Success in converting & educating the Cherokee Indians...
Item #598590
June 11, 1767
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 11, 1767 Inside has reports from Boston and Charleston headed: "America" (see) with reports datelined Boston and Charleston, the latter noting: "Mr. Hammerer, who came over from England with intent to civilize and convert the Cherokee Indians, has met with more success than some persons seemed to expect...have elected him head man over them ... See More
Boundary dispute with the Cherokees...
Item #597350
December 25, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 25, 1770
* Cherokee Indians
Page 2 has a short item headed "America" with a Charleston dateline concerning a meeting with Indians over a border dispute.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, great condition.
News from America...
Item #597349
June 29, 1773
* New York-Massachusetts boundary dispute
Inside has a report headed: "America" which includes a report of a planned meeting between the governors of New York & Massachusetts over the boundary line dispute. Also reports from Newport, New London, and Philadelphia (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, very nice condition.... See More
Critical of Boston failing to honor the Non-imporatation Agreement...
Item #596510
September 22, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 22, 1770
* Non-importation agreement
The top of page 3 has an item headed: "Intelligence True & Extraordinary" which is a critical report on the Bostonians failing to hold to the non-importation agreement, noting: "There are now lying on the tales of New York Philadelphia, Virginia, Carolina...pamphlets containing an authentic lis... See More
Need to unite on the non-importation issue...
Item #596362
October 18, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 18, 1770
* Pre Revolutionary War tensions
Page 6 has reports headed "America" from Boston, Newport, Marblehead, Philadelphia & New York, including: "...Resolved, That we will adhere to & support the non-importation long as a majority of the colonies who have entered into similar agreements shall adhere to & p... See More
Breaking the non-importation agreement...
Item #596361
October 16, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 16, 1770 Page 6 has an: "Extract of a Letter from Charles-Town" [Charleston] which has several items, including: "...We have agreed to stop all commercial intercourse with New York on account of that province breaking the non-importation agreement, which we strictly adhere to..." (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches, great condit... See More
William Amherst..
Item #595019
December 30, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 30, 1762 An inside page has a very brief item headed: "America" and datelined from New York noting: "On Tuesday last Col. Amherst, Commander of the expedition to Newfoundland, arrived here on board the Enterprize, Capt. Houlton." (see).
Eight pages, nice condition.
Detecting conterfeit gold... a King's patent woodcut...
Item #591472
December 01, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, London, December 1, 1757 Within this issue is an ad for an instrument which helps detect fraudulent/counterfeit gold, which includes a nice illustrated woodcut of the patent for the device: "Bradford Darby & Hull's - by The Kings Patent". News of the day with reports from throughout the world along with period advertising are present throughout.&... See More
Plight of prisoners... Events at Skenesboro & St. Augustine, Florida...
Item #587975
September 02, 1777
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Sept. 2, 1777 Page 2 has various content on the Revolutionary War including: "In America matters bear the aspect of being speedily brought to an issue. Ticonderoga is already in our possession, which is the key of all internal communication through the revolted colonies." and another item tells of the plight of prisoners with: "Sir, hard as my
... See More
Talk of John Paul Jones...
Item #587845
June 10, 1780
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 10, 1780 Inside has a brief item concerning John Paul Jones, with a dateline of Paris and mentioning: "The celebrated Paul Jones is to sail from L'Orient with one frigate and three large privateers. He will carry back the Bostonians who have arrived here from Denmark within these eight or ten days. This intrepid Mariner must be highly gratified wi... See More
Critical of action in the war... Fall of Charleston...
Item #587837
May 23, 1780
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 23, 1780 Page 2 includes a report that: "...certainly various accounts in tow from very respectable quarters, all of which confirm Sir Henry Clinton's taking Charlestown [Charleston] by storm on the 7th of April after a great slaughter on both sides..." (see).
Fully 1 1/3 pages are taken up with "Letter V to the Right Hon. Lord Viscount ... See More
News on the Revolutionary War...
Item #587827
April 27, 1780
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 27, 1780
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century America
* From The Enemy
Near the back is a column headed "America" with news taking over half the page & which includes: "Last Tues. night a party of the British troops embarked...they landed on the east side & surprised a body of the rebel troops, 34 of which were made priso... See More
Naval content from the Revolutionary War....
Item #587189
October 11, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 11, 1781 Inside has a letter from New York which gives details of a naval battle, noting in part: "....the 29th of June we fell in with a rebel privateer of 22 guns...who engaged us for 3 hours and 20 minutes...The engagement was so excessively hot that for three quarters of an hour the muzzles of her guns & ours rubbed one another. We received so... See More
Proclamations by British officers...
Item #587016
August 21, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 21, 1781 Much of the front page is taken up with naval reports from the Caribbean. Page 4 has a nice document from Charleston signed in type by both: Rawdon and N. Balfour, in which they note: "...attention to the general security of the province has obliged his Majesty's relinquish some of the upper parts of it...unnecessary for us to... See More
Benedict Arnold... Victory at Camden...
Item #586957
August 04, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 4, 1781 Page 2 has a report which includes: "...that since some of Washington's letters were intercepted, discovering the intention of his army in conjunction with the French troops on Long Island to attack Gen. Clinton, a misunderstanding has taken place between Washington and the French General Rochambeau, which is expected will be of more good ... See More
Supporting the Non-Importation agreement...
Item #586322
July 21, 1770
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 21, 1770
* Non-Importation agreement support
The front page has an item headed "America" with a Boston dateline, noting in part: "....sense of our merchants, traders, etc. respecting the non-importation agreement, as meeting was called the day following at Faneuil was voted almost unanimously that we would still strictly adhere to ... See More
From England: The colonies are necessary...
Item #583989
October 28, 1779
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 28, 1779 Nearly two pages are taken up with: "Further thoughts on the Present Posture of Affairs..." which has as its premise: "The two great parties into which this kingdom is unhappily divided can agree in nothing but in maintaining & propagating one grand & capital mistake relative to the welfare of this nation: That colonie... See More
Analyzing the work of General Howe in America...
Item #581960
March 09, 1780
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 9, 1780
* General William Howe
* Revolutionary War from the enemy
Most of a page is taken up with a letter signed: "Americanus" which is critical in the efforts of General Howe during his leadership in war effort in America, headed: "To the Right Hon. Lord H--e" (brother of the general), which has near the beginning: "In th... See More
Three issues from the Revolutionary War...
Item #581774
January 16, 1779
* Lot of 3 issues
* Revolutionary War Era
Three Revolutionary War era newspapers from England but I find no content concerning the War worthy of being written up. Sold as a group of three issues offering a flavor of reporting from the war period. Two are the London Chronicle of May 29 and January 16, 1779; the third is The York Courant of February 15, 1780. All are complete, nice condition, &a... See More
Chasing after Benedict Arnold...
Item #578738
April 24, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 24, 1781
* North Carolina volunteers
* Benedict Arnold chased
* Revolutionary War original
Page 2 has: "...letters from North Carolina bring advice that the majority of the inhabitants in that province have lately risen voluntarily on the side of loyalty & have seized upwards of 200 of the principal men who were known to be the most dist... See More
Prelude to the Revolutionary War...
Item #569699
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, May 28, 1774 Most of the front page is a report headed: "The Journal of a Voyage...for making Discoveries towards the North Pole by the Hon. Commodore Phipps..." (see for beginning). A full column on pg. 2 has reports from Boston (see) concerning strained relationships with England, and mentioning Ben Franklin (see). This is followed by a lette... See More
Movements of British troops in America...
Item #569062
July 14, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 14, 1781
* Movements of British troops in America
* Revolutionary War from the enemy
The back page has some news from America including : "...letters from Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton with an account of his Lordship having effected a junction with the troops under the command of Brigadier General Arnold, in consequence of wh... See More
The troublesome Americans...
Item #568901
December 08, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, December 8, 1774 The ftpg. includes some reports from the: "House of Commons" with American mention, including: "...his Lordship introduced several pertinent observations on the present spirit of the Colonists, their resolves, meetings, and in particular their intended non-importation agreement..." (see photos).
An inside pg. has most of... See More
Reacting to the Boston Port Bill...
Item #568866
June 18, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 18, 1774 Almost the entire front page is taken up with: "A Review of the Present Administration", being a review of a pamphlet of this title and which gives much attention to the results of the Boston Port Bill . The photos show most of the article, which begins: "The Boston port bill is a measure planned with the utmost wisdom & policy.... See More
House of Commons...
Item #568853
April 30, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 30, 1774 Page 6 has some reports from the House of Commons, which includes some talk of the Administration of Justice Act for Massachusetts (see). There is some additional discussion on the back page as well.
Much other news, mostly European, plus a wealth of ads as well. Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, partial red ink tax stamp on page 2, and in ve... See More
Supporting the Americans... Trouble with the Creek Indians...
Item #568847
April 16, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 16, 1774 Over a full column on page 6 is taken with with a report from Charleston relating to the trouble with the Creek Indians (see photos).
The back page has an item which notes: "A writer treating of the present disputes relative to the Bostonians says, 'It is true, we did assist America in the late war, but did they not assist us, for whils... See More
Creating Trumbull County...
Item #568828
March 03, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 3, 1774 An inside page has over a full column concerning how to deal with the American situation. See photos for the full text.
Another page has reports from Boston and New York headed "America" and includes: "...on Thursday last the Tea, which was saved out of Capt. Loring's brigantine, was landed at the Castle by order of the Officer... See More
On the Boston Port Bill and more...
Item #568728
June 21, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 21, 1774 An inside page has over a full column beginning: On perusing in your paper of May 31, an extract from a pamphlet, entitled Considerations on the Measures carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in America, some reflections occurred to me on that Authors reasoning, which I would wish to communicate to the public through your paper and it i... See More
Counterfeiters beware...
Item #568280
July 20, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 20, 1773 An inside page has: "Animadversions on the late Act for Preventing the Clipping and Diminishing of the Gold Coin of this Kingdom". Another report headed: "America" is concerning: "...the island of St. Vincent, the Carribs, formed into small parties in the night, plunder the inhabitants & render property extremely insec... See More
Creating the Committee of Correspondence...
Item #568278
July 13, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 13, 1773 An inside page has over half a column headed "America" with news reports from New York and Newport, Rhode Island, the former noting: "...from Surinam...who informs us that the disturbances with the Negroes at that settlement were settled by a smart engagement in which many of them were killed..." and also: "...letters from... See More
The governor forbids illegal meetings to consider the Acts of Parliament...
Item #568276
October 11, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 11, 1774 A brief report notes that: "...letter from Mobile, in West Florida, mentions that the town of Villa Real, near New Orleans, had in the night been set upon by a large party of Indians who murdered several of the Spaniards..." with a bit more (see).
The back page has a significant report, being a proclamation signed in type by th... See More
Suffering through the blockade...
Item #568068
July 12, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 12, 1774
* Boston, Massachusetts shipping blockade
Inside has an "Extract of a Letter from Boston" which begins: "We shall soon be in a deplorable situation in this town; no vessels are now permitted to enter the port & none will be allowed to depart after the 14th..." and ending: "...I intend removing to Salem during the... See More
News from Charleston...
Item #568024
November 27, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 27, 1773
* Pre Revolutionary War era
* Early Charleston, South Carolina
Inside has over half a page of reports from the South Carolina Gazette (see for beginning), plus other news of the day with advertisements as well.
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.
Southern United States in 1773...
Item #568022
December 02, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, December 2, 1773 An inside page has a report headed: "America" with a Charleston dateline, beginning: "Letters from West Florida inform us that it is thought the seat of government will be removed to the Mississippi & that a new Custom House is actually established at Manchack..." (see). Other news and ads of the day.
Eight pages, 8 1... See More
The troublesome Americans...
Item #567994
December 08, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, December 8, 1774 The ftpg. includes some reports from the: "House of Commons" with American mention, including: "...his Lordship introduced several pertinent observations on the present spirit of the Colonists, their resolves, meetings, and in particular their intended non-importation agreement..." (see photos).
An inside pg. has most of t... See More
Trouble brewing in America...
Item #567993
December 06, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, December 6, 1774 The entire front page is taken up with a review of a pamphlet titled: "The Interest of the Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain in the present Contest with the Colonies stated & considered", which begins with: "This writer begins with shewing the great obligations the colonists have been under to Great Britain from
... See More
Pre revolutionary war tensions...
Item #567953
November 19, 1774
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 19, 1774 Page 2 has a report from New York noting the arrival of a ship which ran afoul of a French ship (see).
Page 5 has 2 desertion ads, with particulars (see).
Most of a column on the back page is an: "Extract of a Letter from Boston, New England" reporting in part: "...acquaint him that with grief, this county has viewed an exertion for... See More
Early proponent of using whole wheat...
Item #567728
October 14, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 14, 1773
* Early proponent of using whole wheat
The full ftpg. is taken up with: "The Great Advantage of eating Pure and Genuine Bread comprehending the Heart of the Wheat with all its Flour", seeming to be a proponent of whole wheat flour.
Half of page 2 has reports from the South Carolina Gazette in Charleston relating to the: "... See More
Trade with American Colonies...
Item #567709
October 21, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 21, 1773
* Trade with American Colonies
An inside page has some discussion on the value of trade with the colonies and elsewhere (see), taking most of a column (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.
The king shuts down the land office...
Item #567665
November 02, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 2, 1773
* Early North Carolina
* The king shuts down the land office
A small item on pg. 2 headed "America" has news from Baltimore noting that in North Carolina: "...his Excellency Governor Martin hath received instructions from his Majesty for shutting up the Land office in that province, & that similar orders are s... See More
Dueling... King's Proclamation...
Item #567652
November 20, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, November 20, 1773 The entire front page is an article concerning dueling (see for beginning). An inside page has a few brief reports headed: "America".
The back page has "By the King, A Proclamation" for rescheduling a session of Parliament (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, nice condition.... See More
Brief Judaica item...
Item #567600
October 30, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 30, 1773
* Judaica Jewish Jews
A brief pg. 2 item notes: "A great number of Jews who have lately been driven from the Prussian dominions, have settled at Gotenburg, where they are going to form a trading company under the auspice of his Swedish Majesty." (see photos).
Other news of the day, mostly from England. Complete in eigh... See More
Trade with American Colonies
Item #567596
October 21, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 21, 1773
* Trade with American Colonies
An inside page has some discussion on the value of trade with the colonies and elsewhere (see photos), taking most of a column (see photos).
Eight pages, about 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and in nice condition.
The trouble with trade with the colonies...
Item #567595
October 19, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, October 19, 1773 The entire ftpg. it taken up with a very early article on the benefits of eating whole grains, titled: "The Great Advantage of Eating Pure and Genuine Bread".
An inside page has a letter: "Encouraging the Consumption of British & India goods, by Luxury in the Colonies..." which includes: "...But our trade wit... See More
Early animal conservation... On counterfeit bank notes...
Item #567524
July 22, 1773
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 22, 1773 Pg. 3 has a fascinating letter from New York concerning a woman challenging a man to a duel to protect her own honor (see).
Half of an inside pg. is taken up with: "Abstract of the Act for the more effectual Preventing the Forging of the Notes or Bills of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England...". The same page has an item whi... See More
Reference to John Paul Jones... Reference to Benedict Arnold's defection...
Item #567395
March 27, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 27, 1781 Page 2 has an item referencing the famous naval battle involving John Paul Jones, with: "...Displeasures of his B.M. in regard to what has been done for Paul Jones is equally groundless...". Another item on pg. 2 extending to pg. 3 includes: "...negociation intended to lay the plan of a treaty of commerce to be concluded between th... See More
L'Enfant creates Washington, D.C...
Item #564633
August 10, 1793
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 10, 1793 Page 2 has a report noting: "The new city of Washington in America was planned by Mr. L'Enfant, the celebrated engineer. the situation is fine, and in a great degree central; the river Potomack washes three parts of it, and flows by the President's house, at which place it is 35 feet in depth; the length of the city is seven miles..." wi... See More
Pre-Stamp Act to just prior to the Revolutionary War...
Item #562418
(10) THE LONDON CHRONICLE. A collection of ten issues, one from each year 1763 thru 1772, crossing the critical period from the just prior to the Stamp Act to just before the outbreak of the pre-Revolutionary War tensions. Each is 4-8 pages, may have slight imperfections, but in overall nice condition.
Pre-Revolutionary War era lot...
Item #559421
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, 1760's A lot of 10 issues of this famous & popular newspaper at a bargain price. A good set to show the state of affairs in England and the world shortly before the American Revolution. All are complete in 8 pages, 8 1/2 by 11 inches, & are in nice condition.
From the "mother country" over 260 years ago...
Item #120924
THE LONDON CHRONICLE OR, UNIVERSAL EVENING POST, 1758 This 8 page newspaper is over 260 years old. Various news from London and other parts of Europe with some interesting advertisements as well.
A complete newspaper measuring 7 by 11 1/2 inches and in nice condition. Fine and very early newspaper which is less common than the London Gazette.
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