Web Results (1302)



The aftermath of the Civil War...

Item #690351

June 24, 1865

SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, June 24, 1865  Among the articles are: "President Lincoln on Negro Suffrage" which has a letter signed in type: A. Lincoln; "The Great Conspiracy - The Assassination Trial Almost Through--The Rebel Leaders" "The Press on the Negro" "The Capture of the Rebel President--What Shall Be Done with the Traitors".

E... See More  

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Two slave prints from 1861...

Item #690330

April 06, 1861


* Great slave auction illustration

* Pre Civil War South - rare

Most of a page is taken up with a print: "The Dandy Slave: A Scene in Baltimore, Md." and "Slaves For Sale: A Scene in New Orleans", both showing slaves dressed in formal attire. A related article: "The Dandy Slave" begins: "Whenever a n... See More  

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Tuskegee Airmen honored at museum...

Item #690315

September 26, 1982

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 26, 1982

* Tuskegee Airmen honored w/ opneing

* African American pilots of WWII

* National Air and Space Museum exhibit

* 1982 Wilkes-Barre shootings

* George Banks spree killings

The top of page 33 has a two column heading: "Museum Exhibit Traces Blacks' Role in Aviation" with related pictorial. (see) First report coverage on the "Black Wings... See More  

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Lincoln repeals Hunter's controversial order emancipating slaves...

Item #690313

May 20, 1862

NEW YORK WORLD, May 20, 1862 

* General David Hunter order

* Emancipation of slaves

* Abraham Lincoln rebuffs

The front page begins with column heads: "PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION" "Gen. Hunter's Proclamation Void" "The Power of Declaring Slaves Free Belongs to the President" "An Appeal To The Border States" "Gradual Abolition of Slave... See More  

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On the John Brown Harper's Ferry invasion... Fugitive slave Columbus Jones...

Item #690299

November 16, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Nov. 16, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia

Among articles are: "The John Brown Fund" "JOHN BROWN'S INVASION--Expulsion of Strangers" which takes a full column; "Southern Protest Against The Virginia View of Harper's Ferry" taking half a column.

Page 5 has a report of noted fu... See More  

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Slave ship, and a fugitive slave case...

Item #690271

June 25, 1859

NEW YORK TIMES, June 25, 1859  The top of the front page has: "The African Negroes--The Secretary of the Treasury Defending the President--The Returned Africans of the 'Echo' " which was a slave ship. This report takes over a full column.

Also on the ftpg: "Arrest of Notorious Burglars" & "A Fugitive Slave Case in Washington" concerning Agnes Robinso... See More  

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Guerrilla raider John Hunt Morgan escapes from jail...

Item #690163

January 14, 1864

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, January 14, 1864 

* John Morgan escapes jail

* Guerrilla raider leader

* Very rare Confederate title

If the title and city of publication seem to be in conflict, they are not. This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War. Memphis was a Confederate stronghold up through the Battle of Memphis on June 6, 1862, at which time the... See More  

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Marian Anderson sings at Lincoln Memorial...

Item #690064

April 10, 1939


* Marian Anderson

* African American Contralto

* Famous Lincoln Memorial concert

The top of page 9 has a two column photo with heading: "Marian Anderson Sings Despite D.A.R." Also a one column heading: "Marian Anderson Expected to Sing For King and Queen" with subhead. Also a one column photo of Anderson (see)

Complete with 28 pa... See More  

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Harper's Ferry...

Item #690055

November 12, 1859

BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Nov. 12, 1859  

* View of Harper's Ferry, West Virginia

* re. John Brown's insurrection - raid

Inside has a nice print captioned: "Harper's Ferry, Virginia, From Jefferson Rock" with a related article. Other unrelated prints as well.

Sixteen pages, good condition.

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Brigham Young awaits a revelation from God on polygamy...

Item #689975

July 24, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, July 24, 1865 

* President Brigham Young

* Sign from God on polygamy

* Mormons - Mormonism

The bottom of page 4 has a very curious article: "Brigham Young--A New Revelation On Polygamy" which notes: "It is reported that Brigham Young, the Prophet, High Priest and Grand Turk of Great Salt Lake, recently stated, in a conversation with Speaker [of the Hous... See More  

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Dedicated the Henry Clay statue... Conference for slave-holding states...

Item #689796

April 18, 1860

THE WEEKLY RICHMOND ENQUIRER, Virginia, April 18, 1860 

* Henry Clay statue - monument unveiled

From just one year before the outbreak of the Civil War.

The front page has over half a column headed: "A Southern Conference - To the People of the Several Slave-holding States". Inside has: "Virginia Shall be a Unit". Most of page 2 is taken up with considerable detail ... See More  

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Anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #689789

August 12, 1846

EMANCIPATOR, Boston, Aug. 12, 1846  A newspaper focused on emancipation: the freedom for slaves. Articles include: "Another Suicide by a Slave" "Results of Emancipation" "Law vs. Philanthropy" "The Great N.W. Liberty Convention" "Texas" and much more.

Four pages, good condition.

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On the Fugitive Slave Act... Fillmore's state-of-the-union address...

Item #689777

December 05, 1850

NEW HAMPSHIRE PATRIOT & STATE GAZETTE, Concord, Dec. 5, 1850  The front page has 2 1/2 columns taken up with a length report concerning; "The Fugitive Slave Law--Is it Constitutional? Shall we Obey it? Or Shall We Disobey it & Become Rebels & Traitors to the Constitution and the Union?"

Much of pages 2 & 3 are taken up with the: "President's Message" w... See More  

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"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...

Item #689770

June 17, 1852

FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, June 17, 1852  We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.

Douglass was perhaps the most famous 19th century African-American abolitionist who escaped from slavery and then ri
... See More  

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Slave ads in this antebellum Louisiana newspaper...

Item #689708

July 20, 1850

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, July 20, 1850  Newspapers from the pre-Civil War South are rather difficult to find. Here is one from Louisiana.

Among the many back page ads is one headed: "Slaves! Slaves! Slaves!" which notes in part: "The subscribers are prepared to receive, on consignment, for sale in this market, any number of slaves, having one of the best showrooms in the ... See More  

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Jesse James & the Rock Island Railroad robbery...

Item #689667

July 19, 1881


* Outlaw Jesse James-Younger gang

* Rock Island railroad train robbery

* Winston, Daviess County, Missouri

Page 2 begins with a quite lengthy account of what was the infamous Rock Island Railroad robbery by the James Gang.

It is headed: "The Great Train Robbery" and begins: "Charles Murray...was the messenger of the U.S. Expres... See More  

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Lengthy relating to the trial of John Brown: he is sentenced to hang on December 2...

Item #689629

November 03, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 3, 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Sentenced to death (hanging)

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia WV

Page 2 has 3 1/2 columns taken up with: "A Further Installment of Documents From Capt. Brown's Carpet-Bag" which is a long list of various documents which will be relevant during his trial.

This... See More  

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Lengthy on the trial of John Brown...

Item #689626

October 31, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 31, 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia trial

Page 2 has nearly 3 columns taken up with: "The Harper's Ferry Conspiracy--Trial of Captain Brown" with very detailed, verbatim testimony.

Page 3 has two related articles: "The Harper's Ferry Trials" and: &qu... See More  

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Much on the John Brown Harper's Ferry case...

Item #689624

October 28, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 28, 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia trial

Page 2 has over half a column taken up with: "Trial of the Harper's Ferry Conspirators at Charlestown, Va." Page 3 has almost an entire column headed: "The Harper's Ferry Insurrection---Trial of The Conspirators&qu... See More  

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Much on the John Brown Harper's Ferry case...

Item #689623

October 27, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia trial

Page 3 has over 1 1/2 column taken up with: "Examination Of The Conspirators" in the John Brown insurrection case. One bit mentions: "...to examine the prisoners captured in the recent insurrection...directed to bring in t... See More  

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Much reporting on the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry...

Item #689622

October 26, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 26, 1859  

* John Brown's Negro insurrection

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia

Close to half of page 2 is taken up with: "More Letters Of The Conspirators" which has a prefacing report noting in part: "...gives publicity to another series of letters which have been obtained from the Harper's Ferry conspirators..... See More  

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Reporting on John Brown's raid upon Harper's Ferry...

Item #689620

October 24, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 24, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia

Page 3 has a report on the raid upon Harper's Ferry by John Brown and his cohorts, headed: "The Harper's Ferry Conspirators" which reports on the coming legal case of those involved. One bit notes: "...take up the caus... See More  

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Reporting on John Brown's raid...

Item #689619

October 22, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Negroes

Page 3 has a column headed: "The Harper's Ferry Fugitives" with related reports headed: "Arrest of Counterfeiters" and: "Gov. Wide at Richmond" as seen in the photos.

Also on page 3 is half a column ... See More  

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Buchanan's state-of-the-union address...

Item #689610

December 30, 1859


* President James Buchanan

* State of the Union Address

All of page 6 and a portion of page 7 are taken up with the: "President's Message" being the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type: James Buchanan. In it he reviews the work and events of the country in 1859.

Relating to this are two editorials on it headed: ... See More  

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The Monitor versus the Merrimac... Lincoln's strategy for emancipation...

Item #689605

March 15, 1862


* Abraham Lincoln on Emancipation

* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia

* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

* Civil War ironclads

A wonderful issue on the historic naval battle between the Monitor & the Merrimack, with much on other war reports as well.

The front page has a nice Civil War map: "Field Of Operations On th... See More  

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The Emancipation Proclamation... Lincoln suspends the Writ of Habeas Corpus...

Item #689603

September 27, 1862

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, September 27, 1862 

* Emancipation Proclamation

* President Abraham Lincoln

Page 2 contains the full texts of the Emancipation Proclamation, perhaps the most significant Presidential pronouncement of the entire Civil War wherein Lincoln declared all slaves free.

Headed: "A Proclamation By the President of the United States" the document begins at the... See More  

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John Brown's raid upon Harper's Ferry...

Item #689595

November 05, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia trial

Page 3 has 2 reports concerning the Raid upon Harper's Ferry by John Brown & cohorts.

"The Harper's Ferry Conspirators" includes: "The counsel in Brown's case have filed exceptions to the decision of the C... See More  

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First report on John Brown's raid upon Harper's Ferry...

Item #689591

October 18, 1859

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 18, 1859 

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry WV West Virginia - 1st report

Page 3 has the first report of the raid upon Harper's Ferry by John Brown and his cohorts, headed: "Serious Disturbances At Harper's Ferry".

It reads like a first report. It begins: "Information of a somew... See More  

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Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America...

Item #689565
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1790 

* Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America

Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the nice, attached fold-out map: "A Map showing the communication of the Lakes and the Rivers between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North America."

The map shows the extreme western parts of Lake Superior and "Hud... See More  

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America's first successful newspaper...

Item #689552

April 17, 1740

THE BOSTON WEEKLY NEWS-LETTER, "New England", April 10-17, 1740 

* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had

This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only preceded by "Public Occurrances Both Foreign and Domestick" which published just a s... See More  

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Noted fugitive slave case... Describing the Great Salt Lake area...

Item #689546

June 29, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 29, 1850  Page 3 has half a column headed: "Fugitive Slave Case" "The Constitution & Laws Vindicated" which is concerning a suit: "...for the recovery of damages for aiding & abetting the escape of slaves...the Circuit Court...determined...in favor of the plaintiff. A verdict of $2856 was given by the jury against... See More  

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Advertisement for a Frederick Douglass speech on the Civil War, plus a war map...

Item #689524

February 08, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, February 8, 1862

* Frederick Douglass speech on civil war

* Cooper Institute advertisement (eve of event)

The bottom of the first column on page 2 has a interesting advertisement for "A Black Man on The War!! Frederick Douglass Lecture at Cooper Institute..." with the date & time noted (see image).

Various Civil War reports on pages 5, 6 and 8 with 2 related... See More  

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Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson...

Item #689409

October 02, 1830

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 2, 1830  Among the articles within are: "Negro Cloths", a letter signed in type: Andrew Jackson declining an offer to attend a public dinner in Knoxville; "Virginia Gold" "Origin of the Slave Trade"; a letter to John Adams concerning "Anticipated Revolutions" signed in type: Thomas Jefferson, datelines "M... See More  

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Blackfoot Indians... The slave trade...

Item #689401

August 23, 1823

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 23, 1823  Among the reports is a 4 1/2 page continued article: "Christian Indians". Also: "Indian War concerning the Blackfoot Indians in t he Fort Atkinson vicinity.

Also: "Emigration" "The Pirates" in the Caribbean; "Catskill Mountains" "The Slave Trade" and an article on the sale of: &q... See More  

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Discussing the Navy... The slave trade...

Item #689399

April 14, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, April 14, 1821  Over two pages are taken up with a lengthy & detailed report headed: "Navy of the United States" with discussion on costs of operations, etc. The report is signed in type by: John Rodgers.

Nearly 1 1/2 pages are taken up with: "Slave Trade" which has much discussion on this controversial subject.

Sixteen pag... See More  

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18th century Baltimore... slavery ads...

Item #689239

May 04, 1796


* Rare 18th century American title

* (2) slaves related advertisements

* Land for sale along the Potomac River

The full ftpg. is taken up with advertisements including 14 illustrated ship ads. The back page has 2 runaway slave ads. Also a land for sale for the Washington D.C. area. (see)

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Reward advertisements for runaway slave & bitch...

Item #689227

January 07, 1793


* Rare 18th century American title

* Runaway slave & bitch advertisements

The front page is filled with advertisements. News of the day on pages 2 & 3. Page 3 also has a interesting ad for: "Bitch Lost; Fifteen Dollars Reward" which is for a runaway dog.

The bottom of the back page has a advertisement for:... See More  

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Refitting a yacht for continued slave trading...

Item #689216

January 12, 1859

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 12, 1859

* The Wanderer (slave ship)

Page 3 has about 1/2 of a column of text headed: "The 'Wanderer' Africans Westward-Bound-Curious Scenes" and more which concerns the yacht Wanderer possibly being involved with the African slave trade.

Other news of the day. Eight pages, nice condition.

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Kit Carson fights the Navajo Indians... Lincoln's famous rally-letter endorsed...

Item #689176

September 04, 1863

NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 4, 1863 

* Kit Carson

* Abraham Lincoln

Although much of the front page is taken up with reports from the Civil War, perhaps the most interesting item is the brief page 5 item headed: "Victory of Kit Carson Over the Indians", reading in part: "...had a fight with the Navajoe Indians beyond Fort Canby. The Indians were defeated with the loss of 13 ki... See More  

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Mutiny of slaves... Bowie knife used...

Item #689155

December 18, 1841

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 18, 1841 

* Creole slavery slaves case

* Ship insurrection - revolt - mutiny

The back page of this issue features a quite lengthy report concerning the "Mutiny Of Slaves" on the ship Creole, a rather infamous event in American history. In this report, it also states that the infamous Bowie knife was one of the instruments used in ... See More  

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Andrew Johnson impeached...

Item #689139

March 14, 1868

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 14, 1868

* President Andrew Johnson

* Impeachment trial summons prints

The large front page illustration: "The House Committee Drafting Articles Of Impeachment, On Thursday, Feb. 27, Committee Room, House Of Representatives."

Inside prints include a full page: "Formal Notice Of The Impeachment Of Andrew Johnson, By The House Co... See More  

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Great Civil War prints... Rolla (MO)... Beaufort (SC)... Camp Alexander...

Item #689024

February 01, 1862

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Feb. 1, 1862  The ftpg. shows: "Campaign on the Potomac--Guard House Near Langley, Virginia, with Rebel Prisoners".

Inside a fullpg. print shows: "Port Royal Expedition--Scene in the Military Market at Beaufort" showing many African-American slaves.

Other prints include: "Encampment of the National Army Near Rolla", Mis... See More  

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France-Italy armistice....

Item #689009

June 24, 1940

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 24, 1940

* France-Germany armistice

* Adolph Hitler - Nazis

* German occupation zone set

The front page has a banner headline: "BRITAIN ASSAILS NAZI TERMS, CALLS PETAIN REGIME 'SLAVE'" with subheads. (see) Coverage on the surrender of France to Germany

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 14 pages, a li... See More  

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Two single sheet "Extra" issues from 1794...

Item #688674

December 03, 1794


* 18th century runaway slave ad

A single sheet "Extra" edition. The front page taken up with ads with a runaway slave ad headed: "Twenty Dollars Reward" (see)

Complete as a single sheet issue, never-trimmed margins, nice condition.... See More  

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Shelbyville, Tennesse lynch mob burns courthouse....

Item #688655

December 20, 1934

THE DETROIT NEWS, December 20, 1934

* Shelbyville Courthouse Square Historic District - Tennessee

* Lynching mob burns down after Negro is transferred

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "Troops Invade Mob-Torn City" with subhead. (see)

Complete with 52 pages, rag edition in very nice condition.

wikipedia notes: In 1934, a lynch mob burned down the fourth cour... See More  

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Rare reference to the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War... The slave trade... The Oregon Treaty with England...

Item #688634

August 15, 1846

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 15, 1846  The top of the back page has a very notable report: "Mormon Volunteers" being a brief item noting: "Capt...Allen has reached Fort Leavenworth with 500 Mormon volunteer infantry. They proceed forthwith to join Gen. Kearney in his expedition against Santa Fe."

This is a very rare report on the 'Mormon Battalion'... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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On paying Callender $50 to publish his book attacking Washington, Adams & Hamilton...

Item #688619

October 09, 1802

GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1802  Page 2 has two letters written by Thomas Jefferson to James Callender regarding their controversial relationship. One of the letters, the rather famous letter dated September 6, 1799 (found on many websites) mentions: "...directs his agent to call on ;ou with this and pay you 50 dollars on account of the book you are about to publ... See More  

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1931 Chicago housing protests... race riot...

Item #688598

August 04, 1931


* 1931 Chicago housing protests

* Eviction of Diana Gross - Negro

* Africans Americans vs. police

* Unemployment - Great Depression

The front page has a nice banner headline: "REDS RIOT; 3 SLAIN BY POLICE" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. A few related photos are on the back page. Great to have in this Chicago publication. Very rare as... See More  

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Early prints of the Southwest, including San Diego...

Item #688560

December 22, 1855

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Dec. 22, 1855  The ftpg. shows: "Sunken Schooner Eudora, From City Island" with more relate prints inside including: "The Eudora Tragedy--Arrest of the Negro" and "Burning of the Steamers at Memphis". Also a print of: "Greytown, Nicaragua" "Explosion of a Steam Fire-Engine, Cincinnati" a doublepg. cent... See More  

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18th century Baltimore...slave advertisements...

Item #688555

December 21, 1796


* Rare 18th century American title

* (5) slaves related advertisements

The full ftpg. is taken up with ads including 5 illustrated ship ads & 4 slave related ads. The back page has another slave ad. (see) Also a land for sale for the Washington D.C. area.

Four pages, some light staining, minor margin wear, generally ... See More  

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