER, Frankford, Sept. 1, 1802
* President Thomas Jefferson
* James Callender squabble
Note that this issue was published in nearby Frankford to escape the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia.
This is a significant issue on the James Calendar/Thomas Jefferson controversy (see information at the bottom). After having been denied a lucrative federal position by Jeffers... See More
Protestants versus the Catholics...
Item #685421
January 03, 1682
THE IMPARTIAL PROTESTANT MERCURY, London, England, Jan. 3, 1681/2
* Rare 17th century publication
* Protestants versus the Catholics
This single-sheet newspaper is a fascinating paper published during this time of struggle between Catholics and Protestants in government.
News is entirely from England & Scotland, with most of a column taken up with advertisements.
Complete as a ... See More
Perhaps the best newspaper to be had for Harrison's inauguration...
Item #685222
March 05, 1841
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1841
* President William Henry Harrison inauguration
* Inaugural address - best title to be had (rare)
Perhaps the best newspaper to be had on the inauguration of William Henry Harrison as the nation's ninth President, this being the premier newspaper from the nation's capital.
Most of page 2 is taken up with: &q... See More
Death of Sir Isaac Newton...
Item #685204
March 25, 1727
MIST'S WEEKLY JOURNAL, London, March 25, 1727
* Death of Sir Issac Newton (very rare)
When it comes to notable deaths of the world, they don't get too much better than this.
Page 2 has a simple, yet powerful report noting simply: "Died, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest Mathematician that the World ever knew."
Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astr... See More
Very rare baseball newspaper... "Hal" McClure... Bucknell graduate...
Item #684990
July 09, 1886
OFFICIAL (Baseball) RECORD, New York, July 9, 1886
* Very rare baseball periodical
This is a volume two issue of a very rare & historically important baseball newspaper, the very first daily sports newspaper dedicated entirely to the national game of professional baseball.
Although the masthead reads: "Official Record" the title at the top of pages 2, 3 & 4 rea... See More
Rare baseball newspaper from 1886... Fred Lewis - Cincinnati Red Stockings...
Item #684988
July 22, 1886
OFFICIAL (Baseball) RECORD, New York, July 22, 1886 This is a volume two issue of a very rare & historically important baseball newspaper, the very first daily sports newspaper dedicated entirely to the national game of professional baseball.
Although the masthead reads: "Official Record" the title at the top of pages 2, 3 & 4 reads: "Official Baseball Record&qu... See More
Rare & lengthy account of Joseph Smith running for President...
Item #684969
June 08, 1844
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, June 8, 1844
* Joseph Smith running for U.S. president
* Mormons - Mormonism - Latter-Day Saints
It is not known by many today that Joseph Smith, leader of the Latter-Day Saints, ran for president of the United States in 1844.
After several years of harassment and persecution in Missouri and Illinois, Smith wrote to five men expected to be can... See More
Deaths of Joseph Haydn and Thomas Paine...
Item #684914
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1809* Deaths of Joseph Haydn and Thomas Paine
The obituary listing inside includes: "At New York, the notorious Thomas Pain [sic]; whose death is an admonitory event; may the lesson that it inculcates be impressive..." & more. The opposing page has: "In Guppendorff, aged 76, Joseph Haydn, the celebrated composer... ju... See More
The Gettysburg Address on the front page... One of the very best...
Item #684899
November 20, 1863
NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 20, 1863
* President Abraham Lincoln
* Gettysburg Address at battlefield cemetery
It would be difficult to argue for a more notable or desirable newspaper from the Civil War. Combine the complete text of the historic Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln, with this venerable title, with the content being on the front page, and the combination makes for o... See More
Pair of issues: criticizing astrology, with an astrologer's response...
Item #684757
October 01, 1869
Also: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, May 29, 1869
The former was a fascinating and very unusual newspaper of small-size themed on predicting what would happen in the future--great to read in hindsight.
The feature article, which takes all of pages 1 thru 5, is headed: "A Reply... See More
Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...
Item #684698
May 30, 1870
TRANS-CONTINENTAL, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 30, 1870
* First Transcontinental Railroad "Overland Route"
* Very first excursion published newspaper (#5)
This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 issues e... See More
Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...
Item #684697
May 31, 1870
TRANS-CONTINENTAL, Summit Sierra Nevadas, California, May 31, 1870
* First Transcontinental Railroad "Overland Route"
* Very first excursion published newspaper (#6)
This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 i... See More
Bob Dylan transitions from acoustic to electric: his Forest Hills concert...
Item #684584
September 02, 1965
THE VILLAGE VOICE, New York, Sept. 2, 1965
* Bob Dylan & his electric guitar
* His famous Forest Hills concert
The front page features a photo of Bob Dylan captioned: "Dylan Stirred Up Forrest Hills". Also on the ftpg, & concluding inside, is a detailed account of the Dylan's very notable & controversial performance at Forest Hills of just 5 days earlier. Por... See More
Official report that the Louisiana Purchase treaty has been concluded...
Item #684523
July 25, 1803
BOSTON GAZETTE, July 25, 1803
* The Louisiana Purchase Treaty
Page 2 has: "By the President of the United States...A PROCLAMATION" calling for a special session of Congress, signed in type: Th. Jefferson.
This is followed by a very historic report headed: "Louisiana - Official" which mentions in part: "Dispatches from the American ministers at Paris...contain ... See More
Engraving of the new Confederate flag...
Item #684458
April 19, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 19, 1862
* Rare engraving of the new Confederate flag
* From the capital of the Confederacy
The striking feature of this issue is the quite rare, page two print of: "The New Flag" with the text beginning: "We are informed that Congress has definitely adopted a flag. The bad wood cut will give the reader a clear conception ... See More
Capture of New Orleans, in a Confederate newspaper...
Item #684457
April 28, 1862
DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 28, 1862
* Capture of New Orleans - Louisiana
* Union troops (enemy) enter city
* From the capital of the Confederacy
Not only is this a great Confederate newspaper, but it is from the capital of the Confederacy.
Certainly the most significant content would be the breaking news report on page 2 headed: "Capture of New Orleans By The Ene... See More
Letter from Patrick Henry, and much on the Revolutionary War...
Item #684429
June 09, 1779
* Patrick Henry letter signed in type
* Much on the Revolutionary War
Pages 2 and 3 contain a wealth of reporting on the Revolutionary War including a letter from Charleston noting in part: "The campaign in George and the Southern part of this state between the royal army commanded by Brigadier General P... See More
Rare Confederate newspaper... Confederates have stopped Sherman?
Item #684217
August 04, 1864
THE CAMDEN DAILY JOURNAL, South Carolina, August 4, 1864
* Rare Confederate publication
* William T. Sherman
* March to the sea is stopped?
A nice and quite rare title from late in the Confederacy. The front page has various news items concerning the war including: "The news of the defeat & capture of the most famous of all the Yankee raiders comes in like a welcome gleam of... See More
Death of Jeff Davis’ son… General Polk offers pardon to deserters…
Item #684215
May 03, 1864
* Very rare Civil War publication
A very scarce title from the Confederacy. Page 2 has an editorial headed: “Extortioners As Soldiers” and also: “War News” which has a variety of reports & subheads including: “Fight In East Tennessee” “Good Reports From Mississippi” “Important Pr... See More
From the fabled Old West town of Tombstone... Deputy Sheriff Earp...
Item #684212
November 18, 1880
THE DAILY NUGGET, Tombstone, Pima County, Arizona, November 18, 1880
* Gunfight at the O.K. Corral fame
* Rare Wyatt Earp mention
This may well be the consummate "Old West town" much romanticized in movies and television shows, perhaps most famous for the gunfight at the OK Corral involving Wyatt Earp and the Clanton gang.
This rare issue was printed less than a year before... See More
Jeff Davis' Proclamation on the Mumford controversy: death for Butler... Battle of Murfreesboro... A "Memphis" title......
Item #684211
January 03, 1863
THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Jackson, Mississippi, January 3, 1863
* Battle of Stones River - Murfreesboro, Tennessee
* Jefferson Davis proclamation
* Very rare publication
This newspaper had fascinating history as it was chased around the South--see the information below. The most notable content in the issue is the back page report headed: "The Battle At Murfreesboro" "... See More
'Oh, the humanity!'... The Hindenburg explosion...
Item #683943
May 07, 1937
* Hindenburg airship disaster
* Lakehurst NJ New Jersey
* Nice headline & photos for display
This is one of the better Hindenburg explosion issues we have offered.
See the photos for the dramatic, from page featuring the iconic photograph taken within seconds of the initial explosion showing the large ball of flames with the Hindenburg yet to h... See More
One of the best headlines on the "Black Sox" scandal to be had...
Item #683783
September 29, 1920
* Chicago White "Black" Sox - players suspended
* World Series Scandal breaks
* Best publication to be had (extremely rare)
Among the most desired reports in all of baseball history are those covering the infamous "Black Sox" World Series scandal of 1919, in which players of the Chicago White Sox were accused of gambling on th... See More
From rough & tumble Deadwood, Dakota Territory...
Item #683689
May 23, 1889
DEADWOOD DAILY PIONEER, Black Hills, (South Dakota) May 23, 1889
* Rare publication
* Famous wild West town
* "Wild Bill" Hickok fame
This city would arguably be--along with Tombstone & Dodge City--one of the more famous of all the towns from the rough & tumble days of the Old West, and only rarely do such issues come to light. It attracted larger-than-life Old West... See More
Baron Rothschild: the first Jew to become a member of Parliament...
Item #683642
August 11, 1858
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 11, 1858
* Baron Rothschild of Tring
* 1st Jewish member of House of Lords
Page 2 has a column headed: "Baron Rothschild in Parliament". This is a very notable report, as it gives the account of the formal seating in Parliament of Rothschild as its first Jewish member.
Baron Lionel Rothschild was a British Jewish banker,... See More
The famous "irrepressible conflict" speech...
Item #683605
November 13, 1858
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1858
* William H. Seward on slavery
* Irrepressible Conflict speech
Nearly three columns on page 2 are taken up with the: "Speech Of Mr. Seward, of New York, delivered at a political meeting held in Rochester on the 25th of October, 1858".
This speech, although harmful to his political career, put the slavery issue on... See More
First election of Abraham Lincoln... The definitive report...
Item #683571
November 10, 1860
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 10, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election
* From the Nation's capital (best)
* The definitive report
Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.
Page 3 has a report headed: "Result of the Presidential Election" which gives the definitive report t... See More
First election of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #683570
November 08, 1860
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 8, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln elected
* Presidential election
Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.
Page 3 has a report headed: "The Presidential Election" which notes: "From the telegraphic reports of the Presidential election received since our ... See More
First election of Abraham Lincoln...
Item #683569
November 09, 1860
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln is elected President
* From our nation's capital
Perhaps the best newspaper to have with news on any Presidential election, being from the nation's capital.
Page 2 has a report headed: "The Presidential Contest" which begins: "Abraham Lincoln is the next President of the United Stat... See More
Lincoln's second inaugural address: 'With malice towards none...'
Item #683525
March 07, 1865
SACRAMENTO DAILY UNION, California, March 7, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration (historic)
* "With Malice Toward None, With Charity For All"
* End of Civil War & assassination nears
Page 2 has a very historic report headed: "Inauguration Day at Washington" which is primarily taken up with the: "Inaugural Address of President Lincoln". I... See More
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