Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States...
Item #692531
November 10, 1860
HARTFORD WEEKLY TIMES, Connecticut, Nov. 10, 1860
* President Abraham Lincoln
* First presidential election win
* Civil War on the horizon
The top of page 2 has a column headed: "The Presidential Contest" "Election Of Lincoln and Hamlin" "The North for Lincoln - The South Mostly For Breckinridge" "Lincoln Comes In With A Congress Against Him!"... See More
Lengthy on Abraham Lincoln and his 'Spot Resolutions" in Congress...
Item #692512
December 22, 1847
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 22, 1847
* Early Abraham Lincoln
* Spot Resolutions in Congress
Page 2 has an uncommonly lengthy report from [Abraham] Lincoln in the House of Representatives. This was his "spot resolution" and speech condemning the reasons for starting the Mexican War. He requests proof from President Polk that American blood wa
... See More
* Early Abraham Lincoln
* Spot Resolutions in Congress
Page 2 has an uncommonly lengthy report from [Abraham] Lincoln in the House of Representatives. This was his "spot resolution" and speech condemning the reasons for starting the Mexican War. He requests proof from President Polk that American blood wa
Lengthy on Lincoln taking center stage on the debate regarding the Mexican War...
Item #692510
January 20, 1848
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., January 20, 1848
* Early Abraham Lincoln
* Speech re. Mexican War
The back page has an uncommonly lengthy report on Lincoln speaking in the House of Representatives questioning President Polk's judgement on entering and prosecuting the Mexican War.
This Lincoln report takes fully 2 1/2 columns. Portions include: "...Mr. LINC
... See More
* Early Abraham Lincoln
* Speech re. Mexican War
The back page has an uncommonly lengthy report on Lincoln speaking in the House of Representatives questioning President Polk's judgement on entering and prosecuting the Mexican War.
This Lincoln report takes fully 2 1/2 columns. Portions include: "...Mr. LINC
Pueblo Indians... Includes the uncommon four page foldout of the America's Cup...
Item #692496
October 14, 1893
HARPER'S WEEKLY October 14, 1893 Full front page print: "Columbian Exposition - The Grand Arch of the Peristyle." Inside includes a half page: "Columbian Exposition - The Johnson Family Visit the Lapland Village"; halfpg: "Two of Philadelphia's Cricket Clubs"; fullpg: "The Centenary of Williams College" which includes a portrait of "Franklin Car... See More
A "call to arms" for Londoners in support of America
Item #692362
September 27, 1775
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Sept. 27, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
The front page has some reports on the actions of Major Rogers in Maryland & Virginia. Also mention of work of the Virginia Provincial Convention. Plus a report of a soldier: "...who\ is on his parole in Gen. Wooster's camp. This person having been observed to follow at a distance, a load of po... See More
An ad for the O.K. Corral... In a Tombstone newspaper...
Item #692358
April 30, 1886
THE DAILY TOMBSTONE, Pima County, Arizona, April 30, '86 (1886)
* Gunfight at the O.K. Corral fame
* Rare advertisement of the famed livery stable
This may well be the consummate "Old West town" much romanticized in movies and television shows, perhaps most famous for the gunfight at the OK Corral involving Wyatt Earp and the Clanton gang. I would almost suggest that this titl... See More
Tombstone Epitaph shortly after the gunfight at the OK Corral...
Item #691509
December 04, 1881
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, Dec. 4, 1881
* Best Old West title to be had
* Post Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in po... See More
Nice headlines on Lincoln's first election...
Item #691442
November 08, 1860
THE LITCHFIELD ENQUIRER, Connecticut, Nov. 8, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln elected president
* America about to change
Page 2 begins with one of the nicest stack of column heads on Lincoln's first election we have seen. They included: "VICTORY ! VICTORY !! " "Great Republican Victory!" " 'Old Abe' the Next President!!" "Secession And Fusion Simmered... See More
Lincoln's second inauguration...
Item #691247
March 06, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, March 6, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln 2nd inauguration
* Closing weeks of the Civil War
* Assassination nears
Page 4 headlines at the top of last column about the second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln include: "INAUGURATION" "Our Report of the Second Installation of Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States" "Scenes at the White House in the Str... See More
Beginning of the Australian Gold Rush: New South Wales would be changed forever...
Item #691164
September 19, 1851
THE TIMES, London, Sept. 19, 1851
* First Australian gold rush
* Colony of New South Wales
Page 4 has over two columns taken up with an excellent article concerning the New South Wales Gold Rush in Australia.
The gold rush began a bit earlier in 1851. This period in the history of New South Wales resulted in a rapid growth in the population and significant boost to the economy of the... See More
Sherman's Christmas present to President Lincoln and the nation...
Item #691157
December 26, 1864
NEW YORK HERALD, Dec. 26, 1864
* Christmas present to Abraham Lincoln
* General William T. Sherman
* March to the sea completed
* Savannah GA Georgia captured
An historic issue reporting the fall of Savannah to the Union forces, with one of the more notable quotes part of the headlines.
The front page has: "SHERMAN" "His Christmas Gift to the Nation" "Capt... See More
Famous letter from Lincoln to Greeley...
Item #691078
August 25, 1862
* Famous Abraham Lincoln letter
* "A Prayer of Twenty Millions" reply
* Liberal Republican Horace Greeley
The front page contains one of the more famous letters from Abraham Lincoln, being his reply to Horace Greeley's editorial of August 20, "A Prayer of Twenty Millions", which urged emancipation. Lincoln replies in h... See More
Rare issue of the Oxford Gazette... Death toll from the Great Plague...
Item #690901
December 21, 1665
THE OXFORD GAZETTE, England, Dec. 21, 1665
* Earliest & Rarest of newspapers to be had
* The black plague deaths
This is an extremely famous--and rare--title, being the predecessor of the famous "London Gazette", the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world. This is the #11 issue.
Because of the Plague at this time, the Royal Court had remove... See More
From Houston during the Civil War...
Item #690808
April 10, 1865
* Very rare issue from the Southwest Confederacy
* Last days of the American Civil War
Newspapers from Texas are very uncommon, particularly from before or during the Civil War period.
Here is an issue from two days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, containing three dispatches about the Union assault ... See More
Chief Justice Taney on the Dred Scot Decision...
Item #690761
March 09, 1857
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 9, 1857
* Historic Dred Scott Decision
* Famous former slave case
Page 5 has nearly 2 1/2 columns taken up with a report on the historic Dred Scott Decision, a landmark decision of the Supreme Court in which the Court held that the Constitution was not meant to include American citizenship for black people, regardless of whether they were enslaved or free,... See More
First report: Lincoln's assassination...
Item #690672
April 20, 1865
THE JOURNAL & COURIER, Little Falls, New York, April 20, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination (1st report)
* Ford's Theater - John Wilkes Booth
Being a weekly newspaper this issue has the first report of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. All columns on all pages have wide, black mourning rules.
The front page has: "The Great Calamity" which is an essay on Lincol... See More
One of the more fascinating publishers from the Civil War...
Item #690641
April 23, 1864
* Very rare Civil War publication
* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow
W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to t... See More
The 13th Amendment becomes the law of the land...
Item #690325
December 07, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 7, 1865
* End of Slavery in America
* 13th Amendment becomes law
* Official announcement
The top of page 7 has first column heads announcing the very historic report that the 13th Amendment, which ended slavery in the United States, became the law of the land when the required number of states ratified the amendment on December 6.
The heads include: "THE ... See More
Uriah Levy's death report... 1st Jewish commodore of U.S. Navy...
Item #690319
March 24, 1862
* Uriah P. Levy death (1st report)
* 1st Jewish commodore of U.S. Navy
* American Civil War - Jews
The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 3 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, War of 1812 hero, and credited for abolishing the disciplinary procedure of flogg... See More
Lincoln repeals Hunter's controversial order emancipating slaves...
Item #690313
May 20, 1862
NEW YORK WORLD, May 20, 1862
* General David Hunter order
* Emancipation of slaves
* Abraham Lincoln rebuffs
The front page begins with column heads: "PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION" "Gen. Hunter's Proclamation Void" "The Power of Declaring Slaves Free Belongs to the President" "An Appeal To The Border States" "Gradual Abolition of Slave... See More
First printing of "The Blue and the Gray"...
Item #690307
THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, (Boston), September, 1867 * Francis Miles Finch
* The Blue and the Gray
* 1st printing (nationally)
This literary magazine contains the *first nationally distributed printing of the famous Civil War themed poem by Francis Miles Finch, "The Blue and the Gray." The preface to the poem is a quote from the New York Tribune, providing context: "The wo... See More
Brigham Young's Proclamation of martial law... Much more Mormon reporting...
Item #690286
November 18, 1857
NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 18, 1857
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Governor Brigham Young
* Proclamation of martial law
* Utah War declaration
Page 6 contains one of the more historic documents in Mormon history, with the report headed: "The Mormon War" which has a report from military officers on the situation: "...confirming the destruction of the supply trains...".
This ... See More
Unrecorded issue from Colorado...
Item #690238
August 21, 1880
THE SOUTHWEST, Animas City, Colorado, Aug. 21, 1880
* Very rare old West publication
* La Plata County - Durango
A quite rare title that printed in this town before moving to their new location of Durango in September. Gregory's 'Union List of American Newspapers' does not even have a listing for this title in Animas City. This is the volume 1, number 44 issue.
Various ar... See More
"Black Sox" scandal players are indicted...
Item #690227
September 29, 1920
NEW YORK TIMES, September 29, 1920
* Chicago White "Black" Sox
* World Series Scandal breaks
* Players suspended from team
* Pitcher Eddie Cicotte
* Shoeless Joe Jackson
The front page features one of the more infamous & noteworthy headlines in the world of professional baseball, announcing the indictment of eight players in the 1919 World Series betting scandal.
The... See More
Exceedingly rare 1566 newsbook... Over 450 years old...
Item #690168
August 21, 1566
Only rarely have we had the great pleasure to offer the earliest of "newspapers" to our customers, being the German newsbooks dating from the 1500's.
The title reads: Newe zeitung vom XXI Augusti auss Wien anno 1566" which translates, literally, to "New Newspaper from August 21, from Vienna in the year x66". These "newsbooks", as they were called, were the p... See More
"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...
Item #689770
June 17, 1852
FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, June 17, 1852 We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.
Douglass was perhaps the most famous 19th century African-American abolitionist who escaped from slavery and then ri... See More
One of the earliest 17th century newspapers you will find...
Item #689694
September 10, 1639
GAZETTE, Paris, France, Sept. 10, 1639 (date is in the imprint at the bottom of the back page).
* Earliest of newspapers to be had
This extremely early newspaper is filled with news reports with datelines from throughout Europe, including Rome, Frankfort, Cologne & elsewhere. There are no advertisements.
This was the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 163... See More
Fall of Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy...
Item #689661
April 04, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, April 4, 1865
* Fall of Richmond VA Virginia
* Civil War nearing the end
First column heads on the front page about the fall of Richmond: "GRANT" "Richmond Ours" "Weitzel Entered the Rebel Capital Yesterday Morning" "Many Guns Captured" "Our Troops Received with Enthusiasm" "The City On Fire" "Pe
... See More
* Fall of Richmond VA Virginia
* Civil War nearing the end
First column heads on the front page about the fall of Richmond: "GRANT" "Richmond Ours" "Weitzel Entered the Rebel Capital Yesterday Morning" "Many Guns Captured" "Our Troops Received with Enthusiasm" "The City On Fire" "Pe
Inauguration & inaugural ceremonies of President Buchanan, in a Washington newspaper...
Item #689660
March 05, 1857
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1857
* President James Buchanan
* Inauguration - inaugural address
* Best title to be had (rare as such)
A terrific issue in which to find the inauguration and inaugural address of President James Buchanan.
Almost the entirety of the first two columns on page 3 are taken up with the: "Inaugural Address". If is prefac... See More
America's first war...
Item #689643
August 16, 1675
THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 16, 1675
* King Philip's War - Metacomet
* New England Colonists vs. Indians
* First war in America (historic)
The back page has a report concerning King Philip's War, an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day New England and English colonists.
The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" ... See More
Texas becomes a state: from the nation's capital...
Item #689614
December 30, 1845
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 30, 1845
* Texas statehood
* Joins the Union
* Nation's capital
History tells us that on December 29, 1845, Texas became the 28th state in the United States. Formerly part of Mexico, Texas had been an independent country since 1836.
Page 4, under the heading "Texas", is half a column reporting on the discussions on the ad... See More
Texas becomes a state: a same day report...
Item #689613
December 29, 1845
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Dec. 29, 1845
* Texas statehood - joins the union
* Early, same day report from seat of government
History tells us that on December 29, 1845, Texas became the 28th state in the United States. Formerly part of Mexico, Texas had been an independent country since 1836.
Page 2, under the heading "Texas", is half a column reporti... See More
Washington proclaims an end to hostilities in the Revolutionary War...
Item #689607
June 09, 1783
* General George Washington letter
* Announcing the end of hostilities
* American Revolutionary War ending
Certainly the most significant content takes almost an entire column of page 3, which has George Washington's letter announcing a cessation of hostilities in the Revolutionary War.
It is prefaced with a note stat... See More
The Emancipation Proclamation... Lincoln suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus...
Item #689603
September 27, 1862
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1862
* Emancipation Proclamation
* President Abraham Lincoln
Page 2 contains the full texts of the Emancipation Proclamation, perhaps the most significant Presidential pronouncement of the entire Civil War wherein Lincoln declared all slaves free.
Headed: "A Proclamation By the President of the United States" the document begins at the... See More
First report on John Brown's raid upon Harper's Ferry...
Item #689591
October 18, 1859
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 18, 1859
* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid
* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia - 1st report
Page 3 has the first report of the raid upon Harper's Ferry by John Brown and his cohorts, headed: "Serious Disturbances At Harper's Ferry".
It reads like a first report. It begins: "Information of a somew... See More
Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America...
Item #689565
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1790 * Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America
Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the nice, attached fold-out map: "A Map showing the communication of the Lakes and the Rivers between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North America."
The map shows the extreme western parts of Lake Superior and "Hud... See More
The coronation of King George III...
Item #689557
September 29, 1761
* George III of the United Kingdom
The front page begins the report on the coronation of King George III. "This day his Majesty King George the Third, and Queen Charlotte, were crowned in the abbey church of Westminster, with the ceremonies accustomed upon that great and glorious solemnity...". The artic... See More
Revolutionary War events in the South...
Item #689555
November 06, 1779
* American Revolutionary War
* Southern events - Georgia & more
Most of the first column is taken up with the details of a non-exportation act by the state of Rhode Island, similar to that enacted by Massachusetts & Connecticut. Included are the penalties for those found guilty. Also an act for: "...... See More
America's first successful newspaper...
Item #689552
April 17, 1740
THE BOSTON WEEKLY NEWS-LETTER, "New England", April 10-17, 1740
* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had
This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only preceded by "Public Occurrances Both Foreign and Domestick" which published just a s... See More
John Wilkes Booth appears at Ford's Theater...
Item #689534
November 05, 1863
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 1863
* John Wilkes Booth as an actor
* Rare appearance at Ford's Theatre
A terrific issue with one of the more ironic twists of history, and only to be found in a newspaper from Washington, D.C.
Near the top of the front page is an article headed: "Ford's New Theatre--The Lady of Lyons". The writer reports on t... See More
A fine & decorative issue from the Revolutionary War...
Item #689458
November 11, 1780
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Nov. 11, 1780
* Revolutionary War
* Great masthead
Over half of the front page is a: "Message from the President & Supreme Executive Council to the Representatives of...Pennsylvania" in which are addressed many issues.
A few bits include: "...when our enemies, forsaking in no small degree the efforts of open and manly force, b... See More
On Billy the Kid's death in almost a "hometown" newspaper...
Item #689457
July 23, 1881
THE LAS VEGAS DAILY OPTIC, New Mexico, July 23, 1881
* Outlaw Billy the Kid shot dead
* Pat Garrett - Old West lawman
* In a area publication, very rare
This was essentially the "backyard" of the famed outlaw Billy the Kid, so it is significant that there are two articles concerning his recent death (killed by Pat Garrett on July 14 in nearby Fort Sumner, New Mexico).
The... See More
Historic Proclamation by the King formally ending the Revolutionary War...
Item #689194
February 15, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, February 15, 1783
* End of Revolutionary War
* King George III proclamation
* The cessation of hostilities
Certainly the prime--and very historic--content takes over one-third of the back page, headed: "By the KING, A PROCLAMATION Declaring the Cessation of Arms, as well by sea as land, Agreed Upon Between his Majesty's the most Christian King,... See More
On the resignation of General Burgoyne...
Item #689187
April 18, 1780
* General John Burgoyne resignation
* re. Surrender at Saratoga - New York
* American Revolutionary War
The entire front page, two-thirds of page 2, and half of page 3 are taken up with: "...the various letters that passed between the late and present secretary at War and Lieutenant General Burgoyne... See More
Is the pursuit of independence worth the effort?
Item #689081
April 22, 1778
* Revolutionary War Tory original
* Rare Pro British issue from America
This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.
Over two-thirds of the front page is taken up with the text of two Bill... See More
A Loyalist states why America is at war...
Item #689079
February 28, 1778
* Revolutionary War Tory original
* Rare Pro British issue from America
This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.
Half of the front page first column is a: "Proclamation" signe... See More
Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
Item #689046
March 09, 1861
* Perhaps the best graphic Lincoln newspaper to be had...
The front page has text on: "Our Portrait of the President" which relates to the terrific double page centerfold captioned: "Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, President elect of the United States of America, With Scenes & Incidents in His Life."
The larg... See More
Two full page Winslow Homer prints...
Item #688997
December 23, 1865
* Rare Winslow Homer prints
There are many prints within but certainly the two most significant are the full page prints by Winslow Homer, captioned: "Thanksgiving Day--Hanging Up the Musket" and the other: "Thanksgiving Day--The Church Porch". A small stain in the caption of each, otherwise very nice.
Other p... See More
Killing of Booth & the Lincoln funeral...
Item #688987
May 13, 1865
* Killing of John Wilkes Booth
* President Abraham Lincoln funeral
* Prints - illustrations - wood engravings
The front page shows: "Sergeant Boston Corbett, the Man who shot Booth" as well as a dramatic print of: "The Killing of Booth, the Assassin--The Dying Murderer drawn from the Barn where he had Taken Refuge.... See More
Rare Johnny Ringo mention in a Tombstone Epitaph...
Item #688937
January 21, 1882
THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, January 21, 1882
* Best old West title to be had
* Johnny Ringo mention
Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this to... See More
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