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Nine consecutive "Graphic Sections" with the serialized: "I Knew Hitler..."

Item #656705

November 06, 1938

CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE--Graphic Section  This is a nine part series of a book by Kurt G. Ludecke titled: "I Knew Hitler...The Story of a Nazi Who Escaped the Blood-Purge."

Excerpts from the book were serialized in the Sunday "Graphic Section" of the Chicago Tribune, beginning with November 6, 1938 and ending with January 1, 1939. All nine sections are included.

The book ... See More  

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Jewish holocaust... seizure of businesses....

Item #654663

November 27, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, section 4 only, November 27, 1938

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Eviction of Jews from area villages

* Jewish wealth studied

Page 5 of this section has a two column headline: "NAZIS IN FINAL PHASE OF THEIR WAR ON JEWS" with subhead: "Program of Ruthless Expropriation Before Expulsion From Germany Is Being Swiftly Carried Out". See images for c... See More  

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Death of Sara Delano Roosevelt... Mother of President Franklin Roosevelt......

Item #654504

September 08, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, September 8, 1941

* Sara Delano Roosevelt death

* President Franklin D. mother


The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Mother of President Dies At Her Home in Hyde Park" with photo of Mrs. Roosevelt and subhead. (See) Much more on pages 10 and 11 with photos. Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 34 pages, this is the... See More  

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Italian invasion of Albania begins in 1939...

Item #653816

April 07, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 7, 1939

* Italian invasion of Albania begins

* Benito Mussolini - Italy Empire

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "ITALIAN FORCES LANDING IN ALBANIA; ROME REPORTS ITS NATIONALS IMPERILED" with subheads. (see) First report coverage continues inside with related photo. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World ... See More  

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William Patrick Hitler... Adolph's kin...

Item #653786

March 31, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 31, 1939

* William Patrick Hitler in America

* Adolph's nephew interview

Page 2 has a two column heading: "Kin of Hitler, Here, Are Cool to Fuehrer; Nephew Calls the Chancellor 'a Menace'" with photo. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 44 pages, rag edition in nice condition.

wikipedia notes: William... See More  

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1939 STOP Adolph Hitler NYC parade march....

Item #653785

March 26, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 26, 1939

* Stop Adolph Hitler march

* NYC anti-Nazi parade

* Mayor La Guardia

The front page has a one column heading: "'STOP HITLER' MARCH DRAWS CITY THRONG" with subhead. (see) First report coverage continues inside with photo. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 42 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More  

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1939 Annexation of Marble Hill, Manahttan to Bronx ?....

Item #653777

March 12, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 12, 1939

* Marble Hill, Manhattan

* Annexation to the Bronx

* James J. Lyons political stunt

* "The Bronx Sudetenland"

The top of page 43 has a one column heading: "MARBLE HILL AREA ANNEXED TO BRONX" with subheads and related photo. (see) Probably only reported in a New York City publication.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. ... See More  

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1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania... Memel takover...

Item #653776

March 24, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 24, 1939

* 1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania accepted

* Occupation by Adolph Hitler & Nazi Germany

The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "HITLER TAKES OVER MEMEL IN TRIUMPH" with subheads, 3 related photos and text of Adolph Hitler's speech at Memel.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 46 pages, rag edition ... See More  

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Persecution of Jews begin in Czechoslovakia in 1939....

Item #653773

March 19, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 19, 1939

* Persecution of Jews begin - Jewish - Judaica

* Total occupation of Czechoslovakia by Germany

* Pre-World War II Europe in chaos - disharmony

The top of page 39 has a one column heading: "NAZIS BAR VIOLENCE ON THE CZECH JEWS" with subheads. (see) Coverage on the persecution of Jews beginning in recently occupied Czechoslovakia by Adolph Hitler... See More  

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RAF bombs Munich, Germany... Hitler escapes...

Item #653468

November 10, 1940

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 10, 1940

* R.A.F. - Royal Air Force

* Munich beer cellar bombed

* Adolph Hitler escapes

The front page has a one column heading: "R.A.F. FIRED CELLAR AFTER HITLER LEFT" First report coverage on the bombing of the Munich, Germany beer cellar by the Royal Air Force during World War II in which Adolph Hitler had just left minutes before.

Other news of t... See More  

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1939 Joseph Goebbels New Year radio address...

Item #653466

January 01, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 1, 1939

* Joseph Goebbels - propaganda minister

* New Year's radio address to Germany

The top of page 16 has a one column heading: "GOEBBELS AT HOME FOR RADIO SPEECH" with subheads. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this particular event as other titles in our inventory do not.

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section... See More  

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Anschluss... Austria annexation... Adolph Hitler...

Item #653381

April 22, 1938

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., April 22, 1938

* Post Anschluss - annexation

* Nazis occupy Austria

* Adolph Hitler in control

* Eyewitness account

The front page has a two column heading: "Jewish-Austrian Refugee Who Escaped 'Death Trap' Fears For Son In Vienna" (see) A interesting eyewitness account of the takeover of Austria at the time it was happening.

Other news, spor... See More  

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FDR greets Rosh Hashanah in 1938....

Item #653347

September 26, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sept. 26, 1938

* Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year begins

* Jews - Judaica - Judaism holiday

* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

The back page has a one column heading: "PRESIDENT GREETS JEWS ON NEW YEAR" with subheads that include: "HOPE VOICED IN SERMONS" and more. (see) The Jews in certain parts of Europe were being persecuted during this time in history.... See More  

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Charles Lindbergh receives Nazi medal...

Item #653270

October 20, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 20, 1938

* Charles Lindbergh a Nazi sympathizer ?

* Receives: "Service Cross of the German Eagle"

* Field Marshall Hermann Goering - Adolph Hitler

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Hitler Grants Lindbergh High Decoration After Bitter Attacks on Flier by Russians" (see) First report coverage on Hermann Goering presen... See More  

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Sufi Abdul Hamid killed... "Harlem Hitler"...

Item #652998

August 01, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 1, 1938

* Sufi Abdul Hamid killed

* African-American Islam convert

* Anti-Semitism - "Harlem Hitler"

The front page has a one column heading: "PLANE CRASH FATAL TO 'HARLEM HITLER'" with subheads. First report coverage continues on page 3 with photo of Hamid. Nice to have in this famous NYC Publication.

Other news, sports and advertise... See More  

Available Now


Henry Ford receives medal from Adolph Hitler....

Item #652986

July 31, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 31, 1938

* Henry Ford's 75th birthday celebration

* Receives "Grand Cross of the German Eagle"

* Adolph Hitler - Nazis - Third Reich

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Ford, at 75, looks to 'Going Ahead'; Huge Parties Given Him in Detroit" with subhead. (see) First report coverage of Henry Ford's 75th birthday c... See More  

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The newly-created rank of five star general...

Item #652915

January 02, 1945

THE STARS & STRIPES, Jan. 2, 1945

* Battle of the Bulge

The top of the front page has a photo of the new-created five star general insignia, created by a Public Law by Congress on December 14, 1944. Those to be conferred with this honor within a week of its creation were George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. See the internet for the interesting history of "... See More  

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Adolph Hitler orders German military to give "Nazi Salute"...

Item #652556

May 10, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1938

* Adolph Hitler - Fuehrer & commander-in-chief

* Orders all German military to give Nazi salute

The top of the front page has a small one column heading: "Hitler Orders the Army To Give him Nazi Salute" See image for brief text here.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 42 pages, rag edition in nice condition.... See More  

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Pact of Steel in 1939... Italy & germnay unite...

Item #651476

May 23, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 23, 1939 

* Pact of Steel alliance

* Nazi Germany and Italy unite

* Adolph Hitler & Benito Mussolini

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "AXIS POWERS SIGN TEN-YEAR ALLIANCE TO REMAKE EUROPE" with subheads. (see) Much more on page 8 with complete text of the speeches that were made. First report coverage on the signing of the pac... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust... public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #650915

June 30, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 30, 1942

* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time

* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations

Page 7 has small one column headings: "1,000,000 Jews Slain By Nazis, Report Says" "'Slaughterhouse' of Europe Under Hitler Described at London" See images for coverage on the atrocities in Nazi-occupied Europe. Rare to find such reports in news... See More  

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General Patton close to death (eve)...

Item #650604

December 21, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 21, 1945

* General George S. Patton day of death

* Post World War II reports

The front page has a one column heading: "Patton Contracts Infection" (see) Patton would die on this day.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 32 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes along the spine, nice condition.

wikipedia no... See More  

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Attempt to kill Hitler... Real life "Valkyrie" event...

Item #650512

July 23, 1944

THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, Memphis, July 23, 1944.

* Adolph Hitler escapes assassination plot

* Operation Valkyrie - Loyal aides stay put

The top of the front page has a five column headline: "Hitler Attempts To Rally Army" with subheads. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day with much more on World War II. Complete in 30+ pages, light toning at the margins, general... See More  

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General George S. Patton death burial..

Item #650026

December 23, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 23, 1945

* General George S. Patton death

* Post World War II reports

The front page has a two column heading: "Patton Receives GI's Last Salute; Burial Tomorrow in Luxembourg". (see) Coverage continues on page 13 with related photo. (see)

Other news of the day. Complete 1st section only with all 22 pages, rag edition in nice condition.

wikipe... See More  

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General Patton close to death (eve)...

Item #649991

December 21, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 21, 1945

* General George S. Patton day of death

* Post World War II reports

Page 9 has a one column heading: "Patton Has Setback; Alarm Is Discounted" (see) Patton would die on this day.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 36 pages, this is the rare rag edition that was produced on very high quality newsprint, with a high p... See More  

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Hitler invades in Austria in 1938....

Item #649426

March 11, 1938

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1938.

* Germans invade Vienna Austria (1st report)

* Adolph Hitler - Pre World War II

The front page has a banner headline: "NAZI TROOPS ENTER AUSTRIA" with subheads. (see) A very historical event that helped lead to the start of World War II.

Other news,sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 22 pages, a little margin... See More  

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Nuremberg Rally... Nazi Germany....

Item #649424

September 13, 1938

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, September 13, 1938

* 1938 Nuremberg Rally - Nazi Germany

* Annexation of Austria

* 1 year away from World War II start

The front page has a three column headline: "HITLER'S DEFIANCE INCREASES TENSIONS IN UNEASY EUROPE" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the 1938 Nuremberg Rally which was named, "Rally of Greater Germany&qu... See More  

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Hermann Goering captured... Albert Kesselring...

Item #648729

May 10, 1945

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 10, 1945 

* Hermann Goering

* Albert Kesselring

* Franz Ritter von Epp

The front page has a three column headline: "GOERING TAKEN" with subheads: "Goering Yields to 7th Army; Kesselring, Quisling Taken" "Marshal Says Hitler Arrested Him, Ordered Him Executed, But Airmen Saved Him--von Epp Also Taken a Prisoner". First report covera... See More  

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Casablanca Conference in 1943... WWII....

Item #648412

January 27, 1943

THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, January 27, 1943

* Casablanca Conference in Morocco

* Franklin D. Roosevelt - Winston Churchill

The front page has a two column heading: "Roosevelt-Churchill Decisions To Have Far-Reaching Effect" with subhead. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day with much more on World War II. Complete with all 8 pages, a little irregular along t... See More  

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Jewish Holocaust becomes a public reality... Nazi atrocities...

Item #648310

December 28, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES, December 28, 1942

* Jewish Holocaust being known for the 1st time 

* Nazi-occupied Europe exterminations 

* Overthrow Hitler and Mussolini ?

This 36 page newspaper has one column headings on page 5: "German-Americans Warn the Germans" and "Fifty Prominent Citizens Ask for Overthrow of Hitler". See photos for coverage on the ongoing at... See More  

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FDR death...

Item #646881

April 14, 1945

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, April 14, 1945 

* Franklin D. Roosevelt FDR

* Wash. D.C. funeral

* World War II - WWII

The top of the front page above the masthead is a nice banner headline that reads: "NATION PAUSES TODAY FOR ROOSEVELT FUNERAL" with illustration. Nice for display.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 10 pages, minor spine wea... See More  

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Military newspaper printed in the jungles of New Guinea...

Item #645580

May 04, 1945

GUINEA GOLD, "Australian Edition", May 4, 1945  On November 19, 1942, Australian and US troops fighting Japanese invaders in the New Guinea jungle during World War II read the first issue of "Guinea Gold", a unique four-page Australian army newspaper which day after day thereafter published a record number of world scoops. It was able to do so because US General Douglas
... See More  

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Churchill's famous speech (portions)...

Item #643133

June 04, 1940

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, dated June 4, 1940.

The front page of this issue contains the reporting of Winston Churchill's speech to the House of Commons of the same date. The three column wide, two line header of the article is "Churchill Says Britain Can Fight years Alone" with the subhead "Admits Allies Had Suffered Colossal Disaster - To Rebui... See More  

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German battleship Bismarck launching...

Item #642615

February 15, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 15, 1939

* Battleship Bismarck launching

* Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine

* Adolph Hitler ceremony speech

Page 4 has one column headings that include: "HITLER AT SHIP FETE DEPLORES INTRIGUE" "Lauds Iron Chancellor at the Launching of 35,000-Ton Warship Bismarck" and more. (see) I suspect this is one of the few publications to report this p... See More  

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Tehran Conference in 1943 WWII...

Item #642151

December 03, 1943

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, December 3, 1943 

* Tehran Conference in Iran 

* Franklin D. Roosevelt - Winston Churchill - Joseph Stalin

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "May Issue 'Give in or Die' Ultimatum at Mid-east Meeeting" (see) Coverage on the Tehran Conference meeting between the big three powers in Iran.

Other news of the day throug... See More  

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Smith-Connally Act passed in 1943....

Item #639673

June 26, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 26, 1943

* Smith-Connally Act passed

* Franklin D. Roosevelt veto override

* World War II - WWII

The front page has a nice banner headline: "CONGRESS OVERRIDES VETO OF ANTI-STRIKE BILL" with subheads. Lengthy coverage continues inside.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day with much on World War II. Complete in 28 pages, light toning and minor... See More  

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Clanton AL bus explosion....

Item #639528

October 27, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 27, 1941

* Clanton, Alabama bus disaster

* Gasoline explosion

The back page has one column headings that include: "14 IN BLAZE BUS PERISH IN ALABAMA" and "Death of Eight Others Feared as Vehicle Hits Bridge Rail, Bursts Fuel Tank, Burns" and more (see photos). First report coverage on the gasoline explosion on a Montgomery-Birmingham passenge... See More  

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Winston Churchill warns the Nazis....

Item #639302

January 19, 1945

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, January 19, 1945

* Winston Churchill address (speech)

* War Situation And Foreign Policy

* Warns Nazi Germany to surrender

* Nearing end of World War II - WWII

The front page has one column heading: "Churchill Tells Axis to Quit Now" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on Winston Churchill's "War Situation And Foreign Policy" address t... See More  

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Dr. Stephen S. Wise calls for Palestine homeland for Jews...

Item #637564

September 27, 1945

NEW YORK JOURNAL AMERICAN, September 27, 1945  The back of the front page has a 4-column heading: "Rally Will Demand Palestine As a Haven to Homeless Jews", which includes in part: "The council co-chairman, Dr. Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland and Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New York, today declared: 'In spite of the unequivocal resolution adopted by the British Labor Party confe... See More  

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"Monty has a double!"

Field Marshal Montgomery's body-double fooled Germany...

Item #637489

October 04, 1945

DAILY EXPRESS, London, October 4, 1945

* Clifton James delivers as "Monty's" body-double

* Great D-Day bluff

The front page has "Monty Has A Double - His D-Day bluff deceived the Germans", with related text and a photo of Lieut. Clifton James as Montgomery. Read the article to learn more details regarding this great deception which helped keep the actual date for D-D... See More  

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King and Queen of England at the White House...

Item #636610

June 09, 1939

NEW YORK TIME, June 9, 1939.

* King and Queen of England (George VI)

* President Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Eleanor

* Washington D.C. - White House visit

The front page has a five column headline: "KING AND QUEEN GUESTS AT THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER AN IMPRESSIVE WELCOME IN WASHINGTON; GEORGE HOPES WE WILL EVER WALK IN FREINDSHIP" with many subheads and photo. Much more on the following ... See More  

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Évian Conference opens.... Jewish refugees...

Item #636074

July 06, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 6, 1938

* Evian Conference in France opens

* President Franklin D. Roosevelt

* Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany

The front page has a one column heading: "32 NATIONS GATHER TO HELP REFUGEES" with subhead. (see) First report coverage on the opening of the Evian Conference in France. This was to discuss the plight of the increasing numbers of Jewish refu... See More  

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Évian Conference opens.... Jewish refugees...

Item #636072

July 07, 1938

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 7, 1938

* Evian Conference in France opening day

* President Franklin D. Roosevelt

* Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi Germany

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "U.S. SPURNS NATIONS TO PROMPT ACTION AT REFUGEE PARLEY" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on opening day of the Evian Conference in France. This was to discuss the plight of... See More  

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Hitler says: "Britain can win nothing..."

Item #632539

April 27, 1942

EVENING PRESS, Island of Guernsey (in the English Channel), April 27, 1942 

* Adolph Hitler

A very curious issue, as Guernsey, an English-speaking island, was occupied by the Germans during WWII so all the news was pro-Nazi.

The ftpg. is mostly taken up with: "Herr Hitler Assumes Supreme Command" "Heralds Final Blow in Britain's Downfall" with lead-in note: &qu... See More  

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Adolph Hitler ousted ?....

Item #630752

August 09, 1943

THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, August 9, 1943

* Adolph Hitler Abolished ?

* Hermann Goering & William Keitel

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "Shelving Of Hitler Would Mean Little To Allies, Lochner Says" with subhead. (see) Of course this was a false report but interesting though.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 10 pages, a li... See More  

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1942 Japanese midget submarines... Sydney Harbor attack...

Item #630362

June 01, 1942

THE NEWS, Frederick, Maryland, June 1, 1942 

* Sydney Harbor, Australia attacked 

* Imperial Japanese Navy - midget submarines 

* Irwin Rommel defeated in Africa

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "Japs Try To Raid Sydney; Three Midget Subs Sunk" with subhead. (see) 1st report coverage on the attack of Sydney Harbor in Australia by submarines of th... See More  

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Joe DiMaggio and Bucky Walters Camel Cigarettes ad...

Neville Chamberlain "War Situation" speech...

Item #629816

October 04, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 4, 1939

* Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's "War Situation" speech at House of Commons

* Adolph Hitler & World War II

* Joe DiMaggio and Bucky Walters Camel Cigarettes ad...


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Railroad Strike of 1946....

Item #629653

May 18, 1946

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 18, 1946

* The great railroad strike of 1946

* President Harry Truman speaks

This 20 page newspaper has a three column headline on the front page:


with subhead.

Tiny binding holes along the spine, little rubbing and wear at central fold, otherwise good.... See More  

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Hideki Tojo's attempted suicide....

Item #628906

September 12, 1945

THE BETHLEHEM GLOBE-TIMES, Pennsylvania, September 12, 1945

* Hideki Tojo suicide attempt

* Imperial Japanese Army general

The front page has a full-banner headline: "Yanks Abolish Jap Black Dragon Society" with subheads that include: "MacArthur Orders Dissolution" and more. Also included is the 3-line, 3-column heading: "Doctors Grant Tojo Even Chance to Survive Se... See More  

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1941 Shah of Iran abdicates....

Item #626906

August 29, 1941

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 29, 1941

* Reza Shah of Iran abdicates throne to his son

* World War II era - WWII

The front page has one column headings: "NEW IRAN REGIME ENDS RESISTANCE" "British and Russian Forces Continue Advance--Offers by Teheran Awaited" (see)

First report coverage on the abdication of Reza Shah in Iran during World War II. Also front page reporting o... See More  

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Hitler trains boys and girls...

Item #625494

January 15, 1943

PM DAILY, New York, January 15, 1943  The headlines read "War Profits of 10 Big Plants Far Higher Than in Peacetime" "Hitler Trains Boys, Girls To Be Arrogant Killers" "Russians Pushing Ahead South of Don River" and more.

Tabloid-size, complete in 32 pages, very nice condition.

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