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Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine are a success...
Item #710752
January 10, 1956
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., Jan. 10, 1956
* Jonas Salk & the polio vaccine success
* State of Massachusetts finally approves
This issue has coverage on one of the more significant medical breakthroughs of the 20th century, the success of the polio vaccine. The front page has a two column heading: "Salk Vaccine Inoculations OK'd In Bay State After Long Delay" with lead-in: &... See More
1st ever New York Yankees World Series game...
Item #710750
October 11, 1921
THE BETHLEHEM TIMES, Penn. October 11, 1921
* New York Yankees 1st ever World Series
* Babe Ruth's second year w/ Yanks vs. Giants
* Photo showing Ruth & his 1st ever WS home run
The front page has a nice banner headline: "GIANTS CAPTURE SIXTH GAME OF SERIES TODAY" with subheads, box scores and inning by inning description which continues inside. (see images) Page 9 has a... See More
1916 Victor Victrola advertisement...
Item #710748
December 18, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Dec. 18, 1916
* Victor Victrola talking machine ad
* Record - phonograph "His Master's Voice"
* Nipper the Dog & different models w/ prices
Page 3 has a very nice full page advertisement for a Victor Talking Machine. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are n... See More
Battle of the Bulge beginning...
Item #710746
December 22, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 22, 1944
* Battle of the Bulge beginning
* World War II - Belgium
* German offensive campaign
The front page has a nice banner headline: "AMERICANS DRIVE 9 MILES INTO GERMAN FLANK, BUT ENEMY SPEARHEADS CUT TWO VITAL ROADS" with subheads and map. (see images) Nice for display. Coverage near the beginning of the famous Battle of the Bulge. Nice to have ... See More
1951 Frank Costello - NYC mob boss...
Item #710744
March 17, 1951
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 17, 1951
* Frank Costello - NYC gangster - mob boss
* United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce
* Rosenbergs atomic bomb spy case
The top of the front page has a four column headline: "SENATORS TRY TO DIE DEWEY TO GAMING; COSTELLO BALKS CRIME INQUIRY AGAIN; O'DWYER FRIEND CHALLENGED ON STORY" with subheads an... See More
1956 Redondo Junction train sccident...
Item #710743
January 23, 1956
FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass. Jan. 23, 1956
* Redondo Junction train accident
* Santa Fe Railroad in Los Angeles
* Surf Line railway crash - disaster
The front page has a banner headline: "2 Killed, 90 Hurt In Train Mishap" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Related photo on page 7.
Complete with 16 pages, light toning at the margins, minor spine wear, nice condition.... See More
Operation Torch... French North Africa...
Item #710742
November 10, 1942
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 10, 1942
* Operation Torch
* French North Africa
* Capture of Algiers, Algeria
The front page has a nice banner headline: "OUR TROOPS SWEEP PAST ORAN, MOVE ON TUNISIA; FIGHT AT CASABLANCA; BRITISH LAND AT ALGIERS; GIRAUD IN COMMAND OF FRENCH AIDING ALLIES" with subheads and related map. (see images) Nice for display. Coverage on Operation Torch... See More
John Dean implicates Richard Nixon in 1973...
Item #710741
June 26, 1973
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 26, 1973
* United States Senate Watergate Scandal Committee
* First day of testimony - White House Counsel John Dean
* 1st person to implicate President Richard Nixon
The front page has a nice banner headline: "DEAN TELLS INQUIRY THAT NIXON TOOK PART IN WATERGATE COVER-UP FOR EIGHT MONTHS; HE ALSO NAMES HALDEMAN AND EHRICHMAN" with subheads and 2 related ... See More
Saud of Saudi Arabia visits White House...
Item #710739
February 09, 1957
THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Feb. 9, 1957
* King Saud of Saudi Arabia
* President Dwight Eisenhower
* Foreign relations at White House
The top of the front page has a two column photo with heading: "President, Saud End Talks with Base, Arms Agreed on" and subhead. (see images)
Complete with 34 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, generally nice. ... See More
Ara Parseghian retires from coaching... ND...
Item #710737
December 16, 1974
CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, Dec. 16, 1974
* Coach Ara Parseghian retires
* Notre Dame Fighting Irish
* NCAA College Football
The top of the front page has a headline that reads: "Ara quits Irish" with small photo of Parseghian.
The back page has a similar heading that reads: "Ara resigns as Notre Dame coach" (see images) He is noted for bringing Notre Dame football back ... See More
The Osage Nation of Oklahoma have the richest per-capita in the world!
Item #710736
June 25, 1921
NEW YORK TIMES, June 25, 1921
* The Osage Nation, Oklahoma
* Richest per-capita in the world
* Black Gold - aka, OIL!
Page three has the one column heading: "OSAGE ARE RICHEST PEOPLE", with the subhead: "Greatest Per Capita Wealth in World Results From Oil Deal.", followed by details taking 2 small paragraphs.
Note: If you think this was good for the Osage Nation, re... See More
1937 Battle of Beiping-Tianjin...
Item #710730
July 29, 1937
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 29, 1937
* Battle of Beiping-Tianjin - Peiping - Beijing - Peiking
* North China Incident - Second Sino-Japanese War
The top of the front page has a three column headline: "CHINESE ATTACK AT TIENTSIN; FOREIGNERS SEEKING SAFETY; PEIPING DEFENSES BOMBED" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 42 pages, rag edition, very minor spine wear, nice condition.
... See More
5 Missionaries feared slaughtered by Auca Indians in Ecuador...
Item #710673
January 12, 1956
* 5 American missionaries kidnapped & killed
* Nate Saint & Jim Elliot murdered with 3 others
* Operation Auca - Waorani people - Ecuador
* Evangelical Christian missionaries
Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Fellow Missionary Here Prays for Safety of Five" (see images) This group of missionari... See More
Steamboat Bill, Jr... Buster Keaton...
Item #710672
May 13, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 9 only, May 13, 1928
* "Steamboat Bill, Jr." second day ad
* Actor Buster Keaton - silent film - movie
Page 4 of this section has a second day opening advertisement for the silent film "Steamboat Bill, Jr." starring Buster Keaton. This opening day ad measures 7 x 6 1/2 inches.
Complete section 9 only with all 20 pages, light toning at the mar... See More
Al "Sacrface" Capone in jail, reported in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #710649
October 25, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone guilty of tax evasion
* End of his criminal career - prison sentence
* Enters local jail awaiting transfer to prison
* Best publication to be had - very rare as such
The bold, banner headline is what police forces from the gangster era were waiting to see: "CAPONE IN JAIL; PRISON NEXT". Subheads include: ... See More
Christopher Street (NYC), center of World's gay rights movement...
Item #710648
August 25, 1981
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Aug. 26-Sept. 1, 1981
* Christopher Street - West Village in Manhattan
* World's center of gay rights - pride movement
* Notable for the Stonewall Inn location - LGBT
The front page has a photo with heading: "BRANDON JUDELL ON CHRISTOPHER STREET" (see images and notice the small red library stamp) Page 13 has a he... See More
American premiere ad for "Pink Floyd - The Wall"...
Item #710647
August 10, 1982
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York (weekly), Aug. 10, 1982
* Best "Pink Floyd - The Wall" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere
* Live-action/animated musical drama film
Page 44 has a full page advertisement for: "Pink Floyd - The Wall" for it's American premiere at the Ziegfeld Theater in Manhattan.
This ad is for that very first showing of ... See More
Death of guitar great Stevie Ray Vaughan...
Item #710644
August 28, 1990
LOS ANGELES TIMES, August 28, 1990
* Stevie Ray Vaughan death (1st report)
* Guitarist - singer - musician - songwriter
The bottom of the ftpg. has a report headed: "Stevie Ray Vaughan, Guitar Great, Dies in Copter Crash" with subhead: "The Grammy-winning performer had just completed a Wisconsin concert. Four others are killed." The article carries over to page 13 and in... See More
1966 Andy Warhol movie reviews...
Item #710642
November 24, 1966
THE VILLAGE VOICE, Greenwich Village, New York City, Nov. 24, 1966
* Andy Warhol movie reviews
* Experimental underground film
* First major commercial success
Page 29 has four movie reviews for Andy Warhol's first major film success, "The Chelsea Girls" This takes up the entire page here.
I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because
... See More
I suspect this to be an extremely rare item because
1930 Chicago gangland war in full swing...
Item #710641
July 02, 1931
* Jack Zuta assassination attempt
* Chicago gangland wars
* Al 'Scarface' Capone era
* Prohibition & great depression
* Best title to be had - rare as such
The front page has a six column heading concerning the gangland wars in Chicago that reads: "Gang Guns Blaze at Zuta in Loop; 1 Dead" with subheads. (see images) A few related... See More
Nazis make their presence known... Night of the Long Knives in 1934...
Item #710638
July 02, 1934
THE DETROIT NEWS, July 2, 1934
* Night of the Long Knives
* Adolph Hitler cleans house
* Rebellion in Pre WWII Germany
The front page has a seven column heading: "Cannon Fire Near Munich Is Reported" with subheads. (see images)
Complete in 30 pages, rag edition, a little spine wear, nice condition.... See More
1984 Bhopal gas disaster.. India...
Item #710637
December 04, 1984
SUN TIMES, Chicago, Dec. 4, 1984
* Bhopal gas disaster - tragedy
* Union Carbide India Unlimited (UCIL)
* World's worst industrial disaster
* Chemical gas methyl isocyanate
Page 3 has a report headed: "Gas leak kills 410 in India" with small related map. (see images)
Complete with all 96 pages, tabloid size, nice condition.... See More
Opening week of "The Shining", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #710636
May 27, 1980
* Best "The Shining" advertisement
* Grand Opening week premiere
* Jack Nicholson psychological horror
A issue on the opening week (Tuesday) of the motion picture hit "The Shining" and perhaps no better newspaper could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's prime pu... See More
Premiere of "Pink Floyd - The Wall", in a Los Angeles newspaper...
Item #710439
September 17, 1982
LOS ANGELES TIMES, September 17, 1982
* Best "Pink Floyd - The Wall" advertisement
* Grand Opening Day movie premiere
* Live-action/animated musical drama film
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture cult classic hit "Pink Floyd - The Wall" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment indus... See More
1973 Led Zeppelin's "Houses of the Holy" album release...
Item #710438
April 12, 1973
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, April 12, 1973
* Led Zeppelin album release advertisement
* English rock band - "Houses of the Holy"
* Robert Plant - Jimmy Page - John Bonham
Page 53 has a full page advertisement for a music store in Manhattan focusing on the release of "Houses of the Holy" music album. (see images)
Other full page advertiseme... See More
1974 post Stonewall riots gay pride parade photos...
Item #710437
July 04, 1974
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, July 4, 1974
* Post Stonewall riots - rebellion
* Gay pride week parade photos
* LGBT legal rights demonstration
The front page has 3 related photos of the recent gay pride week parade in Manhattan with brief text. (see images) Probably only found in this counterculture publication.
I suspect this to be an extremely rare ... See More
1966 Julius sip-in... serving homosexuals...
Item #710436
May 05, 1966
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, May 5, 1966
* Julius sip-in - Mattachine Society fight
* Serving homosexuals at bars - restaurants
* Dick Leitsch and Craig Rodwell w/ photo
The top of page 15 has a heading: "Three Homosexuals In Search of a Drink" with lead-in: "Civil Liberties" and photo of the three men involved. (see images) Great to have in ... See More
Postdam Conference (Germany)...
Item #710347
July 18, 1945
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 18, 1945
* Potsdam Conference (Germany)
* World war II era original
* Harry Truman - Joseph Stalin
The front page has a five column headline: "TRUMAN IS SELECTED TO PRESIDE AS BIG THREE CONFERENCE OPENS; FLEET STILL HAMMERS AT HONSHU" with subheads and related photo. Much more inside.
forty-two pages, light toning and a little wea... See More
Mary Vincent's 1978 violent attack told...
Item #710346
November 01, 1978
SAN JOSE MERCURY, California, Nov. 1, 1978
* Artist Mary Vincent's violent attack
* Arms mutilation with hatchet - ax
* Lawrence Singleton indictment
The top of page 22 has a five column heading: "Girl tells of rapes, ax mutilation" with photos of the victim and suspect. (see images) This crime was committed about a month earlier.
Complete 1st section only with all 28 pages,... See More
Cherbourg, France captured...
Item #710343
June 24, 1944
THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 24, 1944
* Capturing Cherbourg, France
* Post D-Day - Normandy landings
* World War II - WWII
The front page has a banner headline: "ATTACK ON CHERBOURG GAINS; EARLY FALL SEEN" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with all 26 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More
On the 1929 stock market crash, in the New York Times...
Item #710341
November 03, 1929
THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, November 3, 1929
* The great stock market crash of 1929
* The great depression beginning
* Best title to have in (NYC)
The stock market crash of 1929 did much to define America for the next decade, resulting in the Great Depression and all the trauma relating to it. It seemed common for many newspapers to put a positive spin on the on-... See More
Chiang Kai-shek heads for exile in 1949...
Item #710340
January 22, 1949
THE TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL, Kansas, Jan. 22, 1949
* Fall of Peiping - modern day Beijing
* Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
* Flees Nanking for Fenghua, Ningbo
* Republic of China (ROC) leader
* The Chinese Revolution of 1949
The front page has a nice banner headline: "Peace-Minded China Gives Up Peiping" with subheads and related photo. (see images)
Complete with 20 pages, a few s... See More
Jinan incident... Japanese Army... China...
Item #710339
May 05, 1928
* Jinan incident begins - Republic of China
* National Revolutionary vs. Japanese Army
* Kuomintang government - Chiang Kai-shek
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "3,000 BESIEGED JAPANESE FIGHT HORDE OF CHINESE FOR 2 DAYS IN TSINAN-FU" with subheads. (see images)
Complete with 36 pages, rag edition, a few small binding slits and... See More
Patton's Third Army battles along the Rhine......
Item #710337
March 27, 1945
* 1st & 7th United States Army
* Generals Patch and George S. Patton
* Rhine river - Rhineland crossing
* Limburg & Frankfurt, Germany
The front page has a nice banner headline for display: "7 ARMIES OVER RHINE; Patch Crosses River; 1st Races On 35 Miles" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display. Related map on page 2. A few rela... See More
1963 Moab, Utah mine explosion disaster...
Item #710334
August 28, 1963
* Moab, Grand County, Utah mining explosion disaster
* Texas Gulf Sulphur's Cane Creek" Potash Mine
The front page has a banner headline: "MINE BLAST TRAPS 16" with subheads. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete with 36 pages, library stamp within the masthead, some small binding holes along the spine, generally nice.... See More
1916 lynching of Paulo Boleta...
Item #710330
December 14, 1916
EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Dec. 14, 1916
* Lynching of Paulo Boleta
* Greenwich Village - NYC
* Italian immigrant beaten to death
* Early, same day reporting
The front page has a seven column headline in red lettering: "LYNCH LAW IN NEW YORK" with subhead. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find iss... See More
Last 4 Doolittle raiders rescued in 1945 China...
Item #710328
August 22, 1945
NEW YORK POST, Aug. 22, 1945
* Jimmy Doolittle raiders
* Last 4 rescued in China
* Japanese prison camp
The front page has a nice headline for display in bold lettering: "CHUTISTS FREE 4 DOOLITTLE FLIERS" with first report coverage on page 3. (see images)
Complete with 36 pages, tabloid size, a little spine wear, generally nice.... See More
After John Dillinger's infamous jail escape...
Item #710325
March 10, 1934
* Gangster John Dillinger
* Post famous wooden gun escape
* Hunted in the Midwest
The front page has a one column heading: "NEW DILLINGER HUNT ON; SHOTS HALT POLICE CAR" with subhead. Related photo on page 4. (see images) This was probably one of the most famous escapes from a high security jail in United States history.
When it comes ... See More
1990 Temple Mount killings... Jerusalem...
Item #710324
October 09, 1990
* 1990 Temple Mount killings - murders
* "Black Monday" in Jerusalem - Israel
* Jews - Jewish - Judaica - Palestinians
The front page has a two column heading: "Israelis Slay 19 Arabs in Clash in Jerusalem" with subhead and related photo. (see images) First report coverage continue on page 7 with related map.
Complete with all major s... See More
Marshall Applewhite in 1975... Heaven's Gate...
Item #710321
October 20, 1975
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Oct. 20, 1975
* Early Marshall Applewhite & Bonnie Nettles
* Heaven's Gate - new religious movement - cult
* Two witnesses of Revelation ? UFO religion
* Waldport, Oregon citizens go missing - mystery
The front page has a heading in orange lettering: "The UFO Cult Mystery: Did 60 Vanish"
Page 9 has a banner headi... See More
1974 "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" ad...
Item #710320
October 31, 1974
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Oct. 31, 1974
* "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" opening
* American horror film - movie - Leatherface
Page 101 has a 5 1/2 x 4 inch advertisement (not including locations underneath) for: "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" for it's premiere opening in New York City. Through research, this film opened in NYC on... See More
Albert Einstein in 1931...
Item #710318
November 19, 1931
THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 19, 1931
* Professor Albert Einstein
* New Unified Field Theory
* Gravitation & electricity
Page 14 has a one column heading: "Einstein Explains His Unified Theory" with subhead. (see images) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do not.
Complete in 48 pages, rag edition in ... See More
2003 House of 1000 Corpses... Angry Management...
Item #710312
April 11, 2003
LOS ANGELES TIMES, April 11, 2003
* Best "Anger Management" film advertisement (double-page)
* Grand Opening Day - movie premiere ad & review
* House of 1000 Corpses opening day as well
* Rob & Sheri Moon Zombie - Sid Haig
A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture blockbuster: "Anger Management". Perhaps no better issue could be found to contain th... See More
1942 Doolittle raid of Japan.... official report...
Item #710308
April 21, 1943
* The famous Doolittle raid of Japan official report
* U.S. Army Air Force B-25B Mitchell bombers
* USS Hornet aircraft carrier
The front page has a nice banner headline: "FULL STORY OF TOKIO RAID!" Nice for display. First report coverage continues on pages 8 & 9 with nice photos. (see) This was the official report on the Jimmy Doolittle ... See More
Invasion of the Philippines... MacArthur returns...
Item #710306
October 19, 1944
* General Douglas MacArthur returns
* Leyte Gulf, Philippines (1st report)
The front page has a four column headline: "MacArthur Calls On Filipino People To Revolt Against Foe" with subheads and photo. (see images)
Complete with 8 pages, light toning at the margins, a little spine wear, generally in good condition.... See More
Jury convicts gangster Al Capone, reported in a Chicago newspaper...
Item #710301
October 18, 1931
* Al 'Scarface' Capone guilty
* Infamous tax evasion conviction
* Best title to be had - very rare
* Inventor Thomas Edison death
The front page has the perfect headline for any collector of gangster-era newspapers, particularly being in a Chicago title: "U.S. JURY CONVICTS CAPONE". The sub-headline: "Gang Monarch Guil... See More
German Ocean Liner SS St. Louis... Jewish refugees...
Jewish refugees are refused in Cuba...
Item #710300
June 05, 1939
ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Missouri, June 5, 1939..
* German Ocean Liner MS St. Louis
* Jewish refugees are refused in Cuba
* "The Voyage of the Damned"
The front page has a one column heading: "JEWISH REFUGEE SHIP HEADS BACK TO EUROPE" with subhead. (see images) Nice to have from the city of the ocean liner's namesake. Very rare as s... See More
1971 Hazelwood massacre... Detroit, Michigan...
Item #710299
June 15, 1971
THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Mass. June 15, 1971
* Hazelwood Street massacre - murders
* Detroit, Michigan home shootings
* 8 African-Americans executions
Page 10 has a heading that reads: "Detroit Police Hunt 4 After 7 'Executions'" (see images)
Complete with 42 pages, tiny binding holes along the spine, nice condition.
wikipedia notes: The Hazelwood massacre was a June 1... See More
1951 Frank Costello - NYC mob boss...
Item #710298
March 20, 1951
THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 20, 1951
* Frank Costello - NYC gangster - mob boss
* Luciano crime family - "The Prime Minister of the Underworld"
* United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce
* Kefauver Hearings
The top of the front page has a five column headline: "D-DWYER SAYS HE SAW COSTELLO BUT ONLY ON AIR FORCE FRAUDS; GAMBLER ADMITS... See More
40th President Ronald Reagan death in L.A. paper...
Item #710294
June 06, 2004
* Ronald Reragan death - "Ronaldus Magnus"
* 40th President of the United States & actor
* Also former governor of California
The front has a banner headline: "Reagan Dies at 93; Popular President Changed the Political Landscape" with subheads and color photo. (see images)
Much more inside, loads of text. Way too much to photo... See More
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