Web Results (1302)



Harvard's 'special' commencement on the end of the Civil War... Slavery abolished in Georgia...

Item #688527

July 25, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, July 25, 1865 

* Harvard University commencement

* Georgia no longer a slave state

* Post civil war reconstruction era

The entire front page features the coverage of "HARVARD" "Culmination of the Grand Commencement" which concludes on the back page.

Although the Civil War had not formally concluded, Harvard's Commencement Week, celebrated th
... See More  

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1933 Princess Anne, Maryland Negro lynching...

Item #688519

October 20, 1933

THE SCRANTON TIMES, Pennsylvania, October 20, 1933.

* George Armwood Negro lynched

* Princess Anne, Maryland

* Last lynching in the state

Page 2 has a two column photo with heading: "Victim Of Maryland Lynching" See images for brief coverage on the lynching of Negro George Armwood in Princess Anne, Maryland.

Complete with 36 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, ge... See More  

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1st African American to play in a World Series...

Item #688506

September 30, 1947

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass. Sept. 30, 1947

* Brooklyn Dodgers vs. New York Yankees

* 1st African American to play in a World Series

* Jackie Robinson - 1st year in MLB Baseball

* Game 1 (day of)

The front page has a two column heading: "Feud Looms as Bums, Yanks Meet in First World Series Contest" with subhead and photo. More pre-game coverage with photos in the sport's sec... See More  

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On aiding slaves to reach Canada...

Item #688499

June 16, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1841

* Southern slavery - slaves

* Underground Railroad ?

* Escaping to Canada case

 The back page has a report noting: "In the circuit court for Mason, Co., Kentucky, a verdict has been obtained by William Greathouse against the Rev. Jno. B. Mahan for $1600 as the value of two negroes whom Mahan enticed to run away & aided ... See More  

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George Washington signs an Act of Congress...

Item #688477

June 18, 1796


* President George Washington

Page 2 has an entire column taken up with: "AN ACT Making Provision for the Payment of Certain Debts of the United States" which is signed in type by the President: Geo. Washington.

The back page has an ad for: "Negro Tom" describing: "A Black Man, about 5 f... See More  

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1837 Slave advertisement...

Item #688474

June 14, 1837

THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., June 14, 1837 

* Slavery - slaves - Negroes

An advertisement on page 3 is headed: "Cash For Negroes" noting: "I will give the highest cash price for likely Negroes, from ten to twenty-five years of age..." with just a bit more (see).

News of the day with other interesting advertisements. Four pages, a little light foxing, a little margin... See More  

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Washington signs an Act of Congress concerning the Whiskey Rebellion...

Item #688472

June 23, 1796


* re. The Whiskey Rebellion

* President George Washington

Page 2 has an: "ACT Making an Appropriation to Satisfy Certain demands attending the late Insurrection...", which provided money: "...to the discharge of certain incidental demands, occasioned by the trial of persons for crimes and offences... See More  

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Three slave ads in an antebellum newspaper...

Item #688471

March 14, 1859

THE MEMPHIS DAILY AVALANCHE, Tennessee, March 14, 1859  From not long before the Civil War containing on the front page 2 illustrated ads for slaves, with details. One notes: "For Sale...A no. 1 cook and laundress..."; and the other "Valuable Plantation and Negroes..." with details. Another reward ad inside.

Four pages, cleanly cut at the spine with ample margin, tears at... See More  

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Enforcing the historic Fifteenth Amendment...

Item #688450

May 22, 1870

NEW YORK HERALD, May 22 and June 1, 1870  Sold as a pair of issues.  Page 3 of the May 22 issue has the heading: "WASHINGTON" "The New Fifteenth Amendment Bill Passed by the Senate" "Petitions for the Abolition of National Banks". This is actually the 1870 Enforcement Act, created to enforce the proper enforcement of the historic 15th Amendment to the Consti... See More  

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18th century Baltimore... Slave advertisement...

Item #688389

July 06, 1798


* Rare 18th century American title

* (5) runaway slave advertisements

The ftpg. is taken up with ads including 12 illustrated ship ads and 2 slave related ads. (see) Pages 2,3 & 4 have another slavery related ad.

News of the day with several other advertisements. Four pages, damp staining at a few areas, generally nice.... See More  

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Eldridge Cleaver's death report... Obit of Bruce Springsteen's father...

Item #688380

May 02, 1998

* Death of Eldridge Cleaver
* From Black Panther to Mormon environmental & peace activist
The front page has: "Eldridge Cleaver, Former Black Panther, Dies", which tells of the life and death of the notable activist and author of "Soul On Ice" (considered a seminal work in African-American literature). The
... See More  

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Capture of slave ships... Launch of the ship Ohio...

Item #688359

June 03, 1820

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 3, 1820 

* USS Ohio launching - United States Navy

* African slave trade - slavers ships captured

The front page has: "The Infamous Trade" beginning: "Ten slave vessels had been captured by the U.S. ship Cyane..." with some details. Most of the issue is taken up with: ":Mr. Baldwin's Speech on the Tariff". Th... See More  

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Harriet Tubman's gravesite erected...

Item #688316

July 25, 1937

SECTION 2 ONLY of the New York Times, July 25, 1937

* Harriet Tubman - African American abolitionist

* Gravesite gravestone marker erection

* Auburn, Cayuga County, New York

Page 4 of this section has a small one column heading: "Mark Ex-Slave's Grave" with subhead: "Women at Auburn Honor 'Aunt Harriet' of 'Underground Railroad'" (see) First report ... See More  

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1849 Pistol ad by Samuel Colt... slave ad...

Item #688311

September 29, 1849

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Sept. 29, 1849 

* Colt Revolver Ad

* Runaway slave ad

* Gold Rush era newspaper

The front page is filled with ads including a: "$150 Reward" ad for a runaway slave, with details. Beneath this is an ad: "Colt's Improved Repeating Pistols" signed in type: Samuel Colt. (see)

Four pages, dark stain along the top, blank margin (se... See More  

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William Cobbett's famous newspaper...

Item #688310

June 27, 1797

PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE, Philadelphia, June 27, 1797 

* Rare 18th century American publication

* 3 runaway slave advertisements

This was William Cobbett's important and controversial--but short-lived--daily newspaper.

Cobbett was a prolific & controversial publisher who often wrote under the pen-name of "Peter Porcupine." He was famous for sniping at his political o... See More  

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The Lemmon slave case in New York...

Item #688259

November 12, 1852

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 12, 1852  The top of the front page has: "Another route to The Pacific". But the primary article is at the top of page 3: "A Slave Case At New York."

This is the famous New York vs. Lemmon slave case, about which much can be found on the internet. Ultimately the decision mandated the release of eight slaves brought into... See More  

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Journey to Salt Lake City... Verdict in the famous slave case...

Item #688258

November 04, 1852

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1852  Taking over 1 1/2 columns on page 2 is the very detailed: "Captain Stansbury's Expedition To The Great Salt Lake". This is a wonderful account of the journey, about which much can be found on the internet. The subheads include: "From the Literary World" "A Dutchman en Route" "A Happy Family on... See More  

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Mortality on the wagon train route to California...

Item #688251

July 19, 1852

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 19, 1852  

* Emigrants travel to California

Page 3 has an article: "Mortality On The Plains" which reports on: "The mortality among emigrants to California by the overland route continues very large..." with some detail.

Also: "Intelligence From California takes over a full column and has subheads; "From... See More  

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Capture of three slave ships...

Item #688229

June 26, 1847

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 26, 1847  Page 3 has a report: "Capture Of Slavers" reporting on 3 slave ships taken, a few bits noting: "...with a slave deck & all the store necessary for the infernal trade...the schooner Feliciade with 320 slaves on board...a very feast sailing schooner...completely fitted for the transport of an African live cargo...... See More  

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Bainbridge, Georgia lynching...

Item #688205

May 25, 1937


* Willie Reed negro lynching in Bainbridge, Georgia

The top of page 5 has a one column heading: "Body Of Slayer Dragged Around Square; Burned" First report coverage on the lynching of Negro Willie Reed at Bainbridge, Georgia.

Complete with 34 pages, rag edition in great condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.

... See More  

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From Confederate New Orleans...

Item #688131

February 18, 1862

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Feb. 18, 1862 

* Rare Confederate publication from the deep South

Truly Confederate newspapers from New Orleans are very difficult to find, as Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it surrendering without a f... See More  

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New Orleans during the Confederacy...

Item #688128

February 21, 1862

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, Feb. 21, 1862  

* Rare Confederate publication from the deep South

Truly Confederate newspapers from New Orleans are very difficult to find, as Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it surrendering without a ... See More  

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Inaugural Address of President Jefferson Davis... The fall of Fort Donelson...

Item #688100

February 24, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, February 24, 1862 

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* President Jefferson Davis inauguration

* Best publication to be had ? (very rare)

Not only is this a great Confederate newspaper, but it is from the capital of the Confederacy and as such contains a great wealth of the latest news and battle reports.

Certainly the most significant content i... See More  

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Death of President Taylor, inauguration of Fillmore...

Item #687991

July 13, 1850

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, July 13, 1850  The front page begins with: "Two Weeks Later From California - Battles With The Indians - Troubles with the Foreign Miners" which has some nice content concerning the situation in California. The ftpg also has: "Slave Cases in California".

Inside has: "Slavery And Freedom" as well as an editorial: "Death Of the Presid... See More  

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Harrison wins the election: in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...

Item #687962

November 09, 1840

THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1840

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

Perhaps there can be no better newspaper to report a Presidential election than one from the nation's capital.

Page 3 begins with: "The Election" "It becomes our duty to announce to the public that we have received returns of the elections in a sufficient number of the stat... See More  

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re. African slave trade...

Item #687956

May 04, 1860


* African slave trade - Kongo

* re. Slaver Storm King escape

* Indictment of officers

 the bottom of the front page has a report headed: "The Slave Trade in New York" with subhead. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, a little margin wear, generally nice.

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The second of the Lincoln Douglas debates...

Item #687923

September 03, 1858


* Abraham Lincoln & Stephen Douglas

* The Great Debates of 1858 (2nd of 7)

* Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinois

We find that reports on the now-famous Lincoln Douglas debates are very difficult to find in newspapers outside of Illinois, perhaps not surprising because it was a senate race in Illinois and Lincoln was, at thi
... See More  

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Condition of the 'colored race'... Planning for the railroad...

Item #687865

June 16, 1853

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1853  Among the page 3 articles are: "Surveys For the Pacific Railroad" which reports on the work being done to find an appropriate route for an Atlantic-to-Pacific railroad, not to be completed until 1869.

Also: "Condition of the Colored Race" which has interesting commentary, including; "...condition of the f... See More  

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Abbeville, Alabama Negro lynching...

Item #687819

February 05, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 5, 1937 

* Wesley Johnson Negro lynching 

* Abbeville, Henry County, Alabama

The top of the front page has a small one column heading: "Acts to Impeach Sheriff After Alabama Lynching" (see) First report coverage on the lynching of Negro Wes Johnson at Abbeville, Alabama.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 40... See More  

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Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr...

Item #687542

April 05, 1968

HERALD EXAMINER, Los Angeles, April 5, 1968

* Martin Luther King Jr. assassination (1st report)

* African American pastor - civil rights leader

The headline announces: "SNIPER KILLS MARTIN KING" with a photo captioned: "An Assassin's Bullet Fells Civil Rights Leader Dr. Martin Luther King...". Also a photo of Mrs. King.  Various related reports.

This is the com... See More  

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On slaves defecting north, after the Emancipation Proclamation...

Item #687506

November 18, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 18, 1862  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Rebel Evacuation of Snicker's Gap" "Cavalry Expedition to the Shenandoah" "The Blockade of Charleston Harbor" and more.

One report: "The Proclamation--The Contrabands--White Slaves in the South" which refers to Lincoln's recent Emancipation Proclamation. S... See More  

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1952 Canada Lee death....

Item #687458

May 10, 1952


* Canada Lee death (1st report)

* Professional boxer & actor

* African American acting pioneer

Page 4 has a one column heading: "Canada Lee, Famous Negro Actor, Dead" with small photo. (see)

Complete with 24 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More  

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First of this title we have encountered...

Item #687407

July 13, 1812


* Very rare 19th century American publication

A very scarce title, in fact we believe this is the first we have encountered it. There are no issues of this date recorded in Brigham outside of the American Antiquarian Society.

The masthead features an engraving of George Washington. 

Pages 1 and 4 are f... See More  

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Dillinger's aid, Herbert Youngblood, killed...

Item #687162

March 17, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 17, 1934

* The hunt for John Dillinger

* Negro Herbert Youngblood Shot Dead

* Crown Point, Indiana escape partner

* re. famous wooden gun jail break

The front page has a one column heading: "AIDE, SHOT, REVEALS DILLINGER'S TRAIL" with subheads. (see)

Complete with 32 pages, light toning at the margins, small library stamp within the masthead, gen... See More  

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Much like the Olive Branch Petition... Reaction by the soldiers to reading the "...Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms"...

Item #687100

July 26, 1775

CONNECTICUT JOURNAL & NEW HAVEN POST-BOY, July 26, 1775  A terrific issue, as the entire front page and most of page 2 are taken up with a terrific follow-up to the Olive Branch Petition, in fact, written just 3 days after it, in which the Continental Congress points out the many issues with its relations with England, detailing how it has been poorly treated and ending with some hope tha... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Selma Al civil rights ordeal begins...

Item #687053

February 06, 1965

THE RUSSELL DAILY NEWS, Kansas, February 6, 1965

* Selma & Marion MS demonstrations

* Civil Rights - Voting

* Martin Luther King Jr.

The front page has a one column heading: "King Seeks LBJ 'Rights' Meeting". (see) Coverage on the arrest of many negro school children in Selma & Marion Mississippi where Martin Luther King Jr. had a voter registration campaign set ... See More  

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Mormons are settling at the Great Salt Lake... Wonderful letter on the Gold Rush of California...

Item #687011

June 28, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 28, 1849 

* California gold rush - 49ers

* Mormons at Salt Lake City

* Mormonism - emigration

Page 2 has 1 1/3 columns taken up with great content headed: "Affairs In California" which is prefaced with: "The following letter from Col. Stevenson to a friend in New York contains a very interesting statement of the cond... See More  

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Early "Postscript" notice of the death of President Polk... Great content on the Gold Rush.... Capture of a slave ship...

Item #687005

June 19, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 19, 1849  The most notable report is the black-bordered "Postscript" at the upper right of page 3 which is headed: "Death Of Ex-President Polk" with the brief report noting: "...announcing; the melancholy news of the decease of Ex-President Polk at Nashville..." with a bit more.

We have never had an earlier re... See More  

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Great Salt Lake... Capture of a slave ship...

Item #687004

June 16, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1849  Page 3 has half a column taken up with: "Expedition To the Great Salt Lake" which is very descriptive of their findings.

Page 3 also has a small article: "Capture Of A Slaver" noting the capture of the slave schooner Zenobia: "...with 500 slaves on board...Great suffering had been experienced by the unfor... See More  

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On emancipation in Kentucky, and the gold in California...

Item #686987

May 05, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., May 5, 1849  The top of page 3 has: "Emancipation In Kentucky" which has a report from the Convention of the Friends of Emancipation. This is followed by: "Late From California" which has half a column of reports concerning events related to the gold rush.

Four pages, very nice condition.

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John James Audubon... The Comanche Indians... The California Gold Rush...

Item #686985

May 02, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., May 2, 1849  

* John James Audubon

* American ornithologist

Page 3 has a report beginning: "Col. Webb, commander of a large California expedition...They give quite a gloomy account of their adventures. Mr. Audubon remained behind, and had determined to prosecute his journey towards California with a party..." with more.

Also on ... See More  

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When Abraham Lincoln was an unknown... "Claim for a Slave", votes "nay"...

Item #686921

January 20, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 1849  

* Early in Abraham Lincoln's political career

* Slavery related U.S. Congress vote "nay"

Page 3 has much reporting from the "House of Representatives" which includes 2 mentions of when Abraham Lincoln voted on two topics. On a debate headed "Claim For A Slave" his name appears under the &q... See More  

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Dr. Joseph Priestley... France eliminates knighthood...

Item #686807

September 28, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 28, 1791  A page 3 report says: "A subscription was opened in London, before Capt. Scott sailed, for the purpose of building a large and elegant Chapel for the Rev. Dr. Priestley." Joseph Priestley is credited with the discovery of oxygen.

There is much concerning the French Revolution including a page 2 item: "National Assembly - Abolition Of... See More  

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Max Yergan... African American activist...

Item #686719

April 15, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 15, 1937

* African American Max Yergan

* 1st Negro to be a faculty member in NYC colleges ?

* Baptist Missionary - activist

* National Negro Congress president

Page 13 has a small one column heading: "Negro For College Post" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Yergan possibly becoming the first African-American faculty member ever hired at one ... See More  

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Alamo, Tennessee Negro lynching...

Item #686373

May 30, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 30, 1929 

* Joe Boxley Negro lynching in Alamo, Tennessee

Page 21 has one column headings: "NEGRO, 19, LYNCHED BY TENNESSEE MOB" "Youth Accused of Attacking Woman Is Taken From Jail at Alamo and Hanged" "SHERIFF'S HOME STORMED" First report coverage on the lynching of Negro Joe Boxley in Alamo, Tennessee. Always nice to have nota... See More  

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1908 Tong Wars in San Francisco...

Item #686308

January 18, 1908


* San Francisco, California Chinatown

* Human trafficking - Tong Wars - slave girls

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "TONG WAR CLAIMS TWO MORE MEN" with subheads. (see) Great to have in a Frisco publication. Rare as such.

Complete with 14 pages, light toning and minor wear at the margins, generally nice.... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... Nazi atrocities... Cold-blooded murder...

Item #686238

June 04, 1944

This issue is being offered as a piece of history.  Issues with content related to the numerous atrocities perpetrated upon humanity during this era help to verify what some feebly attempt to deny. It's interesting to note that many such reports never made it to the front page... and in the case of numerous newspapers... never made it to print at all. We at Rare Newspapers offer such item... See More  

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Includes a document signed by Buonaparte...

Item #686129

June 08, 1799

THE SPECTATOR, New York, June 8, 1799  The entire front page & a bit of page 2 are taken up with a portion of the very lengthy Act of Congress on regulating duties on imports, headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle.

Page 2 has a "Five Dollars Reward" ad for a runaway negro man, as well as reports on the Napoleonic War including a document signed: Buonaparte.

Four pages, ... See More  

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Latest news from 1799...

Item #686126

June 05, 1799

THE SPECTATOR, New York, June 5, 1799  Most of the front page is taken up with the continuation of: "An Act to Regulate the Collection of Duties on Imports & Tonnage" which carries over to pg. 2 & is continued in a future issue. It is headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle.

Page 2 has a short bit headed: "Trial of Fries" which relates, in an oblique way, to ... See More  

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Massacre plot by slaves uncovered in Tennessee...

Item #686091

January 07, 1832

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, January 7, 1832  Within this issue is an article with a small heading: "Another Insurrection" with a portion of the text including:

"We have been credibly informed...among the citizens of Fayetteville, Tenn.,...the discovery of a plot, among the negroes of that place...for an insurrection, all the particulars of which we have not ye... See More  

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