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The new American states struggling with money issues...
Item #645990
June 01, 1787
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1787 Included near the back is nearly half a page headed: "American News" which begins: "The present state of America is rather to be deplored than envied..." concerning its financial situation, including; "...America, like every other rising state, must have much to struggle with before it can arrive at opulence...".
Inc... See More
On the growth of the new American republic...
Item #645986
February 01, 1787
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1787 Included are over 3 pages taken up with: "Judge Pendleton's Animated Charge to Grand Juries of South Carolina" which is prefaced with a note: "Those who have attended to the revolutions of empires, and marked the slow progress of infant states towards greatness, will not be surprised that all the unhappy consequences have ha... See More
The card game of Quadrille...
Item #645984
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1787 Among the articles: "On the Game of Quadrille" which is a type of card game from the 18th century. The article takes over a full page and is very descriptive. Near the back is half a column of news headed: "America" with information from a letter arrived from Philadelphia. Much news from England as well.Included are both... See More
Layout for a colonial town in America... Print of a Patagonian penguin...
Item #645598
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1769 Within this issue is an interesting article: "Plan for Settling New Colonies" which includes an illustration showing how a town in an American colony is best laid out with a "middle square", the "first street", "second street", location of houses and roads, etc. (see). The article describes how such ... See More
The French & Indian War...
Item #645529
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1755 Among the articles within are: "A Succinct Account of Disorders lately cured at Stockholm by Electrification..." "Origin of Chivalry from Voltaire" "A Female Impostor in France Detected" and so much more.Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news reports of the day including... See More
News from America...
Item #645467
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1760 Among the articles in this issue are: "A Treatise on Canine Madness" "On The High Price of Candles" "Reflections by M. Maubert on the Importance of Canada" "A Description of Montreal & the Adjacent Country" "Some Account of Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of Wight..." which is accompanied by ... See More
Letter from the Sugar Planters...
Item #644393
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1736* "Letter from the Sugar Planters" "Quakers Perverse Humour Shewn" and more...
* Nice 18th century British magazine...
A very nice pre-Revolutionary War magazine from the "mother country" with a wide range of varied content including news of the day, political reports, literary items, and ot... See More
With both full page plates...
Item #644374
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1763 Included is an article: "Description of the Pagoda" which is a full page plate of: "The Great Pagoda" (see photos). Other articles include: "Some Account of the Laws & Regulations in France, called the Police..." "Observations on the Law for Repairing Highways" and other items.Contains both of the f... See More
Gifts to George Washington from Virginia...
Item #644294
May 01, 1785
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1785 Among the articles within are: "Observations on a Tour Through the Island of Jersey" which is in the English Channel; "Anecdotes of Hogarth" "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Session of Parliament" "Original Letter form Dr. Johnston" & so much more.
Near the back is: "Intelligence..." with... See More
Fort Augusta in Jamaica...
Item #644282
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1763 Among the articles noted in the table of contents are: "Life of the Celebrated Christina, Queen of Sweden" "Monstrous Credulity of Papists" "History of Canterbury & its Cathedral" "Inflammatory Fevers, Sore Throats, etc." & more. In the "Historical Chronicle" is a report beginning: ... See More
The Radcliffe Library (with print)...
Item #643958
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1749 Among the interesting items in this issue are: "A Surprisingly rational Speech of a Hen", "Medical Virtues of the Snake Root", "Ceremony of Opening the Radcliffe Library", "French at Tobago" and much more.
Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news events
... See More
Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has the latest news events
Battling the Spanish in the Caribbean...
Item #643444
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1741 This issue includes over 1 1/2 pgs. on "The New Governour's Speech to the General Court or Assembly of New England" with a larger head of: "State of the War in America". This is concerning the battles with the Spanish in the Caribbean, specifically mentioning Cuba (see photos for portions).This issue also features... See More
From America's West Coast...
Item #643209
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, January, 1743 Two full pages are taken up with charts headed: "Ships Taken by the Spaniards from Jan. 20, 1742 to Jan. 20, 1743" (see photos for portions).
Among other articles within this issue are:
* "On the Shameful Management of the War, & the Reason of it."
* "Method to Prevent Smuggling of Tea"
... See More
Among other articles within this issue are:
* "On the Shameful Management of the War, & the Reason of it."
* "Method to Prevent Smuggling of Tea"
View of the Northern Coast of Russia...
Item #643201
* Illustration of the Northern Coast of Russia
Perhaps the best feature in this issue is the article: "...Discoveries of the Russians on the N.E. Coast of Asia", with accompanying view shown at the top of an included plate/print (see images).
Among the other interesting items are: "A Description of the Province
... See More
* Illustration of the Northern Coast of Russia
Perhaps the best feature in this issue is the article: "...Discoveries of the Russians on the N.E. Coast of Asia", with accompanying view shown at the top of an included plate/print (see images).
Among the other interesting items are: "A Description of the Province
News from America...
Item #643200
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1786 One of the articles is: "Circumstances Relative to the Discovery of Henry I's Bones". A wide range of other articles as well.Near the back is "American Intelligence" which includes: "An act was passed on the 11th of March...authorising the delegates of the province of South Carolina...to subscribe & ratify an ... See More
John Hancock resigns as President of Congress...
Item #643047
August 01, 1786
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1786 Included is a: "Topographical Description of Hastings in Sussex", England, which also includes a nice foldout plate; "Jew's Harp"; much on the: "Summary of Proceedings in the Third Session of Parliament"; and so much more. News the back is almost a full page of reports headed: "American News". Amon... See More
Sewall & the churches in New England... The Jacobite Rebellion...
Item #643046
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1746 Nine pages at the beginning of the issue are taken up with reports on events in Parliament under the guise of: "Proceedings & Debates in the Senate of Lilliput" as direct reporting on Parliamentary events was prohibited.
Three pages are taken up with a lengthy list of: "Ships Taken from the French & Spaniards&q
... See More
Three pages are taken up with a lengthy list of: "Ships Taken from the French & Spaniards&q
News from America...
Item #642836
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1783 Key articles include: "American Votes Respecting the Loyalists" (a report from Worcester, Massachusetts) and "American News", the latter giving some reports of a treaty between the United States and the chiefs of the Six Nations (see image for details).Among additional articles noted in the table of contents are: "Pa... See More
Christianizing the Indians in North America...
Item #642818
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1772 Among the articles in this issue are: "Account of the Revolution in Sweden" "Description of the Wild Pine of Jamaica" "Account of a Model for a Bridge in Ireland" "Description of the Mosque in Kew Gardens" which is accompanied by a full page plate of the Mosque. Also: "A Scheme for Propag... See More
Colonists preparing for trouble... reports from Boston, New York, and Hartford...
Item #642810
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1769 There is a full page headed "American News" including reports several reports from Boston, including: "...There is much talk...the most malignant insinuations...& speaks of deep & dark designs...of 30,000 men ready to take up arms...and of a design to throw off the dependence of the colonies on the mother country...&quo... See More
Trouble with the Indians in America...
Item #642793
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1763 The issue begins with: "Two Proposals for Establishing a Lasting Peace & Friendship with the Indians in North America" which takes over 1 1/2 pages.Other articles include: "Account of the Discovery & Conquest of Siberia"; a letter: "To Peter Collinson, Esq., from the Rev. Jared Eliot at Killingsworth in ... See More
Siege of Havana, Cuba... Plate of a new prison...
Item #642788
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1762 The prime content is the lengthy text concerning the taking of Havana, Cuba. The Battle of Havana was a military action in the spring & summer of 1762 which was part of the Seven Years' War, or the French & Indian War for that portion fought in the Americas, during which British forces besieged & captured the city of Havana wh... See More
A map of the Rhine River... Cape Breton...
Item #642773
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1758 The prime feature is the full page plate titled: "A Map of the Rhine Between Wesel & Dusseldorph [Dusseldorf]...".One of the articles: "The Best Way of Constructing the Arches of Bridges" includes a nice print of a bridge arch. Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" which has various news events of the day,... See More
The French & Indian War... Map of Emden, Germany...
Item #642772
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1758 A rather lengthy article inside this issue begins: "The experience of the campaigns in 1755 and 1756 had convinced our commanders in chief that there would be no end of the war on either side so long as our armies aimed at nothing further than traversing from place to place either for the defence or attack of a few straggling forts in a ... See More
Death of Admiral Byng...
Item #642770
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1757 * Early regarding electricity
* Death of Admiral John Byng
The two most noteworthy items are likely: "New Properties of Electricity" taking nearly 1 1/2 columns, and: "Circumstantial Account of the Death of Admiral Byng", a Royal Navy officer who was court-martialed and executed by firing squad. The account takes over 2... See More
Reports from South Carolina, St. Augustine, and Georgia... slavery...
Item #642712
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1739 Near the back is the: "Historical Chronicle" with news from England & other parts of Europe. One of the reports is from Switzerland & notes: "...people who went from this country to inhabit the British colonies of Carolina and Georgia are returning from thence, the climate not agreeing with them."
... See More
Barton Booth's obituary...
Report from the American colonies... Lord Baltimore...
Item #642689
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1733* The death report of Barton Booth
* Poem (extracts) written by Lord Baltimore
* Value of crops in the American colonies
Probably the most notable item is the obituary of Barton Booth (page 269), one of the most celebrated dramatic actors of the early-mid 1700's.
Another interesting article has: "Extracts of a Poem to Lord Baltimo... See More
Trouble in America...
Item #642514
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1769 Among the articles in this issue are: "A Description of the Copper Mine at Ecton Hill"; over two pages on: "A Continuation of the Most Interesting transactions in America..." continued from the January issue, which has some great reading concerning the troubles between America & England, one portion noting: "Re... See More
Poem to George Washington...
Item #642079
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1796 * 18th century original
* George Washington poem
Among the articles are: "Provincial Coins" "Convenient & Elegant Design for a Church" "On the Eternity of Hell Torments"; much on "Parliamentary Proceedings" and "Interesting Intelligence from the London Gazettes" and much more.
As fo... See More
Abolishing slavery... America is flourishing economically...
Item #640633
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, June, 1791 Taking nearly 2 pages is: "An Expository Address to the People of England on the Late Memorable Decision Against the Abolition of the Slave Trade". Among the news reports near the back are a few items headed: "America" beginning: "America has now to boast a flourishing trade & a wise and upright administrat... See More
The Nova Constellatio coin, made for the American colonies... Settling Australia as a penal colony...
Item #640616
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1786 * The Nova Constellatio coin print
* Made for circulation in the American colonies
The most interesting item in this issue is the foldout plate which contains--among other prints--an image of the "Nova Constellatio" coin used in the colonies (see). The print shows both the obverse & reverse & has a date of 1785.
Th... See More
Early prevention Of dueling...
Item #640367
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1807 The front page of this issue has a nice masthead of St. John's Gate and contains news & stories from around the world during this very early time in history. Very interesting reading from the day it was first reported which includes an article on the prevention of dueling amongst the people.Complete in 50+ pages.... See More
Sea used for bathing... gypsies...
Item #640365
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1802 The first page has an an article on the use of the sea for bathing purposes. "As the origin of the General Sea-bathing Infirmary at Margate... as long as science and humanity shall be united, in facilitating the easy access to medical aid, and in perfecting the restoration of health to the lower classes of the community...&q... See More
A comet study in 1744...
Item #639932
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1744 Over 13 pages at the beginning of the issue are taken up with reports on events in Parliament under the guise of: "Proceedings & Debates in the Senate of Lilliput" as direct reporting on Parliamentary events was prohibited.
Among various other articles found in this issue as noted in the table of contents are: "Why Polit
... See More
Among various other articles found in this issue as noted in the table of contents are: "Why Polit
Naming countries to honor Cook and Columbus...
Item #639919
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1795 Included is an interesting letter suggesting that some countries be re-named since both noted explorers Capt. Cook and Columbus have not been recognized with countries named for them (see images). Included are full page plates called for.
Complete in 88 pages, 5 by 8 inches, full title/contents page with an engraving of St. John... See More
On Ben Franklin's will... Northwest coast of America...
Item #638619
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1790 Included is: "Remarks on the Slave Trade Occasioned by Bruce's Travels". Near the back is a brief bit noting: "The common council at Paris paid to the illustrious Franklyn [Franklin] tribute of homage, singular in its nature but due from a free & enlightened city to the memory of a man who gave libert... See More
Bound volume, with plates...
Item #637511
Bound volume of GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE from London, from the 1820-1840 period. Contains over 600 pgs. and has at least 6 full page plates. Six monthly issues each with a full title/index page. Nice condition.
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Provincial half-penny coins... John Wilkes' death...
Item #636193
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1798 The prominent feature of this issue is the nearly 7 1/2 column essay titled: "Essay on the Provincial Half-Pennies. Essay I.- On the Use and Amusement of Collecting the Provincial Half-pennies.", with considerable details (see photos).Additionally, the death report and a biographical sketch of the famous English radical (m... See More
Provincial half-penny coins... John Wilkes' death...
Item #631739
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1798 The prominent feature of this issue is the nearly 7 1/2 column essay titled: "Essay on the Provincial Half-Pennies. Essay I.- On the Use and Amusement of Collecting the Provincial Half-pennies.", with considerable details (see photos).Additionally, the death report and a biographical sketch of the famous English radical (m... See More
Item #630779
SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE FOR THE YEAR 1764, London. This is the "supplemental" issue published at the end of the year and having on the front page the table of contents and the title (see photos). Included within the issue are "Remarks on the late Improvements in Optics" "Defects in the Regulations of Hospitals, with Proposals for the more Easy Admi... See More
News from America...
Item #629967
March 01, 1787
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1787
* 18th century reader's digest
* Early America reports
Included near the back is nearly a full page of: "American News", beginning with mention that Virginia has created duties on imports, with details. From New York is mention that: "Congress have lately concluded a negociation with the Court of Lisbon in respect of tra... See More
Nice print of Dromoland Castle...
Item #629941
SUPPLEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1795 for Gentleman's Magazine, England. Within this supplement issue, which was published at the end of the year, are various articles concerning the United Kingdom & elsewhere. Perhaps the best content would be the two plates called for, one being a nice print of "Dromoland Castle" and the other showing the "Old Church at Paddington" and "T... See More
Beitish capture Martinique from the French...
Item #629928
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1794 Near the back are several letters and reports concerning the British capture of the Caribbean island of Martinique. The following page has short bit of: "American News" reporting of the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia (see). Included are the 3 full page plates called for.
Complete in 96 pages, 5 by 8 inches, full t... See More
Joseph Priestley welcomed to New York... Pennsylvania defines various crimes & punishment...
Item #629926
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1794 Near the back a full page is taken up with news headed: "America" which includes much from the Pennsylvania legislature on an Act declaring how various crimes are punished (see). There is a report from New York which includes a letter of welcome to the famed Dr. Joseph Priestley which includes: "...associated teachers... See More
Corsica... William the Lion... America beefs up military...
Item #629924
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1794* Island of Corsica
* American military
* William the Lion, King of Scotland
Included are: "Description of Corsica" which takes over a full page; "William the Lion, King of Scotland" which includes a full page print of him (see); and a small item near the back includes: "The Americans, with the best disposition... See More
Genereal Paoli's speech in Corsica...
Item #629879
SUPPLEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1790 for Gentleman's Magazine, England. Within this supplement issue, which was published at the end of the year, is a: "General Paoli's Speech in the General Assembly of Corsica", the celebrated general from Corsica. This speech is prefaced in part: "General Paoli, whose public & private virtues...in favour of the liberty of Corsica, have merited... See More
Peace with the Indians...
Item #629875
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1790 Included near the back is a bit of news headed: "America" which includes: "...that a permanent peace had been concluded betwixt the native Indians in the back settlements & Congress..." and also: "...letters from Kentucky...an account of the capture of several boats on the river Ohio by the Shawanese Indi... See More
Limiting those to be carried outside a stagecoach...
Item #629873
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1790 Among the articles: "An Abstract of an Act for Limiting the Number of Persons to be Carried on the Outside of Stage-Coaches & other Carriages" "A Paralytic Cured by Electricity" and much more.Included are the 3 full page plates called for (see).
Complete in 96 pages, 5 by 8 inches, full title/contents page ... See More
Admiral Hood & the siege of Toulon...
Item #629872
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, September, 1793 The prime content would be the various letters and articles concerning the Siege of Toulon, and Admiral Samuel Hood's taking of the city. Included are 3 letters signed in type: Hood.Included are both full page plates called for, one showing very early coins.
Complete in 96 pages, 5 by 8 inches, full title/contents page with a... See More
French and Indian War...
Item #629784
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1755 Contains an interesting variety of articles from during the French & Indian War in America, among which are: "Scheme For a New Lottery" "Account of American Pine" "Description of a Flying Lizard"; "Description of the City of Lisbon" and much on the earthquake there; plus many other articles.Nea... See More
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