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Clanton AL bus explosion....
Item #639528
October 27, 1941
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 27, 1941
* Clanton, Alabama bus disaster
* Gasoline explosion
The back page has one column headings that include: "14 IN BLAZE BUS PERISH IN ALABAMA" and "Death of Eight Others Feared as Vehicle Hits Bridge Rail, Bursts Fuel Tank, Burns" and more (see photos). First report coverage on the gasoline explosion on a Montgomery-Birmingham passenge... See More
Winston Churchill warns the Nazis....
Item #639302
January 19, 1945
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, January 19, 1945
* Winston Churchill address (speech)
* War Situation And Foreign Policy
* Warns Nazi Germany to surrender
* Nearing end of World War II - WWII
The front page has one column heading: "Churchill Tells Axis to Quit Now" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Winston Churchill's "War Situation And Foreign Policy" address t... See More
Dr. Stephen S. Wise calls for Palestine homeland for Jews...
Item #637564
September 27, 1945
NEW YORK JOURNAL AMERICAN, September 27, 1945 The back of the front page has a 4-column heading: "Rally Will Demand Palestine As a Haven to Homeless Jews", which includes in part: "The council co-chairman, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland and Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New York, today declared: 'In spite of the unequivocal resolution adopted by the British Labor Party confe... See More
"Monty has a double!"
Field Marshal Montgomery's body-double fooled Germany...
Item #637489
October 04, 1945
DAILY EXPRESS, London, October 4, 1945
* Clifton James delivers as "Monty's" body-double
* Great D-Day bluff
The front page has "Monty Has A Double - His D-Day bluff deceived the Germans", with related text and a photo of Lieut. Clifton James as Montgomery. Read the article to learn more details regarding this great deception which helped keep the actual date for D-D... See More
King and Queen of England at the White House...
Item #636610
June 09, 1939
NEW YORK TIME, June 9, 1939.
* King and Queen of England (George VI)
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt - Eleanor
* Washington D.C. - White House visit
The front page has a five column headline: "KING AND QUEEN GUESTS AT THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER AN IMPRESSIVE WELCOME IN WASHINGTON; GEORGE HOPES WE WILL EVER WALK IN FREINDSHIP" with many subheads and photo. Much more on the following ... See More
Évian Conference opens.... Jewish refugees...
Item #636074
July 06, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 6, 1938
* Evian Conference in France opens
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany
The front page has a one column heading: "32 NATIONS GATHER TO HELP REFUGEES" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the opening of the Evian Conference in France. This was to discuss the plight of the increasing numbers of Jewish refu... See More
Évian Conference opens.... Jewish refugees...
Item #636072
July 07, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 7, 1938
* Evian Conference in France opening day
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "U.S. SPURNS NATIONS TO PROMPT ACTION AT REFUGEE PARLEY" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on opening day of the Evian Conference in France. This was to discuss the plight of... See More
Hitler says: "Britain can win nothing..."
Item #632539
April 27, 1942
EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), April 27, 1942
* Adolph Hitler
A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.
The ftpg. is mostly taken up with: "Herr Hitler Assumes Supreme Command" "Heralds Final Blow in Britain's Downfall" with lead-in note: &qu... See More
Adolph Hitler ousted ?....
Item #630752
August 09, 1943
THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, August 9, 1943
* Adolph Hitler Abolished ?
* Hermann Goering & William Keitel
The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Shelving Of Hitler Would Mean Little To Allies, Lochner Says" with subhead. (see) Of course this was a false report but interesting though.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 10 pages, a li... See More
1942 Japanese midget submarines... Sydney Harbor attack...
Item #630362
June 01, 1942
THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, June 1, 1942
* Sydney Harbor, Australia attacked
* Imperial Japanese Navy - midget submarines
* Irwin Rommel defeated in Africa
The top of the front page has a one column heading: "Japs Try To Raid Sydney; Three Midget Subs Sunk" with subhead. (see) 1st report coverage on the attack of Sydney Harbor in Australia by submarines of th... See More
Joe DiMaggio and Bucky Walters Camel Cigarettes ad...
Neville Chamberlain "War Situation" speech...
Item #629816
October 04, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 4, 1939
* Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's "War Situation" speech at House of Commons
* Adolph Hitler & World War II
* Joe DiMaggio and Bucky Walters Camel Cigarettes ad...
Railroad Strike of 1946....
Item #629653
May 18, 1946
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18, 1946
* The great railroad strike of 1946
* President Harry Truman speaks
This 20 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page:
with subhead.
Tiny binding holes along the spine, little rubbing and wear at central fold, otherwise good.... See More
Hideki Tojo's attempted suicide....
Item #628906
September 12, 1945
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, September 12, 1945
* Hideki Tojo suicide attempt
* Imperial Japanese Army general
The front page has a full-banner headline: "Yanks Abolish Jap Black Dragon Society" with subheads that include: "MacArthur Orders Dissolution" and more. Also included is the 3-line, 3-column heading: "Doctors Grant Tojo Even Chance to Survive Se... See More
1941 Shah of Iran abdicates....
Item #626906
August 29, 1941
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 29, 1941
* Reza Shah of Iran abdicates throne to his son
* World War II era - WWII
The front page has one column headings: "NEW IRAN REGIME ENDS RESISTANCE" "British and Russian Forces Continue Advance--Offers by Teheran Awaited" (see)
First report coverage on the abdication of Reza Shah in Iran during World War II. Also front page reporting o... See More
Hitler trains boys and girls...
Item #625494
January 15, 1943
PM DAILY, New York, January 15, 1943 The headlines read "War Profits of 10 Big Plants Far Higher Than in Peacetime" "Hitler Trains Boys, Girls To Be Arrogant Killers" "Russians Pushing Ahead South of Don River" and more.
Tabloid-size, complete in 32 pages, very nice condition.
Jefferson Memorial begins construction...
Item #624694
December 16, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 16, 1938
* Jefferson Memorial begins construction (ground breaking)
* President Thomas Jefferson honored
* Toto the clown death
Page 3 has one column headings that include: "ROOSEVELT LAUDS JEFFERSON'S DEEDS", "President, at Start of Memorial, Says Virginian Set Up Nation as a Democracy", "SITE HAILED AT EXERCISES" and more. Al... See More
Rocket guns in World War II...
Item #622211
September 22, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 22, 1943
* Rocket glider bombs
* Nazis new weapon
This 48 page newspaper two column headlines on page 13 that include: "Churchill Reveals Nazis Are Using Glider Bomb Powered by Rocket" and more (see photos). See photo for text here.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout with much on World War II. Complete, rag edition in great c... See More
Adolph Hitler vows to avenge Italy...
Item #621721
September 13, 1943
EVENING PRESS, Guernsey, Sept. 13, 1943 The front page has a banner head: "Germany is More Resolute Than Ever" with a subhead: "Neither Time nor Force of Arms Will Cause Reich to Submit - Adolf Hitler". Hitler's speech is prefaced: "On Friday evening, Adolf Hitler, the German Fuehrer, delivered a message to the people. He dealt at length with Italy's co... See More
What Hitler has done to the youth...
Item #621158
February 28, 1944
PM DAILY, New York, Feb. 28, 1944 The headlines read" "What Hitlerism Has Done to Youth" "We Want to Quit - Finns Tell Hitler" "Pig Sties for War Workers - Florida Housing Blocked" "Vichyites Can't Halt Patriots' Sabotage" "2 Catholic Groups Attack Health Bill" "Soviets Roll Up Northern Front".
Tabloid-size, complete i... See More
Rudolph Hess in 1941...
Item #620065
May 14, 1941
THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, May 14, 1941
* Rudolph Hess abandons Hitler
* Early report
This 10 page newspaper has headers on the front page including "What Hess Says Will Make German High Command "Sweat"" "Nazis Say Peace Is Aim Of Hess" "Palmist Says Hess Is Most Sane Of The Many Nazi Leaders" "Hess Fussy About Food He Is Given" plus mo... See More
Adolph Hitler orders Britain blockade....
Item #617475
August 17, 1940
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, August 17, 1940
* Adolph Hitler orders blockade on Great Britain
* London bombed by Germans
The front page has a two column heading: "HITLER CLAIMS FULL BLOCKADE IN FORCE FOR ENGLISH WATERS" with subheads. (see)
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 6 pages, minor margin wear, generally nice.... See More
George S. Patton assigned to Europe...
Item #616766
April 22, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 22, 1944
* General George S. Patton reassigned
* European theater of war
This 26 page newspaper has one column headline on the front page: "PATTON GETS POST LINKED TO INVASION" and "General Arrives in Britain--Command Not Specified by Assault Role IS Indicated" Report continues on page 3 with photo of Patton with caption: &qu... See More
WWII Nazi Germany on Guernsey Island...
Item #613224
November 17, 1943
EVENING PRESS, Guernsey, November 17, 1943. This four page newspaper was published on this island in the English Channel and was occupied by the Germans during almost all of WWII. During the Nazi occupation they took over this newspaper and filled it with pro-German propaganda, offering a unique insight into how the Axis reported the news during the war. The front page of this issue includes headl... See More
Great Hermann Goering headline...
Item #608810
May 20, 1942
HERALD EXPRESS, Los Angeles, California, May 20, 1942
* Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering
the front page has a very nice banner headline above the masthead: "GOERING GROANS AT WAR PLIGHT" with subhead. (see) Nice for display.
Incomplete issue containing all 16 pages of the 1st section of a two section newspaper.
Goebbels threatens Jews with extermination...
Item #599346
June 15, 1942
* Joseph Goebbels broadcast
* Extermination of Jews ?
Page has a two column heading: "Nazis Hit British Terrorism; Goebbels Threatens Jews" which is one of Joseph Goebbel 's radio broadcasts to the German people.
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice condition.... See More
Postdam Conference (Germany)...
Item #599342
July 18, 1945
WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, North Carolina, July 18, 1945
* Potsdam Conference (Germany)
* World war II era
* Harry Truman - Joseph Stalin
The front page has a three column headline:
"President Truman Presides Over First Meeting Of Big Three; Jap Peace Rumors Circulate In London" with subheads and two related photos (see photos). Other news of the day thr... See More
Hitler & Eva Braun had children?...
Item #599001
June 12, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 12, 1945
* Adolph Hitler & Eva Braun's children?
* World War II - WWII
This 36 page newspaper has a very interesting but discrete report on page 6 with small one column headings: "Tells Of Hitler Children", "Swede Reports Hunt for Them--No Comment at Shaef". This report claims that Hitler & Braun had two young ch... See More
World War II camp newspaper...
Item #598894
November 28, 1945
CEBU, Hollandia, Netherlands East Indies, Nov. 28, 1945 In the dateline is "An Army Daily", being one of the various "camp newspapers from the WWII era printed on small sheets by a mimeograph machine. Some of the front page reports are headed: "All ETO Troops Back Home by Feb. 1, Senator Says; Takes Ride In Troopships" "Hitler Planned to Rub Out Ambassador"... See More
United States land in French Africa...
Item #598876
November 08, 1942
THE SUNDAY STAR-NEWS, Wilmington, North Carolina, November 8, 1942
* World War II
* Allies land in Africa
* United States marines
The front page has a banner headline: "POWERFUL AMERICAN FORCES LANDING IN FRENCH AFRICA IN NATION'S FIRST BIG-SCALE OFFENSIVE" with subheads and small photo of Dwight D. Eisenhower. This is 1st report coverage of the a... See More
Battle of Luzon begins.... U.S. Marines land...
Item #597008
January 10, 1945
THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, Kansas, January 10, 1945
* Battle of Luzon begins
* Lingayen Gulf
* Douglas McArthur
The front page has a banner headline: "AMERICANS LAND ON LUZON" with subheads that include: "Large Forces Invade Island at 4 Points" and more (see photos) 1st report coverage on the landing at Luzon, Philippines from Lingayen Gulf.
Ot... See More
Worldwide Jewish army to fight Hitler ?...
Item #595334
September 03, 1940
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION Massachusetts, September 3, 1940
* Jewish - Jews - Jewry army ?
* Adolph Hitler - Nazis - Hitlerism
* World War II
The front page has two column headlines: "Would Form Jewish Army To Aid Britain in War" and "Zionists Leaders Hope to Get Most of Proposed 100,000 Soldiers in U.S." See photos for text here.
Other news... See More
1938 partition of Sudentenland... Nazis...
Item #595308
September 23, 1938
THE FREDERICK POST, Maryland, September 23, 1938
* German partition of Sudetenland
* Czechoslovakia
* Nazis - Adolph Hitler
This 16 page newspaper has a banner headline on the front page: "FORM NEW CZECHOSLOVAK CABINET" with subheads (see photos). Coverage on the partition of the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia by Adolph Hitler. One of the major events that ... See More
German annexation of Sudentenland...
Item #595290
October 02, 1938
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, October 2, 1938
* German annexation of Sudetenland begins
* Czechoslovakia
* Nazis - Adolph Hitler
This 30+ page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "Poland to Get Czech City Today as Germans Take Sudeten Area" with subheads. This is coverage on the beginning of the German annexation ... See More
Assassination attempt on Hitler...
Item #594795
November 09, 1939
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, November 9, 1939
* Adolph Hitler assassination attempt (1st report)
* Pre Operation Valkyrie
* Bürgerbräukeller
This 24 page newspaper has a four column headline on the front page: "BERLIN BLAMES BRITAIN FOR ATTEMPT AGAINST LIFE OF REICHSFUEHRER HITLER" with subheads.
Other news, sports and advertise... See More
FDR's "Arsenal of Democracy" speech...
Item #594736
December 30, 1940
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, December 30, 1940
* President Franklin D. Roosevelt speech
* "The Arsenal of Democracy"
This 18 page newspaper has a five column headline on the front page: "ROME, BERLIN CONSULT ON ANSWER TO ROOSEVELT'S DEFEAT AXIS TALK; NAZIS SAY HITLER WILL STRIKE BACK". This is first report coverage on the "Arsena... See More
Rudolph Hess parachute mystery in 1941...
Item #594726
May 13, 1941
THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, May 13, 1941
* Rudolph Hess Scotland parachute jump mystery
* Adolph Hitler's right hand man
* World War II
This 20 page newspaper has a five column headline on the front page: "LONDON, WASHINGTON SEE RIFT IN HITLER'S COUNCIL IN HESS FLIGHT; HINT NO. 3 NAZI FEARED A PURGE" with subheads (see photos).
Ot... See More
Rudolph Hess parachute mystery...
Item #592981
May 14, 1941
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 14, 1941
* Rudolph Hess Scotland parachute jump mystery
* Adolph Hitler's right hand man
* World War II - WWII
This 44 page newspaper has five column headline on the front page: "FLIGHT SHOCKS THE GERMAN PEOPLE" with subheads.
Other news, sport and advertisements of the day throughout with more on World War II. Rag edition in great ... See More
Nazi concentration camp revealed in 1945... Hitler's last birthday...
Item #592121
April 21, 1945
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Springfield, Massachusetts, April 21, 1945
* Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp
* Horrors being revealed
* Hitler's last birthday
This 14 page newspaper has a two column heading on the front page: "Bestial Cruelty of Germans Shown at Concentration Camp". See photos for coverage on the horrors that happened in the Belsen concentration ... See More
Hitler & Eva Braun had children?...
Item #592061
June 12, 1945
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, June 12, 1945
* Adolph Hitler & Eva Braun's children?
* World War II - WWII
This 16 page newspaper has a very interesting but small report on the front page with one column heading: "Report Allies Hunt 2 Hitler Offspring". This report claims that Hitler & Braun had two young children at the end of the war but history sh... See More
Jewish homeland in Palestine ?...
Item #589370
November 14, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 14, 1945
* British Mandate for Palestine
* Jewish homeland discussed
This 38 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "U.S., BRITAIN SHARE PALESTINE INQUIRY, SHAPE TRUSTEESHIP", "Bevin and Truman Announce Accord--President's Plea for Wider Entry Rejected" and more. Complete text on Truman and Bevin's sta... See More
Jewish holocaust... seizure of businesses....
Item #589086
November 27, 1938
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 27, 1938
* The Jewish Holocaust in progress
* Eviction of Jews from area villages
* Jewish wealth studied
This 100+ page Sunday newspaper has two column headlines on page 5 of section 4 (inside): "NAZIS IN FINAL PHASE OF THEIR WAR ON JEWS", "Program of Ruthless Expropriation Before Expulsion From Germany Is Being Swiftly Carried Out". See p... See More
Adolph Hitler purge...
Item #588743
August 05, 1944
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Michigan, August 5, 1944
* Adolph Hitler's purge in Germany
* Post Operation Valkyrie
This 16 page newspaper has a nice banner headline on the front page:
See photos for coverage on Adolph Hitler's order to arrest several Nazi leaders that were involved in Operation Valkyrie.
Other news, sports, and advertisements o... See More
Jefferson memorial dedicated in 1943...
Item #587900
April 14, 1943
THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 14, 1943
* Thomas Jefferson Memorial dedication
* 1st report with photos
This 46 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "ROOSEVELT, HAILING JEFFERSON, LOOKS TO GAIN IN LIBERTY", "Dedicating Memorial Shrine at Capital, He Says Benefit Can Come Out of War" and more. Much more on page 16 with photo... See More
Iron Cutain speech...
Item #586396
March 05, 1946
THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, Kansas, March 5, 1946
* Winston Churchill... Iron Curtain Speech
* Fulton, Missouri (day of)
This 12 page newspaper has a one column headlines on the front page: "Truman and Churchill To Missouri" and "Former Premier Expected to Talk On 'Loan' Today"
This was the day that Winston Churchill would give his famous "Iron Curta... See More
Death of George Patton...
Item #584988
December 23, 1945
THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, Topeka, Kansas, December 23, 1945
* General George S. Patton death
* Post World War II
This 14 page newspaper has one column headings on the front page: "Patton Will Be Buried in Luxembourg" and "Funeral Services For Famed General This Morning"
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Small binding holes along the spine, otherwise go... See More
Joe Louis (Brown Bomber)...
Item #584760
June 24, 1938
THE TOPEKA DAILY CAPITAL, Kansas, June 24, 1938
* Joe Louis (Brown Bomber)... Max Schmeling (German boxer)
* Post fight reporting (famous rematch)
This 16 page newspaper has one column headings on page 10: "Schmeling on Road To Recovery; No Claim for 'Foul'" and "Louis May Defend Title Against Baer In San Francisco."
Other news, sports ... See More
Death of entertainer George M. Cohan...
Item #583425
November 05, 1942
ELMIRA STAR-GAZETTE, New York, November 5, 1942 This 32 page newspaper has a one column headline on the front page: "George Cohan Showman, Dead at 64".
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout including much on World War II with nice front page heading on Rommel's defeat in Africa.
A little margin and central fold wear, otherwise in good condition.... See More
World War II to start in 1939...
Item #583275
August 22, 1939
LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Leominster, Massachusetts, August 22, 1939
* World War II close
* Adolph Hitler defying World
* Poland about to be attacked
This 8 page newspaper has a five column headline on the front page: "FRANCE COUNTERS ON GERMAN, SOVIET PACT" with subheads (see images). Other news of day. Minor margin wear, otherwise good.
wikipedia notes: The Invasion of P... See More
1945 Potsdam Conference...
Item #583250
July 17, 1945
* Potsdam Conference (Germany)
* The Big Three meeting
* Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin, & Winston Churchill
This 10 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "TRUMAN CALLS ADMIRAL LAND" with subhead: "Urgent Summons Cabled From Potsdam, Sees Berlin Ruins".
Other news of the day including sports advertis... See More
Iron Cutain speech...
Item #582769
March 05, 1946
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, March 5, 1946
* Winston Churchill - re. Iron Curtain Speech
* Fulton, Missouri
This 12 page newspaper has a one column heading on page 7: "Fulton Makes Ready For Churchill Visit"
There is other news of the day including period advertising. This issue has minor margin wear, but is otherwise in good condition.
wikipedia notes: Use of the ter... See More
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