Hayes-Wheeler ticket... Wyoming Seminary (SEM) advertisement...
Item #629532
November 06, 1876
THE MORNING REPUBLICAN, Scranton, Pennsylvania, November 6, 1876
* The Hayes-Wheeler ticket
* Wounded vets to not receive promised compensation
* Illustrated Wyoming Seminary advertisement from the Levi Sprague era
This interesting report on the front page regarding wounded soldiers not receiving their promised compensation, multiple reports on the election 1876 throughout, a printin... See More
Much front page baseball reporting in 1892...
Item #628084
August 16, 1892
BURLINGTON DAILY FREE PRESS, Vermont, Aug. 16, 1892 The top of the front page has much reporting on baseball, with column heads: "THE WORLD OF SPORTS" "Two Easy Victories For the Home Team Yesterday" with ten box scores. Also: "Base Ball At Bristol" "A Crowd of 350 People See the Addison County Boys Win".
Eight pages, some damp staining near mar... See More
Corbett - Fitzsimmons heavyweight boxing title fight...
Item #621510
March 17, 1897
DAILY GLOBE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1897
* Bob Fitzsimmons vs. James J. "Jim" Corbett
* Heavyweight boxing championship fight (eve)
* Fight of the century (19th)
Page 3 has one column headings: "THE BIG PRIZE FIGHT" "Ex-Senator Ingalls on Hand to View the Contest" "His Interview With Corbett" and more. (see)
Complete in 4 pages, light br... See More
Columbia University...
Item #621048
November 22, 1894
ONCE A WEEK--An Illustrated Weekly Newspaper, New York, Nov. 22, 1894 Formatted much like Harper's Weekly but much more scarce. Full ftpg. shows: "Dr. Knickerbocker Parkhurst". Doublepg. centerfold shows: "English Sport In China: Paper-Chasing at Shanghai is Locally Much Resented". Also halfpg: "Launching of the American Liner 'St. Louis' " and: &quo... See More
Very early print of Honolulu, Hawaii...
Item #620066
January 15, 1859
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Jan. 15, 1859 The ftpg. has a nice print captioned: "View of Honolulu, Sandwich Islands" which shows Diamond Head (presumably) in the background (see). The balance of the ftpg. is a nice article titled: "View of Honolulu, Sandwich Islands". A very early image on Hawaii.
Among the other prints in this issue are: "The New Appleton Chape... See More
The Lawrence catastrophe... Slavery...
Item #619430
January 16, 1860
THE NEW YORK HERALD, January 16, 1860
* Pemberton Mill disaster
* Lawrence, Massachusetts
* African slave trade
Page 5 has: "The Lawrence Catastrophe" "More Bodies Recovered - Proclamation of the mayor of Lawrence - Tuesday Next to be Observed as a Day of Prayer - Relief for the Sufferers, Etc." Various related subheads as well. This was the collapse of the Pember... See More
Boxing champion John C. Heenan...
Item #617381
July 16, 1860
THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 16, 1860
* American boxer John C. Heenan
* Boxing champion welcome home
The front page has an article headed: "The Return Of Heenan" "The Champion Of The World At Home" "The Bencia Boy On Staten Island" and more.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, a little irregular along the spine, nice condition.... See More
re. the Heenan vs. Sayers boxing title...
Item #617234
May 29, 1860
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom Sayers
* 1st boxing championship dispute
Pages 3 has an article headed: "The Championship" "Settlement of the Heenan and Sayers Affair" Both To Have Belts" with subheads. (see)
Other news of the day. Complete in 12 pages, a little irregular along spine, nice condition.... See More
Game of Cricket...
Item #616938
August 07, 1859
THE NEW YORK HERALD, August 7, 1859
* International cricket match
* Canada vs. United States
* Pre Civil War era
Page 5 has an article headed: "The Great Cricket Match" "The Canada Eleven vs. United States Eleven"
Other news of the day just prior to the Civil War. Complete in 8 pages, nice condition.... See More
Early baseball game report...
Item #616884
September 13, 1870
NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 13, 1870 Page 2 has a report: "Base Ball--Atlantics vs. the Olympics" which provides various details of the baseball game and includes the box score as well (see).
Eight pages, very nice condition.
Player designs a coat-of-arms for "Baseball Clubs of the U.S."...
Item #616668
February 04, 1867
NEW-YORK TIMES, Feb. 4, 1867 On the back page under "General City News" is a unique report about the creation of a coat-of-arms "...for the Base-ball Clubs of the United States..." by A.J. Garvey, a member of the New York Mutual club. The coat-of-arms is described as: "...an alto-relievo in plaster of Paris, 5 feet 6 inches in height, and presents two figures in full... See More
Item #615499
June 09, 1894
THE ILLUSTRATED AMERICAN, New York & Chicago, June 9, 1894 Inside has an article with 5 photos: "The Cost of Yachting"; 2 full page of photos relating to horse racing; photo of the famed artist "Thure De Thurlstrup in His Studio" plus other photos.
Complete in 32 pages, great condition.
Kouts, Indiana boxing championshuip...
Item #615029
April 01, 1889
THE DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, April 1, 1889
* Featherweight boxing championship
* Kouts, Porter County, Indiana
* Ike Weir "The Belfast Spider"
This uncommon title from the deep South has news of the day with many advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "EIGHTY ROUNDS" "An Indecisive Battle for the Feather Weight Championship at Kouts, Ind." B... See More
Lot of seven New York Times with early baseball reports...
Item #614266
NEW YORK TIMES, a lot of seven issues from October, 1870, each containing on inside or back pages a report of a baseball game with box scores. All issues 8 pages, some partially loose at the spine, generally very nice condition.
This item is not eligible for free shipping.
Themed on hunting, sports, fire departments, etc...
Item #613485
June 08, 1867
CALIFORNIA SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, San Francisco, June 8, 1867 The masthead has a sporting them, plus in the masthead is: "A Weekly Chronicle Devoted to the Turf, Field Sports, Regattas, Hunting, Angling, Cricket...Fire Department & General News of California." The content is just that.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, great condition.
Morgan's raid into Kentucky...
Item #613202
June 11, 1864
* John Hunt Morgan in Kentucky
* Bowling Green Kentucky burning
* General David Hunter's raid
Among the first column heads on the Civil War are: "Morgan's Kentucky Raid" "His Force Said to be 3000 Strong" "Our Forces In Hot Pursuit" "Rebels Overtaken & Defeated" "Hunter's Complete Victor... See More
More victories in Virginia...
Item #613200
May 25, 1864
PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, May 25, 1864 Among the first column heads on the Civil War are: "Great's "Great Flank Movement" "Richmond in Great Danger" "Hancock South of Bowling Green" "Frightful Slaughter" "More Victories in Virginia" & more.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, generally good.
Baseball games and drugs that intoxicate...
Item #612865
October 22, 1876
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Oct. 22, 1876 Page 2 has a nice report of a baseball game (see for portions). Also inside: "Drugs That Intoxicate" "Fashionable Stimulants & Their Insinuating Effects" "The Padre's Poker Game" "Women In India" "Doomed" "The Arctic Fleet Surrounded by Icebergs" and much more.
Complete in... See More
Nine newspapers with early baseball reports...
Item #612419
June 17, 1871
THE PRESS, Philadelphia, 1871-1872 A lot of nine issues, each containing reports of early baseball games, 3 are on the front page, 6 on inside pages. Each issue is complete in 8 pages & is in "2nd rate" condition with margin/fold tears, perhaps some tape mends, etc. These are not "damaged" issues.
Baseball games reported... Lincoln's log cabin...
Item #611720
July 21, 1865
NEW-YORK TIMES, July 21, 1865 Pg. 3 has: "Outdoor Sports" "Base Ball" which include a summary and box score of a game between the Empire and Mutual clubs with mention there was: "...a goodly number of ladies being present." The back page has a summary and box score of a game between the Lowell team and the Atlantics. Mentions that the Lowell team "...had the hono... See More
Very early boxing...
Item #611422
July 30, 1811
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, July 30, 1811
* Tom "The Moor" Molineaux
* African-American bare-knuckle boxer
Page 3 has a one paragraph report about a boxing match near London between Molineux, the famous black man from New York, and a young Englishman named Rimmer. The report states in part: "...In the course of 15 minutes the black pounded his antagonist most tremendo... See More
Very detailed account of a train robbery...
Item #611272
July 10, 1875
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, July 10, 1875
* Outlaws attempt to rob train
* Ad - P. T. Barnum's "Great Roman Hippodrome" circus
The back page has 1 2/3 of a column taken up with great & detailed content concerning the train robbery at Long Point, Illinois, with heads at the top of the column: "PULL OUT!" "An Express Train on the Vandalia Road Bo... See More
Tallahatchie County, Mississippi Negroes...
Item #608299
September 14, 1875
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, September 14, 1875
* Tallahatchie County, Mississippi
* Charleston MS political race war
* Philadelphia International Cricket Tournament 1875
This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. The front page has an article headed: "SCIENCE AND MUSCLE" "Opening Day of the International Cricket Tourney&q... See More
Epsom Derby... Kingcraft...
Item #607906
June 02, 1870
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 2, 1870
* Epsom Derby horse race
* Kingcraft wins in upset fashion
The front page has an article headed: "DERBY DAY" "All London on the Downs to Witness the Great Sport" "Three Hundred Thousand People all in Present" "Kingcraft the Easy Winner by Four Lengths" and more. (see) Text takes up 1 1/2 columns with results.
Other n... See More
1858 boxing...
Item #606765
October 20, 1858
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1858
* John Heenan "Benicia Boy"
* Pre Civil War boxing w/ police raid
* Jews Hospital - Mount Sinai
The front page has an article headed: "Fight Between the 'Bencia Boy' and 'Dublin Tricks'--The Latter Badly Beaten" See image for text here.
Eight pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.... See More
Early boxing...
Item #606473
August 04, 1857
NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, August 4, 1857
* Pre-Civil War boxing - prize fight
* Dominick Bradley vs. S.S. Rankin
* Buffalo, New York
Page 5 has an article headed: "The Great Prize-Fight Between Bradley and Rankins". See images for text.
Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, otherwise nice.
The new ironclad naval fleet...
Item #605566
December 22, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 22, 1863 Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Our Iron-Clad Fleet" "Rebel Reports from Charleston" "Rumored Disaster to the New Ironsides and Two Monitors" "The New Ironsides Entangled in a Net" "Important If True" and more. Also a report of the boxing match between between Heenan & King.
Eight p... See More
Prize fighter killed...
Item #605316
March 02, 1883
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 2, 1883
* Boxing - boxer
* James Elliott murder
* Jerry Dunn
The front page has one column headings: "A PRIZE-FIGHTER KILLED" "James Elliott Murdered By Jerry Dunn" and more. See images for text. Nice to have in this venerable newspaper title.
Other news of the day throughout. Complete in 8 pages, light browning, a little margin wear, other go... See More
Baseball in Detroit...
Item #604841
May 30, 1883
THE EVENING NEWS, Detroit, May 30, 1883 The back page has over one-third of a column taken up with baseball reports, including heads: "Starting Out Well" "The Detroits Win This Morning's Game in New York" (see).
Four pages, bit irregular4 at the spine, some tears in the front leaf, otherwise good.
Nonpareil Dempsey...
Item #604789
March 15, 1886
THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, Detroit, Michigan, March 15, 1886
* Nonpareil Dempsey (Jack Dempsey)
* Early boxing match - pugilists
The front page has one column headings: "Dempsey Downs La Blanche" "A Fight to a Finish by the Middle-Weight Champions" "Thirteen Desperately Contested Rounds" and more.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 page... See More
Nonpareil Dempsy...
Item #603616
March 15, 1886
THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, West Virginia, March 15, 1886
* Nonpareil Dempsey (Jack Dempsey)
* Early boxing match - pugilists
* Railroad train robbery
The front page has a small one column heading: "Witness a Hard Fought Battle Between Dempsey and Lablanche"
Also on the front page is: "Daring Express Robbery" "And Murder on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R... See More
John L. Sullivan vs. Paddy Ryan...
Item #603560
November 15, 1886
THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, Wheeling, West Virginia, November 15, 1886
* John L. Sullivan
* Paddy Ryan
* Boxing
The front page has one column headings: "Ryan Knocked Out" "By the Burly Boston Boy in Three Rattling Rounds". See images for text.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, large sized paper measuring 25 x 19 1/2 inches, a little irregul... See More
Bare knuckle boxing....
Item #603529
November 23, 1886
THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, West Virginia, November 23, 1886
* Dominick McCaffrey vs. James "Sparrow" Golden
* Bare knuckle boxing - fight
The front page has one column headings: "FIERCE FIGHTING" "Between Noted Pugilists" and more.
Other news and advertisements of the day. Complete in 4 pages, large sized paper measuring 25 x 19 1/2 inches, a little irregula... See More
Actor Edwin Booth... Montreal, Canada...
Item #603236
May 30, 1857
BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Massachusetts, May 30, 1857
* Actor Edwin Booth
* Sumo Wrestling
* Montreal, Canada
This title was formatted much like the more popular "Harper's Weekly" being tabloid-size with several pages of prints. This title actually precedes Harper's, which did not begin publication until 1857. Within this issue are prints
... See More
* Actor Edwin Booth
* Sumo Wrestling
* Montreal, Canada
This title was formatted much like the more popular "Harper's Weekly" being tabloid-size with several pages of prints. This title actually precedes Harper's, which did not begin publication until 1857. Within this issue are prints
John C. Heenan death...
Item #602383
October 27, 1873
EVANSVILLE DAILY JOURNAL, Evansville, Indiana, October 27, 1873
* John C. Heenan death
* Bare Knuckle boxing
This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.
The front page has one column headings: "Utah" "Death of John C. Heenan, the Prize Fighter". See image for text.
Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, nice condition.... See More
Steamer Garland & Yacht Mamie disaster...
Item #600647
July 24, 1880
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, July 24, 1880
* Steamer Garland & Yacht Mamie
* Detroit River collision disaster
This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.
The front page has small one column headings: "ANOTHER" "This Time A Lake Collision With Frightful Results" "the Excursion Steamer Garland Cuts ... See More
19th century boxing match...
Item #600383
July 03, 1878
THE CLEVELAND LEADER, Cleveland, Ohio, July 3, 1878
* 19th century boxing
* John King vs. John Reilly
This uncommon 8 page issue has news of the with several interesting advertisements throughout.
Page 3 has small one column headings: "Humanity Outraged" "A Brutal Contest in New York Between Two P.R. Roughs--Shocking Scenes". See images for text.
Complete, minor margin... See More
Jem Mace vs. Joe Coburn... boxing...
Item #599794
December 01, 1871
THE NEW YORK HERALD, December 1, 1871
* Jem Mace vs. Joe Coburn
* Middleweight boxing championship
* Bare-knuckle fighting
Page 3 has one column headings: "THE PRIZE RING" "Result of the Mill Between Mace and Coburn" "Fighting In The Rain" "Mace Breaks His Hand Early in the Struggle" "Sketches Of The Men" and more. (see) Lengthy text takes ... See More
Rare rare Civil War-era newspaper lasted just 15 issues...
Item #598387
April 22, 1864
THE NEW ERA, Baltimore, Maryland, April 22, 1864 A very uncommon title which lasted for only 15 issues, this being issue #5. Over half of the issue is taken up with ads, with some news items: "Gallantry Done" "Incidents In Dixie" "The Yacht" "Drops In The Bucket" "North & West End" "Adams Express" and other items.
Four pages, n... See More
KKK gang arrest... Baseball... train robbery...
Item #598355
August 15, 1871
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 15, 1871
* Ku Klux Klan - KKK
* Missouri train robbery
Page 5 has: "The KuKlux" "Arrest of a Gang with their Disguises in North Carolina..."
Also: "An Express Robbery" "How it Was Done..."
Page 3 has: "Base-Ball--Athletic vs. Atlantic'
This issue contains other news of the day. It is complete in 8 pages, an... See More
Heenan vs. King Boxing Match, 1863...
Item #598325
December 22, 1863
NEW YORK HERALD, December 22, 1863
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom King
* Boxing collectible
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "THE GREAT PRIZE FIGHT", "Reports from Heenan and King to the 7th Instant", with subheads that include: "THE PRIZE RING" and more. Provides considerable pre-fight news on the famous John C. Heenan and To
... See More
* John C. Heenan vs. Tom King
* Boxing collectible
This 8 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page: "THE GREAT PRIZE FIGHT", "Reports from Heenan and King to the 7th Instant", with subheads that include: "THE PRIZE RING" and more. Provides considerable pre-fight news on the famous John C. Heenan and To
Baseball President... May Day in the Country...
Item #597852
May 16, 1868
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, May 16, 1868 The front page contains a quarter-page illustration of "George Sands, President of the National Base-Ball Association" with an article headed "The Base-Ball President". Also on the front cover is a half-page illustration entitled " 'See-Saw'--An Illustration for the Juveniles" which shows children see-sawing on... See More
Nice baseball issue, with illustrations...
Item #597836
July 28, 1892
HELENA WEEKLY INDEPENDENT, Helena, Montana, July 28, 1892
* 18th century baseball
Page 11 has an uncommonly lengthy article on baseball with one column heads: "GREAT AMERICAN GAME" "Capt. Nash, of the Bostons, Gives Some Valuable Points to Beginners" "One of the Beset Third Basemen Who Ever Lined Them Into First" 'How the Young Player Should Study His ... See More
Very early baseball report?
Item #596515
March 14, 1857
PORTER'S SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, March 14, 1857 Various literary content but there is also sporting reports near the back, including: "Trotting at Fairs" "Fistiana" which is boxing; "Our Chess Department" "Out-Door Sports" including cricket and a "ball match". I believe the latter to be baseball, and reports: "A great match at... See More
Tennis... British Columbia...
Item #595909
May 25, 1889
THE GRAPHIC, London, May 25, 1889 Inside has a nice half page print: "Opening of the New Prince's Club, Knightsbridge..." shows tennis being played (see). A full page has 5 prints of: "How We Spend Sunday on a Plantation in Java.", and a fullpg. of 5 scenes of: "Hunting White-Tail Deer in the Kootenay Valley, British Columbia" and "Hydroulicing at the T... See More
Gerrymandering in South Carolina...
Item #595801
July 11, 1882
BOSTON DAILY ADVERTISER, July 11, 1882 The top of the front page has a map headed: "South Carolina Gerrymandering" with a related article (see). The back page has "Base Ball" reports (see).
Eight pages, a few archival mends at margins, some margin tears & minor chipping, generally good.
Pedlar Palmer... boxing...
Item #595640
October 19, 1897
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Fitchburg, Massachusetts, October 19, 1897
* Pedlar Palmer
* Boxing
Page 5 has one column headings: "CHAMPION PALMER", "English Pugilist Adds Another to His List of Victories", "Had Boston For Opponent", "Defeated Boxer Wept When Decision Was Made Known" with illustration of Palmer. 1st report coverage on t... See More
Controversy in this boxing match...
Item #593682
June 12, 1899
* Bob Fitzsimmons
* James Jeffries
The top of the front page has: "AFTER THE BIG FIGHT" "Letter From the Defeated champion Pugilist" "Warns His Friends Not To Bet" "He Had But Little Confidence in Winning the Battle with Jeffries--He Denies Ever Writing the Letter & Declares it a Forgery..."... See More
Famous post Civil War 1865 baseball game
Item #592756
October 31, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, October 31, 1865
* Brooklyn Atlantics
* Philadelphia Athletics
* Famous post civil war Baseball game
On page 5 under "The National Game" is a report: "The Great Match Between the Atlantics And Athletics In Philadelphia--The Atlantics The Victors."
Has a summary of the game which mentions that: "...The Atlantics were skunked once, and the ... See More
John L. Sullivan... boxing...
Item #592404
October 17, 1889
THE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER, Wheeling, West Virginia, October 17, 1889
* John L. Sullivan
* Heavyweight boxing
The front page has one column headlines on the front page: "SULLIVAN IRRITATED", "At the Talk of His Enemies and Wants a Fight", "And He Wants It Right Soon", "He is Ready to Accommodate Anybody on Earth....". See phot... See More
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